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The Russia Thread - Courage Reborn - 06-16-2014

Quote: (06-15-2014 08:56 PM)Pacesetter20 Wrote:  

five Russian cities now, and my absolute favorite is Moscow. Roosh you are in Mecca, no need to leave unless you want some culture or specific travel experiences

Have you lived in St. P? If so, how does it compare?

The Russia Thread - Pacesetter20 - 06-16-2014

Quote: (06-16-2014 08:52 AM)Courage Reborn Wrote:  

Quote: (06-15-2014 08:56 PM)Pacesetter20 Wrote:  

five Russian cities now, and my absolute favorite is Moscow. Roosh you are in Mecca, no need to leave unless you want some culture or specific travel experiences

Have you lived in St. P? If so, how does it compare?
IMO it was a clear step below Moscow, but better than the other three (Irkutsk, Yekaterinburg and Sochi) that I was in.

The Russia Thread - Menace - 06-16-2014

So does this mean if you don't like Moscow, or can't live there (for whatever reason), there is no point being in Russia? Seems kind of crazy to reduce a country like that to one city. Or is this a function of wanting a certain volume of women?

The Russia Thread - jimukr104 - 06-16-2014

I get the impression Moscow is decent for long term living because one would get reduced expenses as they learn the city.
@Menace seems like you were balling at 9k a month..very nice!

I think he means it makes no sense to live there if he doesn't need to be there since he can get similar quality elsewhere without going broke.

I also believe a city that size will be like NYC . It will have high end and other venues serving other income ranges. But of course if one lives center and only eats out in center one will feel the crunch.

I suspect most big cities are like that. Go local/native and it becomes more manageable. Advantage of Moscow is regardless of how one plays the game there will be hundreds of thousands of women.

The Russia Thread - simondice - 06-16-2014

Quote: (06-16-2014 05:59 AM)Roosh Wrote:  

I agree, but for a guy who has had a certain lifestyle for a couple years, to have to greatly adjust in Moscow in order to maybe get girls who aren't significantly better than Ukraine, is a tough pill to swallow. If my job was dependent on living in Moscow, then I can do that, but I'm free (maybe too free) to live anywhere. Unless I fall deeply in love within the next 10 days, I won't be able to rationalize staying.

Uncle Roosh has been spoiled by easy pussy and location independence [Image: lol.gif]

The Russia Thread - RandomGuy1 - 06-16-2014

Quote: (06-15-2014 10:47 PM)presidentcarter Wrote:  


Very helpful post, thanks!

The Russia Thread - MaxRitter - 06-16-2014

OK I see you will not write a book about Russia but can you at least do a video and simply tell your experiences like you did with Colombia and Ukraine? Also a detailed comparison post on Russian vs Ukrainian girls in terms of looks/personality would be nice, like the one you did on the Baltic girls. Overall though, are Ukrainian girls easier to bang than the Russian ones in your opinion? which ones you liked better in terms of personality?

The Russia Thread - samsamsam - 06-16-2014

Quote: (06-16-2014 07:07 AM)slubu Wrote:  

- ONS from Barbados on Thursday (Menace actually helped me out winging, but I had to put in a lot of time to outlast her work friends)

slubu, as always, appreciate your insights.

This quote made me think of it as an Olympic sport. You had to outlast your opponents.

Or one of those contests where people are touching a car and the one who keeps contact longest wins it. [Image: lol.gif]

The Russia Thread - BigDave - 06-16-2014

Quote: (06-16-2014 10:38 AM)jimukr104 Wrote:  

I suspect most big cities are like that. Go local/native and it becomes more manageable. Advantage of Moscow is regardless of how one plays the game there will be hundreds of thousands of women.

This is somewhat true, but in the case of Moscow "going local" means basically not going out at night at all, or very rarely. I told Roosh, for its size Moscow has a lack of affordable nightlife options, it's really dominated by the high-end. It reinforces the facts of daily life that even in Moscow there is a tiny upper class and the huge masses, who barely meet the Western definition of "lower middle class."

Keep in mind the average salary in Moscow is 60k rubles a month ($1,700 or 1,275 euros). And many younger people make less than that. I have younger colleagues in entry-level positions that are making more like 30-40k, and this is at a major organization well known throughout Russia. Of course many Muscovites aren't paying for housing since they inherited their flats after the fall of the Soviet Union.

Besides maybe the Baltics, Moscow is the only place in the FSU where a Westerner can move and make a decent living with a local job. That is why I am here, but if I had a location-independent income stream I'd move to Eastern Europe.

The Russia Thread - BigDave - 06-16-2014

Quote: (06-16-2014 09:59 AM)Menace Wrote:  

So does this mean if you don't like Moscow, or can't live there (for whatever reason), there is no point being in Russia? Seems kind of crazy to reduce a country like that to one city. Or is this a function of wanting a certain volume of women?

Moscow has the advantage of a cosmopolitan atmosphere, so there are young professional women out there looking to just have a good time on the weekends.

St. Pete has some of that, too, but less so. Beyond that and it's more conservative, relationship-focused. But if you can invest in living someplace long term, there are lots of cities that are much cheaper to live in, and a few that are actually reasonably nice in terms of architecture, quality of life, etc.

Smolensk, Pskov, Rostov-on-Don, Yaroslavl, Kazan, Nizhny Novgorod, and maybe a few others. I spent six months in a Russian city like that and it was the best I've done in Russia in terms of quality of bangs, but it was basically simultaneous medium-term relationships with several women. That's what the Russian guys do too.

The Russia Thread - lifestyle - 06-16-2014

Dave:The Russian girls are aware of the other girls or did you keep it secret? Did they want anything more?

The Russia Thread - turkishcandy - 06-16-2014

Seriously, how do Moscow girls afford living in this city then? If they are rich enough to live in Moscow, how come they are walking around in clubs looking for free drinks and guys to extract?

The Russia Thread - BigDave - 06-16-2014

Quote: (06-16-2014 05:35 PM)lifestyle Wrote:  

Dave:The Russian girls are aware of the other girls or did you keep it secret? Did they want anything more?

Well I tried to keep it discrete, but it didn't always work. To some extent it's just expected, unless you have a serious relationship. I had one girl tell me weeks after the fact that she had seen me out on a date, but she just chose to ignore it.

The Russia Thread - Roosh - 06-18-2014

Little update:

I've never had so many solid prospects that want to date (3) with such few approaches (I've done less than 20). Girls kiss and touch fast, but sex is not fast. Last night I had a third date with a girl... we're holding hands, feeding each other food and shit, kissing, but she's not ready to bang (we've spent over 15 hours with each other). I'm not upset, but I'm probably going to run out of time, and with the cost issue, I don't think it's going to work out for me in Moscow in terms of staying permanently.

The city is growing on me, but if I weigh the pros and cons logically, many other cities would be better for me based on my needs. I'm ready to move Moscow to the maybe pile.

The Russia Thread - Roosh - 06-18-2014

Also I don't know how you guys maintain such a vigorous dating schedule, especially if you're in your 30's like me. It feels like a second job. This is the price you must pay if you're on a time limit.

The Russia Thread - slubu - 06-18-2014

Quote: (06-18-2014 07:48 AM)Roosh Wrote:  

Also I don't know how you guys maintain such a vigorous dating schedule, especially if you're in your 30's like me. It feels like a second job. This is the price you must pay if you're on a time limit.

The bang justifies the means. [Image: biggrin.gif]

But seriously, coffee and not masturbating.

The Russia Thread - Menace - 06-18-2014

Well Roosh, most of us are not also working. You work during the day and then to do massive dating, yeah, it takes a lot of energy. Consider getting some modafinil to keep things going.

The Russia Thread - Akula - 06-18-2014

Quote: (06-18-2014 07:48 AM)Roosh Wrote:  

Also I don't know how you guys maintain such a vigorous dating schedule, especially if you're in your 30's like me. It feels like a second job. This is the price you must pay if you're on a time limit.

Wait til you hit 40 [Image: smile.gif]

Even in Moscow, despite the army of hotties I was pretty dead after a week of work and just couldn't stay out til dawn anymore after the first couple of years so had to adjust my game. Staying out til 6am saturday and then hitting work at 9am Monday felt like jetlag.

The Russia Thread - RandomGuy1 - 06-18-2014

Quote: (06-16-2014 06:22 PM)turkishcandy Wrote:  

Seriously, how do Moscow girls afford living in this city then? If they are rich enough to live in Moscow, how come they are walking around in clubs looking for free drinks and guys to extract?

Don't get paranoid. Roosh and co are only in the center of Moscow.. if you go into the outskirts you will find of course normal girls which have theire own job and flat and...

The "sponsored-by-daddy-chicks" are mostly in this area where all the "travel-guys" went. Nothing special.. [Image: smile.gif]

The Russia Thread - Roosh - 06-18-2014


if you go into the outskirts

Which would I rather do to get pussy...

-live in the center of a small Siberian town
-live in the outskirts of Moscow

Tough decision, actually.

The Russia Thread - turkishcandy - 06-18-2014

Why the 2 options? Why not St. Petersburg?

The Russia Thread - jimukr104 - 06-18-2014

Quote: (06-18-2014 02:50 PM)Roosh Wrote:  


if you go into the outskirts

Which would I rather do to get pussy...

-live in the center of a small Siberian town
-live in the outskirts of Moscow

Tough decision, actually.

Pretty easy. In many of the large 1st tier FSU cities the actual outskirts have nightlife, bars, restaurants, supermarkets, and GIRLS.
The outskirts probably in Moscow have 10x more stuff to do/go than the main street in a non tourist mini city.

The Russia Thread - Christian McQueen - 06-18-2014

I think you'll get bored in a smaller town.

Outskirts of Moscow gives you more options and life is ALL about having options.

Plus you'll have girls who can speak english too, so you can have variety. Having to speak Russian all the time is probably exhausting enough. Granted, you'll develop it more in a smaller town, but I think I'd go nuts not having some english speaking girls around too.

The Russia Thread - Roosh - 06-18-2014

I was being rhetorical. Both are options I wouldn't do.

In fact, I'm going back to Odessa. I just booked the flight. Doing so has been one of the easiest travel decisions I've had to make.

The Russia Thread - Travesty - 06-18-2014

If I knew how to easily post an Ari Gold "Boom!" hand gesture GIF it would be here.