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Indian Guy Game/Travel Thread - Dulceácido - 06-03-2018

Quote: (06-03-2018 12:19 AM)a beer is enough Wrote:  

You can come into this thread and post as much as you want my man!

I am primarily in the no excuses camp and think guys need to take responsibilities for their actions as well as maxing out their value. No matter where in the world you are at, look your best and be the best you can be on paper. Get the right style going, look good, be in great shape, don't act too out of the norm and have your fundamentals down right.

All that being said, this shit does fucking matter.

Even as someone who has had a great deal of success, there is a good reason I would not want to go to San Francisco as a single Indian guy given the reputation we have with local women there along with what I have heard. Location and culture does matter, I am very fortunate that I moved to NYC after college because I know for a fact a well put together Indian guy can get some serious poon in the city.

To say that it doesn't matter, even to me that is asinine. Women care because women give into social pressures. Now granted if there is a slight social pressure it is no issue but when there is serious social pressure to avoid certain races, it can become a tough task for guys of that race. I cannot even imagine trying to run night game or online game in Ukraine as an Indian guy given the reputation some brown men have there. As much as I hate it, I think this sort of stuff plays a role.

You can't fault any guy of any race for wanting to know some hotspots on the globe where it will be easier for him. I hate that social politics play a role but they do play a big enough role in the kinds of guys that girls go after.

I've been with girls from conservative parts of the US who would happily sleep with me or an Asian guy but wanted nothing to do with black guys because of the views their social circles, family and friends had. On the flip side of that my black friends have been with girls who love black men but want nothing to do with Asian guys of any kind because they were not seen as a cool enough race.

Cool. Then why is there this thread?

I thoroughly invite you to come visit and I'll bet my retirement fund--if you're not a total tool--you'll get laid.

I'm not faulting anyone, brother. No fault to be had. It's not black guys or asian guys or white guys...

It's just your ability to pull pussy. You either have it--or you learn it--or you suffer.

Indian Guy Game/Travel Thread - kaotic - 06-03-2018

Man this thread had/has potential.

If there is a black guy game thread I see no reason this can't be here.

I see no reason brown dudes can't gather around (and have other races jump in and discusss, which happens in the black man game thread)

That thread is dope period.

Shitty thing is, there ARE inferiority complexes, especially with incel beown dudes.

A brown dudes perceived self image and discussing it is almost a negative on game forums.

Inner game is immensely key to this, once you get past that obstacle, the flood gates open.

Remember I said I had trouble with Arab girls?

I just hungout with one i went on a few dates with 4 years ago.

I blew my fucking load down her god damned throat.

The game gods smile upon all of you.

Indian Guy Game/Travel Thread - KC4 - 06-03-2018

How are you guys who are traveling around in Asia treated?
My last visits to Thailand has always been fun. Saving up money currently to do a muay Thai camp in Bangkok or Chiang Mai.

Indian Guy Game/Travel Thread - a beer is enough - 06-03-2018

I have come to the realization that Indian guys and minorities in general (with the exception of black American guys) are pretty young to the game itself. Even the many nights I've gone out to bars, clubs and traveled around I noticed that it is mainly white guys who are taking this sort of stuff seriously. It is white guys who have been doing sex tourism for decades, will take up jobs like bartending to score pussy and actively live the party lifestyle. In college, it is primarily the white kids who are there to have the "best four years" of their lives by partying and getting laid, a lot of the ethnic kids and minorities are there to get an education in most cases (STEM, etc.).

So when we have this discussion about Indian guy travel experiences and game experiences, I think we are at the very early stages here. The fact of the matter is your average Indian guy is not investing nearly as much time and resources into this whole process that a white guy who wants success is. A white guy is willing to hit the gym hard, do his research, take up activities to increase his lay counts, invest a lot of time into self-promotion (social media for example), travel halfway across the world to do it and share his experiences too.

A lot of ethnic minorities are just now coming into the wealthy fun life which they didn't have for decades, it is going to take a couple generations for them to pursue this life. From what I have witnessed through experience, white guys just go a lot harder with the partying, going out and living it up compared to guys of other races.

At the same time, this is an exciting moment too.

Guys like a Kaotic or Cobra could probably pave the way for a lot of brown guys out there. If I am to travel in the next few years and score a ton of notches in a given country, I'll share my experiences and maybe even start a blog about it. My only fear would be that now a lot of loser Indian guys might flood to that country and give us a bad name so maybe I should keep it to myself, who knows, it is probably going to be a game-time decision. The opportunity for a well put together Indian guy or any minority for that matter to come in, do well and make a name for himself in the game are out there because he would be one of the very few to share his story, the world would actually want to read it because we all get bored of hearing about some run of the mill white guy that moved to a brown country and got laid due to having blue eyes.

Look at this inspirational moment of an Indian guy winning a contest where men across the world are judged purely on their looks.

I have no doubts that guy could score some serious poon in select parts of the world solely due to the fact that he is a handsome guy with exotic looks.

IMO, I think great things can potentially come in the next few years if more and more Indian guys wake up, put in the work, break the mold, expand their horizons and share their experiences afterwards!

Indian Guy Game/Travel Thread - Stix - 06-05-2018

Quote: (06-02-2018 09:29 PM)Crash_Bandicoot Wrote:  

Quote: (06-02-2018 09:25 PM)Stix Wrote:  

This topic is hilarious! I'm Indian too and I don't recognize myself in this inferiority complex other Indians have. I think this is something people have who are straight out of India.

I'm born and raised in Western Europe and my parents are from a former Dutch colony in South America. My ancestors went to this country during the 19th century and came from Northern India (mostly Bihar and UP, not sure if these people are different) This country is mixed with all kinds of people, but the dominant culture is Creole/African and for some reason these cultures are more aggressive. So they had to adapt to this hostile environment. I have heard stories about these first generation Indians and they were tough people. Not the types you should fuck with.

The country I was born and raised in is 100% Western (although the native guys are extremely beta) and I never felt inferior. Most of the racism I face actually comes from other immigrants, like the Muslim immigrants (Turks, Moroccans) and to a lesser extent the Negroid immigrants. Most white people are pretty open-minded and don't really have a negative bias towards Indians.

So I truly think this is something Indians face who are straight out of India (or whose parents are FOB's) and who don't know how to find their way in a Western society.

But I must say: every country with a high percentage of FOB Indians has a negative prejudice against Indians. Just look at the US or Australia. I think these FOB's fuck up the reputation of Indians with their creepy behaviour.

There's a huge difference in how Indians in Europe views themselves vs Indians brought up in the US.....the European Indians don't seem to have an inferiority complex, while American Indians do

And btw, you could have just said Suriname (South American dutch colony) in your post haha

I think it's partly because they're straight out of India (or 2nd generation), so they are heavily influenced by Indian culture, which in my opinion is kinda 'weak' when it comes to masculinity. We don't live in a hippie utopia world where everybody is holding each other's hands. You have to develop some kind of masculinity.

And I also think the negative stereotype of Indians is much stronger in the US and Australia. Indians are not really known in Western Europe, so we don't suffer from the negative prejudice people have about Indians. I have seen videos on YouTube where American girls instantly dislike Indian guys on Tinder, simply because they're Indian. This is not really present in Western Europe.

The country is indeed Suriname, but almost nobody knows it.

Indian Guy Game/Travel Thread - Stix - 06-05-2018

Quote: (06-02-2018 09:33 PM)Crash_Bandicoot Wrote:  

Quote: (06-02-2018 09:25 PM)Stix Wrote:  

This topic is hilarious! I'm Indian too and I don't recognize myself in this inferiority complex other Indians have. I think this is something people have who are straight out of India.

I'm born and raised in Western Europe and my parents are from a former Dutch colony in South America. My ancestors went to this country during the 19th century and came from Northern India (mostly Bihar and UP, not sure if these people are different) This country is mixed with all kinds of people, but the dominant culture is Creole/African and for some reason these cultures are more aggressive. So they had to adapt to this hostile environment. I have heard stories about these first generation Indians and they were tough people. Not the types you should fuck with.

The country I was born and raised in is 100% Western (although the native guys are extremely beta) and I never felt inferior. Most of the racism I face actually comes from other immigrants, like the Muslim immigrants (Turks, Moroccans) and to a lesser extent the Negroid immigrants. Most white people are pretty open-minded and don't really have a negative bias towards Indians.

So I truly think this is something Indians face who are straight out of India (or whose parents are FOB's) and who don't know how to find their way in a Western society.

But I must say: every country with a high percentage of FOB Indians has a negative prejudice against Indians. Just look at the US or Australia. I think these FOB's fuck up the reputation of Indians with their creepy behaviour.

Also, just that the general mindset of European-Indians? All women are open towards them like race doesn't matter? That's interesting, a lot of Indians here in the north coast of USA (even the Americanized ones) are always complaining haha

About the mindset: yes and no. There are a lot of South American/Caribbean Indians who are only following Indian culture (music, movies, religion etc.) and they show the same weird and beta behaviour as FOB's. They're also the type of people who only hang out with other Indians. They live in their own Indian bubble.

But the majority is not like that.

To be honest: the first impression is always your looks and physical appearance. After that it comes down to your personality. Most women don't have a negative prejudice against Indians, so if they don't like you, then it's not about your race, but your looks and personality.

If it comes down to race then they probably think you're negro (who do have a negative image here) and they only like white guys. But seriously, you won't get rejected because you're Indian, but you do have the chance to get rejected because they only like white or native guys.

Indian Guy Game/Travel Thread - kaotic - 06-05-2018

Quote: (06-05-2018 01:07 PM)Stix Wrote:  

I have seen videos on YouTube where American girls instantly dislike Indian guys on Tinder, simply because they're Indian. This is not really present in Western Europe.

I don't think this is true at all, how many basic bitches do yoga, say namaste, use Indian phrases or rituals, or use incense ?

Do you know how many openers and lines I have on the top of my head just now, to use on these females?

Don't trust those YouTube videos, it's all baity bullshit to get views and shares.

You'll see some FOB wannabe PUA match with a girl on tinder then it goes nowhere, then some X race dude meets up with the chick.

It's all smoke and mirrors and isn't to be trusted.

This is part of the problem.

This circles back to lifestyle changes again like has been repeated:

Removing self loathing stigma
Maximizing self love
Maximizing looks
Maximizing style
Maximizing game/inner game

The brown dudes who bitch and moan:

What are you doing about it?
What changes are you making?
If you made changes, what worked, what failed?
Did you adjust your game?
Do you truly believe and trust in yourself?

So much of the changes that need to happen is within ones self and ones own reality and self image.

Men need to bring into line one's true self and ones projected self as closely as possible.

Indian Guy Game/Travel Thread - SLSlayer - 06-05-2018

kaotic, you stayed earlier in this thread:

“Girls usually assume I'm hispanic or arab - they usually guess Indian/Pakistani last.”

If you had a more visibly more Indian appearance such that girls would guess Indian/Pakistani first, do you think you’d get as many matches on Tinder/Bumble? Just curious.

Indian Guy Game/Travel Thread - kaotic - 06-05-2018

Quote: (06-05-2018 04:21 PM)SLSlayer Wrote:  

kaotic, you stayed earlier in this thread:

“Girls usually assume I'm hispanic or arab - they usually guess Indian/Pakistani last.”

If you had a more visibly more Indian appearance such that girls would guess Indian/Pakistani first, do you think you’d get as many matches on Tinder/Bumble? Just curious.

To be honest, I can't answer that question.

I don't know.

I mean I know I do look somewhat Indian - obviously blended into a large beard and my fashion style.

However, I do have professional photos done, and a great bio also.

I've had girls comment on both those subjects before.

My issue with that question is, WHY? Why even bother worrying about the what ifs, or in X scenario?

It doesn't matter, maximize what you have and work with that.

Indian Guy Game/Travel Thread - Stix - 06-06-2018

To be honest, I think it's more difficult for Indians who have the South Indian/Australoid facial features compared to the North Indian/Aryan facial features.

I have the sharp nose and jaw and often get mistaken for a Pakistani or someone from the Middle East. I also had white girls who thought I was Mexican or mixed black (I have a brown skin, not very dark, but also not light).

'Nordic' facial features (which is basically a sharp nose and jaw) are seen as attractive and masculine. They call it Nordic, but there are tons of Indians who have these facial features.

Indian Guy Game/Travel Thread - a beer is enough - 06-06-2018

With all the talk going on in this thread I am kind of feeling spoiled in regards to my upbringing. I've never really noticed much about this Indian being low value thing but I always hear of guys online complain about how women hate Asian and Indian men, see them as low value and especially a few posts by Indian guys saying as soon as a girl finds out he is Indian she loses interest. I am all for being the best version of yourself but social perception does matter, as much as we may hate it.

After reading all that, I am almost forced to ask, are there places or regions in the US where the stigma towards Indian guys is that bad?

So far from reading some posts about it on this forum and other places on the web, these are the areas that most commonly come up. Maybe other Indian guys on here who are from there can comment.

1. San Francisco, the Bay Area and Northern California in general.

I've probably heard the worst things about this place when it comes to dating interracial as an Indian guy. Remember reading a post a while back about how Indian international students were known for harassing women so women were told to avoid Indian men because of that. Then you have the tech culture which brings aspies and the phony progressive left so I can definitely see this place sucking for Indian guys. I've rarely heard anything good about the dating culture or women of San Francisco from men in general though so not missing out on much it seems.

2. Toronto.

Saw the city getting mentioned in this thread but even the few Canadians I met that were not French Canadians were quite standoffish towards me. Some of them let their guards down once they knew that I was with some white friends but things do seem bleak for Indian men here which makes sense on why some members on this thread feel how they do.

From what I have observed, it seems like Canada in general might be the worst country for Indian men in regards to dating and slaying. The only thing I can confirm from my experience is that the Canadians being nice stereotype is most certainly not true at all but the country does have some sexyass brown ladies so I am still visiting again!

And here is the weird part about both places.

I notice both cities and areas swing heavily to the left, like radically to the left yet these are the same women who will dismiss a guy based on what country he is from. Now I don't think having a racial preference makes a woman racist in any way at all but my thoughts are, why not practice what you preach? If you're all for inclusiveness and diversity then why have "preferences"? Really gets me how some people go around preaching morals to others but can't practice those same morals themselves.

Indian guys seem to have a lot less struggles with women in more conservative and right leaning areas as opposed to these left wing havens. It all goes back to the old conversation on this thread about how liberal culture is so toxic.

Even when I was doing well in NYC, looking back at it, my bread and butter were girls who were not from NYC or the northeast in general. When I would get with girls from NYC they were typically Jewish or more ethnic kind of white (mainly Italian American) but for "white" girls, they were all from outside of the northeast. Even my two roommates who I see as brothers were from the midwest and accepted me with open arms.

Indian Guy Game/Travel Thread - Bastard Sword - 06-06-2018

Quote: (06-06-2018 11:28 AM)a beer is enough Wrote:  

With all the talk going on in this thread I am kind of feeling spoiled in regards to my upbringing. I've never really noticed much about this Indian being low value thing but I always hear of guys online complain about how women hate Asian and Indian men, see them as low value and especially a few posts by Indian guys saying as soon as a girl finds out he is Indian she loses interest. I am all for being the best version of yourself but social perception does matter, as much as we may hate it.

After reading all that, I am almost forced to ask, are there places or regions in the US where the stigma towards Indian guys is that bad?

So far from reading some posts about it on this forum and other places on the web, these are the areas that most commonly come up. Maybe other Indian guys on here who are from there can comment.

1. San Francisco, the Bay Area and Northern California in general.

I've probably heard the worst things about this place when it comes to dating interracial as an Indian guy. Remember reading a post a while back about how Indian international students were known for harassing women so women were told to avoid Indian men because of that. Then you have the tech culture which brings aspies and the phony progressive left so I can definitely see this place sucking for Indian guys. I've rarely heard anything good about the dating culture or women of San Francisco from men in general though so not missing out on much it seems.

2. Toronto.

Saw the city getting mentioned in this thread but even the few Canadians I met that were not French Canadians were quite standoffish towards me. Some of them let their guards down once they knew that I was with some white friends but things do seem bleak for Indian men here which makes sense on why some members on this thread feel how they do.

From what I have observed, it seems like Canada in general might be the worst country for Indian men in regards to dating and slaying. The only thing I can confirm from my experience is that the Canadians being nice stereotype is most certainly not true at all but the country does have some sexyass brown ladies so I am still visiting again!

And here is the weird part about both places.

I notice both cities and areas swing heavily to the left, like radically to the left yet these are the same women who will dismiss a guy based on what country he is from. Now I don't think having a racial preference makes a woman racist in any way at all but my thoughts are, why not practice what you preach? If you're all for inclusiveness and diversity then why have "preferences"? Really gets me how some people go around preaching morals to others but can't practice those same morals themselves.

Indian guys seem to have a lot less struggles with women in more conservative and right leaning areas as opposed to these left wing havens. It all goes back to the old conversation on this thread about how liberal culture is so toxic.

Even when I was doing well in NYC, looking back at it, my bread and butter were girls who were not from NYC or the northeast in general. When I would get with girls from NYC they were typically Jewish or more ethnic kind of white (mainly Italian American) but for "white" girls, they were all from outside of the northeast. Even my two roommates who I see as brothers were from the midwest and accepted me with open arms.

This is 100% on the money.

Earlier we seemed to have some disagreement over the difficulty of WASP women. When I say WASPs, I mean the girls that you just described in that last paragraph. I'm talking about the wealthy, 1% type white girls who grew up in all-white liberal suburbs, only associated with the top frats in college (usually 95% white) and after college maintained the same lifestyle. They come from places like Los Angeles/Orange County, the Bay Area, and the liberal northeast.

Going after these women as an Indian guy in a big liberal city is certainly possible, but as all of us have noted, it's a lot harder than almost any other demographic. I do know Indians who have done well with them, but they were usually guys who knew them from college and were the token Indians in overwhelmingly white frats. You said it yourself, the vast majority of your success with white girls came from women who did not fit into that liberal 1% category.

When I refer to WASPs, I'm never talking about white people from shittier areas. They may have similar ancestry to the WASPs in places like the Bay Area, but their outlook and culture are completely different.

I have white friends who grew up in lower-middle class towns in Nevada and Oregon and they're great guys, I trust them with my life. These kinds of people tend to be a lot more accepting of minorities and open-minded in general. What's more, they don't have a narcissistic view of their own culture. I've noticed women from this group are a lot more open to Indians and other minorities as well. There's a reason I see way more Indian male/white female couples in Chicago, for example, than I do in Los Angeles (though I still see it there too).

I think a reason for this is that many white enclaves in heavily ethnic areas (Toronto, Bay Area, Northeast USA) were actually created to escape skilled immigration from the second and third world. I knew several white people who left my hometown because they couldn't take the culture change. Schools got way more competitive and academics-focused when Asians/Indians/Persians moved in, so a lot of white families escaped to suburbs where they wouldn't be a minority. As a result they probably have some animosity that they pass on to their kids.

Indian Guy Game/Travel Thread - kaotic - 06-06-2018

To answer your question Beer, no, I don't think the stigma is that bad in the US.

I can't answer for Canada.

Once again this stigma is mostly in ones head - which then poisons their thought process, game, and assumptions about their surroundings.

One major issue is FOB's not assimilating into the host nations culture - they just stick with their - which in itself is a huge Achilles heel if you're trying to pick up women. Women see them as your standard IT uncultured and socially inept type.

The other Achilles heel is 1st generation brown dudes who have an anchor on one foot with their own culture and heritage and the other trying to embrace their host nations culture. The problem is usually the "anchor" I speak of the family of this 1st generation kid who look down on him for wanting to enjoy the host nations culture. (Cue ABCD's shaming)

Brown men have to stop being momma's boys and become their own men early on, otherwise they'll be crippled for life, as have been shown time and time again.

It all comes down to inner game and self confidence.

Personally I think if you're first generation that's born in the states, you should be American FIRST, Indian second.

Also, there are positive stereotypes like I've mentioned before regarding Yoga, Namaste, Incense, Chakra, etc - all that basic bitch shit girls are into.

Indian Guy Game/Travel Thread - Bastard Sword - 06-06-2018

Quote: (06-06-2018 10:19 AM)Stix Wrote:  

To be honest, I think it's more difficult for Indians who have the South Indian/Australoid facial features compared to the North Indian/Aryan facial features.

I have the sharp nose and jaw and often get mistaken for a Pakistani or someone from the Middle East. I also had white girls who thought I was Mexican or mixed black (I have a brown skin, not very dark, but also not light).

'Nordic' facial features (which is basically a sharp nose and jaw) are seen as attractive and masculine. They call it Nordic, but there are tons of Indians who have these facial features.

Maybe, but it's nothing that can't be overcome through good fitness and style. I had a buddy who matched that description but was strong as shit. He cleaned up with white girls, black girls, and Latinas in the Midwest.

Take a look at this guy (up and coming fitness model from Malaysia) -- he's Tamil with Dravidian features. I doubt he would have any issues with women in most of SEA.

[Image: images?q=tbn:ANd9GcS2RCi57ByY_lGeCeLf1jo...y7na4C-83z][/quote]

Indian Guy Game/Travel Thread - a beer is enough - 06-06-2018

While it is great we have that understanding, you are kind of pedestalizing WASPs in the coastal areas. IMO, a WASP from Texas or the south is just as prestigious as some from the coastal areas. If anything, I find that these same coastal WASPs you talk about are worshipping their counterparts in more conservative areas as they tend to be seen as more alpha while WASPs from liberal areas are seen as, well, liberals.

A lot of WASPs from places like an NYC or Northern California worship white culture from conservative states. The country music festivals and other things these people go to are all in other states.

Here are my thoughts, I'd rather get with a white girl from Texas or Florida any day of the week over some dirty spoiled rotten narcissistic cunt from the Bay Area who has an inflated value.

Indian Guy Game/Travel Thread - a beer is enough - 06-06-2018

Quote: (06-06-2018 01:06 PM)kaotic Wrote:  

Personally I think if you're first generation that's born in the states, you should be American FIRST, Indian second.

Also, there are positive stereotypes like I've mentioned before regarding Yoga, Namaste, Incense, Chakra, etc - all that basic bitch shit girls are into.


The only problem I have had with this is when I am around minorities and mention that I am American. Black, Hispanic and ethnic people in general do not perceive Indians as Americans under any circumstances and I've been in a few nasty situations regarding this, one time a black chick yelled at me in public and said "bitch you not an American!". Even this one latina I was seeing had an issue with most of my friends being white so I had to leave her.

Weird thing is my white friends are the first ones to appreciate it when I say I am an American while minorities in general take offense to it.

Now I can understand the issue some of these Indian guys go through to where it can be tough to assimilate when you have an Indian community that holds you back or are around minorities that base their entire existence on race alone. It kinda clears up to what I talked about earlier in the thread when I said that the Indian guys I knew who did do well were from more conservative parts of the US, it is a lot easier to assimilate and see yourself as an individual kind of like white people do while it is tough to do around minorities.

Indian Guy Game/Travel Thread - kaotic - 06-06-2018

If a black chick yelled that at me I'd smile and call her ancestors African natives, because I like shitlording.

American black chicks can be some of the worse offenders when it comes to race. They're also the type of bitches who graduate in African studies, wear the traditional African garb, and would NEVER go to Africa, hell Africans look down on African Americans. Perpetual victimhood is their jobs.

The reason white people appreciate that because, when people think Americans - they think "white" especially overseas.

So an American identity is usually defined as white and conservative for that matter.

If that Latina has issues regarding your friends, then she doesn't matter to begin with.

When minorities take offense to that it's a projection of their own self identity insecurities.

The thing with hanging with white people in conservative parts is that your own race and others will call you white washed, lost, etc and in political cases, uncle tom sometimes. Once again, their own insecurities come out to play.

Fact is, when liberals ask "where are you from?" "uh california" "I mean where are you REALLY from" - the subtle racial prejudices shows. Liberals are some of the biggest undercover racists.

In the end man, all you can do is laugh at all that bullshit and let someone else worry about that shit.

Regardless if it happens to you often or not, you brush that shit aside and keep on going.

Indian Guy Game/Travel Thread - Bastard Sword - 06-06-2018

Quote: (06-06-2018 01:07 PM)a beer is enough Wrote:  

While it is great we have that understanding, you are kind of pedestalizing WASPs in the coastal areas. IMO, a WASP from Texas or the south is just as prestigious as some from the coastal areas. If anything, I find that these same coastal WASPs you talk about are worshipping their counterparts in more conservative areas as they tend to be seen as more alpha while WASPs from liberal areas are seen as, well, liberals.

A lot of WASPs from places like an NYC or Northern California worship white culture from conservative states. The country music festivals and other things these people go to are all in other states.

Here are my thoughts, I'd rather get with a white girl from Texas or Florida any day of the week over some dirty spoiled rotten narcissistic cunt from the Bay Area who has an inflated value.

I don't see this worship at all -- if anything most of the liberal whites I knew looked down on conservatives. They would shame them for being "racist" while ironically looking down on minorities in their personal lives. Yeah they may listen to country music but they still look down on "rednecks", despite those rednecks having a healthier culture than they do.

Not sure how I was pedestalizing anything either. I agree completely on the last paragraph you posted though.

Indian Guy Game/Travel Thread - Bastard Sword - 06-06-2018

Quote: (06-06-2018 01:06 PM)kaotic Wrote:  

One major issue is FOB's not assimilating into the host nations culture - they just stick with their - which in itself is a huge Achilles heel if you're trying to pick up women. Women see them as your standard IT uncultured and socially inept type.

The other Achilles heel is 1st generation brown dudes who have an anchor on one foot with their own culture and heritage and the other trying to embrace their host nations culture. The problem is usually the "anchor" I speak of the family of this 1st generation kid who look down on him for wanting to enjoy the host nations culture. (Cue ABCD's shaming)

Brown men have to stop being momma's boys and become their own men early on, otherwise they'll be crippled for life, as have been shown time and time again.

It all comes down to inner game and self confidence.

Personally I think if you're first generation that's born in the states, you should be American FIRST, Indian second.

Also, there are positive stereotypes like I've mentioned before regarding Yoga, Namaste, Incense, Chakra, etc - all that basic bitch shit girls are into.

I agree if your parents are conditioning you and being domineering you need to break free of them ASAP. Otherwise I think it's fine to have some understanding/enjoyment of your own ancestral culture. Yeah if America ever got invaded I'd fight for it 100%, but that also doesn't mean I need to get into things I care nothing about that are stereotypically "American". I don't give a fuck about baseball or country music and I never will, they just don't interest me. It's definitely possible to have a healthy balance between the two cultures. I can enjoy a beer and a night out while still doing yoga and reading about Indian history on the side, or even trying to learn an Indian language. You don't need to completely give up your ancestral culture by any means, if anything owning it can only help your sense of self love.

Indian Guy Game/Travel Thread - jordypip23 - 06-06-2018

Quote: (06-06-2018 12:54 PM)Bastard Sword Wrote:  

Quote: (06-06-2018 11:28 AM)a beer is enough Wrote:  

With all the talk going on in this thread I am kind of feeling spoiled in regards to my upbringing. I've never really noticed much about this Indian being low value thing but I always hear of guys online complain about how women hate Asian and Indian men, see them as low value and especially a few posts by Indian guys saying as soon as a girl finds out he is Indian she loses interest. I am all for being the best version of yourself but social perception does matter, as much as we may hate it.

After reading all that, I am almost forced to ask, are there places or regions in the US where the stigma towards Indian guys is that bad?

So far from reading some posts about it on this forum and other places on the web, these are the areas that most commonly come up. Maybe other Indian guys on here who are from there can comment.

1. San Francisco, the Bay Area and Northern California in general.

I've probably heard the worst things about this place when it comes to dating interracial as an Indian guy. Remember reading a post a while back about how Indian international students were known for harassing women so women were told to avoid Indian men because of that. Then you have the tech culture which brings aspies and the phony progressive left so I can definitely see this place sucking for Indian guys. I've rarely heard anything good about the dating culture or women of San Francisco from men in general though so not missing out on much it seems.

2. Toronto.

Saw the city getting mentioned in this thread but even the few Canadians I met that were not French Canadians were quite standoffish towards me. Some of them let their guards down once they knew that I was with some white friends but things do seem bleak for Indian men here which makes sense on why some members on this thread feel how they do.

From what I have observed, it seems like Canada in general might be the worst country for Indian men in regards to dating and slaying. The only thing I can confirm from my experience is that the Canadians being nice stereotype is most certainly not true at all but the country does have some sexyass brown ladies so I am still visiting again!

And here is the weird part about both places.

I notice both cities and areas swing heavily to the left, like radically to the left yet these are the same women who will dismiss a guy based on what country he is from. Now I don't think having a racial preference makes a woman racist in any way at all but my thoughts are, why not practice what you preach? If you're all for inclusiveness and diversity then why have "preferences"? Really gets me how some people go around preaching morals to others but can't practice those same morals themselves.

Indian guys seem to have a lot less struggles with women in more conservative and right leaning areas as opposed to these left wing havens. It all goes back to the old conversation on this thread about how liberal culture is so toxic.

Even when I was doing well in NYC, looking back at it, my bread and butter were girls who were not from NYC or the northeast in general. When I would get with girls from NYC they were typically Jewish or more ethnic kind of white (mainly Italian American) but for "white" girls, they were all from outside of the northeast. Even my two roommates who I see as brothers were from the midwest and accepted me with open arms.

This is 100% on the money.

Earlier we seemed to have some disagreement over the difficulty of WASP women. When I say WASPs, I mean the girls that you just described in that last paragraph. I'm talking about the wealthy, 1% type white girls who grew up in all-white liberal suburbs, only associated with the top frats in college (usually 95% white) and after college maintained the same lifestyle. They come from places like Los Angeles/Orange County, the Bay Area, and the liberal northeast.

Going after these women as an Indian guy in a big liberal city is certainly possible, but as all of us have noted, it's a lot harder than almost any other demographic. I do know Indians who have done well with them, but they were usually guys who knew them from college and were the token Indians in overwhelmingly white frats. You said it yourself, the vast majority of your success with white girls came from women who did not fit into that liberal 1% category.

When I refer to WASPs, I'm never talking about white people from shittier areas. They may have similar ancestry to the WASPs in places like the Bay Area, but their outlook and culture are completely different.

I have white friends who grew up in lower-middle class towns in Nevada and Oregon and they're great guys, I trust them with my life. These kinds of people tend to be a lot more accepting of minorities and open-minded in general. What's more, they don't have a narcissistic view of their own culture. I've noticed women from this group are a lot more open to Indians and other minorities as well. There's a reason I see way more Indian male/white female couples in Chicago, for example, than I do in Los Angeles (though I still see it there too).

I think a reason for this is that many white enclaves in heavily ethnic areas (Toronto, Bay Area, Northeast USA) were actually created to escape skilled immigration from the second and third world. I knew several white people who left my hometown because they couldn't take the culture change. Schools got way more competitive and academics-focused when Asians/Indians/Persians moved in, so a lot of white families escaped to suburbs where they wouldn't be a minority. As a result they probably have some animosity that they pass on to their kids.

This is a pretty good post. I think the reason the 1% WASP types you alluded to are tough is because they are groomed from birth for their own version of an arranged marriage. Mr. Chad Senior (retired CEO of X company with Ivy degree) wants his daughter to bring home a certain profile dude to continue on the empire of wealth as well as the bloodline. They resided in the most desirable ZIP codes & were sent to the most elite schools (sometimes public, often private), etc. They are old money & they want to preserve the wealth as well as the traditions ingrained within their families. They might not be too pissed off if Becky has a little fling here & there in college, but certainly for serious relationships the family will have certain expectations.

As for the last part of your post, I've heard that has gotten to be a bit of an issue in Northern California (ie. the Bay Area). Indians & Asians tend to be competitive with academics but often overemphasizing the STEM subjects while barely paying any attention to athletics & the arts. Now of course there are slight variations & remixes to the Tiger Mom stereotypes. Indians & Asians are known for getting far in spelling bees (not exactly a STEM subject). Affluent Indians & Asians are known for enrolling their kids into classical music lessons / orchestras for instruments such as violin & piano (so this is not exactly academics either). But unlike their Caucasian counterparts, they aren't embracing their kid lettering in sports like Chad Junior while also trying to do well in a wide assortment of academic subjects (not just math & science, but also a variety of softer humanities types of courses). Add to that the habit of some Indians & Asians to cluster around in their own cliques & you can see why Chad Juniors parents are getting a little bit nervous about the demographic changes in town.

Indian Guy Game/Travel Thread - Arado - 06-07-2018

Quote: (06-06-2018 01:23 PM)kaotic Wrote:  

If a black chick yelled that at me I'd smile and call her ancestors African natives, because I like shitlording.

American black chicks can be some of the worse offenders when it comes to race. They're also the type of bitches who graduate in African studies, wear the traditional African garb, and would NEVER go to Africa, hell Africans look down on African Americans. Perpetual victimhood is their jobs.

The reason white people appreciate that because, when people think Americans - they think "white" especially overseas.

So an American identity is usually defined as white and conservative for that matter.

If that Latina has issues regarding your friends, then she doesn't matter to begin with.

When minorities take offense to that it's a projection of their own self identity insecurities.

The thing with hanging with white people in conservative parts is that your own race and others will call you white washed, lost, etc and in political cases, uncle tom sometimes. Once again, their own insecurities come out to play.

Fact is, when liberals ask "where are you from?" "uh california" "I mean where are you REALLY from" - the subtle racial prejudices shows. Liberals are some of the biggest undercover racists.

In the end man, all you can do is laugh at all that bullshit and let someone else worry about that shit.

Regardless if it happens to you often or not, you brush that shit aside and keep on going.
Personally I think if you're first generation that's born in the states, you should be American FIRST, Indian second.

Ive noticed that when a girl is intent on knowing my race and does NOT accept "American," or "LA/Chicago/NYC/SF/etc" as an answer to "where are you from?", then either she is really into Indian guys and it is easy to pull her (rare, but it has happened), or it will be near impossible.

The ones I do best with are the ones who totally ignore race and judge me on individual characteristics.

However, OUTSIDE the Anglosphere, you will get the "you aren't American/Can/Aust/UK, where are you really from?" question much more often. Has anyone found a good way to respond to this in a way that acknowledges the question, but doesn't let the conversation get bogged down in topics related to India? This has happened enough times in areas not super friendly to Indian guys (FSU, East Asia) that I think there should be a way to prepare for these encounters.

Indian Guy Game/Travel Thread - a beer is enough - 06-07-2018

This is probably my first time hearing that the Former Soviet Union in particular is rough for Indian guys, kinda sad because I wanted to bang some Czech and Hungarian pussy. Any other Indian guys wanna chime in on this?

Indian Guy Game/Travel Thread - Arado - 06-07-2018

Quote: (06-07-2018 09:33 PM)a beer is enough Wrote:  

This is probably my first time hearing that the Former Soviet Union in particular is rough for Indian guys, kinda sad because I wanted to bang some Czech and Hungarian pussy. Any other Indian guys wanna chime in on this?

Czech and Hungary are former communist countries, but they weren't part of the Soviet Union so they could be like Poland, where it's fine for Indian guys.

By FSU, I'm specifically referring to Russia and Ukraine. And even so, it's not impossible, just that you have to find a way to target girls into brown guys instead of following what other Western (white) expats are doing. For other FSU countries, Baltics, Central Asia, and Caucuses all have completely different cultural landscapes than Russia/Ukraine so it's a different approach there altogether.

Anyway, I'd really like to hear how Indian guys born in the West deal with the "where are you really from?" inquiries.

Indian Guy Game/Travel Thread - a beer is enough - 06-07-2018

Quote: (06-07-2018 03:59 PM)Arado Wrote:  

Quote: (06-06-2018 01:23 PM)kaotic Wrote:  

If a black chick yelled that at me I'd smile and call her ancestors African natives, because I like shitlording.

American black chicks can be some of the worse offenders when it comes to race. They're also the type of bitches who graduate in African studies, wear the traditional African garb, and would NEVER go to Africa, hell Africans look down on African Americans. Perpetual victimhood is their jobs.

The reason white people appreciate that because, when people think Americans - they think "white" especially overseas.

So an American identity is usually defined as white and conservative for that matter.

If that Latina has issues regarding your friends, then she doesn't matter to begin with.

When minorities take offense to that it's a projection of their own self identity insecurities.

The thing with hanging with white people in conservative parts is that your own race and others will call you white washed, lost, etc and in political cases, uncle tom sometimes. Once again, their own insecurities come out to play.

Fact is, when liberals ask "where are you from?" "uh california" "I mean where are you REALLY from" - the subtle racial prejudices shows. Liberals are some of the biggest undercover racists.

In the end man, all you can do is laugh at all that bullshit and let someone else worry about that shit.

Regardless if it happens to you often or not, you brush that shit aside and keep on going.
Personally I think if you're first generation that's born in the states, you should be American FIRST, Indian second.

Ive noticed that when a girl is intent on knowing my race and does NOT accept "American," or "LA/Chicago/NYC/SF/etc" as an answer to "where are you from?", then either she is really into Indian guys and it is easy to pull her (rare, but it has happened), or it will be near impossible.

The ones I do best with are the ones who totally ignore race and judge me on individual characteristics.

However, OUTSIDE the Anglosphere, you will get the "you aren't American/Can/Aust/UK, where are you really from?" question much more often. Has anyone found a good way to respond to this in a way that acknowledges the question, but doesn't let the conversation get bogged down in topics related to India? This has happened enough times in areas not super friendly to Indian guys (FSU, East Asia) that I think there should be a way to prepare for these encounters.

I completely agree with you here and have had similar experiences, the less my race comes up in the interaction, the more likely I am to get laid or go somewhere with a girl. As soon as race comes up it is a polarizing factor.

First of all, I find that the girls who push and ask me for my race are trying to usually identify the type of brown they're getting with, whether it is some Brazilian guy or some Indian or Arab guy. A lot of the times these are some of the most shallow women you will meet and unfortunately, we get plenty of them in the northeast due to the fact that people place a lot of emphasis on heritage there.

Typically, here is how I would answer the response, I have a few methods.

Method One -

Her: So where are you from?
Me: USA, I am an American
Her: No where are you really from?
Me: Oh Texas
Her (if she persists): No I mean where is your family from.
Me: Oh so you want to know my race and ethnicity? (laugh)
Her: Yea
Me: Indian guy (and move on to the next topic)

Method two -

Her: Where are you from?
Me: USA, I am an American
Her: No where are you really from?
Me: Texas
Her (if she persists): No I mean where is your family from.
Me: Any reason? I am just kind of curious.

I will caution you guys though.....

A lot of the times if she is heading down that path, she usually has ill intentions. If you are targeting the girls obsessed with pop culture and their image, she is trying to see if the brown guy she is fucking is from Brazil or somewhere or if he is from Arabia/Middle East (which people unfortunately associate with Indians).

Fortunately, I have not run into too many of those types in the northeast, I mean they exist but have been few far and in-between.

I also notice that with most white girls, I rarely get this question. Usually women of minority groups are the ones that bring race up more than anything.

Indian Guy Game/Travel Thread - a beer is enough - 06-07-2018

I wanted to address a couple more points made in this thread.

On post #342 by Kaotic:

(editted post due to possible racism in it)

Over the years I've found that Indian guys seem to only have the highest ceiling amongst conservative whites and conservative social circles when it comes to going interracial, maybe I am wrong here.

Liberal whites are racist and as shallow as they come, it is liberal Hollywood and media that assassinates the image of most ethnic men.

Other ethnic people, especially other Asians and brown people, are probably amongst the most racist against Indians out there if anything.

It makes me almost worried for the future to see if the amount of conservative whites in the USA goes down, I feel as if Indian men are fucked in regards to game. I mean I guess latinos are accepting and cool but colorism is a pretty big issue in that culture too.

Post #343 and #345:

I think there was a mixup on my end. When I think WASP, I thought you guys meant upper middle class whites in general and not just the 1%. It is also my experience that upper middle class whites throughout the country are generally the same, they tend to follow the same trends and like the same stuff so there might not be that big of a difference between a WASP girl from the suburbs of Chicago compared to one from suburban San Fran.