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Chinese Man’s Life with Beautiful Ukrainian Wife Envied - Kona - 03-18-2018

Did anyone go to a St. Patrick's day parade yesterday?

If so, you saw people happily celebrating their pride in their heritage.

Was anyone in the St. Paddy's day parade chanting "blood and soil" and carrying tiki torches?

There's a right and a wrong way to be proud of who you are. Too many of the white pride groups so happens to do it the wrong way. The hide behind this pride and free speech notion when all they want to do is project their hatred.


Chinese Man’s Life with Beautiful Ukrainian Wife Envied - PapayaTapper - 03-18-2018

Quote: (03-18-2018 04:43 PM)zigZag Wrote:  

I've said it many times. White Nationalism is just feminism for white guys. Just replace the patriarchy with (((Them))). It's the same negative whining and bitching from people who find it easier to complain than improve. It's the same grouping up together to dick ride on the achievements of someone else because they share the same skin color.

Just like feminism isn't about doing what's best for women and allowing women to live their lives how they fit. WN isn't about loving the white race. Rather it's about hatred of other races. Nothing stops these guys from living the lives they claim to want. But the truth is they don't actually want to solve their problems.. they just want something to complain about.

Quote: (03-18-2018 05:11 PM)PapayaTapper Wrote:  

This type of statement is doing exactly the same thing as MSM (and left) does with the entire right: lumping them together.

Stating an opinion on or desire for the preservation / advancement of any culture, or ethnicity based on self interest does not automatically mean someone hates any or all others. Its not a zero sum game

To say that anyone that speaks up for their "white interests" always does so in an advocacy of hate does a disservice to our community's ability for rational discourse.

It's obviously a hyper touchy subject. If we can all at least agree that unanimity of opinion will never be reached on the topic we can also agree, I'd hope, to keep personal attacks out of the dialogue. Else this place is no better than FaceBook

Quote: (03-18-2018 04:43 PM)zigZag Wrote:  

I'm not here to attack anyone and i don't want to come across as attacking.
Here is the thing though, how are WN stopped from preserving their culture. Specifically in this instance... this guy moved to ukraine with permission of the gov there and i'm sure he didnt rape that girl.. so it was all done with consent of all parties. How does these people and others consenting between themselves.. Prevent the WN from preserving/Advancing his culture??

Sorry but this seems like when feminists get mad that a woman is happily a housewife and lives by traditional values. That's all i see from WN. So i lump them together. It doesn't seem like it's about advancing anything.. Rather from where i'm standing it's all about policing the actions of other people. Which in essence makes it a different version of feminism. All i want is to know how are you (not you personally) stopped from preserving your culture? How does someone who shares your race making decisions that THEY think are best influence your life and stop you from preserving your culture?

Note: I never used the term White Nationalist (WN) in my post yet you assumed that's what I was referring to.

And that's exactly my point.

The automatic association of the term "white"="white nationalist"="racist"="nazi" is a culturally systemic problem

Chinese Man’s Life with Beautiful Ukrainian Wife Envied - Simeon_Strangelight - 03-18-2018

It's interesting that the term White Nationalism has been shifted to mean instantly some kind of Neo-Nazi Aryan cult.
Nowadays the term being White is already bad.
Nationalism is also bad unless it's civic nationalism (meaning open borders multiculturalism).

You have to realize that almost all Western states were White nationalist states - even further they were having a nationalism that sometimes hated the French bastards living right next to them despite being almost identical in terms of race.

Nazism and some kind of Aryan cults and supremacist thinking can be called out, but honestly the Chinese feel themselves superior to Whites even when it concerns the English language, let alone other topics. Supremacism is also something that many nations practice to this day - Muslims feeling superior to every infidel even if their own country has an average IQ of 75, intermarries with their first cousins at rates above 60% - they are all superior because of Islam. And never mind North Asian countries who have the same thoughts.

But this discussion here goes too far - being advocates for their own countries and wanting to retain their culture and even ethnic makeup should not be something that you should be feel ashamed of. The Koreans, Chinese and Japanese would laugh at the notion of anyone accusing them of Korean Supremacism. Only Whites are dumb, brainwashed and altruistic enough to let that comment hurt them.

Now back to the topic here. Icarus is obviously a smart guy, but his comment regarding this one lauded Chinese guy being able to nab an Ukrainian cutie - well that went too far. This is not a thread about some kind of joint agreement where China is sending 5 mio. bachelors to Ukraine to grap all their hot fertile women. Then we could talk of wide-ranging genocide.

This is one bloke of a high-IQ k-selected culture marrying a girl of another high-IQ k-selected culture.

Also in terms of mixed couples - that shit will increase anyway due to the technological advances. Even in the so-called racist past you had plantation owners falling in real love with black girls and giving them freedom, keeping them at least as wealthy mistresses and even loving their mixed children. You will not able to stop that and neither should you police it. As a society we should not promote it like the globalists do now, but we should relax. Fuck and let fuck.

The thread has swerved off-course. Icarus - you were responsible for it, because you don't conflate individual cases with suicidal demographic steps like Merkel's policies. As China becomes richer, they will obviously poach more women across the world, because there is a massive shortage of their own. They won't take over Ukraine, but China might actually really take over Canada and Australia - both economically as well as demographically.

And if things continue then the Chinese Canada might build a border wall to the South - that would be really funny.

Chinese Man’s Life with Beautiful Ukrainian Wife Envied - Doxacite - 03-18-2018

^^^Except I don't think that's going to happen in the near future given the demographic time bomb that China is sitting on and their population at below replacement level.

Chinese Man’s Life with Beautiful Ukrainian Wife Envied - PapayaTapper - 03-18-2018

Quote: (03-18-2018 04:45 PM)Kona Wrote:  

Did anyone go to a St. Patrick's day parade yesterday?

If so, you saw people happily celebrating their pride in their heritage.

Was anyone in the St. Paddy's day parade chanting "blood and soil" and carrying tiki torches?

There's a right and a wrong way to be proud of who you are. Too many of the white pride groups so happens to do it the wrong way. The hide behind this pride and free speech notion when all they want to do is project their hatred.

Aloha! what's the right way?

So how can the term "white pride" even be uttered without the connotation of implied supremacy being automatically inferred?

Who, if we are honest, doesn't make that inference almost viscerally due to our cultural conditioning?

Sincere questions

Chinese Man’s Life with Beautiful Ukrainian Wife Envied - rudebwoy - 03-18-2018

Quote: (03-18-2018 05:19 PM)Zelcorpion Wrote:  

It's interesting that the term White Nationalism has been shifted to mean instantly some kind of Neo-Nazi Aryan cult.
Nowadays the term being White is already bad.
Nationalism is also bad unless it's civic nationalism (meaning open borders multiculturalism).

You have to realize that almost all Western states were White nationalist states - even further they were having a nationalism that sometimes hated the French bastards living right next to them despite being almost identical in terms of race.

Nazism and some kind of Aryan cults and supremacist thinking can be called out, but honestly the Chinese feel themselves superior to Whites even when it concerns the English language, let alone other topics. Supremacism is also something that many nations practice to this day - Muslims feeling superior to every infidel even if their own country has an average IQ of 75, intermarries with their first cousins at rates above 60% - they are all superior because of Islam. And never mind North Asian countries who have the same thoughts.

But this discussion here goes too far - being advocates for their own countries and wanting to retain their culture and even ethnic makeup should not be something that you should be feel ashamed of. The Koreans, Chinese and Japanese would laugh at the notion of anyone accusing them of Korean Supremacism. Only Whites are dumb, brainwashed and altruistic enough to let that comment hurt them.

Now back to the topic here. Icarus is obviously a smart guy, but his comment regarding this one lauded Chinese guy being able to nab an Ukrainian cutie - well that went too far. This is not a thread about some kind of joint agreement where China is sending 5 mio. bachelors to Ukraine to grap all their hot fertile women. Then we could talk of wide-ranging genocide.

This is one bloke of a high-IQ k-selected culture marrying a girl of another high-IQ k-selected culture.

Also in terms of mixed couples - that shit will increase anyway due to the technological advances. Even in the so-called racist past you had plantation owners falling in real love with black girls and giving them freedom, keeping them at least as wealthy mistresses and even loving their mixed children. You will not able to stop that and neither should you police it. As a society we should not promote it like the globalists do now, but we should relax. Fuck and let fuck.

The thread has swerved off-course. Icarus - you were responsible for it, because you don't conflate individual cases with suicidal demographic steps like Merkel's policies. As China becomes richer, they will obviously poach more women across the world, because there is a massive shortage of their own. They won't take over Ukraine, but China might actually really take over Canada and Australia - both economically as well as demographically.

And if things continue then the Chinese Canada might build a border wall to the South - that would be really funny.

Not sure what this has to do with a Chinese guy marrying a Ukrainian girl.

The slave example is laughable and more revisionist history. Some mulatto slaves might have gained a few favours, but most were treated poorly and in a lot of cases the offspring were killed.

I am sure you know about the one drop rule.

I don't know what high IQ K culture means, the guy looks like a troll which makes it more laughable that people are getting bent out of shape.

Ukrainians seem like tough people, after all they survived the Holocaust in 1932 whereby 7 million of them died at the hands of Stalin. So a few Chinese men moving to their country won't change things.

Seems to me the attack has always been against white Christian cultures and WE all know who is behind this assault.

All the "isms" are usually started by Zionist Jews and promoted by there minions.

As for the white race, no one seems to be answering the question that has been posted several times.

Why not have more white children with white women?

Any society is going to be in trouble when deaths outnumber the birth rate.

There is an obvious attack going on against the family and family values.
Passing off laws to teach sex to kids under age 10, the lowering age for girls to have sex, soft pedophile laws for the sickos to touch young boys, rights for transsexuals, rights for homosexuals and the list goes on.

It isn't the blacks or muslims that are passing these laws, it is people that look like you and have so called higher intellect and IQ.

So instead of preaching mgtow, we should be preaching marriage and family values.

Most guys aren't looking for a solution, only to gripe. I guess it is easier to search for pussy paradise and bitch on your laptop.

I give full respect to Mike Cernovich, at least he put his money where his mouth is.

Chinese Man’s Life with Beautiful Ukrainian Wife Envied - StrikeBack - 03-18-2018

I’m 100% for white guys making more babies with white women. My future sons will definitely like to have some snow bunnies!

Having white pride is fine. You should be proud of your traditions and ancestry, and I am very much an admirer of classic Western philosophy, traditions and civilisations. But saying all that while not actually doing anything to improve your shockingly low birth rate and blaming other men for taking your women is being just like the MGTOW losers. And once more, don’t blame the economy or make excuses about your personal finance. Your ancestors made do with much less, and they would be dead tired hearing your whining. Or maybe learn from the Chinese guy in the OP, he arrived in the Ukraine with hardly a penny, knowing not a lick of Russian language, and was so poor that eating scrambled eggs with tomatoes was a luxury to him. He didn’t wait to get rich to marry his wife and pop out some babies, he seemed to understand life priorities much better than you guys do. That’s probably why he scored such an attractive feminine wife too.

Chinese Man’s Life with Beautiful Ukrainian Wife Envied - El Chinito loco - 03-18-2018

Quote: (03-18-2018 09:08 PM)rudebwoy Wrote:  

As for the white race, no one seems to be answering the question that has been posted several times.

Why not have more white children with white women?

What i've observed is that the alt right, various mainstream W.N. groups, and internet armchair race warriors view all this stuff as an ideological abstraction.

They talk a good game about building white community but few actually live the individual ideals of having lots of white kids and working towards that future. There's a myriad of the usual excuses as to why individuals who follow these ideals don't actually do anything.

What it comes down to is that race warriors and their associated groups don't actually have solid policy goals or a roadmap for implementation for their ideals either. Their movement certainly isn't made up of brilliant intellectuals like the founders of the U.S. who sat around thinking up concrete policy and infrastructure plans while debating philosophical ideals of government.

The short term goal of alt right style white nationalism is to try and flip public consciousness and move the overton window so they can hypothetically put in one of their own such as Paul Nehlen. They think that just because white people voted Trump they will also accept a lot of the more wild fringe aspects of their ideology.

Based on just third hand observations the entire leadership movement is made up of childless men primarily in their 30-40's. If you juxtaposed the leading MGTOW voices over W.N. you'd be amazed at how similar they sound and look. Lots of goofy motherfuckers for sure. I don't understand how people take guys like Chris Cantwell seriously. There's no real legitimacy to any of these guys.

You have some millenial followers who came from youtube or the chans who swell their ranks but most are just shit posting armchair race warriors.


Most guys aren't looking for a solution, only to gripe. I guess it is easier to search for pussy paradise and bitch on your laptop.

That's what it boils down to at the end of the day. The actual solutions would require some deep inward analysis and fundamental changes in mainstream white culture. Simply blaming Jews or minorities for everything only goes so far. A lot of the problems (such as feminism) are self inflicted as well. Jews promoted it but mainstream white culture ran with it big time and made it their own thing.

That's why I said before that even if white nationalists got their wish it'll just end up as a white matriarchy. The same guys complaining are still not going to get laid in the white ethnostate either. White women still going to thot it up regardless just with a few high status chads instead.

Chinese Man’s Life with Beautiful Ukrainian Wife Envied - Leonard D Neubache - 03-18-2018

While reversing negative trends in white birth rates is a reasonable request it's senseless to simply insist that whites should try to outbreed other traditionally r-selected races. If you can't retain a historic demographic majority having 3 kids to 2 parents then you're not obligated to engage in some sort of retarded race to the bottom by pumping out a dozen kids you can't afford to raise to a first world standard. In fact, in an increasingly automated society with decreasing resources insisting that whites try to outbreed other races is a massively flawed strategy. If the only reason you need more people is to retain a demographic majority so your nation doesn't turn into a shithole then something has gone terribly wrong, and pumping out babies is going to create just as many problems as it solves.

This is why multiracial socialist democracies such as we have in the West are destined to fail. What do you think is inevitably going to happen when you ask whites (and asians and affluent r-select indians) to pick up the lion's share of the tab for social programs that disproportionately benefit blacks and latinos then go on to ridicule whites as having low birth rates because they don't want to raise a dozen kids below the poverty line on welfare?

Is it not unreasonable to tell to tell net-welfare-parasite races to fuck the hell off?

Paint it any way you like. If American whites reduced their tax burden to an even per-capita level with other races then they could afford to have a dozen kids in style while a shitload of blacks and latinos would start to figure out the basics of birth control real fucking fast.

But that's not going to happen. Whites are going to be simultaneously bled and whipped until they fight back or they're genocided, because they don't have the nous to push back before things get utterly dire, at which point if history serves they will become a very efficient genocide machine unto themselves.

And that's what makes this all such a depressing joke. Civic nationalists berating whites to shut the fuck up, get back onto the taxation plantation and keep playing the whipping boy. Do they want to want to turn that microscope on the ghetto and start giving "POCs" some advice on what their collective responsibilities are?

[Image: laugh4.gif]

Naw. That might result is a serious dose of reality.

Chinese Man’s Life with Beautiful Ukrainian Wife Envied - nomadbrah - 03-18-2018

The flipside of the obsessed white nationalist, is the obsessed ethnic white-women troll.

The kind that staunchly claims to not have an obsession with white women, but scratch a little and all the anger comes out "500 white bitches", "snowbunnies for my children".

Chinese Man’s Life with Beautiful Ukrainian Wife Envied - polar - 03-18-2018

I'm not going to get into the race / ethnic wars topic...but had to comment on your posts about the forum.

Quote: (03-18-2018 03:38 AM)Icarus Wrote:  

Quote: (03-14-2018 07:28 PM)Cobra Wrote:  

So... yes, there is a global brotherhood dude. It is called the Rooshv Forum.

You cheapen the word "brotherhood"...

And you don't develop a brotherhood by logging in and checking your rep points. Bonds are forged in person, and take investment on your part.


If you get fired and urgently need some cash, who in here is going to lend you money?

Nobody's going to pay your mortgage for you, but it has happened. Not to go into any details here, but there has been at least one publicized case (which you should probably know about) where someone got a sizable loan to deal with a major problem.


If you get into a fight, who in here is going to have your back?

The forum guys who you've met offline, went out with, and developed bonds with. I am aware of at least one (non-public) situation where a non-RVFer started mouthing off to someone from the RVF crew, with the rest of the crew readying to pounce if need be. (No violence occurred.)


In my life experience, guys who are all "bros before hoes" are the first ones to betray their so-called bros whenever a sufficiently attractive woman comes along.

Sounds like you need better bros.


Masculine relationships are created in the real world, offline, not on forums. Forums like RVF allow one to identify potentially interesting people with whom to interact in the real world.

90% of the value isn't in the posts here, but offline.

Of the RVF members I've met to date, I've had just a single negative experience, a newbie and suspected shill around the time of one of the outrages, who hasn't logged on since. The rest have all been on the spectrum from "cool guy" to "renaissance man, worthy of emulation." (And then there's Suits over there, in the corner.)

Guys have spared hours of their time to provide advice to each other in their areas of strength - from dating to powerlifting, medicine to investments. Members who have never personally met have generously taken their valuable ($$$-$$$$/hr) time to provide career advice to others over the phone. Jobs have been found, business deals have been made - thanks to the RVF network.

There's also a trend: those who have been the most vocal in advocating for meetups and forming a RVF community have also consistently delivered the most value to other members.

Here's a (serious) post from Suits to drive the point home:

Quote: (11-20-2017 09:35 AM)Suits Wrote:  

The senior members of RVF know more about each other than you could probably imagine. We know who has a forum persona that matches their real life reality and who doesn't. We know that several unusually secretive forum members are successful in ways that most can't properly comprehend.

One thing is for sure. Guys are very, very protective about who they invite into their inner circle. There are guys who keep their distance from me. I don't take it personally and neither should you.

There's no shortcut to establishing meaningful relationships with other men. Look for ways to offer value and if you haven't already, learn to be the type of man that others, include some of the great men of this forum, want to associate with.

So how many "potentially interesting" people have you interacted with in the real world?

Chinese Man’s Life with Beautiful Ukrainian Wife Envied - iop890 - 03-18-2018

Quote: (03-18-2018 10:20 PM)polar Wrote:  

And you don't develop a brotherhood by logging in and checking your rep points.

Everyone knows likes are where the real currency is.

I'm at 33,000 by the way. That's over 1% of total likes given in case anyone was wondering.

My e-cock is basically Congolese.

I'll go now.

Chinese Man’s Life with Beautiful Ukrainian Wife Envied - Suits - 03-18-2018

Quote: (03-18-2018 10:20 PM)polar Wrote:  

Of the RVF members I've met to date, I've had just a single negative experience, a newbie and suspected shill around the time of one of the outrages, who hasn't logged on since. The rest have all been on the spectrum from "cool guy" to "renaissance man, worthy of emulation." (And then there's Suits over there, in the corner.)

[Image: 200.gif]

Chinese Man’s Life with Beautiful Ukrainian Wife Envied - Fortis - 03-18-2018

Quote: (03-18-2018 03:38 AM)Icarus Wrote:  

You cheapen the word "brotherhood"...

If you get fired and urgently need some cash, who in here is going to lend you money?

I wanted to refrain from going into this, but here I am.

Actually, the forum has pooled money together, online and offline, to help men in need. You can go read about one case in Handsome Creepy Eel's thread. Don't try and disrespect this forum and imply that we're all talk. I've been paid by several members here for work I've done for them. A few members here have released books and many of us have purchased those books and left good reviews. We help each other here quite often, so don't even try and slip that sort of bullshit in here.

Fuck, I was once almost stranded in HK and Suits offered to help me out for a bit. This forum is actually a brotherhood, but a small, angry man like you will never be included.

I've also floated some white guys in China some cash when they were in need. Nothing huge, but we do look out for one another, so cut your divisive bullshit, right now.

We support each other on this forum and if you can't handle the idea of having to deal with other men of others colours hanging out and reaping the benefits of this awesome network that we have, then you need to find a new forum. Sign up for stormfront and be gone.

[Image: gtfo.gif]

Chinese Man’s Life with Beautiful Ukrainian Wife Envied - Leonard D Neubache - 03-19-2018

Hey Fortis.

I got doxxed and some antifa types showed up at my house. Shit went south and I don't have time to explain. I need you to drop whatever you're doing and get here asap with a rental car, a hacksaw, two shovels, a bag of lime and some heavy duty garbage bags.

How soon can you be here?

[Image: 635994143238292226-1891899062_applesoranges.jpg]

Chinese Man’s Life with Beautiful Ukrainian Wife Envied - Kona - 03-19-2018

Quote: (03-18-2018 06:33 PM)PapayaTapper Wrote:  

Quote: (03-18-2018 04:45 PM)Kona Wrote:  

Did anyone go to a St. Patrick's day parade yesterday?

If so, you saw people happily celebrating their pride in their heritage.

Was anyone in the St. Paddy's day parade chanting "blood and soil" and carrying tiki torches?

There's a right and a wrong way to be proud of who you are. Too many of the white pride groups so happens to do it the wrong way. The hide behind this pride and free speech notion when all they want to do is project their hatred.

Aloha! what's the right way?

So how can the term "white pride" even be uttered without the connotation of implied supremacy being automatically inferred?

Who, if we are honest, doesn't make that inference almost viscerally due to our cultural conditioning?

Sincere questions

Sincere answers:

Maybe there needs to be a new term for white pride? Sure some of the negatives that are automatically implied are the media and the Lefty's fault, but also don't forget groups like the KKK or the neo Nazis. Maybe a clean break from groups like that would help?

There are tons of organizations that,support white people and white people only that nobody gets upset about.

Here's my favorite, its a gymnastics club for Czech Americans: These people are teaching little Czech kids how to do kartwheels. They don't sneak in a heil Hitler when they do somersaults, because they don't hate anybody.

Here's the Belgian american educational foundation, they want to get together and make sure Belgians get good educations. If I asked them for a scholarship they'd say no. That doesn't mean they are racisrs, they are doing their own thing. I bet they'd give me a big ass waffle and tell me about Belgium and why its great if I went to their headquarters.

For some reason when the groups get together to be proud just for whiteness, the whackadoos come out of the woodwork. You gotta cut those fuckers off, and there you go. Or bobs your uncle as the British say.

Maybe try "European pride" or "Anglo pride" and see what happens.


Chinese Man’s Life with Beautiful Ukrainian Wife Envied - Leonard D Neubache - 03-19-2018

Friends of Arya?

Chinese Man’s Life with Beautiful Ukrainian Wife Envied - StrikeBack - 03-19-2018

Quote: (03-18-2018 10:17 PM)nomadbrah Wrote:  

The flipside of the obsessed white nationalist, is the obsessed ethnic white-women troll.

The kind that staunchly claims to not have an obsession with white women, but scratch a little and all the anger comes out "500 white bitches", "snowbunnies for my children".

No, obsession with white women is the WN MGTOW type who can’t get laid with one to save their lives, but wants to police whom those women can date or marry.

We “ethnic” types just have a preference for them.

If that’s too difficult for you to comprehend, think of it this way. If I eat steak regularly, it means I have a preference for steak. If I can’t afford steak but think about it constantly and try to stop everyone I run into from eating their hard-earned steak, I’d rightly be called “obsessed with steak” or a “steak troll”.

Chinese Man’s Life with Beautiful Ukrainian Wife Envied - Leonard D Neubache - 03-19-2018

[Image: osama-bin-laden-interesting-facts.jpg]

I am declaring a Holy Jihad on anyone that posts another analogy or metaphor on this thread.

May Allah bring dark days upon him who transgresses against this most sacred vow.

Chinese Man’s Life with Beautiful Ukrainian Wife Envied - Suits - 03-19-2018

Quote: (03-19-2018 02:50 AM)Leonard D Neubache Wrote:  

I am declaring a Holy Jihad on anyone that posts another analogy or metaphor on this thread.

May Allah bring dark days upon him who transgresses against this most sacred vow.

That threat is like a dog promising to become a cat.

Chinese Man’s Life with Beautiful Ukrainian Wife Envied - Simeon_Strangelight - 03-19-2018

Quote: (03-18-2018 10:08 PM)Leonard D Neubache Wrote:  

While reversing negative trends in white birth rates is a reasonable request it's senseless to simply insist that whites should try to outbreed other traditionally r-selected races. If you can't retain a historic demographic majority having 3 kids to 2 parents then you're not obligated to engage in some sort of retarded race to the bottom by pumping out a dozen kids you can't afford to raise to a first world standard. In fact, in an increasingly automated society with decreasing resources insisting that whites try to outbreed other races is a massively flawed strategy. If the only reason you need more people is to retain a demographic majority so your nation doesn't turn into a shithole then something has gone terribly wrong, and pumping out babies is going to create just as many problems as it solves.

This is why multiracial socialist democracies such as we have in the West are destined to fail. What do you think is inevitably going to happen when you ask whites (and asians and affluent r-select indians) to pick up the lion's share of the tab for social programs that disproportionately benefit blacks and latinos then go on to ridicule whites as having low birth rates because they don't want to raise a dozen kids below the poverty line on welfare?

Is it not unreasonable to tell to tell net-welfare-parasite races to fuck the hell off?

Exactly - no one here is telling the Japanese to go and outbreed subsaharan Africans. And the Japanese don't have to, since they don't invite tens of millions of immigrants who they then subsidize with welfare money, so that they one day can turn Japan into a violent shithole.

Feminism can be gone, but Europeans and Japanese were always k-selected cultures opting for children when it was good to do so.

[Image: human-evolutionary-winners-1-638.jpg?cb=1453287444]
More traditional cultures breed more, but I don't think that this is the end-all solution for the entire world or it will really get crowded fast.

Even if you manage to one day push back feminism and return to submissive women of the past - even then it is no solution to pop out 6+ babies each and have the world be drowned with 20-30 bio. people.


That is simply a proposal that is preposterous.

Whites don't have to breed like it's 1890 just as the Japanese don't have to. Populations in the past contracted severely and it was fine.

[Image: MedievalPopulation01.jpg]
The Japanese in 2100 may be just 60 mio, but they will Japanese. The West will consist of an assortment of shitholes or Orwellian states where many of the cultures live highly segregated separate lives (with many exceptions, but they will remain exceptions) - unless something changes.

Chinese Man’s Life with Beautiful Ukrainian Wife Envied - StrikeBack - 03-19-2018

Don’t need to outbreed them, just need to breed. Too many whites simply don’t even have children. That was what was talked about earlier.

Chinese Man’s Life with Beautiful Ukrainian Wife Envied - Simeon_Strangelight - 03-19-2018

Quote: (03-19-2018 03:39 AM)StrikeBack Wrote:  

Don’t need to outbreed them, just need to breed. Too many whites simply don’t even have children. That was what was talked about earlier.

No - it won't be enough even to breed at replacement levels, because non-White immigration is going on at massive rates and for many of those breeding at welfare is a valid way of making money.

The Japanese don't have to in order to retain their cultures.

My estimate is that the West would require a fertility rate of 3-4 in order to outbreed the immigrants. Even if some men are doing that, then it is absolutely impossible at the current stage of our system. Similarly you could not motivate the Japanese to do that.

Again - it's actually a counter-argument to the comment by Icarus. If you say that YOU SHOULD BREED LIKE A RABBIT, then that is an individual comment that will change jack-shit about mass development. It is on the same scale as being concerned about one Chinese guy marrying a white girl. That one nationalist having lots of children won't change jack shit as well.

Chinese Man’s Life with Beautiful Ukrainian Wife Envied - Leonard D Neubache - 03-19-2018

Quote: (03-19-2018 03:39 AM)StrikeBack Wrote:  

Don’t need to outbreed them, just need to breed. Too many whites simply don’t even have children. That was what was talked about earlier.

Let's imagine you were a white guy in America and you want a brother or sister for Strikeback junior. Keep in mind between you and your wife you're already paying taxes to support two welfare kids. We'll call them Taxbaby1 and Taxbaby2, so you're already behind the game on demographics.

"It's hard to make ends meet as it is, but we can pick up some extra shifts", you say. Did I hear "taxes"? Cha ching! Strikeback junior's little brother is born but now you're also funding a small village in Somalia to breed even further beyond their capacity to feed themselves. Taxbaby3 is now in the pipeline when the next drought hits Somalia and a new refugee crisis sweeps the region. Grats. You and your wife are working hard and you're still behind on demographics. Better yet, in the meanwhile Taxbaby1 and Taxbaby2 are growing up as totally indoctrinated wards of the state, who will reliably vote against your ass in all future elections, and Taxbaby3 is a foreigner who will vote for whoever promises to tax you more and give some of the largess to him and his friends.

So you go to your favourite forum and lament. "This sucks. I'm losing my homeland to foreigners and parasites, and if things don't turn around my country will be ruined".

What do you hear back?

"Fucking racist beta faggot. If you care so much about your demographic majority why are you barely breeding at replacement levels?"

Hmm, you think. Maybe he has a point. If me and Mrs Strikeback each get a second job then we can afford a third child. Demographic resurge, here we come!

Oh shit, bro! Is that a new tax bracket? Meet Taxbaby4! This one is from Syria, or so he says. We used that 10k you provided to lob a missile into his village and now you'll be paying for his rehab stateside. P.S. he's moving in next door to you and he really doesn't like white people. I'm sure you understand. LOL! P.S. Remember to spend some time with your kids. Oh wait. You can't. You're both working two jobs! AHAHAHAHA!

Pretty funny, right?

[Image: laugh5.gif]

So funny that white people might start to see how funny it is and decide to play a little joke of their own.

I'll spoil the punchline. It's "white nationalism" and it involves white people not funding their own replacements who hate and ridicule them en-masse as beta faggots who refuse play an unwinnable game called "impoverish yourself by breeding like animals or be replaced".

With that in mind, this is the territorial map of these beta faggots failing to outbreed the local and imported folk who routinely tell them how much they absolutely despise them.

[Image: Screen-Shot-2016-12-21-at-1.43.18-PM.png]

Keep in mind that's just about every natural resource in the hands of the sterile white folk, so the welfare rabbits can keep pushing their luck and ridiculing the ones barely breeding at replacement levels as "beta faggots unfit for survival" but once whites pull the welfare rug out from under the rabbits the demographic problem will be gone by the end of the first winter.


Chinese Man’s Life with Beautiful Ukrainian Wife Envied - nomadbrah - 03-19-2018

Quote: (03-19-2018 02:28 AM)StrikeBack Wrote:  

Quote: (03-18-2018 10:17 PM)nomadbrah Wrote:  

The flipside of the obsessed white nationalist, is the obsessed ethnic white-women troll.

The kind that staunchly claims to not have an obsession with white women, but scratch a little and all the anger comes out "500 white bitches", "snowbunnies for my children".

No, obsession with white women is the WN MGTOW type who can’t get laid with one to save their lives, but wants to police whom those women can date or marry.

We “ethnic” types just have a preference for them.

If that’s too difficult for you to comprehend, think of it this way. If I eat steak regularly, it means I have a preference for steak. If I can’t afford steak but think about it constantly and try to stop everyone I run into from eating their hard-earned steak, I’d rightly be called “obsessed with steak” or a “steak troll”.

I'm not triggered at all by this chinese guy or you or Kona having sex, marrying or breeding with white women. You won't find a single post in my history saying anything of that sort.

Why did you feel the need to use a racial slur about white women though, aren't you in a relationship with a white woman? That reads like something from that hapa forum on reddit with the racist white men and their asian wives. It was a rather strange phrasing, that whites should keep breeding so your sons had "snowbunnies to bang". Yeah, that's racist.