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Whenever you finish a book, post it here - Baltimore Bachelor - 11-13-2015

Just finished reading, "No More Mr. Nice Guy" by Robert Glover.

Being a former "nice guy" myself, this book hit me hard and helped me get rid of my nice guy/beta male tendencies.

Definitely one of the best books written on masculinity development

Whenever you finish a book, post it here - Pride male - 11-13-2015

Glenn Agliotti the biography

Whenever you finish a book, post it here - Pride male - 01-11-2016

Just finished Trafficked by Sophie Hayes. Honestly, we give women too much credit. They are far dumber than I thought.

Whenever you finish a book, post it here - Architekt - 01-11-2016

[Image: 51cbbr4kN7L._SX330_BO1,204,203,200_.jpg]

Highly recommended.

Whenever you finish a book, post it here - Bill Brasky - 01-11-2016

Basic Economics by Thomas Sowell

Whenever you finish a book, post it here - BadgerHut - 01-11-2016

Quote: (11-13-2015 11:02 AM)Baltimore Bachelor Wrote:  

Just finished reading, "No More Mr. Nice Guy" by Robert Glover.

Being a former "nice guy" myself, this book hit me hard and helped me get rid of my nice guy/beta male tendencies.

Definitely one of the best books written on masculinity development

Absolutely fantastic book - I read it a couple years ago, after I'd addressed most of the issues in my own life that the book discusses, but still found it really valuable in identifying and thinking about my negative traits.

I especially liked the parts that emphasize being open and straightforward about your desires, instead of a feminized passive-aggressive MO.

It's also easily saleable outside of this kind of a community - it's not selling a game/MGTOW/MRA lifestyle, just trying to help men root out bad thought and behavior patterns. A gateway book for blue-pill guys who might be amenable to our sort of message.

Whenever you finish a book, post it here - BadgerHut - 01-11-2016

Quote: (01-11-2016 12:07 PM)mrbiggs Wrote:  

Basic Economics by Thomas Sowell

I started this, but got distracted by other books. Worth the time?

Whenever you finish a book, post it here - Bill Brasky - 01-11-2016

Quote: (01-11-2016 02:11 PM)BadgerHut Wrote:  

Quote: (01-11-2016 12:07 PM)mrbiggs Wrote:  

Basic Economics by Thomas Sowell

I started this, but got distracted by other books. Worth the time?

Yes I would highly recommend this book. This book would make even a die-hard Marxist question their beliefs. Although he is definitely of the Chicago School, he doesn't have an explicit agenda. He explains that all economic systems whether they be feudalism, capitalism, socialism or whatever hybrid form they may take are all merely vehicles for the "allocation of scare resources which have alternative uses." His annoyance at current leftist talking points about "unfairness" "rights" "morality" is very palpable but subtle. He smashes these talking points with empirical evidence.

There are certain part of the book that sort of just drag on which I would just skip.

He ingrains in the reader the main point of economics which is the study of the "allocation of scarce resources which have alternative uses." You will see this throughout the entire book.

He does lay out economics very well and it's an easy read for a non quant. You won't find charts or graphs anywhere in the book.

It's also interesting that he was a staunch Marxist for much of his young life and then became a staunch free-marketeer after having worked for the Labor Department.

Whenever you finish a book, post it here - Mr.Brown - 01-12-2016

Love in the time of cholera (El amor en los tiempos del cólera) by Gabriel García Márquez

Whenever you finish a book, post it here - h3ltrsk3ltr - 01-12-2016

The Mysterious Stranger by Mark Twain

Whenever you finish a book, post it here - Paracelsus - 01-12-2016

Edward deBono, Serious Creativity.

It's a 1992 book which basically draws together all of his lateral thinking techniques into one volume as a reference book. DeBono can get a bit pedantic at times, and the last third of the book is only really useful for people who want to get creative thinking going inside organisations (a doomed endeavour) -- but the first two thirds are a very good read and explain fully how to focus creativity so it's not just brainstorming. Well worth a read.

Whenever you finish a book, post it here - haxswagger - 01-14-2016

How Champions Think by Dr. Bob Rotella.
Interesting insight on the psychology of how great athletes prepare and always believe in themselves. Focuses primarily on golf but the principles apply to almost anything challenging.

Whenever you finish a book, post it here - Silver_Tube - 01-14-2016

I just got through "Think big and Kick Ass" by Donald Trump

I read it as a curiosity after a comment on reddit mentioned it. It's a glorious book and I understand a lot more why he acts the way he does. It is kind of a self help styled book (which I'm usually not a fan of) but it explains and justifies a certain attitude that he argues is common among top leaders/athletes/businessmen.

Last month I read through "Amusing ourselves to Death" which I also highly recommend. It is an argument on the detriments of screen culture, written in the 80's about TV but still rings very true for today's situation. It has a lot to think about.

Whenever you finish a book, post it here - bucky - 01-16-2016

Quote: (01-12-2016 09:53 AM)Mr.Brown Wrote:  

Love in the time of cholera (El amor en los tiempos del cólera) by Gabriel García Márquez

have you read "100 years of solitude"? if so, how did it compare to it? 100 years is one of my all-time favorite novels, but i tried "el colonel no tiene quien le escribe" ("nobody writes to the colonel" in english, i guess) once and couldn't get into it.

also, did you read it in spanish or in english?

Whenever you finish a book, post it here - bucky - 01-16-2016

just finished "the last kingdom" by bernard cornwell. highly recommended if you're into anglo-saxon and/or viking history and culture, norse paganism, medieval england, or just want a good, brutal sword and sorcery adventure story. it reminded me of robert e. howard's original conan the barbarian stories, in a good way.

Whenever you finish a book, post it here - Prince of Persia - 01-16-2016

Madame Bovary.
Great insight in the intrinsic hypergamy of women and a true classic.

Whenever you finish a book, post it here - Paracelsus - 01-16-2016

The War of Art by Steven Pressfield. Still impressive and a short read.

Whenever you finish a book, post it here - Moma - 01-24-2016

Just finished 'No Longer at Ease' by Chinua Achebe. I loved the book and I relate more to it cos I'm the same tribe.

Whenever you finish a book, post it here - Paracelsus - 01-27-2016

An Empire of Ice, Edward Larson. I admit I skipped parts of it.

Whenever you finish a book, post it here - rdvirus - 01-28-2016

Outliers by Malcolm Gladwell

Great book, first i've read from Gladwell and I really enjoyed it. Lots of cool concepts and statistics presented in an interesting fashion.

Whenever you finish a book, post it here - masoud_akbari - 01-28-2016

Finished Animal Farm, by George Orwell

Whenever you finish a book, post it here - R_Niko - 01-28-2016

Blood Meridian. I can see why it's considered a classic, but I was often bored by it.

Whenever you finish a book, post it here - Pride male - 01-29-2016

Ar akbari. Animal farm is one of the greatest books ever written. The ending is just amazing.

Whenever you finish a book, post it here - NilNisiOptimum - 02-04-2016

Read Bill Oreily's Killing Reagan in a day. O'Reily can tell a great story, but I think it was a slight step back from his previous work, Killing Patton

Whenever you finish a book, post it here - 369eyedea - 02-04-2016

The Bridge on the Drina - Ivo Andric
A noble prize winning book charting the history of Bosnia/The Balkans through the eyes of the people of one town. Really well written.