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DNC Leak thread - TheSergeant - 07-27-2016

Thanks for StartPage recommendation. My browser is defaulted to DuckDuckGo but I always end up back at Google.

DNC Leak thread - Foolsgo1d - 07-27-2016

Why would gays align themselves with the DNC when its proven they go after men and demonise them to the masses for being gay?

Does not compute. The same goes for Buzzfeed which exposed that billionaire.

DNC Leak thread - nomadbrah - 07-27-2016

DNC Leak thread - El Chinito loco - 07-27-2016

Quote: (07-27-2016 05:30 PM)Foolsgo1d Wrote:  

Why would gays align themselves with the DNC when its proven they go after men and demonise them to the masses for being gay?

Does not compute. The same goes for Buzzfeed which exposed that billionaire.

Two words. Show business. The Democrats have Hollywood firmly in their pocket. Any high profile gay who cames out against the establishment is risking ostracization. Milo talked about this before. That's why he's such a pariah to the left.

DNC Leak thread - John Michael Kane - 07-27-2016

The DNC is the gift that keeps giving:

Hacked DNC Voicemails Released


Another shoe has been dropped by Wikileaks.
On the night President Obama and Vice Presidential nominee Tim Kaine were scheduled to speak to the Democratic National Convention in Philadelphia, the anti-secrecy whistle-blower group released hacked voicemails of top Democratic officials.
Wikileaks put up a page containing 29 mp3 files of calls, identified by phone number, running approximately 14 minutes combined.
The release came just days after Wikileaks’ release of internal Democratic National Committee emails forced the resignation of DNC chairwoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz and cast a pall over the whole convention.
The emails showed that DNC officials had colluded to tip the presidential-primary race toward Hillary Clinton, contrary to Ms. Wasserman Schultz’s repeated insistence at the time that the DNC was remaining neutral.
In an interview with CNN, before the release of the recordings, Wikileaks founder Julian Assange had warned that there was “a lot more material” to come on the U.S. elections.

DNC Leak thread - Last Parade - 07-27-2016

how do you look at that and not see Crooked Hillary and Corrupt Democrat party in general?!

top comment: "It's surprising to see ABC reporting on this." - more upvotes than the next 4 top rated comments combined.

DNC Leak thread - spokepoker - 07-27-2016

DNC Leak thread - Samseau - 07-27-2016

I went through the voice messages... nothing juicy in itself, but there is a funny old lady complaining about Bernie a few messages.



These two are worth the lulz... she uses the n-word [Image: lol.gif]

DNC Leak thread - Jaydublin - 07-27-2016

^. They say it is Pelosi

DNC Leak thread - Bacchus - 07-27-2016

Shit, I just did a bing search for President Candidates, and the bias is obvious:

[Image: vnfsyg.png]

Trump, who is currently in the lead in the polls, is 1/4 of the size of the Green Party Candidate.

DNC Leak thread - weambulance - 07-27-2016


[Image: dodgy.gif]

As a programmer I wish I understood more about how these big tech companies make money, because I think there's definitely a market for actually impartial versions of things like Twitter, Google, Wikipedia, etc.

DNC Leak thread - eradicator - 07-28-2016

Quote: (07-27-2016 09:28 PM)Jaydublin Wrote:  

^. They say it is Pelosi

16842 sounds like the same woman bitching about Bernie Sanders, she says she is on a fixed income and still donating money to Hillary. It's sort of funny but sad as well that there are actual elderly people giving money they don't have to try to help Hillary win. Sad

Edit, and what exactly am I listening for? That the DNC charges money in exchange for favors? Isn't that a given? If there was some shiek talking about giving cash in exchange for underage sex and dropping a deuce on an underage girl, that would be a bit more problematic, but that sounds more like an area for the Clinton Foundation, not the DNC. They are more into trying to rig the election, and from what I am listening to so far, they already played that card last week and nothing really that sexy in today's information dump.

DNC Leak thread - Penta Sahi - 07-28-2016

Quote: (07-27-2016 05:27 PM)TheSergeant Wrote:  

Thanks for StartPage recommendation. My browser is defaulted to DuckDuckGo but I always end up back at Google.

I'm finding that Google is giving me less and less search results, usually when I'm trying to reverse image search something from one of the Chans, but even for regular text searches I find that sometimes I get less results than I do Bing.

I know that Google has an army of search engine evaluators that manually comb through results and flag things that are "problematic" (both from a usability perspective and a content perspective). My conclusion is that Google is doing some SJW-style filtering of results.

For images and videos, Bing > Google.

And Duck Duck Go really sucks. It's not even close.

DNC Leak thread - username - 07-28-2016

Quote: (07-27-2016 11:31 PM)weambulance Wrote:  

As a programmer I wish I understood more about how these big tech companies make money, because I think there's definitely a market for actually impartial versions of things like Twitter, Google, Wikipedia, etc.

There is a huge market for that. Twitter will be the first to fall.

The secret is that these big sites are more like advertising agencies than content providers. Sure they start out as content providers but then they add the advertising and start making billions and then they pivot their focus from the users to the advertisers. Yes almost every tech company is left wing/sjw but a lot of it is driven by advertisers who are left wing/sjw. They tell the sites "we don't want anything that will offend our potential customers" and the sites kill users' opinions that don't fall in line with the group think.

DNC Leak thread - The Beast1 - 07-28-2016

Quote: (07-28-2016 05:40 AM)username Wrote:  

Quote: (07-27-2016 11:31 PM)weambulance Wrote:  

As a programmer I wish I understood more about how these big tech companies make money, because I think there's definitely a market for actually impartial versions of things like Twitter, Google, Wikipedia, etc.

There is a huge market for that. Twitter will be the first to fall.

The secret is that these big sites are more like advertising agencies than content providers. Sure they start out as content providers but then they add the advertising and start making billions and then they pivot their focus from the users to the advertisers. Yes almost every tech company is left wing/sjw but a lot of it is driven by advertisers who are left wing/sjw. They tell the sites "we don't want anything that will offend our potential customers" and the sites kill users' opinions that don't fall in line with the group think.

The trick would be to convince these big companies to make a similarly branded product and in "name" only LLC company as a means to capture market share from people who find SJW and other causes disgusting.

They could care less what people think about their products so long as they buy it. Having the exact same product with a slightly different label and brand name would do away with that.

DNC Leak thread - Diogenes - 07-28-2016

Quote: (07-28-2016 05:40 AM)username Wrote:  

Quote: (07-27-2016 11:31 PM)weambulance Wrote:  

As a programmer I wish I understood more about how these big tech companies make money, because I think there's definitely a market for actually impartial versions of things like Twitter, Google, Wikipedia, etc.

There is a huge market for that. Twitter will be the first to fall.

The secret is that these big sites are more like advertising agencies than content providers. Sure they start out as content providers but then they add the advertising and start making billions and then they pivot their focus from the users to the advertisers. Yes almost every tech company is left wing/sjw but a lot of it is driven by advertisers who are left wing/sjw. They tell the sites "we don't want anything that will offend our potential customers" and the sites kill users' opinions that don't fall in line with the group think.

People who use twitter and facebook make the mistake of thinking they are customers. Wrong. A customer is someone who gives you money for a good or service. Who gives twitter and facebook money? Not the users - the advertisers. The advertisers are their customers and the users are the product, being served up to the real customers on a silver platter. Why stop at trying to convince the user (a.k.a. mug punter) to buy whatever piece of garbage the advertiser is trying to sell. Why not try to sell the advertiser's world view as well. In the long run, that could be far more profitable.

DNC Leak thread - J. Spice - 07-28-2016

The Crippled America/Mein Kampf thing is more than likely a result of trolls and not bias by Google. Terms that are searched for together show similar results. Back in the early 2000's a group of left-wing trolls spent days googling "George W. Bush miserable failure" so that whenever you searched for the words "miserable failure", the White House page would be the first result. So this is probably a few lefties with botnets doing the same thing. Now if Google knows about it and isn't correcting it, that's a different story.

DNC Leak thread - Suits - 07-28-2016

Quote: (07-28-2016 06:32 AM)J. Spice Wrote:  

Back in the early 2000's a group of left-wing trolls spent days googling "George W. Bush miserable failure" so that whenever you searched for the words "miserable failure", the White House page would be the first result.

OK, that's pretty funny.

DNC Leak thread - TravelerKai - 07-28-2016

Julian may get himself killed soon. It's obvious that he is waiting for Obama and many others to step into Hillary's shit and get neck deep before he releases the worst of what he has. Obama has called Hillary fit to lead. Now he has punchlines he can use on Twitter to flog her on each damning leak in the next sets.

I think the only reason he is alive is because the UK does not have the barbaric gall or legal means to conduct an assassination mission on their own soil, inside a foreign embassy. We would have done it if that embassy was on our own soil, but America, China, or Russia would be the only countries willing to do something that extreme. Even Obama is not bloodthirsty/stupid enough to send SEALs or SOG operators into the UK to get him.

I think he realizes that he will no longer be allowed to leave that embassy. Leaving equals death. Many Republicans and Dems here have called on Obama to kill him and have called him a terrorist. Obama would lose on optics in Europe and Internationally. I am quite certain several countries would denounce us. No one here would care if he kills him. Julian should avoid windows.

Wiki really does not need him all that much to continue their work. Everyone has copies of the drops. Killing him won't solve anything. They worked without his lead on several occasions before. If anything his ego has kept them from doing more at times and they have more level headed people that could take the reins better.

Those voicemails were a small appetizer. Something bigger is coming because Julian has shown a pattern now and it will be any moment now or after Hillary's speech.

DNC Leak thread - CynicalContrarian - 07-28-2016

Somewhat ironic that Assange's haven became his virtual prison.

DNC Leak thread - Duke Castile - 07-28-2016

Is there a synopsis of Assange's story I can read?

edit - one that's accurate

DNC Leak thread - CynicalContrarian - 07-28-2016

[Image: CoZ-5OWUkAAphph.jpg]

DNC Leak thread - TravelerKai - 07-28-2016

I think Wikileaks got stuff from Guccifer2.0 and people inside the party (maybe the 27 year old that was murdered recently). Only Guccifer2.0 is Russian (allegedly). It's also possible other hackers gave them items as well considering how poor their security is. Russia's involvement may just amount to harboring various cyber criminals that may have hacked them. Is it their responsibility to arrest them? Only if their local laws were broken. Is it their duty to extradite? No, because there is no treaty for that, unless they want an exchange for one of their citizens in our prisons. (not likely)

Wikileaks could have gotten some of these emails or items from the Deepweb as well. People sell, barter, and trade all manner of statecraft down there.

Anytime an old fogey politician demands hackers or groups like Wikileaks "be shut down", the cold hard reality is that it is more complicated than just "unplugging" something from a wall. So all they do is resort to the good ole fashioned spin machine. When Roosh said that nerds would control the future, he was spot on. Information has always been power and when unpowerful people can gain powerful forms of information, things will change. We are full swing in The Information Age. I don't think we have come close to the zenith either of this age.

What is the likelihood that Guccifer2.0 is a Russian Intelligence Agent? Not likely because he brags. Russia has alot of hackers that steal credit cards, media, documents, etc. Mercenary hackers for hire. China does as well, but they are not government paid agents. When that grid/scada attack happened awhile back it had markings of Russian military and no one bragged or took credit. Some in the security community think that was Russia running a test wargame to see what their capabilities are. I think it was a message to Obama about those Patriots and messing with Russian sphere countries.

I think if Russia was behind it, he would have dumped it out without giving a shit. Like dumping a huge trove of the files into the deepweb and let scavengers collect it all and it just surface on it's own. I am not convinced he would directly work with Julian and he does not like him or Wikileaks. Not saying it isn't possible for him to use his own enemies, but just does not look plausible. If he is like any other country he probably just monitors for attacks on his own assets. Don't let the US fool you, the FBI won't investigate you hacking companies in the UK, unless they report you first or they are a bank and you stole money.

Putin has a good sense of humor. I wonder if he bothered to call the White House to make a troll comment with alot of snark. A good one would be, "I heard you had a hacking that may have originated from here, would you like for us to investigate it for you?" then laugh on the phone. Probably doesn't give a fuck.

DNC Leak thread - BassPlayaYo - 07-28-2016


Philadelphia (CNN)Wikileaks released a series of voicemails Wednesday from the Democratic National Committee hack showing donors plying top-level officials for favors, and one donor expressing outrage that Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders had won a say in the drafting of the party's platform.

In one of the 29 voicemails released, a woman who donated $300 to Clinton called the party finance director Andrew Wright and said she was angry the party was acquiescing to Sanders by allowing liberal activist and prominent Sanders surrogate Cornel West to have one of 15 seats on the party's platform-writing panel.

DNC Leak thread - Slim Shady - 07-28-2016

I just realized this, not sure if it has been brought to light here.

Schultz was the co-Chair for the Hillary campaign in 2008, which lost to Obama. To ensure that this did not happen in the future, Hillary needed to have someone on the inside of the DNC to rig the election. So to get Schultz in as Chair of the DNC she would need the support of the current chair, and for him to step down. Schultz took over as Chair of the DNC in 2011, from none other than Tim Kaine, who served as chair from 2009 to 2011.

I do not think it was ever in doubt that Kaine would be Hillary's running mate. She had promised him the position over 5 years ago.