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Tag the Sponsor Exposes Instagram Hoes - jariel - 02-28-2015

Quote: (02-28-2015 12:56 PM)Sonsowey Wrote:  

Would you bang some hideous old grandma over a weekend for a huge stack of cash that's equivalent to several months' income for you?

[Image: fAJABdB.gif]

Tag the Sponsor Exposes Instagram Hoes - Horus - 02-28-2015

Quote: (02-28-2015 03:13 PM)jariel Wrote:  

I know exactly what type of life I want to lead, and who I want to lead for. Women are a constant in my equation, but in an algebraic sense, they can be there and at any moment they can be canceled out as I continue to solve for x.

That was beautiful.
[Image: tumblr_nk99tjHseD1rkbqbko1_500.gif]

Tag the Sponsor Exposes Instagram Hoes - L M McCoy - 02-28-2015


Tag the Sponsor Exposes Instagram Hoes - Vicious - 02-28-2015

In the words of the great sages The Bloodhound Gang: "The lap dance is much better when the stripper is crying".

Tag the Sponsor Exposes Instagram Hoes - Tresdus - 02-28-2015

Quote: (02-28-2015 09:32 AM)Gringuito Wrote:  

Quote: (02-28-2015 07:02 AM)Tresdus Wrote:  

If I was worth 8 figures the last thing I'd waste my time on was day/night/online/club game. I wouldn't even even think about paying for a private jet if that means I can invest my time somewhere else.

You get a jet because it saves you time if your offices/family members are spread apart away for major hubs. It's used to save you time, not to get girls. In the end time is the most precious commodity.

It's also important to keep improving yourself and that includes day/night/online/club game. A big danger if you have enough money is to become fat, lazy, and idle just because you can. Where does that road lead you?

I'm not worth 7 figures yet and I don't do anything other than online game. I simply don't want to waste my time going out / running around the streets doing game. I have improved my looks to a standard to where I can pull high quality purely from pictures which saves me an immense amount of time.

Tag the Sponsor Exposes Instagram Hoes - vinman - 02-28-2015

Quote: (02-28-2015 12:56 PM)Sonsowey Wrote:  

Everyone has their price, that much isn't surprising.

Would you bang some hideous old grandma over a weekend for a huge stack of cash that's equivalent to several months' income for you?

For 7 figures I'd fuck granny through the mattress.
[Image: kermit.gif]

Tag the Sponsor Exposes Instagram Hoes - Simeon_Strangelight - 02-28-2015

Just yesterday I talked with a hot 23yo semi-pro party-girl I met over Badoo. She told me that she gets 200-500 messages a DAY on badoo. She complained about all the men she has to go through to find the better options. Usually she selects 50 per week, then filters them based on what kind of dates they propose. Mind you - all of the 50 are good-looking, tall and well-traveled. If the date location seems upscale, then you are in the race. Usually some 5 men out of 2000-4000/week remain. Then she goes on 1-3 dates/week. In addition she is hit on in night clubs often - sometimes she goes out with those too. She said that she lived off those dates for the last 2 years making much more money than if she worked 3 average jobs.

I asked her how that works and she said that she picks guys she is attracted to, but some of the men give her money as a tip or for whatever reason and then she has enough for living expenses, since most of them are well-off. By the way - she was already broken inwardly at 23, had expensive tastes, was an Alpha widow, had a notch-count in the triple digits and was drinking excessively (she drank twice my personal tolerance level while being 90 pounds). She only said sorry and that she did not know why she drinks so much. I knew why she drank so much, but telling her would not improve her mood.

In the morning she was shaking uncontrollably. There are so many Red flags that it's a veritable mountain of Red Flags if someone is looking for a LTR-worthy girl. Enjoying the decline it is!

Tag the Sponsor Exposes Instagram Hoes - Tresdus - 02-28-2015

Dan actually sounds really redpill and like a pretty cool guy if you listen to some of his interviews.

Tag the Sponsor Exposes Instagram Hoes - philosophical_recovery - 02-28-2015

Quote: (02-28-2015 05:38 PM)Zelcorpion Wrote:  

Just yesterday I talked with a hot 23yo semi-pro party-girl I met over Badoo. She told me that she gets 200-500 messages a DAY on badoo. She complained about all the men she has to go through to find the better options. Usually she selects 50 per week, then filters them based on what kind of dates they propose. Mind you - all of the 50 are good-looking, tall and well-traveled. If the date location seems upscale, then you are in the race. Usually some 5 men out of 2000-4000/week remain. Then she goes on 1-3 dates/week. In addition she is hit on in night clubs often - sometimes she goes out with those too. She said that she lived off those dates for the last 2 years making much more money than if she worked 3 average jobs.

I [Image: facepalm.png] at the thirsty guys doing this shit.

If a chick doesn't like my cheap ass coffee date she can [Image: gtfo.gif].

Tag the Sponsor Exposes Instagram Hoes - el mechanico - 02-28-2015

Whoever here knows how this screening process works on the Dubai side pm me.

Tag the Sponsor Exposes Instagram Hoes - Feisbook Control - 02-28-2015

Call me blue pill if you like, but I was genuinely shocked and disgusted by this. Of course, at some level, everyone -- including me -- knows that crazy stuff goes on. Where the horror comes from is how brazen it is now. Of course, all through history, there has been prostitution and depravity. It's not that. It's that there is less and less attempt to hide it now.

The secret sauce in civilisation is not that the civilised don't do horrible things. Every empire has been built upon such things. No, it's two things. The first is that civilisations also try to build physically. What the hell are these Sheikhs building? It's all gaudy shit that will fall down within one or two centuries at the most. As others have pointed out, by pure accident, they have had access to the greatest supply and concentration of wealth that humans have ever had, and likely will ever have. Yet they've literally pissed it away. When the oil is gone, what will remain? It's one of the most inhospitable places on the planet. Instead of terraforming the region or planting billions of trees so that they physically changed the climate, they've pissed it all away. One day, Mother Nature is going to take all of their toys away when there's no longer cheap, abundant energy to air-condition or desalinate everything.

The second, and more important point, is that civilisation is built upon the transcendental. Yes, it's often a complete scam, and yes, it's often completely hypocritical because of what goes on behind the scenes. Yet that's the whole point: it goes on behind the scenes, people keep up appearances. Everyone knows that a magic trick is not really magic, but so long as no one shows them how it's done, they can pretend that it is magic. The pretending is everything. Everywhere I look now, from SJWs to the 1% there is depravity in plain view, and openly celebrated.

How long can any of this last? There is a seething hatred building in the world. You can feel this everywhere from ISIS to Occupy Wall Street and the Tea Party to Syriza and Golden Dawn to the thousands of riots that occur annually in China. A great many people know in their bones that something is desperately wrong with how things are. There will come a great washing away of all of this. Yet it will be with blood, not water, in a manner which would make Robespierre or Pol Pot blush. Because when the pendulum swings too far in one direction, it must swing too far in the opposite direction also. There can be no moderation.

I don't enjoy the decline. I despair at it because I know what is coming.

Tag the Sponsor Exposes Instagram Hoes - kosko - 02-28-2015

None of this shit surprises me. But I do admit I had to sit down and take a break when realizing that getting shat' on was on the cards. Actually no, that ain't even surprise me because people are fucked up. I actually got weezy seeing that broad drop with no shame how she had her womb nuked out so she could get raw dogged by soccer players with no impunity. No shame in stating that, in that way, that was new for me. I had to get a glass of water and call my mother just to make sure she was good because I just lost all hope for 99% of women on earth besides her after seeing a woman say that with no hint of shame/care in her text.

Every woman has a price but the only woman who won't sell you out for that price (or at lest shouldn't) is your mother. Man's lifelong struggle with women is one part desire for the women which is outside the realm of the orbit of his mother and the protection she granted him in the womb and nurture in life, that desire is essentially the fire to keep that system going and intend that he species survives, but other part is trying to rationalize a woman who he can trust as much as his mother; the struggle is realizing that no type of woman like that exists though. Some men find that out sooner then others, many look behind the curtains and don't like what they see, many stay clueless and never know.

Now back on the topic of this stuff. Now none of this P4P shit surprises me. I see how fucked up women can get in the Swingers Clubs with sex and the BS that is surrounded with that. Women learn early the power and currency it can command if they can connect the dots in regards to their appearance and the power they hold on the access to sex. I told the story about how I knew a hoe that was able to flip her jerking and fucking the odd dude into a free education and condo she flipped for a good sized profit all for 2 years or so of "working".

The smart girls will do webcams and clear $4000 in a month in cash. Only when you get to this brazen level of whore-dom do women get stuck in a trap as these girls all got that high life taste and want to maintain it. Them getting 20k is not going into a massive investment funds for these girls, many are blowing 60,80%+ on high level luxury bullshit to keep the games going they they are 1%. Instead of using top level looks to lock down a man in the 1% these hoes depreciate their market value selling them selves for access to that lifestyle with no long term guarantee for them to ever maintain it. Again, the smart girls do the low level shit with minimal hours, most return. You do webcam work you still save face and your holes are only prodded with toys and seasonal produce buy not from random dudes. Even stripping aside form its tricking aura that its kinda morphed into the compete with the Backpage hours, that shit is vanilla now compared to the more lucrative hustles a woman can find herself in. So now the next level ones go full out and whore them selves out. You got girls you sit beside in Lecture who after class is going to get banged out by 4 appointments in a low-lux hotel downtown. She will sleep over in the hotel, wash up, go back to class like its nothing, she might even have a BF on the side who thinks she works nights at some office or something. It happens. I see it all the time.

The fact of the matter is that people of pointed out as I am making my way through this thread is that pussy ain't never free. There is always a opportunity cost involved. For men who want to put forward time and sorceresses to self-improve game can help them hack it and minimize on direct costs, but for many men the money is a much more better usage of time and their resources.

Pussy ain't free, but every broad has a price. The girl from lecture getting banged out int he ass for $200, I can vouch for the emails I got when I used to troll Craigslist and Backpages for broads in a attempt to shoot porn. Many me young girls, some were model worthy and would just forward their Model Mayhem page for me to look at. I did not say it was porn in the ad, but you were dumb not to connect the dots, I would email them the details to see if they were serious and 90% of them were cool with it... depending on the price.

Men always pay, I pay, you pay, we all Pay
Women are the biggest extractors of resources but its men who put forward the resources to be had in the first place. Never mind taxes which mostly gets funnel to women anyway. Outside of the legal money you pay away still much of your resources gets funnel in-directly or directly towards women in some shape or form. Which is why for much of history men have always fought to hold wealth in their hands and try to keep it out of females hands or power structures who tried to take it.

This 20K going to women for pudding baths.. where is it going? Is it creating jobs?, being invested? Is it supporting charitable initiatives?, anything of note? No. It is just dispersing back into the black hole where it came from when those Arab Oligarchs stumbled upon that cash largely by luck in the first place. This lesson on women, whores and money is a grand lesson on how the nature of women is brutal simple in structure and opportunistic in nature, but also the folly of global economics and the hybrid from of crony capitalism that the world churns its gears on daily. Privileged Men who do nothing but smoke opium all day and jerk it to clown porn can afford to spend 20K when they please to shit on women. They get this luxury and privilege as this money largely comes off your backs, as the majority of Arab wealth still comes from the debt transfers you salve for in America and the American Dollar ---> Oil ---> Debt machine that has been going on since the 1970s. So in a way you subsidize this madness by slaving in a cubicle for the Government to take 40%+ of your money each year. Ain't that a bitch. Plus you still got to fork over money to deal with your own women circulation in your life and you might even have a leeching ex-wife with your child she uses as tool to siphon even more money from you.

Tag the Sponsor Exposes Instagram Hoes - Daedmo - 02-28-2015

Quote: (02-28-2015 11:07 PM)Feisbook Control Wrote:  

Call me blue pill if you like, but I was genuinely shocked and disgusted by this. Of course, at some level, everyone -- including me -- knows that crazy stuff goes on. Where the horror comes from is how brazen it is now. Of course, all through history, there has been prostitution and depravity. It's not that. It's that there is less and less attempt to hide it now.

The secret sauce in civilisation is not that the civilised don't do horrible things. Every empire has been built upon such things. No, it's two things. The first is that civilisations also try to build physically. What the hell are these Sheikhs building? It's all gaudy shit that will fall down within one or two centuries at the most. As others have pointed out, by pure accident, they have had access to the greatest supply and concentration of wealth that humans have ever had, and likely will ever have. Yet they've literally pissed it away. When the oil is gone, what will remain? It's one of the most inhospitable places on the planet. Instead of terraforming the region or planting billions of trees so that they physically changed the climate, they've pissed it all away. One day, Mother Nature is going to take all of their toys away when there's no longer cheap, abundant energy to air-condition or desalinate everything.

The second, and more important point, is that civilisation is built upon the transcendental. Yes, it's often a complete scam, and yes, it's often completely hypocritical because of what goes on behind the scenes. Yet that's the whole point: it goes on behind the scenes, people keep up appearances. Everyone knows that a magic trick is not really magic, but so long as no one shows them how it's done, they can pretend that it is magic. The pretending is everything. Everywhere I look now, from SJWs to the 1% there is depravity in plain view, and openly celebrated.

How long can any of this last? There is a seething hatred building in the world. You can feel this everywhere from ISIS to Occupy Wall Street and the Tea Party to Syriza and Golden Dawn to the thousands of riots that occur annually in China. A great many people know in their bones that something is desperately wrong with how things are. There will come a great washing away of all of this. Yet it will be with blood, not water, in a manner which would make Robespierre or Pol Pot blush. Because when the pendulum swings too far in one direction, it must swing too far in the opposite direction also. There can be no moderation.

I don't enjoy the decline. I despair at it because I know what is coming.

There was a push-back against the degeneracy and depravity of modern times, it was called national socialism. It lost the ideological as well as the physical war. We now have to lay in the bed we've made for ourselves.

Of course there is more to life than money and sex, there is a need for humans to believe in something bigger than themselves, there is a spiritual side that needs to be fulfilled. Leftists fill that void with their phoney crusades for "justice" or environmentalism and conservatives concentrate on material wealth. At least people are becoming aware that there is something sick and wrong with our civilization.

Tag the Sponsor Exposes Instagram Hoes - Sooth - 02-28-2015

Quote: (02-28-2015 11:07 PM)Feisbook Control Wrote:  

How long can any of this last? There is a seething hatred building in the world. You can feel this everywhere from ISIS to Occupy Wall Street and the Tea Party to Syriza and Golden Dawn to the thousands of riots that occur annually in China. A great many people know in their bones that something is desperately wrong with how things are. There will come a great washing away of all of this. Yet it will be with blood, not water, in a manner which would make Robespierre or Pol Pot blush. Because when the pendulum swings too far in one direction, it must swing too far in the opposite direction also. There can be no moderation.

I don't enjoy the decline. I despair at it because I know what is coming.

Humans are inherently nasty. Do we have to teach a child how to lie and steal? Nope, it's inbuilt - a feature.

This is nothing new, we see hatred, murder, wars etc as far back as history is recorded. Even Cain and Abel if you subscribe there.

Empires always fall, but this time the empire is so huge it may take everything down with it?

It's easy to view civilization and think "look how far we've come!" but when you break down society to its basic form you still see the same old shit that's been going on from the start. We still have the whores, the slaves, the hypocrites, the scam artists, the thieves, rapists etc but now they have iPhones and government support.

"The thing that hath been, it is that which shall be; and that which is done is that which shall be done: and there is no new thing under the sun." - King Solomon

I've read Aaron Clareys books, but not his one titled "Enjoy the Decline". Still deciding if I want to.

I gotta be careful with this stuff, dwelling on it too long brings me down.

Tag the Sponsor Exposes Instagram Hoes - eradicator - 02-28-2015

Quote: (02-26-2015 11:04 PM)monster Wrote:  

Yep, $20k is nothing for these guys. It's like going to the gas station to buy a snickers for them. Most of them own 10+ homes just like this $10.5 mil apt a sheik just put up for sale in NYC
[Image: BN-HC980_0226RI_J_20150225123754.jpg]

ugh, 10 million for that hideous decor? maybe its just my taste is different, but that looks really ugly.

Tag the Sponsor Exposes Instagram Hoes - Suits - 03-01-2015

Quote: (02-28-2015 11:55 PM)eradicator Wrote:  

Quote: (02-26-2015 11:04 PM)monster Wrote:  

Yep, $20k is nothing for these guys. It's like going to the gas station to buy a snickers for them. Most of them own 10+ homes just like this $10.5 mil apt a sheik just put up for sale in NYC
[Image: BN-HC980_0226RI_J_20150225123754.jpg]

ugh, 10 million for that hideous decor? maybe its just my taste is different, but that looks really ugly.

I think that's just the bathroom.

Tag the Sponsor Exposes Instagram Hoes - TheBulldozer - 03-01-2015

What gets me, is that it's only 20k. It's just fucking twenty thousand fucking dollars.

You can do whatever the fuck you want to another human being for twenty fucking thousand dollars.

Tag the Sponsor Exposes Instagram Hoes - Quintus Curtius - 03-01-2015

Quote: (02-28-2015 11:39 PM)kosko Wrote:  

Man's lifelong struggle with women is one part desire for the women which is outside the realm of the orbit of his mother and the protection she granted him in the womb and nurture in life, that desire is essentially the fire to keep that system going and intend that he species survives, but other part is trying to rationalize a woman who he can trust as much as his mother; the struggle is realizing that no type of woman like that exists though. Some men find that out sooner then others, many look behind the curtains and don't like what they see, many stay clueless and never know.

This is one of the most profound things written in this thread. Well done, Kos.

I think it's safe to say that the revelations in this thread have caused even the most jaded of us to shudder.

At the same time, men show their nobility by being able--unlike women--to reflect on these revealed horrors. And by reflecting, we grow in depth, and become better.

Women, by contrast, fester (literally) in their own shit, ignore reality, and rationalize.

While the dark knowledge in this thread has exposed the worst in women, I can now see--after reading Kosko's quote here--that it's brought out the best in us.


Tag the Sponsor Exposes Instagram Hoes - samsamsam - 03-01-2015

Quote: (02-28-2015 05:38 PM)Zelcorpion Wrote:  

I knew why she drank so much, but telling her would not improve her mood.

Zelcorpion, I can speculate as to why but would you mind sharing your thoughts on this? I am guessing she is just drinking to drown her pain. Thanks.

Tag the Sponsor Exposes Instagram Hoes - Simeon_Strangelight - 03-01-2015

Quote: (03-01-2015 01:46 AM)samsamsam Wrote:  

Quote: (02-28-2015 05:38 PM)Zelcorpion Wrote:  

I knew why she drank so much, but telling her would not improve her mood.

Zelcorpion, I can speculate as to why but would you mind sharing your thoughts on this? I am guessing she is just drinking to drown her pain. Thanks.

Correct - for a girl as young as that to be having an alcohol limit by far greater than mine on a per pound basis, she has to be used to doing that often. Of course there are many reasons why girls start drinking that much at such an early age - and no - it's not common in EE for women to do that.

I've only seen it with pros - 25yo escorts who began with with a vodka at 10am when their shift started. As far as men paying - even I paid because the alcohol bill was high that evening, but other men paid her to do other shit for sure. I am certain she is also open for direct offers online and if you approached her in a night-club and offered 1000$, then she would suck your dick pronto.

It was a pity, because she had a quick mind, a strong sex drive and she looked unique like a tiny Jewish princess. Instead of looking for Mr. Right she wastes her best years on distractions, debauchery and pimping herself out. It's really sad, because she could have quite easily attracted a high value man - even a wealthy one - being much more happy in the process. But feminism has told women to "enjoy" life when they are young and hot and so she does. Yolo!

Tag the Sponsor Exposes Instagram Hoes - jariel - 03-01-2015

Quote: (03-01-2015 03:07 AM)Zelcorpion Wrote:  

It's really sad, because she could have quite easily attracted a high value man - even a wealthy one - being much more happy in the process. But feminism has told women to "enjoy" life when they are young and hot and so she does. Yolo!

She could attract a high-quality man, but she couldn't keep one because she is a low-quality woman. Women surround themselves with men who they feel they can be with in a comfortable manner -- this is why a lot of high-quality men get rejected by women they figured would be layups.

If a girl has a drug/alcohol problem, she's going to gravitate towards men who enable her to be that type of addict. She's not looking for the go-getter who values his time and tries to make every moment of his life count for something. She's more apt to be around the guy who wants to get fucked up with her.

This line of thinking is my problem with the hypergamy argument. Every woman doesn't really want better, because every woman can't handle better nor could they possibly be better themselves. If you want to be on a winning team, you have to step your game up.

A woman has what she has because that's what she wants; while certain situations may not make sense to us, like we may look at her and think, "Damn, can't she do better?" The answer is, no she can't. This thread should teach us, although some of us already knew, nothing is as it appears.

You have to walk around in this life with your third eye open so you can start to see things that have always been there, but you were just too busy seeing what you wanted to see because it was easier on your mind's eye.

It's a cold world full of cold people, and we're dealing with the coldest, button up.

Tag the Sponsor Exposes Instagram Hoes - Private Man - 03-01-2015

New approach line:

"Have you ever been to Dubai?"

Tag the Sponsor Exposes Instagram Hoes - Sooth - 03-01-2015

So who's the first here to start vetting girls with a fake account and passing on their details to the Saudis for a quick buck?

Tag the Sponsor Exposes Instagram Hoes - StrikeBack - 03-01-2015

My 2c and random thoughts...

Before learning about this, I thought I was truly Mr Cynical as my family and friends say. Now I believe I was still Captain Optimism. Sort of amusing to myself, in a way.

Last year, I put on my A Game and charmed a pretty hot girl in my social circle (friend of a friend of a friend, don't know her too well). She's in the entertainment industry and hangs out with some B-listers in my country. We were supposed to meet up during our travels in NYC. She flaked on me and was rather cold in TXT exchanges. I just chalked it to bad luck. Later when I discovered her presence on Instagram (she forwarded that to me on FB) and that she couldn't possibly afford such a lifestyle, I deduced that she was an escort and was entertaining her clients then. That was kinda humourous. Now I'm thinking there's a chance that she was getting crapped on before sending me those weird flakey cold TXTs, and it feels weird.

I used to believe: go for more attractive, beautiful women even, they're smarter and likely cleaner sexually, while the average ones might have too many cocks in them already. Now I'm not so sure.

Now I know the price of a beautiful woman who will put up with my shit. It's about $20-30K, which isn't that much. About the same as a wedding for a bride that only marries you after she's lost 95% of her youth and fertility.

Yet another big dose of the crimson pill....

Tag the Sponsor Exposes Instagram Hoes - bacon - 03-01-2015

After reading this thread anyone else find themselves thinking about shit in the back of their mind when they see a beautiful woman [Image: sad.gif]