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My Travel Journal - Kangaroo - 12-09-2018

Go about it anyway you can think of, can just say hey you then kiss her or say why are you so shy then just kiss her.

My Travel Journal - destiny - 01-07-2019


Going sex on the regular:

Been a few weeks since I last updated this journey. I've been seeing the girl that I slept with regularly now like 2x a week which is fine by me. We've been fucking almost everytime she comes over and she has praised my bedroom breast sucking skills lol. When she comes over sometimes she brings me food or when we go out she pays for dinner sometimes which is good. She's very affectionate however I feel not satisfied yet for some reason. I'm yearning for a hotter chick who's a little more of a challenge. This brings me to the next chick:

The Singaporean milf:

I met her around 6 months back on a language exchange site. I was instantly attracted to her based on her photo. Easily a 7.5-8 and possibility one of the most attractive asian girls I've ever met and gone out with. Initially she was very guarded and closed off and I actually didn't think I would have gotten very far with her based on her actions but surprisingly, I managed to plow through and open her up later on, and flirted with her often which only made her even more attracted to me. I later found out that she has a young kid which kind of killed a bit of attraction for her though. Anyways she came back to saigon like a month back, and I went out with her a few times. Everytime we go out, she has a huge ass grin on her face when she see's me. She suggested cooking me dinner after the 2nd date which I took to mean that she wants to smash. Unfortunately she fucked off on some school charity trip to hanoi for a week which killed her momentum. I got her out one more and then invited her over the next time, unfortunately she flaked, claiming she went half way then had to leave because of a family emergency. No problem. I figured a needed to do more comfort. I invited her out one day when I needed to run some errands with her help but then she flaked again. Initially she said she was running late and needed to push the meeting half an hour late but then she stopped messaging and texting me afterwards after I gave her the address while she called grab. Text and calling her didn't want. Got some error message when I called her. Wasted an hour of my time. 2 hours later, I get several texts from her saying her phone got stolen. I was skeptical but didn't reply. This only drove her nuts and I got another large string of texts, saying she didn't stand me up, her phone got stolen, blah blah blah.

I finally got her over to my place on the next date, but she would not let me sit beside her wtf. Everytime I moved close, she would back away so this told me I fucked up on the comfort level. Her body language also was closed off. She had her legs crossed and arms crossed as well. I mean how the hell do you make a move on her like that? The sexual tension was there, as we both flirted with our eyes and had intense eye contact and she was also hitting me when I teased her. I even spanked her ass one time when I warned her I would spank her for being naughty and hitting me. Unfortunately, she just would not let me come close to her and said it made her feel uncomfortable that I was invading her personal space. After a while, she called her mom and a grab home. I was pissed, but looking back at my previous experience with LMR like this, I decided to play the safer route. Not sure if using cave man gave would have worked since her body language was closed off. I was fucking pissed off, like seriously? Come all the way to my place to watch a fucking movie on a small ass tv screen on my bed?

I arranged for her to come over again, but then she flaked! She tried to reschedule the date for later in the evening on the same day saying she couldn't make the original time we scheduled, but my main chick was coming over in the evening so I couldn't accommodate her. Didn't see her again, as she flew back to SG. She'll be back next month. I'm hoping I can close this girl. Back at my place, I was deciding whether to try cave man game and just grab her and stuff or go the safer router. I think where I fucked up the most was not being enough comfort with her. I should have started touching her a lot more on dates and even held hands with her first before getting her over to my place. The attraction is there, the sexual tension is there, but the comfort isn't, plus this chick is very closed off.

A string of pros, semi-pros, and single moms:

After not being able to close the milf, I felt bummed out for a few days. Things didn't get any better because all of my other leads from online were either hookers, semi-pros, scammers, or single-moms. The single moms were nasty too. This lead to me being in quite the dilemma. Sure, I can meet a lot of women, however the quality just was not there. I had also gotten rid of close to a dozen chicks as well with at least half of them wanting to come over to my place, but I could not see myself sleeping with any of them. I was not meeting the types of girls that I wanted to meet because I relied too heavily on online game. I need to change things up. I've been wanting to daygame for a few weeks now but just have not made it a priority. I'm still not even sure where I'd go to do daygame but I figure the malls would be my best bet. I just can't really game em at the mall my main chick works at nor the two that I use for my dates. This leaves me mainly with the malls in d7 or nguyen hue street in d1. It's been a long ass time since I've last daygamed so the anxiety is really high. I picture myself going up to some random chick trying the lost tourist card or asking for recommendations for a coffee shop but then I imagine myself unable to do it.

Like today, I was walking on the street near my relatives house when I saw a short petite semi-short haired cutie in a black dress. I was instantly attracted to her and I think we both made eye contact for a second, looking back it now, I think she even made a slight smirk or smile but I was too chicken to run up to her and talk and thus she got away.

My Travel Journal - destiny - 01-07-2019

A new start:

Tmr I have a scheduled coffee date with a 29yr chick. I think she wants to use me to come to canada and I know she's a hoe based on some of her photos. Her face isn't that good looking but her body is not bad. I'm gonna go see her and see how she is first before suggesting we come back to my place for the next date.

Also my game plan is to go daygame later this week at one of those malls and possibly nguyen hue street to replenish my ranks. I was out at a mall yesterday with my main chick and I was a little dumbstruck. While eating at a tour restaurant in the mall, I spotted a really attractive chick who looked like an actress or model keep looking at me. I glanced over at her date, some average looking guy. Again, I'm thinking how the fuck did this guy meet this chick?

later I walk by a texas chicken and noticed another really attractive milf with her husband and kid looking at me as I walk by. I wait by the restroom for my girl and I look over at her husband. The guy's average looking and has a MAN PURSE!!! Can you believe this shit? How the fuck did he get with her? The question keeps on reiterating itself over and over again. I'm getting all the looks from these attractive women yet I never seem to be able to meet any of them in person. Why? Where do I have to go to meet them? The only place that I know of is during daygame...

I have a scarcity mindset despite being in a country with a shit tonne of women. I just need to meet more of them. I ain't meeting enough women so far. I think I'm gonna start putting in quotas that I need to meet say 10 women a week or something.

My Travel Journal - destiny - 01-08-2019

The Career Woman

I had a date tonight with a 30 year old chick. I wasn't really feeling her prior to meeting with her as her photos just didn't do it for me but she did dress quite slutty in a few photos and had slut earrings so I thought maybe I can turn her into a FWB's type of chick. When she showed up, she looked a hell of a lot taller and bigger too, reminding me of western chicks. I kind of got turned off. Add to the fact that it looked like she had some pimples or something on her nose and dark skin that lowered my attraction for her even further. We spoke entirely in english which I actually didn't enjoy doing and the whole date basically consisted of her asking me questions, her telling me about her career and career aspirations which left me bored. Prior to the meetup, she had suggested that I come to her birthday party at some karaoke bar. I made up some excuse that I was busy as I did not want to meet her friends, and also in case she was trying to scam me by making me foot the bill or other crazy shit. I actually put in very little effort into this date and it was probably one of my quickest ones too lastly around 1.5 hrs when she said she had to leave. I breathed a sign of relief once she left as I was now free to daygame. Truth be told, I was quite distracted on our date, as I saw many attractive looking girls walking about while I was seated down having a drink with this girl. I wanted to get up and just go talk to the other more attractive younger looking chicks.

I got my wish once she left...

Getting back into Daygame:

After she left me all alone, and I saw a slew of attractive girls that I wanted to approach, I suddenly was filled with a surge of anxiety. Ah yes, my old friend the approach anxiety. Its been around 1.5 years since I last did any daygame approaches. My skill had become rusty and my anxiety were on record high levels. I walked around the mall, seeing plenty of beautiful girls yet my balls were left at home. I could not do it as I continued to walk around in circles, texting away on my phone to another forum member that I had met a few weeks back. He tried to cheer me on, but it was no use. I told myself that I wouldn't leave unless I spoke to at least 1 chick. I didn't think I was going to be able to live up to my quota for the evening. Then I spotted a mcdonalds with some new hamburger on display. My mind made an excuse for me to go eat and forget about daygame. After a bit of a mental struggle, I relented and went inside. I was eating my food, angry, confused, and talking with my main chick over text when suddenly I noticed a chick to my right, two seats away from me on the aisle. I had to talk to her, I told myself. I wanted to get the hell home, I was tired, and bored. My mind resisted. What will you say to her? How are you going to approach the girl? What happens if you get rejected. I dug deep inside of my mind and found an opener "where can find the best coffee shop around here." But my mind still wouldn't let me do it, as I struggled mentally and physically, looking around when finally I pushed through.

I turned towards her, inched over and said:

"excuse me, do you know where I can find a good coffee shop around here?"

My presence was loud, there was no fucking way I was going to let her ignore me.

She turned towards me. I noticed small slit eyes surrounded by glasses, bangs, and semi-long hair. She made a "umm" sound then acted confused.

I switched over to vietnamese but again was met with a confused look as she shrugged and brought her hands up. Fuck, she must have been korean, I thought to myself.

I asked her are you korean. She nodds and then turns back to her meal. I wasn't going to let the night end like this, so I whip out my phone and type in "do you know a good coffee shop around here" on google translate, translating the english to korean. I show her the phone, she just acts like she doesn't know anything so I eject. Fuck! I just got another rejection lol.

However bad the rejection was, a few minutes later, I felt a surge of energy flowing through me. I wanted to approach more targets now but the mall was closing. I threw my trash out and then started to look for targets but they were all in groups or with their bf's. Damn! I made my way upstairs to the main floor and scanned the area. Same deal. Lots of really attractive girls but not a single one of them was alone. The adrenaline that had kicked in was giving me a huge rush but I had no frigging targets to unleash it on. As people continued to leave, I decided to give up and called a grab to go home.

I forgot how amazing the feeling was after I had done an approach regardless of it being a success or not. This week definitely I'm gonna go back to daygaming. I need to meet more available women to create a real abundance again.

Weekly Quota 10 girls: 1 out 10
Result: Rejected (language barrier)

My Travel Journal - destiny - 01-10-2019


I was originally intending on going down to crescent mall to daygame but got lazy and procrastinated. To make up for it, I decided to head down to the local supermarket after going outside to grab lunch. I told myself I needed to talk to least 1 girl, whether or not it resulted in anything did not matter. I scouted out the supermarket but noticed it was filled with ugly girls. The best looking girl was a 6, but even then, I had doubts about whether or not to even approach her. She was working as a promotion chick and sucked balls at it, as I hovered around her a few times hoping she would open me, to no avail. After my third pass into her aisle, I said fuck it and asked her to help me locate a brand of cookies. Her demeanor suggested there was zero interest from her and also in her job. She didn't bother to even put any effort into helping me so I called it quits. I grabbed my groceries and walked out the door, but just then I came across two chicks working outside promoting Heineken. Enter the Heineken girl.

The Heineken girl:

She was working at the both with her co-worker who was also not bad looking at all, although a bit darker then her. The girl opened me as I walked pass the booth and immediately I used that as an excuse to talk to them. I tried to engage both chicks however, the main one kept on engaging me more. She was cute, arguably the prettiest one working there today. Around a 6.5 with light complexion and above average height based on where she was standing. She was standing up a ledge so I couldn't really gauge how tall. At first we talked about the Heineken promotion and she was trying to get me to buy 2 cases of beer. I told her if I was going to drink that much, I'd end up in the hospital or become a drunk. There was a lot of back and forth but then I re-directed the conversation to focus on more personal things like her job, whether or not she was a student. She was definitely along with the other girl curious about me and asked me a lot of personal questions but I got cockblocked TWICE!!! because of people coming to the booth to partake in their promotion. This ultimately killed any momentum I had built up with the girls, and after the second time, it felt awkward for me to just stand there, therefore I grabbed my bags, looked at the girl once the last customer had left and said bye but not before grabbing her digits. I wasn't thinking probaby about how to do it smoothly because my mind was still fixated at how I got cockblocked and killed the conversation I was having with the girl. So I made some bs excuse asking how if she wanted to learn english and she said yes, then I handed her phone and asked her to enter her zalo in and quickly took off. I wanted to grab the other chicks digits too but because of the sudden interruption in conversation twice, it made it look weird to ask for her number as well.

Upon further inspection on zalo, I noticed photos of dudes which I suspect was a bf, although those photos were from 1-3 years ago. I'm waiting for her to accept my friend request on zalo.

Approach #2: 2 out of 10
Result: Number Close

I also approached and flirted with a pharmacist yesterday while buying medicine. It was my second time talking with the girl. This time I had a better look at her, and unfortunately she's way too small for me. But I could tell her buying temperature was way up based on her non-verbals.

My Travel Journal - destiny - 01-11-2019

Daygame nightmare in Vietnam:

Today I headed out to Crescent mall all the while in D7. I had done my research and it said that Friday evenings was supposed to be busy, however when I got there I found this not to be the case. The mall was half empty, which is still salvageable, however all I saw while there were families and a few couples. Not a single chick alone except for some average looking white chick backpacker. I was pissed off, I had traveled for like 45 minutes to land myself in this shithole. My goal originally was to approach 8 girls, however after walking around for close to an hour, I didn't even think I would get 1 approach in. It was that bad. I tried to walk into stores to check out the employees but man there was not a single attractive looking girl. While in the food court, I spotted 1 hot chick eating with her mother and little sister at the pizza hut restaurant. There was no fucking way I would be able to pull that off so I just ordered myself a bowl of ramen at some jap place. Unbeknownst to me, the ramen noodles were loaded with spices and peppers. Holy shit, I kid you not, my mouth was on fire. Tears were popping outta my eyes and my tongue was burning. What the fuck did I just order? I asked myself. After barely being able to finish it, I left and headed to the washroom to freshen up.

When I returned, a fellow forum member had arrived. We were planning to daygame here but after scouting out any potential targets and seeing nothing, we left to go outside the Phu My Hung area. Again, nothing, just couples or family. I was still pissed at having wasted my time, money, and effort to come here all for nothing. I wanted some new leads and numbers that would lead to dates. Me and him continued walking down the area until we reached the bridge, that's when I spotted two chicks together. I gestured to my wingman, let's go approach those two girls. He didn't know how to approach them, neither did I, but I knew I had to get at least 1 approach in tonight to make the evening somewhat worth while. I slowly eased myself into their proximity, and was like 2-3 feet away from them. My wing is like "your going to approach them right?" I nodd then start raising my voice asking him "hey, where is the phuc long here?" trying to get the girls' attention. After like the 3rd time of me saying it, I noticed the two girls suddenly started talking in english from vietnamese, which to me meant they overheard our conversation and wanted me to approach. I opened them.

The Starbucks Girls

"excuse me, do you know if there is a phuc long here?"
They look confused and exchange glances between them. I quickly switch over to vietnamese and ask them the same question.
The one closer to me, answers and says there's a starbucks here. I tell her I don't drink starbucks and she asks me why. I quickly change up the conversation from phuc long into having a conversation about coffee. Now I've hooked the set and I start building rapport and transitioning the conversation to more personal things, like what they do for a living, where they live, what they like to drink, etc. They return the questions and also ask me personal questions. One of the girls, even brings in my wingman into the conversation and I introduce him. Banter is going well and I'm thinking should I try to move them and go for an instadate at a coffee shop or just grab their numbers. The one that is doing like 70% of the talking is shorter, darker, and not really my type, however her friend the more shy and less talkative one is more to my liking. I try to get her more engaged in the conversation but then we reach the end of the walking path. Before the girls leave, I throw out that we should remain in contact and grab their numbers. The girl that I have been conversing with mostly hands my phone over to her friend which was kind of surprising, urging her to put down her number. The girl does it, then we bid farewell and take off.

I felt fucking exhausted from that one approach because of all the approach anxiety that was building up inside of me leading to the approach. I was actually surprised I even pulled it off at all. I feel a little better but still not too happy because I only did 1 approach. The mall's closed now so everybody's gone. I see a girl at the front doors by an atm machine wearing a dress with roses. I tell my wing to approach her, but he says she's been looking at us a few times already. I stand there with my phone deciding whether to call a grab bike or throw a hail mary, but then she leaves.

Outside I spotted two lookers sitting down on the patio at phuc long's. I tell my wing to go approach but he has AA. Then I notice another chick several feet away from me on her phone in the corner. I gesture for my wing to approach her, but he says he doesn't know how to do it. I tell him to ask her for the time or directions and then he goes and approaches her, but returns back less then a minute saying there was a language barrier. We both managed to get 1 approach in each but I wasn't satisfied. Unfortunately my grab ride arrived and there were no more targets left.

Approach #3: 3 out of 10
Result: Number close

My Travel Journal - destiny - 01-15-2019

More Daygame Frustrations:

I have gone out on two separate nights this weeks to d1 to daygame but have yet to do a single approach. There just isn't enough girls walking outside or at the mall alone. They are always either with a friend, a bf, or family members. I hardly see any girls walking alone. I think I saw maybe 2-3 girls outside alone, and out of that number maybe like 1 was cute enough to approach. Just imagine walking around for 2+ hours and not being able to see any single targets and then going home empty handed. It's really pissing me off to the point now that I am even considering just approaching group sets even if it means my chances are slim to none.

Also tried hitting the malls and it wasn't any better. In department stores, there are usually multiple employees working making it difficult to isolate your targets. Some of the smaller stores are hit and miss as you may find a chick working by herself but whether or not she's attractive is another story. Today I was at the Takashimaya center and spotted 2 cute chicks working at the nike store. Unfortunately as soon as I entered, I saw 2 dudes also working there and at least 1 other girl. The store was of average size so definitely could not isolate the girl. To make matters worse, I was being tailed and followed by one of the male employees who wanted to assist me. "Hey pal, you can assist me by getting your cute co-workers phone number for me." After walking through the whole mall once, I left and headed for the streets.

I'm gonna have to rethink my strategy for getting new leads. Online only yields girls that are 6 and under. The 7's and up are all hookers or golddiggers.
But I see plenty of 7's and 8's outside on the streets or malls. Just I can't get to them! Perhaps I need to camp out at a coffee shop or something but I already tried that shit in my area. Its all fucking 2 or more people and there's no communal tables neither.

FUCK! I'm really pissed off right now and ready to bang my head against the wall. What the fuck do I need to do to get access to these normal 7's and 8's that I see outside all the time?

I'm gonna either need to find a reliable wing or learn to approach 2 sets appropriately.

Receptionist at the gym:

One of the receptionist at my gym has started to show interest in me. When I went to sit down by the chairs in front of her desk to put my shoes back on when I was preparing to leave, she opened me and was very chatty and asking me a lot of questions. Unfortunately she's like a 5 and way too short and small for me. I actually have my eye on her co-worker which looks more like a respectable 6.5-7. Unfortunately I only saw this chick twice and according to this chick, I think the other girl only works between 6-9pm which is prime time hours, meaning I'm gonna have to wait around for hours to get to use the gym equipment, essentially meaning I won't be able to work out just to have the luxury of talking with this girl.

My Travel Journal - destiny - 01-17-2019

Coke Vs Pepsi:

I went to the supermarket again today to have lunch and buy groceries. Although there was a shit tonne of girls there, I was quite disappointed in the talent. Anyways as I was browing the soft drink aisle, a girl wearing an ao dai approached me, offering to help me with soft drink details. The girl wasn't very attractive (5.5) therefore I didn't really want to progress things. As the conversation progressed, I picked out the following details from her:

University Student
Works for Pepsi
Studied English since junior high
Some bunch of other details that I forgot about

She asked me a lot of questions. While there was going on, another girl who we will call the Coke girl also approached me and kind of cockblocked me. I had previously spoken with this chick like 2-3 days ago. Again not very attractive like (5.5-5.9) and also a customer asked her for help the last time so she took off. Anyways, she sees me talking with the pepsi girl and I guess she got jealous and had to butt into the conversation. So here I am, basically having a pepsi girl and a coke girl fighting to get my attention lol. The pepsi girl switches over to English, knowing the coke girl doesn't speak english, however after some back and forth I talk with the pepsi girl in vietnamese to try and include the coke girl. Eventually the pepsi girl takes off to do something leaving the coke girl here. She just witnessed pre-selection at work, and now is asking me a shit tonne of personal questions and laughing at all of my jokes and teases. I can tell she wants me to ask for her number but damn, I can't bring myself to do it because I don't find her physically attractive enough. After getting her name, I abandon ship. She looked so disappointed when I left lol.

Today I'm gonna head down to d1 again to game and this time I'm gonna approach 2 sets if I have to. Not really looking forward to doing that, as approaching 1 chick is hard enough but now two. Anyways, what can you do, when you got no wing? Just got to continue plowing forward.

My Travel Journal - destiny - 01-17-2019

Reaching out to old leads:

Previously before arriving in Vietnam, I had been in contact with a large number of women. Unfortunately because of the long distance, most of them dropped off the face of the earth as it was quite difficult to maintain attraction via just texting online. As I may have come off a bit cocky using North American style game that turned off several of the girls. Since I haven't had much luck lately and I figure, what do I have to lose with all these old leads that went dead, I might as well just been it to the group since I'm here. After reaching out to 3 girls who I was the most attracted to, to my surprise, they all responded back and interest level seemed moderately high. I jumped at the opportunity and arranged 2 dates with two of the 3 girls. I made the third one videocall me and we chatted for a bit, which allowed me to increase her interest level. She told me she will be free next week so I didn't set up a date that far yet.

One of the girls, originally I had setup for tomorrow, however at some point during the text conversation, she mentioned tonight and I misread it mistaken it for still tomorrow. At around our 7:30, I got several texts from the girl, saying she had arrived at the parking lot. I was like wtf is she talking about. After some back and forth and her sending me a screenshot, I realized I had fucked up the dates and she was now downtown waiting for me lol. I appoligized and told her to wait for 15-20 minutes and I'm gonna call a grab immediately and come down. She was pissed off and told me no need. She would go meet her friend instead. I again tried to tell her I will be done soon and to just hold tight, but it seems the damage was done, she didn't want to meet anymore and instead told me to not bother coming, she's gonna go meet her friend. Fuck! I may message her again tomorrow to confirm whether or not we are still down. If not, I'm gonna head to d1 anyways.

Luckily, I still have 2 more of these old leads left that I actually wanted to meet more then this chick.

My Travel Journal - destiny - 01-20-2019

Dealing with Flakes:

I had a date scheduled for this early evening. The last time I spoke with her was 2 days ago and she was very upbeat and into the conversation. Today I texted in around noon, asking her what dress did she pick to wear for tonight. No answer. I knew a flake was coming up. I saw her on fb messenger but my message wasn't read. I knew she fucking knew that I was contacting her but she didn't want to reply. Just to not waste my time, I went her a text to reconfirm the time and location but the text went unanswered. Fucking bitch! I fucking can't stand disrespect like this shit. Bitch should have at least texted me saying some BS reason why she couldn't show up. I'm doing debating call the bitch out on, telling her no worries and rescheduling again in the future. I feel like we let too many bitches get away with shit nowadays and they aren't held accountable. Last bitch that flaked on me, I didn't reply back to her text and then shortly afterwards blocked her ass.

Needless to say this left a very bad taste in my mouth. I could have made other plans to hit the gym or go out daygaming. Fucking total disrespect for other people's time. I'm still fuming inside right now. I decided to head on outside instead of sitting at home. I hit up the bubble tea shop where that chick whose into me works at. When I entered I didn't see her, but did see a somewhat cuter looking girl. One of the uglier co-workers then called out to someone and then the chick who was into me showed up. I got turned off. No fucking way I'm gonna ask her out. I didn't really put much energy into talking with her neither but looking back it might have been a mistake. I should be friendly and social to every chick and also flirt with everyone. I may return back again to talk with the cuter chick next time.

Next I headed to the pharmacy where the other chick who was showing serious IOI's last time was working. Naturally when I was talking with her co-worker, she came right up to me and helped me get the prescription. She had a huge ass grin on her face, and then her co-worker also came over and both of them were giggling like little school girls. She saw that I was holding my drink and then asked me "why are you drinking alone?" she then points to herself and 4 other girls working there and is there "why are you drinking by yourself when there are 5 girls here?"" lol. I tell her I can't speak vietnamese and then her and her co-worker burst out laughing and tell me I'm very cute.

She asks me do I like vietnamese girls. I tell her yeah why not. She is like teasing me and after I get my meds, she waves me farewell. I may ask for this chick's number next time just because I haven't been on dates for a while with other chicks and I'm getting kind of bored with mines. But this chick is less attractive then my main one and is also even smaller and shorter and darker. The pharmacy is also like several shops away from my relatives place. Hmm... decisions decisions.

Lastly I went to a banh beo place in the local market. Previously I had noticed like 1-2 cute girls working here but I never came to eat here before. Well today that changed. One of the girls made eye contact with me and then I sat myself down to eat. Two out of 3 girls had face masks on plus I believer either there aunt or mother was also working at the both. All 3 chicks were nice and slim, and I suspect at least 1 of them are cute. I didn't really talk with any of them, but I suspect if I came back here 2-3 more times, I could probably grab a number from at least 1 of them.

Lastly, there is some smoothie stand also nearby the market. I had visited this place for the first time about a week ago, when my regular place was closed for the day. There's a somewhat young looking chick working there however, she gives off that countryside hick vibe. She's about a 6 at best and the last time I bought a drink here, she was completely indifferent. Today, I saw early signs of interest when I told her not to put sugar in my drink. She asks me if milk was ok and then let out a smirk. I think I can also grab this chick's number if I come by a few more times.

There is also a noodle stand that I've only been to 3 times however the girl working there recognized me even after not coming here for over 2 months. She asks if I came here before on my 2nd visit and even remembered the noodles I ordered. She had a big smile on her face as well. Unfortunately she's married and her husband works there and also I don't mess with married women. There's more then enough chicks here to hit on then to have to result to messing with married women. But I wrote about this to illustrate that you don't even need to come to the same place very often to have chicks feel comfortable around you while working unlike in the Canada.

From my experience so far, social circle game seems to be extremely easy here. If you make yourself a regular at some place, after about the 3rd time I'd say you have a 70-80% chance of grabbing a chick's number. This is of course assuming, she is showing signs of interest if not, there you have an uphill battle like with every low interest women. The problem I am facing is that, most of these chicks that work in these places that are near me, aren't very attractive. If there were, I probably would have run down the whole neighborhood around with dates from all these girls.

The area that I frequent everyday also has a shit tonne of cute chicks who sit down and eat. Unfortunately half of them are usually with their bf's and the other half is with her girlfriends. I'm trying to figure out a while on how to position myself smoothly so that I can talk with these girls who sit down. Perhaps I should camp out on these tables and then when groups of girls sit down, I open them. I have done this before in Poland, however that was all in English. My Vietnamese is quite limited. Yesterday I had spotted 2 cute chicks sitting down eating by one of these tables that my cousin sells pho noodles directly across from me on the other side of the alley. Suddenly my barber showed up at sat at the same table as these two chicks by on the opposite side. He recognized me and we exchanged gestures. I knew what I had to do and saw an opportunity but I fucked up and didn't go for it. What I should have done was after he recognized me, I should have walked over there and striked up a conversation with her while seamlessly grabbing a seat right beside my targets. I would have then switched between english and vietnamese with the guy and then dropping down info that the stand these two girls were eating at was owned by my relatives. Of course this would have been done in a somewhat loud tone to conveniently let both of these girls eavesdrop on our conversation. I would have had instant social proof. But I was too scared to do it during that instant and instead let it linger for too long.

Right now my two biggest hurdles seem to be:

1. Meeting enough cute girls that are available
2. Finding a way to open them once I meet them

Number one involves me actually locating a place that has these cute girls. So far, my efforts has been in vain. Not a lot of good looking girls in my area. None of the local shops have any decent looking women.
For number two I may try camping outside by the tables here or asking my cousin to put a bowl of soup at a table or even better right beside a chick who is sitting down and eating. But now the next question is, how do I open them?

My Travel Journal - destiny - 01-23-2019

I just got back from my trip to Phú Quốc and while browsing for some meds to help with a cold, I noticed a business card from the pharmacy. Upon flipping it over, I noticed a phone number haha. Wow, this is the first time I ever had a chick write down her phone number and give it to me sneakily like this, like you see in the movies lol. I decided to view the number and not surprisingly, it was the pharmacy chick. Her photos looked horrendous but she is a little bit better looking outside. Not sure, if I should add her and ask her out hmm....

My Travel Journal - destiny - 01-23-2019

My view on Phú Quốc Island:

Just got back from this island located in the south of Vietnam. It's a popular tourist destination for locals and foreigners alike. I honestly had a very low opinion of this place and thought it was going to be some remote small ass island with just beaches where you lie down all day and waste your time tanning.
On the contrary, I was actually surprised with the amount of people that were there.


There was a shit tonne, and I mean shit tonne of Russians there. Everywhere I went had Russians. Some of the restaurants and stores even had russian letters to cater to this demographic. Unfortunately nearly every single one of them was butt ugly. There was a lot of families and couples. I don't think I even saw any single ladies there. The closes to that was today at one of the beach, I saw two chicks swimming, but they were both slightly overweight and had bad tans.

Next up in line were the Koreans. Also pretty much everyone and I only saw them sticking with their own kind. Forget about gaming them, almost all of them were with their bf's or families.

Last but not least were the Chinese, mainly the mainlanders. I saw like 1-2 hk couples who spoke cantonese. The chinese were in large groups, however, I saw a few groups were it was either all girls or with a few groups thrown in. You probably could target this group of foreigners.

Local Talent:

As I said earlier, I wasn't expecting much but was actually surprised by the volume of females who were working on the island. At my resort, I saw at least 2-3 cute girls who I wanted to game. One of them smiled at me during breakfast time however I needed more time to talk with this chick. I only stayed for 2 nights. If you venture off into the main city here called Dương Đông, you will see a shit tonne of chicks, especially in the night market area. I saw so many hot ass chicks selling food, clothing, etc. I got approached so often by all these cute chicks looking to sell me stuff and give me free samples of food. There was a shit tonne of tourists there as well. When I went on a tour today, we visited 2-3 different pearl jewellry shops. Most of the employees there were all females and young too. I ended up approaching a bunch of them selling pearl jewelry and talking with them just to kill time since I was with my relatives. This ended up causing one of them to follow me around the store and talking with me. My uncle intervened and tried to vouch for me and then telling me to ask for her number in front of her. Unfortunately the girl wasn't attractive at all and had a lot of acne. Plus she lives on the island and her hometown is in the middle of vietnam. She doesn't visit saigon so I said fuck it. No point in grabbing her number. She looked disappointed.

Later on, we visited another one of these stores and this time in the gift shop section, I was approached by a much more better looking chick. But just as I was warming the girl up and we were finding out more and more things about each other, my uncle cockblocked me and pulled me away from the chick telling me we had to go to our next stop. Damn!

Reflecting back on everything, I actually think cold approaching is not ideal here. Instead I should focus mainly on chicks who are working. It's especially more powerful if I can visit the place multiple times. Here chicks approach you and hand you there numbers lol. Now I just need to find some shops with some attractive looking girls...

My Travel Journal - destiny - 01-29-2019


I had my 2nd date with an old lead that I mentioned in a previous post. This girl has an ok face (6) but a great body (7) with a nice rack and butt. She is a 21 year old part-time student and does make-up work. We kind of lost touch with each other like 6 months ago while I was still in Canada. I didn't think I could even get her out on a date yet alone a second date but I guess after a videochat last week, it did wonders for me. Date went smooth and we ended up holding hands together after watching a movie. Now I'm debating whether or not I should invite her over to my place next time or play it a little more safe and have one more normal date and then do the invite on the 4th date.

After the success of this date, I was a little bumped and noticed the amount of talent at the mall today. Also outside, they had setup decorations for the tet holiday and there were a lot of girls around. This made me motivated to approach girls. I hit up a rvf member and went out looking for prospects. Once again, girls were mostly in pairs or groups or families. Making things quite difficult. After walking around outside a bit and battling through approach anxiety, I managed to open a set of 3 girls who were preparing to take pics of the decorations right after my wing was done posing for pics. I approached one of the girls who had a facemask on. Her eyes suggested that she was cute, however I didn't see her face.

Approach #1: face mask girl

me: excuse me, can you help me take a picture
her: takes my phone
me: press this button to take the photo
me: signal to my wing to come sit down on top of me for a funny photo
her: see's the pose and laughs and starts taking pics
me: forgot what I did afterwards lol
her: done
me: I walk up to her and say "do they look good?"
her: yes
me: let me see, I look at my wing "you screwed up"
her: girl laughs
me: he doesn't know how to pose in photos
her: laughs "nice" in english
me: said something I forgot

I notice a huge crowd of people looking at me and surrounding the area. I got nervous and didn't know how to proceed so I abandon set after thanking her. I should have tried to plow through however it may have been awkward. I should have tried to later re-engage the set and look for them later during the evening. It would have now have been a warm approach and she would feel more comfortable talking with me a second time. I should have commented and teased her about wearing a facemask while no one else was wearing one.

Approach #2: male purse promotion girl

I saw a booth setup giving away free stuff. I then made eye contact with one of the girls there. They were giving away free men's deodorant in a man purse. I joked and teased the girl immediately after she explained what they were giving away. She told me there was toothpaste so I asked her if it would help make my teeth white. She laughed. Then when she took the item out, it ended up being a spray. I teased her about that and told her that it wasn't for your teeth. Which got her and her two co-workers laughing. Unfortunately I needed to download some bs app and google wasn't letting me find out because google play needs the country to be set to vietnam and you need to add a credit/debit card to the account (wtf google, you cockblocked me!), this eventually cockblocked me and ruined the momentum in the conversation as they girl returned back to work. I abandoned set, however I could tell I made the girls day.

Approach #3: lipton milk tea girl

There were about 3 people working this second booth handing out with milktea samples. A guy was mixing the drinks, one girl was speaking on the mic, and another handing out drinks. I ended up approaching the mic speaking girl. She was also the most attractive one but nothing special. Tanned dark skin and about a 6 on looks. I teased her about how much calories were in the drink and whether or not I would get fat. She laughed and so did her co-workers. We had some good banter going on but she would intermittently return back to talking on the mic which killed the momentum. Her co-worker also joined in the conversation when I was talking with her about how there weren't any fat chicks in vietnam. Her co-worker told me to wait 5 minutes for her boss to arrive because she was fat lol. Me and my wing abandoned set as I didn't see the girl being really attractive to stick it out.

Approach 4: yamaha motorbike promo girl

I saw some model chick up on a stage posing with a yamaha motorbike. It peaked my interest as I wanted to see how attractive the girl was up on stage. Unfortunately she was a let down. Besides looking tall, she looked quite plain. However, they was a huge lineup of people waiting to play some game. I was looking around to see how I could signup when suddenly my wing tapped me on the shoulder. I turned and saw an cute chick with a clipboard. My wing asked me if I wanted to play the game. I quickly engaged the chick and teased her immediately. She was intrigued that I knew vietnamese and started to ask me a lot of personal questions like "where are you from? how come you know how to speak vietnamese, etc." Unfortunately we got alot of disruptions from other people which killed the momentum. This chick was by far the best looking one out of all the chicks I had approached. She was a 7. Above average height and a cute face, and decent body. I'm surprised she wasn't up there on the stage instead. She gave me the instructions and then told me to line up then went off. She later re-engaged me when I asked another chick for instructions on how to play the game. While getting my prize, I engaged her again and did some light teasing and flirting. I could kind of tell she was into me, but too many people were cockblocking me as they were asking questions, filling out forms, getting their prizes and she would get distracted because of this. Because of this I didn't want to go ask for her number. And also from experience with promo girls, getting the number isn't too hard, however getting the chick out is another story. I didn't want to just get another number and then not be able to get her out. So I took a gamble, I'll have to come back here again on another day at another less busy time and try to engage the chick. I don't know whether or not she will be around, but if she is, most likely I'll have a better shot of getting the number and also getting her out.

Approach 5: food court girl

She was a cashier at one of the food court stalls. My wing wanted to buy food here and I noticed how cute she was (6.5). Cute face but small petite body and average height. After my wing ordered his food, I started to run game on her and tease her. I told her if there was no shrimp in the shrimp dumplings that I would return back for a refund. She was laughing and giggling throughout the short interaction with my. Later on, while I was sitting, I noticed her looking at me as we made brief eye contact. I definitely see potential with this girl and it's the second time I've seen her working here. This girl is more long term game I believe. I should be able to get her number if I come here 2-3 more times and have her as a solid lead.

right now there is a few prospects that I'm looking forward to from daily life:

gym receptionist girl (6.5)
food court girl (6.5)
smoothie booth girl (6)
yamaha promotion girl (potentially if still around) (7)

I am still struggling however to find the 7's and up. I never see these girls working. It's like don't these chicks have to make a living too? I see them outside though all the time, sitting down eating food or shopping for clothes but never working in any of the shops. I'll have to do a bit more scouting out to find some more potential leads.

My Travel Journal - destiny - 02-12-2019


Captured my second flag:

Met this girl online about half a year ago on vncupid. Because of distance, and me unable to maintain momentum, the conversation died down and I thought the lead was dead. However, about a month ago, I figured since I'm here, I might as just message all the old leads that died. The only thing I got to lose was my ego and getting rejected. She ended up being the most receptive for some reason and even video called me. Anyways, we have been on 3 dates so far. Initially the first date, I thought she was alright, and her rack looked nice and big. The second, and especially third date, I found out I don't really enjoy her company. She's too quiet and doesn't know how to have interesting conversations. But nonetheless I was able to get physical with her and hold hands and cup her shoulders by the second date. I also didn't want the lead to go to waste so I suggested that when she came back from tet to come over to my place for lunch and I would cook for her. Surprisingly she actually showed up even though I heard nothing from her for 2 days since arranging the date.

When she arrives, I'm pretty much already cooked the food and we jumped right into eating. Conversation was quite dull so after eating, I turned on a vietnamese movie and sat on my bed. She followed my lead so then I leaded back into where my pillows where on my bed to see if she would follow. She complied so I knew she was comfortable. I'm terrible at physical escalation and seem to have some innate fear of touching women lol so I didn't even touch her for like the first 10 minutes of the movie. Eventually she started to cuddle but she had her head resting on shoulder so I couldn't go for the kiss. I managed to get my head down to near her level later on and when she turned towards me, I grabbed her chin and moved it in my direction and went for the kiss. Bingo! we kissed for like 20 seconds and then she turned her head away. I didn't pursue and continued watching the movie. Several minutes went by and then I tried again, this time, we made out for like 1 minute then again she turned away. This shit went on for 5-7 rounds before I could have access to her neck and ear. Eventually I got to her earlobe and started to suck on it, which turned her on, as she moaned a little. I started to put my hand under her shirt and move it slowly upwards. By my 5th or 6th attempt, I managed to unbuckle most of the straps on her bra and feel up her tits, but then she put her bra back up and I was back to square one. It was really fucking frustrating, and I had to overcome huge LMR but eventually with perseverance, I got her shirt off and sucked and licked the hell out of her nipples which drove her mad. She put up huge resistance with my sucking on them too, and it was another game of cat and mouse. I was kind of disappointed with the size of her tits. I think they are around the same size as my main's. In her photos and the first time I met her, her tits looked a lot bigger. I'm guessing it was due to a push up bra or something. Her pants were even harder to take off as she wore jeans. After all was said and done, it probably took me between 4-5 hours to finally stick it in, but when I did, I was met with one of the most foul smelling smells in my entire life. It was an instant boner killer. I'm not sure if it was her vagina or what, since she mentioned she was on her period, but damn, it stinked really badly. I could not get it up the second time and I finished so quickly the first because she gave me head. Once the deed was done, I saw blood on my sheets and panicked a little. My main's gonna see that shit, I thought. I made the girl help me clean the sheets of her blood lol and then sent her on her way.

I didn't really enjoy sex much with this chick. She didn't shave her nipples so I could taste hair on her nipples, plus her tits tasted a little strange because her nipps were a little elongated then what I'm tasted so far. The tip was thick but the middle and end was thin. Very strange texture to it. But by far the worse thing was that foul smell from her. Instant turn off. Plus her breath didn't smell good neither. Fucking this chick really made me appreciate my main girl. I think I'm gonna slowly phase her out. I don't want to just ghost her just like that, as I think that would be pretty bad.

New leads:

For some reason, I've become bombarded with a shit tonne of new leads as of late. The quality seems to be much better at least .5-1 points higher then previously and I've managed to have a few dates with these new women. Unfortunately nothing has happened so far due to the tet holiday which was a huge cockblock. This is the list of women that I can recall.

Tinder Slut: 6.5

Met her on tinder. She showed up 30 minutes late to our date but I was pleasantly surprised that she wasn't bad looking at all in person. She wore a long red dress and had long hair. Unfortunately she was a bit of a bitch and tried to speak mainly in english with me instead of vietnamese. I quickly put the bitch in her place and things seemed to be on a steady cruise. During the date, I found out that she likes to go to bars (aka lush bar) and drink. She also mentioned that a lot of guys on tinder asked her for netflix and chill. I pretended to not know what that meant to get her to bring up the topic of sex. She told me she doesn't do one night stands which tells me that she does lol. Anyways, about 1.5 hours into the date, she tells me that she has another date lined up in like 30 minutes with another guy that begged her to go out with him. I told her that it's fine, you can go, but she looked hesitant to leave me and didn't want to leave lol. She told me next time she's gonna take me out for dinner or something and I sent her off.

Water cleaning solution girl:

I met this chick while out filming stuff so I guess you can call it a daygame approach. I was out filming for a video when I saw a cute chick working at one of those booths promoting products so I came up to her and started asking her what she was selling. She got nervous and flustered and called out to her colleague. Then this semi-short looking older looking chick approaches me and accuses me of having come her several times already but not buying anything and saying that it was very bad. It was my first time at that booth. Basically she gave me a massive shit test but I managed to pass it so she threw more and more and I passed all of those and ended up flipping the script on her and getting her to screen herself for me. In the end, I managed to number close her without even buying anything lol. She looks about a 5.5 and older so I'm gonna pass on her but I'm gonna introduce her to another rvf member her and have her setup her friend with me on a group date.

No FWB girl:

Another tinder chick that was 28 years old. Her face is ok but her body is amazing. I gamed the shit out of her over text and on video chat and got her out. Her interest level was high and flirted with her all night as she continued to give me shit tests. I managed to escalate to physical touching and hand holding with her, hand on thighs, small of the back, etc and took her to a rooftop garden in the evening which was super romantic. I contemplated trying for a kiss however in Vietnam, I have yet to see a single couple kiss out in public so I was wary of doing this in public. However, this chick was a bit high maintenance and she ain't LTR. She made me take a taxi to come pick her ass up and drop her ass back home when she could have easily just called a grab bike and done that instead of having me go there twice. Also she took me to some bar that had expensive alcohol. Like wtf over 200k for only 2 drinks and that was on happy hour too. She mentioned that she sometimes smokes girly cigarettes whatever the hell that means. To me, a cigarette is a cigarette. I don't care what these marketing assholes for these tobacco companies call it. After the date, I took her home on a cab where she held hands, and she was playing with my fingers and palm. With her, since it was high interest, I thought I would try a different approach this time but it backfired. When she got home, she texted me asking when I got back home and how come I didn't text her yet when I got back. We exchanged a few texts and then I sent her pics of me cooking spaghetti. She mentioned that it looked good so I took the opportunity to invite her over for dinner. She never replied to my texts after that lol. I'm kind of bummed out about having lost this lead. She had an amazing body and I had a fun time with her. I'm gonna try one more time and shoot her a restart text on valentines day saying "happy valentines day" and hopefully she bites.

I think my text after the date inviting her over for the next date did me in. I should have played it safe with the 3-4 date traditional model. Damn! Anyone want to chime in?

Language exchange needy chick:

She sent me messages on a language exchange site. Don't know why I decided to go out with her because she was short as hell. Like I mean probably under 1.50 m tall. She asked me out for coffee but then expected dinner and me paying for it. I found her dull and boring and average looking. She has been constantly harassing me everyday with bullshit texts and there's no way I'm gonna go see her again. Next!!!

Eyeglasses girl:

Met her on vncupid. Seemed like a nice girl but kind of short 1.55cm and her face wasn't really doing it for me. Somewhere between a 5.5-6. She seemed very eager on getting married and stuff because of her age (28). After the date later that night, she asks if we can continue being friends. I gave it to her straight and in the end, we decided to just stay penpals lol.

short hair tinder girl:

Another tinder chick who showed a lot of interest online. I wasn't really feeling her much based on her photos and actually was hoping she'd flake so I wouldn't need to go meet her but when she showed up. I was pleasantly surprised that she looked better then her photos, although a little older and on the short side. Initially, I didn't think the date was going to go anyway, she seemed shy or bored and distracted. I thought maybe she wasn't into me, but then I brought her to my rooftop romantic getaway and then the tables turned. We talked about more personal stuff and bonded up there while sitting on one of those sliding sofas which I quickly grabbed before two chicks in front of us could get it. Those two girls gave me dirty looks and were pissed off but it's like wtf, its a couples spot, not some place for you to take bullshit selfies to post on instagram. I managed to do some light touching on the date with arm, slight touches on the thigh and guiding the small of her back. She was wearing some silk tight of dress and as I touched her lower back, I could feel her skin which turned me off.

I kind of enjoyed the company with this chick and I think I may go out with her 1-2 more times to see how things go. After the date, she sent me a text thanking me for the date.

The country hick double eyelid surgery girl:

I met this chick on vncupid a few months back. She has been a huge pain in the ass to invite out and I eventually gave up on her but she has asked me out twice already this week and it just so happened I had just finished a date in the area when she asked me out for coffee so I agreed. I had videochatted with her once and she seemed a bit retarded and kept on asking me what I'm doing in vietnam and how come I don't just go home. I also found out she got double eyelid surgery like 2 days ago and now her eyes are all fucked up. She actually looked a lot better before until she fucked up her face. She was wearing a face mask on the street when I met her to conceal her face lol.

She seemed like a bitch and drama queen and kept on throwing shit tests after shit tests to me. We eventually arrive at mcdonalds to have coffee because everywhere is closed. She gaves me attitude and an endless stream of shit tests which I pass and throw right back at her. At one point she is like I'm gonna call you uncle from now on. I'm like No! Your gonna call me daddy. Now call me daddy! She complies lol.

I made fun of her botched double eyelid surgery and then asks if she wanted to get anything else done. She asked me for money to pay for those extra surgeries like a boob job. I told her if she was too poor to pay for one that she could just take two melons and put it into bra. She told me she was poor and yet she was living in d1. The only place that I know where rent is cheap in d1 is pham ngu lao which made me suspect she was a hooker or something. She denied living there but after I took off and she couldn't find her grab driver, she called me accidentally mistaking my number for his, and told me to take her to pham ngu lao lol. She also dressed kind of like a hooker too. Based on her attitude (hooks have terrible attitudes in vietnam from what I've heard), clothes, and where she lives, I suspect she is a hooker lol. Not meeting up with her again.

My Travel Journal - Kangaroo - 02-12-2019

Should have asked tinder slut 6.5 to watch a movie back at yours.

My Travel Journal - destiny - 02-13-2019

Quote: (02-12-2019 12:32 PM)Kangaroo Wrote:  

Should have asked tinder slut 6.5 to watch a movie back at yours.

She had a second date lined up after ours though.

My Travel Journal - Kangaroo - 02-13-2019

Still worth asking as she seemed like she may have said yes and blown off the other guy.

My Travel Journal - destiny - 02-14-2019

Quote: (02-13-2019 07:23 AM)Kangaroo Wrote:  

Still worth asking as she seemed like she may have said yes and blown off the other guy.

Yeah perhaps I should be more aggressive with some of these chicks. Right now my dilemma is finding the right balance. It seems with some girls like no FWB that trying to get her back to your place too soon ends up in auto rejection whereas some of the others if you don't push for it, you may lose the opportunity.

My Travel Journal - destiny - 02-14-2019


Valentine's day:

I decided to try and shoot a restart text with the no FWB tinder chick. Surprisingly she responded to my valentine's day restart text. Told me she was out of town to meet a customer and would be back at around 11pm. She suggested tomorrow for a meetup when I asked her or another day. I couldn't do tomorrow because my main's coming over so I suggested the weekend. No reply back lol. I'm gonna wait till next week and try to arrange something. If nothing happens, then I'll have to write her off. Originally I thought she was going out with someone else tonight but I saw a photo of her outside with the caption "Where are you?" for valentine's day. We'll see what happens.

I had another date today with a tinder chick. A 28 year old chick who looked kind of cute in the photos but when I met up with her, she didn't look like her photos. She was in a pretty conservative black dress, and heels. I noticed that she had a tattoo on her wrist. Which would signal a slut?

Her body looked about average but her face looked much worse then her photos. I was instantly not attracted to her. She looked like a 5.5 to me. The date was alright and she did warm up to me, but I wasn't really into her. She had to meet a customer right after our date but suggested that I wait for her for 30 minutes and then we would continue the date for another 2 hours or so. I said fuck that and told her I was busy. She has been texting me constantly since the date which lead to me discovering a hidden rooftop bar like literally 5 minutes away from my place, which is gonna be a great place to take chicks on dates and then pull them to my place. The chick suggested hanging out later so I brought up going for drinks at the bar, initially she said yes but then thought I meant some other day. I meant today! She said she was too far but then wanted to go see a movie with me at a movie theater? wtf? I may try to pull this chick to my place from the rooftop bar if it isn't too much work.

Daygame session:

Seeing as how I was all alone right after my date and seeing all these hot chicks in d1, I immediately wanted to approach some girls. I walked down to nguyen hue street but there was practically no targets. But then, just as I was about to leave, I noticed a long haired chick who looked korean. As I got closer to her, she looked like she had plastic surgery before, as is typical of koreans lol. I asked her where the starbucks was, and then when she told me, I tried to ask another question, but couldn't keep the momentum up as she left. I decided to try some coffee shop game so I went to the starbucks. I scanned around the place, shit! No single targets, and not many young chicks neither. The communal table was shit, and had 2 or so guys there. I decided to plant myself at an empty area with several seats empty. As I was texting my friend, a chick suddenly sat down across from me, two chairs to my left. Within a minute, I opened her.

me: excuse me, do you know where's a good bar around here?
her: looks confused. "a good bar?"
me: yeah, I'm looking for a good place to sit down and drink

I don't remember the rest of the conversation because it was quite long like around 15-20 minutes. The chick had semi short hair, dyed blonde hair and looked korean. I later found out that she was korean. What was with all these koreans here today? Although she was friendly and young (21-22), she didn't give me much to work with despite my attempts to build rapport with her. I dropped several baiting statements but she didn't ask me much questions. Usually with the vietnamese girls, they always without question ask me where I'm from. Even though I suggested a few times that I wasn't from here, she failed to the bait. After a while, she just told me she had to go and ran off. Now I remember why I hate gaming koreans. They are boring and cold.

I decided to try one more final approach. I was starting to get tired. I headed to the nearby mall and scouted the place. A lot of pairs and not much single girls. After walking around for 15-20 minutes, I spotted a long haired chick working at a clothing store wearing a red shirt from afar. She looked alright from far away but then when I approached her, she looked ugly. Fuck! I didn't bother trying to engage her but she kept on following me around which prompted me to tease her:

me: are you following me?
her: smiles
me: are you following me (in vietnamese)
her: she laughs
me: can you tell me what type of fabric is used for this polo shirt

We start talking about the polo shirts but then her gay co-worker dragged her off for her break and left me with another chick. I left the store and called a grab bike to go to home. I felt unsatisfied. I see all these hot and cute chicks always in groups or with there bf's but I can never ever meet them anyway. It was making me pissed off. I'm sick of meeting average and mediocre quality chicks online. I want one of these ones that I see out and about all the time.

I left and headed back to my area to recuperate. My plan tonight was to go to the gym and game the receptionist. My goal? To find out if she was single and to flirt with her and increase her interest. As I was heading over to the gym, I stopped by a convenience store to grab a drink. There, I noticed two promo chicks working. I approached them and they asked me if they could help me with anything. I asked them what they were selling. It was some promo for valentine's day where if you buy two ice cream cones, they give you a choice of one valentine's day gift. I flirted with the girls a little bit and chatted with them. They seemed receptive but young. Neither one was that attractive therefore I didn't try much. I gave up and then just ate my ice cream cones by the eating area. A little while later, one of them came up to me to tell me to ate some oats or something for breakfast to lose weight. She was much uglier then the other one so I didn't even bother but I gave her a compliment indirectly which made her day as she walked back to her co-worker and told her the compliment I just made. I left shortly afterwards.

Alright now it was time to head to the gym. I noticed the chick working the front desk. She was looking pretty nice today all done up with makeup. She saw me as I sat down in front of her. I asked her how was her tet holiday and then told her I wanted to buy a new gym pass. She laughed a bit and then I asked her

me:today is valentine's day, why aren't you out with your boyfriend?
her: laughs, I don't have a bf
me: really? I don't believe you. You must be lying
her: actually I am going to go out with my friends tonight
me: ah

My mind drew a blank. It wasn't the smoothest approach because my vietnamese is very limited. This causes me to stutter a lot when I try to speak vietnamese making me look retarded lol. Plus I think since it was really late in the evening too, and my being exhausted was a huge factor. Nonetheless, after paying for my pass, and seeing that another member sat at the desk to talk with her, I abandoned the set before I could do more damage. Well, on the bright at least I found out that she's single. I'm gonna wait a few days then go workout during the time that she is working then try to game her again.

I'm so exhausted right now. What a shitty valentine's day but luckily I pretty much have dates lined up everyday for the rest of the week.

My Travel Journal - destiny - 03-07-2019


Bad Hygiene:

I managed to get the no FWB chick out 3 more times but I have lost a lot of interest in her. I had to take things slower with her due to the fear of her nexting me if I tried to move fast. Therefore, a movie date with dinner seemed logical. However, I was not prepared for what was about to happen on the date. On my second date to the movie theater while seated beside her, I caught her digging her fingers into her nostrils and just drilling away at her nose, plucking those nasty bacterial filled plague inducing boogers with her fake nails. I couldn't believe my eyes. The girl who I had pictured having a great body and good hygiene now looked like a garbage dump. Needless to say, I didn't want to touch or hold hands with her after that. I know a lot of people do the nose picking thing out in public here, but still man...

After the movie, I called a grab and took off with seeding the third date for having her come over for lunch or dinner. Surprisingly, she actually came over. It was 11am in the morning and she told me she had to meet some client at around 3pm so I didn't have a lot of time. After we ate lunch, I turned of a movie. This I believe was a mistake, as all throughout the date, while lying on my date, she was just focused on the movie or playing with her phone, visiting facebook. I tried to escalate on her, but got rebuffed twice. Every time, when I started to touch her or look at her, she would tell me to just go watch the movie. Talking yielded the same result. It was going no where, I texted some guys for help, but it was no use. WTF was she doing here then? Near the end of the movie, she started to say how she had to go but I managed to convince her to stay a bit longer. Finally, the movie was over and I just turned on the tv. There was some english tv show on which she couldn't understand. Finally we both sat up and now she allowed me to escalate. We were sitting side by side and then she put her thigh on top of mines while I reached and cuddled her shoulder and started to touch her hand. It was now on, or so I thought. She made more eye contact now and was turning towards me. This was it, she was almost ready to go. Just one more minute, I told myself but then her phone rang. FUCK!
I got cockblocked. It was some guy on the other end of the line and she spend maybe 10-15 minutes on the phone. Which killed the sexual tension I had built up. After she hung up, she told me it was an old classmate of hers. Then she proceeds to get up and tells me she's leaving for work. She grabs her things and then I knew it was ok. FUCK!

At somewhere between the second and third date, she became super clingy and needy, always video calling me every night. It was frankly really annoying because I would be out on a date with my main or some other chick and would always be paranoid about her calling me. Unfortunately you can't hide the video calls on zalo so I had to log out of that shit. I texted her a few days later after the third date and suggested she come over to "practice english" because she was taking english lessons at some language center. Once again, I was surprised that she actually showed up. But this time, she was acting like a bitch. Demanding that I cook her food to eat because she was hungry or that my apartment wasn't cool enough. I threw 3 eggs and scrambled them while the bitch was on the phone videochatting with her relatives and served it to her. Enjoy breakfast bitch! Then she was complaining about my eggs because I put milk in it and how it didn't resemble a fried egg. I should have taken a hint at what was to come.

This time I learned from my previous date with her and didn't put on a vietnamese movie. Instead I just put on a english tv channel, hoping it would make the date boring for her so that we could talk. Instead, what does the bitch do? She takes out her phone and starts playing some online pool game and checking on her facebook. She even tried to get me to take her to go watch a movie outside or buy her ice cream. After I called her out on it, and tried to escalate again, this time even bolder and grabbing her chin and trying to turn it towards me, I was met with the same bullshit. Go watch the movie, as she shrugs my attempts away. After trying for the second time, the bitch turned her back on me, and then actually went to sleep. Can you believe this shit? I was pissed. What the fuck does she think this is? A hotel? I quickly texted my two wings, but it wasn't going to work. Eventually after about 30 minutes, I just got up from the bed and started to make loud noises in the kitchen and it woke the bitch up.

I was finding her personality really disgusting and annoying. Then the bitch started to pick her nose again, on my bed! I quickly called her out on it and she stopped. Finally several minutes later, I managed to cuddle with her but noticed that she smelled. At first I couldn't make out what the foul smell was, but eventually it ringed on it that she smokes. She reaked of cigarettes. This fucking nose picking cigarette smelling whiny bitch was disgusting. I contemplated for a bit on whether or not to proceed after discovering this revelation and arrived at the conclusion that I would try to bang her and then throw her out. On my third and final attempt to kiss her, I finally managed to get a peck in. But the bitch brushed me off after 2 seconds and then asked me what I was doing. I told her I was checking the moisture levels on her lip and to see if it was dry or not. She knew I was bullshitting and called me a liar. Then the fucking bitch called a grab to come pick her up. WTF, you fucking bitch! She was playing fucking games. Trying to delay this shit as much as possible. I recognized the pattern. She had done the same shit the last time. She will wait until she is almost ready to leave and then allow you to escalate just a tiny bit, as a way of stringing you along. I was ready to kick this bitch out. I know she smokes and she drinks, and I met her ass on tinder so I know she ain't no fucking virgin and yet she was making me wait for it. Can you believe this shit?

Needless to say, I never contacted her again. It's been almost a week now and I am still debating on whether or not on trying one more time. I figure this will be the absolute last time. If she doesn't at least let me get to second base, she's history. I'm also thinking about calling her nose picking chick from now on.

Soon after, I had my second date with the short hair tinder girl at a mall. Although she put some effort into her appearance, once I sat down on a chair with her, my nose picked up on a really foul smell. I turned towards my left and the smell was originating from her, her mouth to be exact. She had bad breath, most likely caused by Gingivitis. Fuck me! All throughout the date, the only thing my mind was thinking about wash to run down to the supermarket and buy her a pack of gum and shove it in her mouth. Her mouth stinked! I could smell that shit 2 feet away. Watching the movie with her was nearly unbearable. Needless to say, I didn't do much physical escalation with her because I was so turned off by her. What was with my bad string of luck and meeting all these nasty ass chicks?

Surprisingly she messaged me a week later to hang out again. Instead of inviting her over, I wanted to do a trial run first to see if she still had bad breath. We went for a walk in a romantic park at night while I seeded the idea for her to come over for dinner next time. Her breath this time was much more bearable although I could still smell a little bit of that foul odour. She's supposed to be coming over on the weekend so I gotta make sure I put this chick some breath mints!

My first fight with my main:

Everything has been going pretty good up until this point with my main. I just got back from a trip to da lat with her and we previously went to cambodia together for my visa run. The relationship with her has been pretty much drama free so I was not expecting this to happen but I guess nothing lasts forever. The previous night we had banged, but I had failed to make her orgasm although I was close. She was a little upset and complaining about it but the landlord at her house called her and told her to get home because he wanted to close the gate, so we couldn't finish it. She was horny and wanted us to conclude it the next day. Yesterday while coming over to my place, she parked her motorbike way too close to the edge of the electronic gate. It was complete carelessness on her put and stupidity as a matter of fact, as there was ample room to park and yet she choose to put her motorbike so frigging close to the door. After I helped her grab her things and I pressed the button to close the automatic gate, while walking up the stairs, suddenly we both heard a really loud noise like something big had fallen on the ground or something. It sounded like an earthquake. We both looked at each other for a second and then the light bulb appeared on my head. It was her motorbike! I quickly ran down the stairs and saw that one of the mirrors on her motorbike got caught on the gate and the gate couldn't got down. A large crowd outside had gathered now because of the very large noise as did the first floor tenant. I quickly ran over to her motorbike and pushed the handle out of the way and then tried to elevate the gate, but it wouldn't go up so naturally, I pressed the down button after moving her bike away. The gate went down, but it stayed down. I couldn't get it to go back up. She fucked up the gate. Shit!!! I knew I was gonna get in shit for this with the building manager. She was telling me to call and text the manager, but I had reservations about it until I could figure out what to say to him to minimize the damage. But after a few seconds, I just reached out to him but to no avail. The other tenant was telling me to call the manager and my main said I already did. Now there was no way of going out and getting in. She had literally blocked the only way to leave the building. I was scared and pissed off at the same time. I mean, how could you be this stupid and park it so frigging close to the door. Like didn't you check where the door would come down before you parked the bike? We both got up to my apartment and I was still panicking. I looked over at my girl, and she was just lying on my bed, playing with her fucking phone acting completely normal like it was a fucking tuesday. After several minutes, I mentioned to her that I'm gonna get in trouble and the manager is gonna yell at me. She replies "so he'll yell." I'm like wtf. I reply "he's gonna make me pay for the damages." She answers "then we'll pay." In my mind, I pictured quite a bit of money cause that door did not look cheap. I reply back to her "he's gonna give me trouble when I want to extend my lease. He's not gonna want to continue renting the place to me." She replies "so, we'll go rent somewhere else."

I couldn't believe this. She was completely apathetic about the whole thing. She had just dug me into a hug hole and it didn't appear like she gave a shit. I was actually shocked at her she reacted. This only further fueled my rage. Her only somewhat remorseful reply was that she didn't want this to happen. It's like seriously? She put me into a corner and now I was the one who would have to accept the responsibility for her fuck up. She just said that she would help me pay half of the cost of repairs. Then suddenly, the manager texted me back. He said he already called a technician and that he was on his way and not to worry. I apologized for what happened and he just hearted my text, which was strange. I figured this meant that I was off the hook. I went back downstairs again followed by my main. The first floor tenant was trying to get the door opened but it wasn't gonna happen. Now I could hear another tenant outside trying to get in. The situation was escalating and soon the manager would be hear and see all the trouble that my main girl caused. After trying again to open the door, I gave up and just retreated into my apartment, abandoning my girl. She looked puzzled when I ditched her downstairs. I was fuming at this point and ready to lash out at her. Not necessarily her stupidity, but her apathy. She really did not give two shits about what happened. Soon she went back into my apartment. I bit my tongue and didn't talk with her and ignored her. She tried to get my attention but I gave her one word replies. I was ready to lose my temper and explode on her. The manager had now arrived and there was a now several annoyed tenants outside. For several hours, I could hear loud banging noises downstairs as the technician tried to get the door open. My main was completely normal about everything. Meanwhile, I was looking over my balcony every 15-20 minutes or so, praying that the door would be open soon.

My main then says that she's starving and bored. You just fucked up the only way to get in and out and inconvenienced the whole building and yet your only concern is boredom and hungry? She hadn't even apologized to me yet. I lost a lot of respect for her. I tried to remain my cool as we both ate dinner and then I casually mentioned to her that the next time she needs to be more careful and instead of taking responsibility for it, she tries to pass the blame on me, saying that I also helped me move the bike. It's like yeah, I helped you initially lift it up because it was heavy for you, but afterwards you steered the whole thing and parked it. That was all on her. Even the manager had texted me that he saw her park the bike through the security camera. This just showed me how selfish she could be. Soon after, it looked like the door was fixed as I saw tenants start going inside the building. After dinner, things mellowed out a bit and I thought it was going to be back to normal as we both lied on the bed. We were just hanging out for a bit and then her phone rang. It was her landlord who was bitching on the other end of the line asking when she would come home because they wanted to close the gate. My girl argued for a bit and then said she was coming home at 11 for the third time and then hung up. She then got up, grabbed her things, and then said she was leaving. earlier she told me to throw out the trash because it was full. I told her that I would do it tomorrow morning when the manager wasn't around. She then said but she needs to go home and I said ok, I will go downstairs with you but really late after the manager had left but now she wanted to leave while the manager was downstairs with a whole bunch of other people discussing the matter. I didn't want to be put in that situation with all the people interrogating me downstairs so I didn't go downstairs with her. I think she got pissed off at me for this.

I later texted her in vietnamese why did you just go home so early like that? She texts me back later and its all in english. Something along the lines of:

"if the manager asks you to pay for the gate, I will pay half of it. Just ask him to give me his bank account and I will send him the money. I am sorry about my motorbike. It made you feel so shameful that you couldn't go downstairs to throw the trash. Hope the manager will let you stay there as long as you want."

I knew something was up so I called her, but she didn't pick up. She never texts me in English and these texts were so cold and formal. I couldn't believe this shit, she caused me all this trouble and she still had the audacity to get angry at me. I didn't know whether to text her in english or vietnamese and not sure what to say so I didn't text her back. Then soon after, I got a message from the manager "it's important" is what the text said. I was like WTH. I texted him back saying is everything ok? Soon I get a knock on my door and he looks pissed along with some other guy behind him. He hands me a key and says because the front door isn't fixed yet that I could use this key to open the other gate until the technician comes back tomorrow to fix the gate. He also says that he will text me more information tomorrow. In my mind, I'm thinking fuck! I'm gonna be in deepshit because of what my main did with the door.

Then the next morning the manager texts me while I was still sleeping " the door is broken and they have to replace the parts. He sends me a photo and is like the asks for 2.2 million for the repairs. His texts also looked cold and not his usual self. She had fucked me over and felt absolutely no remorse over it. I sent her over the screenshot and she immediately replied. Ok I will pay half of it, can you send me his number, thank you. I wanted to make sure I wasn't getting ripped off so I asked her if it looked right. She said she didn't know and then asks me for his number again. I told her I'm gonna ask to speak to him first in person. This was the last time I heard from her. Not really sure how to proceed from here. On the one hand, she fucked me over big time, and acted completely unremorseful whatsoever. On the other hand, I feel perhaps I could have handled the situation better. Tomorrow's that women's day bullshit here in Vietnam. I'm assuming she had wanted me to waste money and buy her fucking flowers or something but now I'm not sure if she even deserves anything after the way she handed the situation.

This has a been a shit show of a week for me. To be continued...

My Travel Journal - Kangaroo - 03-09-2019

Just next the nose picker or at least dont text her and if she texts you make her do all the work.

With the gate situation your main is right, just chill, a technician will fix it and you will pay... no big deal shit happens.

My Travel Journal - destiny - 03-09-2019

Quote: (03-09-2019 03:30 AM)Kangaroo Wrote:  

Just next the nose picker or at least dont text her and if she texts you make her do all the work.

With the gate situation your main is right, just chill, a technician will fix it and you will pay... no big deal shit happens.

Yeah I told her to fuck off today and got things back to normal with my main. See my post below.

My Travel Journal - destiny - 03-09-2019

Got Caught!

Last night I managed to patch things up with my main girl to around 99% and sealed the deal this morning. I also took care of the gate that was damaged and I felt my luck was finally returning back to me. My main wanted to see me so I had a date with her at the mall where she works. My main was back to her usual self and all affectionate with me and I thought the date went well. Right around when I was about to leave, I noticed that the nose picking bitch had texted me but I ignored it until I got back to my relatives house. She had texted me asking me what I was doing right now and I told her I was at my relatives house.

She asked me if it was true but I said yeah. She then said who taught me to lie to her? I'm like wtf is this crazy bitch talking about. I asked her what she meant and she called me a liar. She said she saw me with a girl at the mall. I sent her a video of me at my relatives house but she said she thinks her vision wasn't that poor with a smily face. Next I basically told her to fuck off and said even if I did go out with another chick so what? We aren't a couple, plus you won't let me kiss you. I also know for a fact that this bitch has been going on tinder too, as her photos have changed recently.

She replies back with a big smily face emoticon and then asks me then why did I plan on lying and tricking her. I told her you asked me what I was doing right now and I told you , I was at my relatives house (which was the truth) and I sent you a video. What lie did I make? She stopped replying but I don't give a fuck. Fuck her! Bitch was playing games and not allowing me to escalate on dates and stringing me along. She fucking smells, picks her nose, and whines a lot. I had already made up my mind to drop this bitch and didn't sent her shit on women's day. Bitch won't put out but then complains about me dating other girls. Get the fuck outta here! NEXT!!!

Bad Tinder Matches:

I've been getting a string of really bad tinder matches as of late. For the last 3 matches, all three girls whose numbers that I ended up getting, appeared to either be hookers or semi-pros. One said she worked as a cashier at a bar in d1. I tried to find out the name but she wouldn't tell me. Just told me it was Pasteur street. Another one had a shit tonne of photos of her at some upscale 5 star hotel using the infinity pool and her wearing a bikini. The other one was more and less the same. I'm hesitant to ask any of these chicks out because I'm worried they are gonna ask me for money afterwards or try to scam me and shit and cause problems if I don't pay up. Therefore I went for the safer route but the other more normal looking matches have been pretty bad. I'm pretty sure tinder is giving me matches on girls that I swiped left on. A lot of these matches, I would not have given the time of the day to. I believe it's an attempt to get me to sign up for their premium plans.

My Travel Journal - destiny - 03-11-2019

When the power goes out:

I had a date with bad breath chick yesterday. She was supposed to come over for dinner and I thought I would have been able to get far with her. We scheduled the date at 6:15 but she showed up almost an hour late. I didn't stress out about it because I was still preparing dinner. Unfortunately the power went out just as I was finishing up cooking dinner. Fuck me! Now you would think this would be a good opportunity to escalate on her since its pitch black and all, however without the air conditioner on, my apartment feels like an oven. I had to open the windows and even then it was still extremely hot. I peeped out the window and noticed that the rooftop bar out on the main street was opened though and had full power so I decided to take her there instead to prep her up. However, despite me trying to suggest that she get a cocktail or a beer at the place, she ordered some bs yogurt fruit drink. When she meant she didn't drink alcohol, she meant it!

I did some light touching at the rooftop bar with my hand lingering on her top and middle back where her skin was exposed. I was hoping this would make things easier once I got her back to my place. Unfortunately when we returned, the power was still out. No matter, I slipped into my bed, but she sat on a chair beside the table as we talked about more personal family things. I was hoping this would make her feel more comfortable. Then suddenly the power went back on as I quickly opened the tv and air conditioner. But she mentioned that she should be going now. Fuck! I told it was still early and that she could leave a little later. So then she got really focused on the film showing on tv. I noticed that she didn't sit on my bed and instead sat on a chair beside my bed. I scooted over and suggested that she come sit on the bed but she said it was fine. I knew I wasn't going to get the bang at this point and when she suggested that she was going to go again, I just agreed and let her go.

WTF, why does this keep on happening to me? I'm encountering so much resistance and bad luck when I pull a chick to my place. I seriously need a new plate.

My Travel Journal - destiny - 03-18-2019

She's a Virgin!

I got the bad breath chick over to my place for the second time. This time I was prepared to be more aggressive and go all the way. She came over and cooked me dinner this time. After dinner was done, I opened a movie but noticed that she chose to sit on a chair again. Not this shit again I thought. I have to think of a way to get her on the bed. After 10-15 minutes of this shit, I grabbed my phone and texted a buddy. He told me to grab her hand after making a joke and lead her to the bed, but I didn't know how to do it. She was so focused on the movie. Luckily, the movie was a horror movie so I used that as a pretext to grab her hand and move her to the bed. Once there, immediately I cupped her shoulder with my arm. No response from her. So after a few minutes, I started to caress her shoulder but still nothing. She was jumping a few times during the movie so I used that as an excuse to grab her hand. No response. She was a like a dead fish. So I started to run my fingers, caressing her hand up and down and then I finally saw her move her fingers on her other hand. I thought she was ready, but even if she wasn't, I couldn't wait any longer. It must have been close to 45 minutes now and I still didn't make a move. Once she turned towards me and said something, I grabbed her chin and went in for the kill. She did not move away which was a good sign but she was just motionless there, with her eyes closed. No expression, nothing. WTF I thought. Our lips were caressing but she didn't open her mouth. Eventually her mouth opened after kissing her for 5-10 minutes but her teeth were in the way so I couldn't stick my tongue in her mouth. It was very awkward. I guess it must have been her first time or something. After kissing her for 15 minutes, my arms and back got really tired so I went down to her neck but her hair was in the way. No matter, I was prepared to kiss her hair too to get the lay. I slowly lifted her away from the bedpost and put her on her back. We continued to kiss and then I moved down to her neck, shoulders and ears. She still had her eyes closed and I think she put one hand over her eyes which was weird.

I began to run my hands on her ass and up her shirt, but I could begin to feel early LMR when I tried to reach for her bra strap underneath her shirt. Eventually I unbuckled it but could not get it off because of her shirt. This lead to me shoving my hand underneath her bra on the front of her body and fondling her petite size nipples. There was no mourning no nothing. I then delved deeper and lifted her bra partially upwards and started to suck and lick her nipples and there was no reaction from her except her hand covering her eyes. What the hell was going on with this chick. Was she not turned on and aroused I thought. When I tried to take off her shirt, I faced massive resistance and she pulled her shirt back on. After this going back and forth for what felt like an externity, I eventually grabbed her and put her on top of me and then grabbed her shirt and pulled from the top which made her assist me. I was finally able to get her shirt off. Now the only thing left was her pants and panties. I continued making out with her and going back to sucking on her breasts while slowly reaching lower and lower to her pants. But I was met with another obstacle. She had some weird ass belt on her pants and I could not for the love of god take it off no matter how hard I tried while fighting off her hands trying to push my hands away. Eventually I found out there was a zipper on the side of her pants. After locating that, it was much easier to slowly remove her pants. She kept on pushing my hand away, but still allowing me to suck on her titties. I decided to start rubbing my fingers on the outside on her vagina to turn her on. Her pants felt moist. She was getting turned on. At first, she would not have any of it, but eventually I think I turned her on enough that she her resistance was practically zero and then with that I managed to shove one hand down her panties and then start rubbing her clitoris on the inside of her pants. Her pussy was all wet. She mourned like crazy despite trying to fight it. Then she muttered something in vietnamese that I didn't understand. I think she said she was a virgin or something. No matter, we had gone too far now. I slowly got her pants lower and lower and then lifted her panties down and went down on her. She instantly let out a loud mourn as I ate her vagina. Her eyes closed and head rocked back while she put one hand on my head. I was almost there. I just needed to remove the rest of her pants and then stick it in.

I managed to remove her pants but then when I tried to position here near my cupboard so that I could grab my condoms. She cuddled up like a turtle. Shit! I was so close. She grabbed two pillows and put them between her body. I had to restart everything now but I was fucking exhausted. I was ready to throw in the towel but I knew I was extremely close. She covered her face with the pillow and prevented me from kissing her face so I kissed her shoulders and body instead. Eventually I lifted the pillow enough to have access to her mouth and we made out again. Then I went down to her neck, earlobes, and shoulder. Then down to her breasts while still trying to rub her vagina. She wouldn't let me touch her vagina and kept on saying that she was a virgin so I stayed up top for a while. After another 15 minutes or so of this shit, I finally got down to her vagina again and ate that pussy. For some reason, she pussy did not stink like the other girls. I'm not sure its because she was a virgin or perhaps she had washed it or what but I actually enjoyed eating her vagina while she mourned like crazy and had her hands on the back of my head while both of my hands were cupping her breasts. I then got up and grabbed a condom but she curled up again. Fuck!

This time, even more so then previously. Eventually we started to talk and she asked me if she was a bad girl for doing this with me. I managed to cool her LMR through reasoning and telling her this is normal and that people have sex on the first date. We have been going out for like a month now so it was completely normal. Then she asked me wasn't I afraid that she would get pregnant. I then told her I had condoms. She then starts questioning me as to why I have condoms and asked how many girls did I used them with. I just laughed at her face and told her I wanted to be prepared. She was like prepared for what? You planned this all along. I told her I wanted to prepared just in case. After this talk, I went back to square one with the kissing and surprisingly, she finally let up. But now I was facing another big problem.

My dick had become limp. I was completely exhausted. 3 hours of this shit had left me completely drained and tired. I wanted to go to sleep now but I knew I had to at least get it in. But my dick would not cooperate with me as I tried to put it in. I was rubbing my dick up and down her vagina but it would not go in. At one point, it got semi hard and I was able to put it in like 5% but then she complained about pain so I stopped. I tried to get her on top of me and told her to help me but all she could do was cover her eyes with both hands. What the hell? My main chick was now texting me like crazy now since I didn't answer her text from 2 hours ago. I was worried that she was going to find out so after another 30 minutes of this futile attempt, I bowed out. At least I got the tip in lol. I figured I'm gonna have to do this again next time with a lot more time. She got dressed and then called a grab and off she went. Told her to text me when she got home and we spoke for a little bit. She then asked me if she was bad. I told her why and she was like ah forget it. I'm like your a virgin, it's normal. We then bid farewell.

I never expected her to be a virgin since I met her on tinder, but I guess life is full of surprises. This is my first virgin and I have no experience deflowering these girls. Oh ya, I discovered the bad smell isn't coming from her mouth, it's coming from her nose [Image: sad.gif]