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London Bridge and Borough Market Attacks (June 3, 2017) - Dalaran1991 - 06-05-2017

Quote: (06-05-2017 12:34 AM)sterling_archer Wrote:  

Quote: (06-04-2017 10:23 PM)RIslander Wrote:  

I'm one-upping all your armor videos. This looks fun as fuck. I had no idea this existed.

This is shit masquerading as a historical battle/duel/whatever. They hit each other with swords like they are clubs. Also, no one would use sword against plate armor like these guys do.

HEMA is real thing.

They are just doing it for fun. We do that too between sessions. Against plate harness you use a warhammer. If you have to use sword, you do half-swording or holding it by the blade to use the pommel/guard as a hammer.

No one said to roll out in full plate, that's ridiculous... having a simple breastplate is all you need given that most of your opponents are untrained. It weight as much as your backpack with some books.

Plate fell out of fashion because some peasants with a heavy musket can kill a rich duke on the battlefield, that's all. Agincourt is a myth, most English longbow did not pierce the French armor. Even then the feared French cuirassiers that deliver shocking charges on Napoleonic battlefields are armed with heavy plates and swords. For civilian use where big firearm can not be carry around, people still carry swords all the way up to the 18th century.

London Bridge and Borough Market Attacks (June 3, 2017) - UlteriorMotive - 06-05-2017

Quote: (06-04-2017 10:46 AM)uncledick Wrote:  

Quote: (06-04-2017 10:35 AM)UlteriorMotive Wrote:  

I'd recommend all of our UK heads to invest in a reliable folding knife and a form of defence spray.

I've purchased multiple of these two items below for friends and family.

Legal carry knife + spray to disorientate
[Image: 41Cf9lFsbcL.jpg]
[Image: 51ujVN2P2YL.jpg]

You can get both on Amazon for £25

No offense, i'm sure its the best advice you can give at this moment...

But Jesus H. Christ that's the best you can do for self-defense in England? A tiny knife and a spray can. What about those retractable steel batons that can break knees and arms with a flick, surely you can get those legally.

That is pretty much all you can get away with.

Outside of some combat training and a cane / umbrella there really is no other choice.

Quote: (06-04-2017 10:47 AM)iop890 Wrote:  

What's defense spray? I assume it's not pepper spray or it would be called that.

It mimics mace by shooting a red gel which stains and dyes the clothes of the attacker.

London Bridge and Borough Market Attacks (June 3, 2017) - sterling_archer - 06-05-2017

Quote: (06-05-2017 07:20 AM)Dalaran1991 Wrote:  

They are just doing it for fun. We do that too between sessions. Against plate harness you use a warhammer. If you have to use sword, you do half-swording or holding it by the blade to use the pommel/guard as a hammer.

No one said to roll out in full plate, that's ridiculous... having a simple breastplate is all you need given that most of your opponents are untrained. It weight as much as your backpack with some books.

Plate fell out of fashion because some peasants with a heavy musket can kill a rich duke on the battlefield, that's all. Agincourt is a myth, most English longbow did not pierce the French armor. Even then the feared French cuirassiers that deliver shocking charges on Napoleonic battlefields are armed with heavy plates and swords. For civilian use where big firearm can not be carry around, people still carry swords all the way up to the 18th century.

I know already the things you mentioned but still, battle of the nations its a bit ridiculous to me, that's all. Between this and HEMA, I would always pick HEMA. Too bad I have logistical difficulties and can't go to it.

London Bridge and Borough Market Attacks (June 3, 2017) - Foolsgo1d - 06-05-2017

@ Dalaran

I didn't say it wasn't effective in combatting melee arms, but it is useless for blunt force trauma from heavy weapons and vehicles. You also need to wear it for it to be effective and you won't find people wearing full chain mail in a city, perhaps kevlar or a stab vest but never chain mail.

@ H1N1

I too was in the general area and it would seem all the hard arses have died out, moved out of the city centre or London entirely, been put in prison and replaced with a lot of hipsters, emo's and oestrogen filled feminine males.

I also had to notice something. Most of my look-ins were from women of a non-white race. White girls looked through me for the most part but ethnic chicks were eyeing me up.

Pretty sure the men are the way they are in many cities now is because of the way women behave and what men they want. London just has a massive number of women who want their men to be effeminate and pussi-fied.

London Bridge and Borough Market Attacks (June 3, 2017) - Teedub - 06-05-2017

Quote: (06-04-2017 07:48 PM)Leonard D Neubache Wrote:  

You know, lads. I'm past this being about the muslims.

I'm going to say this again. I'm past this being about the muslims.

When I started the #collaborator thread I was running through twitter feeds seeing muslims making excuses or qualifying this or that or calling for peace. I typed #collaborator in the reply box but I never hit [post]. Because I realised that these people are defending their own.

But the whites.

The backstabbing, virtue signalling, civilisation destroying bastards.

Something very interesting is happening. A significant amount of my mixed race / black mates are getting pretty fucking angry. If I said some of the stuff I've seen them say on FB, I'd have at least one person say "Bloody hell [insert first name], you sound pretty fucking far right" or some other shite. I suspect they'll be the first to fight back, not as in my mates, but blacks against Muslims in places where they live in close proximity. Sikhs and Hindus hate Muslims, but Sikhs are too small in number and Hindus are just way too successful to get involved in street scuffles.

As H1N1, middle class whites like the ones in that restaurant won't do shit. They believe in nothing. I know people like them, all they care about it materialistic shit. It will be the working classes they sneer at that will actually fix the problems coming down the line...just as they always have. Send 'em off to war, but still sneer at their nationalism once they've got the job done. Look at that ex-SAS guy's interview on Channel 4 news for this exact attitude.

I'm ashamed to be middle class these days, hence my absolute joy at having dialogue directly with Tommy Robinson. It's one of the reasons I'm very happy I have a lot of working class mates.

It's a pity I'm not in the UK on June 11th otherwise I would have gone on that march he's going on in Manchester. It's actually a march organised by a few gay blokes against sharia law...and the extreme left are protesting it. These people are a much bigger enemy long term than the muslims.

London Bridge and Borough Market Attacks (June 3, 2017) - RIslander - 06-05-2017

Quote: (06-05-2017 05:32 AM)H1N1 Wrote:  

Quote: (06-05-2017 04:45 AM)Zelcorpion Wrote:  

H1N1 - I guess you would have fought them if they barged in your place? That Chinese journalists was fighting one, but I think he did it barehanded.

First thing I would do is look for a weapon - bar stool, frame of a painting, a chair, big booze bottles that you break and use for weapons, I probably would have tried to yank some fixtures off the wall, you would only need to run back to the kitchen and get some heavy equipment - even a large long top heavy pan would be good. They had fake suicide vests on, but it should have been clear to them that these were fake anyway. They would have ignited them early on if they were real.

Usually the procedure of such attacks is:

1. They ignite and die.
2. It misfires and burns or maims the perp.
3. He or she chickens out and goes home (this happens more frequently than one may think - supposedly there was another woman in Hijab during the Ariana Grande concert, she was very nervous, but left before the explosion happened.)

What they don't do generally is start with knives and then fire up the suicide vest later. Any strong man could potentially knock them out. This attack thrived on speed and the lack of preparation of the people. Just 2 strong guys armed with bar stools could have seriously impacted those Muslims or even defeated them.

I think it's safe to say that they would have had a very rough ride had they barged in to where I was on Saturday night, given that the majority of my friendship group is taken from the most elite parts of the British Army. The thought of it is pretty amusing. I'm not sure the police would have been called so quickly.

I would advise against breaking bottles in advance of using them as weapons, as they don't break uniformly and could quite easily slice your hand open through your tendons. Better to use a full bottle as a club as it is much less likely to break, and will be weighty enough to do serious damage, including breaking forearms if they are held up to block blows.

One of the best things you can do if you have the time and opportunity is to shroud your non-dominant forearm with a heavy jacket of jumper, so that you can use it to block knife strokes. You'll probably still get cut, and a heavy blade swung in an arc would probably still break your arm, but it gives you a chance to get control of the weapon and neutralise the attacker with the help of those around you.

May I ask... What is the general mindset of the rank and file of the British military?

London Bridge and Borough Market Attacks (June 3, 2017) - Simeon_Strangelight - 06-05-2017



Those psychopaths are using the word tragedy as if a roof caved in due to structural error and killed a bunch of teens who were partying.

The words they use are utterly despicable as if it was an accident that no one could have prevented. You see Muslims are like earthquakes and tornadoes - they come and go and no one can predict when and why they blow themselves up.


London Bridge and Borough Market Attacks (June 3, 2017) - debeguiled - 06-05-2017

[Image: 21467.png]

London Bridge and Borough Market Attacks (June 3, 2017) - redpillage - 06-05-2017

Quote: (06-05-2017 06:44 AM)Paracelsus Wrote:  


“Your enemy is he who will give his life to kill you,” said the Time Traveler. “Your enemies are they that wish you and your children and your grandchildren dead and who are willing to sacrifice themselves, or support those fanatics who will sacrifice themselves, to see you and your institutions destroyed. You haven’t figured that out yet – the majority of you fat, sleeping, smug, infinitely stupid Americans and Europeans.”

He stood and set the Scotch glass back in its place on my sideboard. “How, we wonder in my time,” he said softly, “can you ignore the better part of a billion people who say aloud that they are willing to kill your children . . . or condone and celebrate the killing of them? And ignore them as they act on what they say? We do not understand you.”

--Dan Simmons, "The Time Traveller".

I just wanted to say thanks for posting this. Hunted it down and it's brilliant.

London Bridge and Borough Market Attacks (June 3, 2017) - draguer - 06-05-2017

London Bridge and Borough Market Attacks (June 3, 2017) - Simeon_Strangelight - 06-05-2017

Quote: (06-05-2017 02:48 PM)draguer Wrote:  

The worst part about it is how casually they did this. Sargon of Akkad mentioned it in his This Week in Stupid podcast. It looks really as if CNN crews are doing those kind of stunts continually.

London Bridge and Borough Market Attacks (June 3, 2017) - iop890 - 06-05-2017

Quote: (06-05-2017 02:48 PM)draguer Wrote:  

CNN/ISIS propagandist Brian Stelter responds:

If it looks staged, that's just your lying far-right nazi eyes deceiving you.

London Bridge and Borough Market Attacks (June 3, 2017) - Rigsby - 06-05-2017

Quote: (06-05-2017 11:47 AM)Teedub Wrote:  

..... snipped ....

I'm ashamed to be middle class these days, hence my absolute joy at having dialogue directly with Tommy Robinson. It's one of the reasons I'm very happy I have a lot of working class mates.

It's a pity I'm not in the UK on June 11th otherwise I would have gone on that march he's going on in Manchester. It's actually a march organised by a few gay blokes against sharia law...and the extreme left are protesting it. These people are a much bigger enemy long term than the muslims.

With regard to that anti-sharia march in Manchester:
I posted a video from this remarkable lady a couple of months back I think (this is her latest video and well worth a watch):

She was organising for that march back then. She has had all kinds of death threats and she has responded with a big fat 'fuck you - it's happening'. Greatest respect for her. Pretty sure she is ex-forces.

She made the point about not wanting any idiot white nationalists and that ilk, she just wants ordinary decent folk to turn up and stand up for something that they believe in. She needs donations and some help to get things going as there are hurdles the authorities are making her jump through, with the hope of demoralising them probably. Go to her channel, sub, check out her other videos. She is a rare gem.

And like me and many others Teedub, she made a public apology to Tommy Robinson, after being fed all the lies and bullshit that have emanated from the media these past years. Cat out of bag now though.

Try to get Tommy to check her out. She is a great ally and will be a loyal foot-soldier for him. He needs people like that prepared to get their hands dirty, but all the while doing it in a sensible legal fashion.


As for that other video with CNN being caught lying, well this was a good video by Sargon on one of his other channels -

In it he makes some choice remarks about that muslim cunt that had the audacity to spout her taqqiya while wearing a fucking outfit with knives and grenades on it! Did I mention she's a cunt? Playing the victim.

Sometimes I think that all of this is just too perfect. I know we are being set up. They get to talk about their feelings and their fears and it is broadcast on C4 news. Yet we are having our internet monitored and threatened with prison for wrong think. This is coming from the highest levels of government and the shadow government. That is why it's good to take a step back and try to work out just exactly how we are being played. The UK government are traitorous scum. You got that right.

Read the comments on the youtube videos. People have had enough. We are only waiting for the next big attack before things get very ugly. But even then, it will only be a few reactionary idiots that have not thought it through, and they will probably be shot by the police.

The UK has cancer. Prognosis is not good. But hey, you were warned that smoking 200 cigarettes a day was bad for you, but you wouldn't listen. Hard to have much sympathy in a scenario like that.

But the sheer brass balls of these muslim cunts, the media et al is what is getting my gander up. And that C4 shill Krishnan guru-murthy or wtf his name is, he needs to be strung up high and long. The way he led the question in that video I just posted about 'oh all these poor young muslim men having bad things said about them, how do you think they will react? this will radicalise them won't it?'. What a grade A fucking cunt.

Come day of the rope, there will be no hiding for cunts like him.

They have the old media - the tv etc. but we have the new media - the internet etc.

It's afraid!

But I fear this is a fight we will not win. The silence from ordinary folk is deafening. They are afraid too. They have their nice little lives, and it's not like it really affects them that much, does it? Selfish to the end. Boomers have a lot to answer for. Milenials at least have the excuse of claiming to be totally brainwashed from birth (which they were for the most part).

Read the comments in the youtube videos. All those people can be tracked and identified and imprisoned for what they are saying, but the fear is beginning to lift as the anger rises. And the more people that get angry the greater the chances of a favourable outcome. It's only a first step, but hey, great journeys and all that...

I apologise for my seemingly gratuitous use of the word 'cunt', but I'm sure you will agree with me it is apposite here.

London Bridge and Borough Market Attacks (June 3, 2017) - H1N1 - 06-05-2017

Quote: (06-05-2017 12:05 PM)RIslander Wrote:  

Quote: (06-05-2017 05:32 AM)H1N1 Wrote:  

Quote: (06-05-2017 04:45 AM)Zelcorpion Wrote:  

H1N1 - I guess you would have fought them if they barged in your place? That Chinese journalists was fighting one, but I think he did it barehanded.

First thing I would do is look for a weapon - bar stool, frame of a painting, a chair, big booze bottles that you break and use for weapons, I probably would have tried to yank some fixtures off the wall, you would only need to run back to the kitchen and get some heavy equipment - even a large long top heavy pan would be good. They had fake suicide vests on, but it should have been clear to them that these were fake anyway. They would have ignited them early on if they were real.

Usually the procedure of such attacks is:

1. They ignite and die.
2. It misfires and burns or maims the perp.
3. He or she chickens out and goes home (this happens more frequently than one may think - supposedly there was another woman in Hijab during the Ariana Grande concert, she was very nervous, but left before the explosion happened.)

What they don't do generally is start with knives and then fire up the suicide vest later. Any strong man could potentially knock them out. This attack thrived on speed and the lack of preparation of the people. Just 2 strong guys armed with bar stools could have seriously impacted those Muslims or even defeated them.

I think it's safe to say that they would have had a very rough ride had they barged in to where I was on Saturday night, given that the majority of my friendship group is taken from the most elite parts of the British Army. The thought of it is pretty amusing. I'm not sure the police would have been called so quickly.

I would advise against breaking bottles in advance of using them as weapons, as they don't break uniformly and could quite easily slice your hand open through your tendons. Better to use a full bottle as a club as it is much less likely to break, and will be weighty enough to do serious damage, including breaking forearms if they are held up to block blows.

One of the best things you can do if you have the time and opportunity is to shroud your non-dominant forearm with a heavy jacket of jumper, so that you can use it to block knife strokes. You'll probably still get cut, and a heavy blade swung in an arc would probably still break your arm, but it gives you a chance to get control of the weapon and neutralise the attacker with the help of those around you.

May I ask... What is the general mindset of the rank and file of the British military?

I couldn't speak too much to the general mindset of the British Military. Whilst I was in there was a pretty liberal bias, but I was also in the kind of unit where closed thinking on anything was discouraged and disadvantageous, so that may have affected matters too. Overall, people who see combat, or who train hard because they are likely to see combat, or who work in rough parts of the world with dangerous people tend to be fairly no nonsense.

I can only really speak with any kind of authority on what the sharp end guys think, who make up a reasonable proportion of my close friends, and even then I shouldn't really like to on an open forum. Unsurprisingly, guys who have been out in the desert fighting ISIS, or in the mountains fighting the Taliban - who have seen Islamic Society up close and personal, and the way it stunts and retards all that it comes into contact with - take a pretty dim view of it being imported here.

London Bridge and Borough Market Attacks (June 3, 2017) - Rigsby - 06-05-2017

Quote: (06-05-2017 12:05 PM)RIslander Wrote:  

... snip ...

May I ask... What is the general mindset of the rank and file of the British military?

I know this question was directed at H1N1, RIslander, and I'm sure he is in a much better position to answer it with his connections, but if I may hazard an educated guess.

The British Military is comprised from both the lowest unfortunate classes to the highest most privileged classes. But still, each will have their opinion, of that you can have no doubt! The British Military man is indeed a very opinionated animal. And he voices his opinion with fortitude.

I think you will find that opinions vary. Even among class and rank.

Those that grew up around muslims and count them as friends will of course be slow to betray their friendship. The same goes for those that grew up around black people. Let us not conflate the two. Just to illustrate a point. And don't forget that there are also many muslims in the British Military. As there are blacks. It doesn't matter your religion or colour in the British Military, they are all brothers in arms. And that goes even for those that are openly racist. If a muslim or black soldier is your mucker and has your back, and you trust your life to him, then there is no stronger bond than that.

But don't discount those that do not have close ties to muslims etc. - they will be overtly up for a 'final solution'. Racist, even though some of them are, there are many who are not, but hate Islam with a passion.

There are also many SJW's in the British Military who will shout you down and call you a racist for the sheer temerity of even asking the question. Again, this goes across the board between class and rank. But on the whole, those higher up and in the truly elite positions tend towards more SJW as that is what they are supposed to think, and even they have to play the game to get ahead. Conversely, you will find more resistance towards Islam in the lower rank and file, for obvious reasons. It's a mixture.

It also depends on what you mean by 'elite'. Are we talking about the officer class that went to Sandhurst, or a private in 2 or 4Para? Both are elite in their own way. Both might have very different outlooks. And for different reasons. One might hold the belief because that is what he is supposed to think, and the other might hold it out of genuine conviction through personal experience.

But as you might expect of any large institution, there are a wide array of opinions. Racism does exist to an extent in the British Military, of course it does, but it is getting better and slowly being eradicated. Anti-Islam would be a more politically acceptable opinion, bet even that is trying to be crushed. Good luck with that with all these bombs going off.

At the end of the day, the military are paid to do a job, and it matters not a jot what they think when the orders come from on high. Some will be happy about it, some will not. This includes shooting civilians who riot and threaten the Houses of Parliament - yes they will shoot to kill! It also includes a purge of known terrorists who need to be rounded up and put in camps. They will do both and not question it.

They are paid to do a job. And that goes for the lowly Private or the senior Major or Colonel. Neither would dare disobey an order because they both have something precious to lose. They will carry out their job as they are commanded to do. It will be a rare day that they disobey an order, for whatever reason.

Having said all that, those that have seen active duty and seen how many of these people live, taking young boys as lowly-paid prostitutes to effectively rape, and justify it with 'muh culture' and 'at least they are paid so their families can eat', well, I'll let you follow the logic from there.

They have seen more than we will ever know, and that gives them a right to their opinion.

On balance, if I was forced to make an educated guess, I would say that many of them across the entire organisation would not have a problem with clearing out the trash. But know this, many if not most of them are deeply moral men. I hold all of them from the lowliest Private to the upper echelons of the officer class, in nothing but the highest of regard.

But there is disquiet and there are grumblings all the same. As you would expect.

Maybe I got all of that very wrong. Just my opinion. I'm sure I will be corrected if that is the case (and happy to be so).

[I have not served in the military in any capacity, so it's best to take my stab at an answer to your question with a big pinch of salt, RIslander.]

EDIT: I posted my answer to your question RIslander at the same time as H1N1. Did not see his reply until I posted it. Oh, and please forgive me for being so bold H1N1. I don't claim to speak from any position of authority. Just some things I've picked up along the way. Perhaps our views are not so convergent after all. "How long is a piece of string?" is always a tricky one...

London Bridge and Borough Market Attacks (June 3, 2017) - Conquerer7 - 06-05-2017

Could listen to Big Phil all day. Totally gets it.

London Bridge and Borough Market Attacks (June 3, 2017) - WalterBlack - 06-05-2017

Somebody filmed the cops with a suspect. Watch what they find:

London Bridge and Borough Market Attacks (June 3, 2017) - kavi - 06-05-2017

That guy just looks like a typical london gang member who are known for their use of knifes.

London Bridge and Borough Market Attacks (June 3, 2017) - iop890 - 06-05-2017


London Bridge and Borough Market Attacks (June 3, 2017) - iop890 - 06-05-2017

[Image: DBgh0PAXYAAZeMG.jpg]

London Bridge and Borough Market Attacks (June 3, 2017) - WalterBlack - 06-05-2017

My brother works pretty close to where the terrorist attack took place.

His colleagues were in the area where the terrorist attack took place but they left 3 hours before they incident. They wanted my brother to have a night out with them in the area, but he wanted to go home to watch the champions league. If he had stayed in the area then there's a good chance he would have been caught up in this.

He spoke to a cop today. The cop said he had been awake for 22 hours, and on duty for 17 hours. He said the cops all hate Teresa May because she is trying to make them work for as little pay as possible. He said he doesn't agree with her politics but it's his job to defend the public. He will put his life on the line to save other people. He knows one of the cops who got stabbed in the attack.

My brother's 12 years old son wants to leave London. He's scared that his parents will get attacked because they both work in central London in high risk areas.

My brother is a Trump Supporter and he's been sending me Tommy Robinson and Paul Joseph Watson videos during the last few days.

London Bridge and Borough Market Attacks (June 3, 2017) - Latinopan - 06-05-2017

[Image: VJ9I1AA5jyiVSbblGcO_AarWqZ__KmGfi420ZRpj...f14b61f168]

London Bridge and Borough Market Attacks (June 3, 2017) - RIslander - 06-05-2017

Quote: (06-03-2017 07:58 PM)RIslander Wrote:  

I bet we're going to see isolated counter attacks as this continues. Liberal news outlets are foaming at the mouth to headline an article of white men with bats rolling through refugee camps and cracking skulls. British men (whats left of them) are getting PTFO.

Called it! Too bad they need Eastern Europeans to do their work.

London Bridge and Borough Market Attacks (June 3, 2017) - komatiite - 06-05-2017

Just want to give a shoutout to IOP for his incredible response time. He had already posted a variety of hard hitting memes before the 8 minute response time of the Met Police.

Ha ha half of this thread is IOP, I envision you holed up in your meme bunker with chipmunk cheeks post wisdom teeth surgery just hammering Sadiq Khan with tactical memes and shitposts

London Bridge and Borough Market Attacks (June 3, 2017) - iop890 - 06-05-2017

Quote: (06-05-2017 07:49 PM)komatiite Wrote:  

I envision you holed up in your meme bunker with chipmunk cheeks post wisdom teeth surgery just hammering Sadiq Khan with tactical memes and shitposts

This is accurate, its been a very painkiller and Twitter filled weekend.

Also, look at this delusional lefty incel.