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The Power an amazing physique has over women - AnonymousBosch - 03-22-2017

Quote: (03-22-2017 06:54 PM)Nascimento Wrote:  

Any back training tips?

I've been training my back like crazy lately because I know it can take a lot more punishment than most give it credit for. Big and underworked muscle groups and all that. Curious to know what are your staples and if there's something in particular you suggest.

You have your standard rows (cable / dumbbell), lat pulldowns (wide and close grip), extensions, and deadlifts, but for me, the best bang for your buck is the basic Pullup and Chinup: (once again, wide and close grip). Mainly because they're easy to do almost anywhere without equipment: there's always something you can hang on. Remember, you can also wear a weight vest to make the exercise more difficult.

If you're serious about it:

When I was down in Tasmania last year, I picked up a sturdier version of one of these bastards cheap at a garage sale, as was so impressed, I spent a weekend driving the damn thing back across the strait, which meant 12 hours on a ferry. It's now in the older back shed at my place, which I use as a gym / workshop.

[Image: MD_2100_Power_Tower_Dips__65971.13528211...0.1280.jpg]

Mates have commented on how much harder pullups are than they look. A mate of mine and is son are currently living in my house, and he's commented that his boy (14) is now showing interest in using the gym. Good for him.

It even functioned as a makeshift bookshelf in between use.

The Power an amazing physique has over women - Balkan - 03-23-2017

Quote: (03-22-2017 06:54 PM)Nascimento Wrote:  

Quote: (03-15-2017 05:25 AM)AnonymousBosch Wrote:  

A girl I banged in my early twenties used to spend our sex sessions just raking my lats with her long fingernails. She explained it was that I was just too wide to reach around, and it drove her nuts. I've noticed that the moment I'm in any kind of 'looming' position over a sex partner, she'll generally go for the lats, biceps or traps, and clutch in a death grip like she's fighting at a high-class handbag sale. They're drawn to not only touch the muscles, but to test them, almost as if they're trying to see if you're unbreakable. Don't flinch, even with the nails.

Maybe it's so they could cower behind you as a shield when the wolves attacked.

Any back training tips?

I've been training my back like crazy lately because I know it can take a lot more punishment than most give it credit for. Big and underworked muscle groups and all that. Curious to know what are your staples and if there's something in particular you suggest.

Obviously like any bodypart, progressive overload of the basic compounds is the winning equation but here's some specific advice for back.

If you have narrow frame, like me :/ , and struggle to recruit proper lat development (arms overpower) during pull ups, give rack chins a dry. It's basically a lat-isolated pull up. It forces the mind-body connection, which is often needed to hit your lats. Add dumbbells across your waist and go slow, at least 2-3 seconds on the negatives.

To get a large portion of the deadlift ROI with less risk, try rack pulls. I usually pull from my knee up.

Not necessarily for hypertrophy, but reverse hypers on a yoga ball are helpful for general back health/posture. Your gym might have a reverse hyper machine but it's unlikely and you usually have to jimmy the exercise with yoga balls etc.

The Power an amazing physique has over women - Steelex - 03-23-2017

Sounds like Balkan may be on the DC training band wagon too.

The Power an amazing physique has over women - Irenicus - 04-01-2017

I agree with most of the posts that are written here. Despite all the crap you hear...all women dig a good body. Feminist, hipster, exceptions. You can't ignore biology and millions of years of evolution.

All what I am about to write ain't theory. I went through all of this, and I believe I know about what I am talking about.

When I was a naive kid, I swallowed the whole propaganda that you hear on MSM - big guys are stupid and shallow, while small guys (like I was) are smart and open minded (or something). Instead of putting an effort to improve my body, I was spending most of my free time reading books and playing video games. Of course, I have benefited from both (I have explained how somewhere - I still have a geeky side, as you can see!)...but I have neglected my body totally. Nobody invited me to play sports, because I was not good enough!. And in all honesty...I can't blame anyone but myself for that.

Now, although I was skinny (I believe I was 64kg/141 lb heavy, 185cm /73'' tall), I was considered ''cute'' (2nd most beautiful in my generation). Regardless, I did not have a GF because all the girls I was attracted to either friend zoned me or did not want nowhere near me. Only landwhales and those average looking were interested - a sentiment which I did not share. It made no sense to me then - how come that I, a good looking skinny dude, was losing good looking girls to some big and stupid dudebros. Now, it SMV back then did not come even close to the SMV my ''targets'' had!.

Now, 9 years after HS, I am a completely different person. I am bigger, smarter, and by God, more beautiful. Although I still did not reach the magic 90kg/200 lb mark...I ain't that far -86kg/189lb (might need another year or two to blow the magic wall to pieces)...IOI's have increased like 1000 times compared to my HS days.

I could write a whole book about this subject, but I'll focus what happened to me today.

Saturday is my ''off day'' from the gym - I usually ride a bike (for like 20km/10 miles). Especially on sunny days. Now...when I was driving on a bike lane, I saw a girl on a bike driving opposite my direction. She tucked her lips (a mother of all IOI's, at least where I live) ...stopped her bike... and stared at me. I did not like her looks (short hair, chubby...verdict: WNB), so I kept driving.

A few hours later, I have finished driving. I had returned my bike to the terminal by then, and I was going home by foot. On route, I saw a hipster and an hipsterette. Both likely younger than 18, and in relationship (they were holding hands). The hipsterette (nothing special, but fuckable) tried to hide her IOI's (she really struggled)...but...all resistance is futile against a member of the RVF crew. She broke down, and threw a whole barrage of IOI projectiles on me front of her BF. The hispter guy saw it God...the look of his face was epic!. I could go full Neanderthal and take away his girl...but...I couldn't do it. I really (!!) felt sorry for him...because...I used to be in the same position at his age.

Again, 100 years of feminism can not, and will not undo millions of years of evolution. Girls dig a good body. Anyone who is telling you otherwise is lying to you, and to himself. I believed in that lie, and I suffered because of that - most of you did as well, no doubt. Take care of your body folks, and trust you will reap benefits.

The Power an amazing physique has over women - giama - 04-02-2017

Quote: (04-01-2017 04:53 PM)Irenicus Wrote:  

I agree with most of the posts that are written here. Despite all the crap you hear...all women dig a good body. Feminist, hipster, exceptions. You can't ignore biology and millions of years of evolution.

All what I am about to write ain't theory. I went through all of this, and I believe I know about what I am talking about.

When I was a naive kid, I swallowed the whole propaganda that you hear on MSM - big guys are stupid and shallow, while small guys (like I was) are smart and open minded (or something). Instead of putting an effort to improve my body, I was spending most of my free time reading books and playing video games. Of course, I have benefited from both (I have explained how somewhere - I still have a geeky side, as you can see!)...but I have neglected my body totally. Nobody invited me to play sports, because I was not good enough!. And in all honesty...I can't blame anyone but myself for that.

Now, although I was skinny (I believe I was 64kg/141 lb heavy, 185cm /73'' tall), I was considered ''cute'' (2nd most beautiful in my generation). Regardless, I did not have a GF because all the girls I was attracted to either friend zoned me or did not want nowhere near me. Only landwhales and those average looking were interested - a sentiment which I did not share. It made no sense to me then - how come that I, a good looking skinny dude, was losing good looking girls to some big and stupid dudebros. Now, it SMV back then did not come even close to the SMV my ''targets'' had!.

Now, 9 years after HS, I am a completely different person. I am bigger, smarter, and by God, more beautiful. Although I still did not reach the magic 90kg/200 lb mark...I ain't that far -86kg/189lb (might need another year or two to blow the magic wall to pieces)...IOI's have increased like 1000 times compared to my HS days.

I could write a whole book about this subject, but I'll focus what happened to me today.

Saturday is my ''off day'' from the gym - I usually ride a bike (for like 20km/10 miles). Especially on sunny days. Now...when I was driving on a bike lane, I saw a girl on a bike driving opposite my direction. She tucked her lips (a mother of all IOI's, at least where I live) ...stopped her bike... and stared at me. I did not like her looks (short hair, chubby...verdict: WNB), so I kept driving.

A few hours later, I have finished driving. I had returned my bike to the terminal by then, and I was going home by foot. On route, I saw a hipster and an hipsterette. Both likely younger than 18, and in relationship (they were holding hands). The hipsterette (nothing special, but fuckable) tried to hide her IOI's (she really struggled)...but...all resistance is futile against a member of the RVF crew. She broke down, and threw a whole barrage of IOI projectiles on me front of her BF. The hispter guy saw it God...the look of his face was epic!. I could go full Neanderthal and take away his girl...but...I couldn't do it. I really (!!) felt sorry for him...because...I used to be in the same position at his age.

Again, 100 years of feminism can not, and will not undo millions of years of evolution. Girls dig a good body. Anyone who is telling you otherwise is lying to you, and to himself. I believed in that lie, and I suffered because of that - most of you did as well, no doubt. Take care of your body folks, and trust you will reap benefits.

Real talk.

Most 8s and 9s that i had flings with entered LTR with guys that were gym guys. When i wasnt into it. I have always been a yoyo person, slim/built/slim built so i see the different reactions.

Now im into Gym the IOI are way higher, girls are like bloodhounds, they can smell testosterone.

Eatting well and working outs speak to her primally, in the same way that a woman's hips speak to guys as being a heatlhy option to give birth.

Also there is a confidence you have knowing that when you walk into a room you are physically in the top 5% , Posture is very important, gym improves posture.

there have been times in a club when a girl hovers and i know im gonna get the number before i even got it. Most of the 7s and 8s, will show indications. I haven't bothered cold calling since i was a teenager.

Its nice when you are undeniably in better shape then the girl. there is certain level of respect given by all people when you are in shape.

Currently 6'4 and 248pounds, (when im 220-225 the IOI drop, respect drops)

Physique can get you selected, so i lead with it. Its no quick solution, but i feel like its buying a fishing rod, vs. buying a fish. Gift of the gab is natural, cant be learned or earned in my experience. but a great body can be earned.

In my city if you want to hold down 8s and 9s for long term smashing you either need to have at least 2 of the following- great social network, great physique, money, model looks, game.

sometimes just 1 of these isnt enough, competitive city

The Power an amazing physique has over women - giama - 04-02-2017

Its also funny in my gym, there is actually a fair few decent looking girls that attend, some with some nice bodies, and its very obvious they cant take a look.

(not tooting my horn) TBH im not in amazing shape, just pretty good shape, coupled with the fact that there is not much great physiques in my gym (its all relative, if a youtube gym guy walked in the gym id look like nothing). A lot of couples come and you can see how the women get friendlier the more in shape you get, the difference between when i started at the gym to now is night and day.

The Power an amazing physique has over women - rudebwoy - 04-03-2017

I love reading these inspiring stories.

Keep them coming.

I am at 197, hope to reach my goal of 200llbs in a month or so.
Been eating more food, drinking more water, working out harder and of course the dreaded cardio.
Some of the workouts have left me a bit light headed and hungry as hell.

Also had a few new girls join the gym.

One has made her interest in me so obvious, this is how I like it. Normal don't fuck up game should close the deal.

The Power an amazing physique has over women - rudebwoy - 04-04-2017

Met an old friend in the mall yesterday.

Dude is 6 feet 4 and around 270llbs, he has big arms and a strong presence.

I laughed as people walked by us and gawked at him, mostly guys walking with their girls. The girls would take a quick peek but did not want to risk their guy seeing them.

Some Indian dudes that were visiting, stared like he was Mike Tyson or someone famous. They stopped him and asked for a pic, he obliged and we both laughed. When they left, he told me he gets that stuff all the time. Mostly from Chinese tourists and Russians.

I have known him for quite a long time, he did put in a lot of work too look like that.

A few cycles I am sure helped him get to that point.

The Power an amazing physique has over women - giama - 04-04-2017

how tall are you rudeboy

presence drives women crazy to, i think 50% of presence can be earned in the gym, but there are some intangibles in relation to presence i feel.

The Power an amazing physique has over women - rudebwoy - 04-04-2017

Î am only 5 feet 11, on a good day..

Yeah he has a lot of presence, although I would say I am in better shape than he is.

The Power an amazing physique has over women - LastKing - 04-04-2017

Bikini season is almost here boys, eat as much as you can, lift every other day, hit the cardio, make a weight gainer shake between meals.

Summertime is when the love happens.

Let's get it.

The Power an amazing physique has over women - giama - 04-04-2017

Anthony Joshua Physique pending LOL

The Power an amazing physique has over women - Icarus - 07-28-2017

Stacey Thompson interviews Flex Lewis after he won the 2011 British Grand Prix:

Discussed on Female reporter very taken with muscle guy.

The Power an amazing physique has over women - Rush87 - 07-28-2017

Just guessing here, but anyone who doesn't think you can pull girls purely by being 200+ at 10% probably isn't anywhere close to 200+ and 10%.

The Power an amazing physique has over women - zatara - 07-28-2017

Quote: (07-28-2017 04:51 AM)Rush87 Wrote:  

Just guessing here, but anyone who doesn't think you can pull girls purely by being 200+ at 10% probably isn't anywhere close to 200+ and 10%.

You never see any of the regular long-term posters from the Weightlifting forum doubting this in all the threads like this one. Nobody whos personally been in great shape ever doubts the power of it. Its always skinny/fat guys trying to justify why they shouldn't bother to workout who'll write page long theoretical posts arguing why its overrated.

The Power an amazing physique has over women - Fortis - 07-28-2017

Quote: (07-28-2017 05:12 AM)zatara Wrote:  

Quote: (07-28-2017 04:51 AM)Rush87 Wrote:  

Just guessing here, but anyone who doesn't think you can pull girls purely by being 200+ at 10% probably isn't anywhere close to 200+ and 10%.

You never see any of the regular long-term posters from the Weightlifting forum doubting this in all the threads like this one. Nobody whos personally been in great shape ever doubts the power of it. Its always skinny/fat guys trying to justify why they shouldn't bother to workout who'll write page long theoretical posts arguing why its overrated.

Amen, I'm like 75Kg soaking wet but low bodyfat and muscular in East Asia and this is like being maybe 90KG in America in terms of how you're viewed.

I was at my gym doing shoulders and the gym owner came up and asked me if he could snap photos of me for the gym advertisements. I let him do it and got free professional fitness photos that I can use for okcupid, tinder, tantan or whatever other dating service I like. Not to mention, it'll be cool when i'm old and in the nursing home to have cool-ass fitness photos hanging up. This would have never happened if I had been ok with being a skinny dude the rest of my life.

I was out with a group of friends a few weeks back and my friend's wife with us and this woman could not keep her hands off of me. It was straight up disrespectful to her husband. She kept complimenting me on my physique and asking my friend why he wasn't in as good shape as me. Again, this would not have happened if I was skinny. If I were a grimy dude I could have probably banged my friend's wife that night if I had separated them. And guys say asian women don't like black dudes. Ha. Every woman likes muscle.

I suspect that more and more of this sort of thing will happen to me if I get my physique looking even tighter than it already is. It really isn't rocket science and this is coming from a dude who is just athletic looking and not "big."

Any dude who is trying to justify being out of shape is really cheating themselves out of bangs and goodwill from his fellow man.

I even have straight dudes asking me for tips and assuming I'm some sort of fitness guru in Asia. It builds a lot of goodwill with guys when you're the fittest guy in the room. People look up to you and treat you like you're the leader before you even open your mouth.

I have many stories about Chinese girls being disrespectful to their foreign and chinese boyfriends when I'm around simply on the merit of my physique.

I can't wait to see how my results improve when I add another 5-10kg. I imagine I'll have some ridiculous stories when I get there.

The Power an amazing physique has over women - S3K2 - 07-28-2017

My 5'6, 205lbs @ 7% bf physique has led me to only approach 10 woman to every 1 that approaches me. I have a rule where I will not approach more than 10 woman in any span of time until one approaches me. Why? Its motivation to keep dieting. My goal is to cut that 10 approaches down to 5 by years end. We'll see. But Zatara hitbit on the head. A great physique = a lot of pussy. Period. Even with no game you will get laid more than a skinny or fat guy with mediocre game. Now combine a great physique with good game and its a wrap.

The Power an amazing physique has over women - blck - 07-28-2017

Girls doesn't even have to be able to see to get her heart racing in the presence of a good physique

The Power an amazing physique has over women - giama - 07-28-2017

Black guy from london here.

just got back from the gym, girl with a great body asked me to spot her on a lateral pull downs, i was confused as not even a typical exercise to ask for a spot. But no prob,i obliged. we then discussed gym goals, i said just trying to get a bit bigger and tone, she said "yeh you got the body so that should be no problem"

she could just be being friendly/in need of a spot as she is definitely a gym type but in London friendliness is usually a indicator of interest (not a friendly city IMO) the spot was just an opportunity to break the ice on her part i believe. Her body is banging and she has some
real upper body strength too. The gym Indicators increase way more as you progress in gym. Girls dont want to be bothered so when they start bothering you its a good sign

5 months of solid gym has made a great difference to me and the IOI. Things were DRY in february

My current team-
i have a 6.7 (7.2 when dressed up) who cooks, and is fully co-operative, plays a good girlfriend although i dont want to commit. body is a 7.5
a very tall darkskin 6 with a big ass who is very submissive, been tapping her out
a light skin tall model 8 who is asking me to watch POWER with her, but i have logistical issues right now. Not the typical 8 insta chic
a petite black 7 gym rat who is showing good signs of co-operation. will go out with her this weekend, potentialy logistic issues though

In london, atleast. I believe that 5.0-7.0 will fall for a good body, start choosing subtilely and make it easy for you to smash. as you seperate yourself from a lot of guys just by having that gym PRESENCE.

But i still stand by the notion that the 7.5s-9s in London atleast. dont really care for your GYM body, they demand more, be it model looks + gym body, or gym body + baller.

If your VERY good loooking with a gym body maybe you can tap into the 7.5-9 regularly, but the 7.5-9s in London really do hold out for something extra, atleast thats my experience with Urban/mixed/black girls.

i think the majority of genuine 7.5-9s in London are smashing guys earning £150k plus, or footballers/business guys, or very good looking guys model level looks or guys with high social status in the promotional/club industry. Or Wifed up by the above.

Of course there is exceptions, but generally the 7.5-9 is very aware she is always the most attractive girl in the room and is trying to HYPERGAMY for what she considers top notch. Supply and demand, there is more in shape guys in London then there are female dimes (8-10s). Its common to see a in shape black guy in London.

I have to say though i havent been in ridiculously good shape so if i reach that level, my mindset could change. But ive been in good shape as i am now, i may be wrong about my presumptions

I think for most guys, who go gym it makes the female 5.0-7.0 much easier. Especially in the summer months when the girls can see the effort of gym, and the fact that a lot of girls are not really gyming it showcases your value as oppose to hers.

The Power an amazing physique has over women - Cr33pin - 07-28-2017

Quote: (07-28-2017 04:51 AM)Rush87 Wrote:  

Just guessing here, but anyone who doesn't think you can pull girls purely by being 200+ at 10% probably isn't anywhere close to 200+ and 10%.

I was 185 at 8% body fat an it was a game changer.

The Power an amazing physique has over women - Rush87 - 07-28-2017

Quote: (07-28-2017 09:56 AM)Cr33pin Wrote:  

Quote: (07-28-2017 04:51 AM)Rush87 Wrote:  

Just guessing here, but anyone who doesn't think you can pull girls purely by being 200+ at 10% probably isn't anywhere close to 200+ and 10%.

I was 185 at 8% body fat an it was a game changer.

No doubt. Those are some Godly stats right there.

The Power an amazing physique has over women - Australia Sucks - 07-28-2017

Not that I'm in great shape or anything but I have seen with my own eyes first hand how jacked guys get treated better by girls. It definitely does make a difference.

With the above being said if you are in an easy enough country it becomes redundant. Who cares if for example you can double your notch count when your notch count is already high? If you are in a country where its easy to get laid for example let us say the Philippines and you are fucking an average of 10 girls a month who cares if you can fuck more girls by being muscly. You are already fucking 10 girls a month!! The law of declining marginal utility applies here. Fucking more chicks past a certain point/number does not give most guys much additional enjoyment.

The place where its almost necessary to be jacked (yep, I am suffering in Australia by not being in great shape) is when you are in the Anglo-sphere (and western and northern Europe) because its hard and girls are way more looks focused. In the Anglo-sphere, the difference between being jacked and being skinny could be the difference between fucking 20 girls a year versus 2 girls a year.

The Power an amazing physique has over women - Remington - 07-28-2017

When I was in high school, I was 6'6 and weighed 185lbs when I graduated.

I was rail thin, disgusting thin. Could eat whatever I wanted and I couldn't put on weight. Also lifted like crazy because I didn't like people looking at me funny because I was so scrawny.

That turned into a huge insecurity of mine. Still sometimes is an insecurity.

When college rolled around, I didn't really put on a whole lot of weight. Since I was playing sports all day when I wasn't in class, and lifting with the team at night, I was constantly busy to the point that eating a shit ton of food was the only way for me to not lose weight.

By the time I graduated, I weighed 215lbs.

When I got home, I started eating my mother's home cooking and went to the gym like a fucking lunatic. I lived at home for a couple years while I worked and just got ridiculously strong for my body proportions. However, I was only weighing 235lbs at my peak, and couldn't figure out why I couldn't gain any more weight.

My goal was to have my weight between 260lbs-270lbs.

This is where that body insecurity comes to play. Even though I was really cut from living at the gym after work, I still felt like a scrawny piece of shit because I wanted people to look at me and say "damn, that dude is jacked!"

Of course that was to satisfy my ego and not for the betterment of my health.

Once I moved out, I quit going to the gym because traffic was a nightmare where I was and was too lazy to walk. I grew a beer gut, and just looked overall awful.

After moving to my current location, I made a pledge to myself that I would never turn into a gelatinous shit pile again.

I started eating very clean, made sure I went to the gym 4x a week, and got enough sleep every night.

Now, my bodyweight is hovering between 260lbs-265lbs. I feel awesome. I've had people come up to me in the gym that I thought were bigger than me complimenting my lifting numbers and my overall physique. One guy called me a "fucking Viking" because my beard was considerably longer than it is now.

I'm now confident with the way I look. My clothes fit a little tighter and highlight my body. The insecurity I originally had is pretty much gone, I get a lot of women staring me up and down when I walk past them at bars or on the street.

There is still room for improvement. Goals would be to get my body fat percentage under 10% while maintaining current bodyweight and continuing to increase the weight of all my lifts.

I know this is a long read, but I wanted to share my journey with y'all.

The Power an amazing physique has over women - n0000 - 07-28-2017

I have had the opposite results as most people here. I have not noticed any increase in attention as I have gotten bigger and stronger(currently 205 at 6') if anything there is a decrease. I don't think I have ever been approached. Thoughts?

The Power an amazing physique has over women - Vet-Boy - 07-28-2017

Wear well fitting clothes and lower your bodyfar percentage. An amazing physique is going to be hard to see through clothing if the fitting is not good