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Who should be in Trump's cabinet? - nomadbrah - 11-30-2016

Mnuchin is awful on paper, 17 years Goldman, Soros employee, turned Hollywood financier, screams subversive jew. Don't know what is up with that, Trump is Soros aware, so perhaps there is something we don't know.

Who should be in Trump's cabinet? - Libertas - 11-30-2016

Quote: (11-30-2016 12:45 AM)Samseau Wrote:  

Quote: (11-29-2016 06:19 PM)Enoch Wrote:  

Looks like a couple names dropped today:

Elaine Chao - Sec. of Transportation. Penultimate D.C. insider, thumbs down.

I think Chao is a brilliant pick. Mitch McConnell is the Senate leader yes? Trump needs an obedient senate yes, more so than the house, since the Repubs only have 51 there.

So how do you control Cuck McConnell? The same way you control all cucks - through their wives! If Bitch McConnell gives Trump any problems with passing his legislation, Trump just makes Chao's life a living hell. She then goes home and bitches the fuck out of Cuckface with crazy Asian lady antics until he submits. He then goes back to the Senate after a horrible weekend, and suddenly he wants to pass Trump's economic plan.

I'm honestly very disappointed more guys here didn't see this. Looks like a lot of fellas need to brush up your game skills and female understanding more. This is 10D chess going on here, but amateur hour for any gamesman.

Yeah, I was thinking "nepotism!" at first too, but then I realized what was going on.

Trump wants $1 trillion in infrastructure, right? CuckConnell was in opposition to an infrastructure bill. Choosing his wife for transportation, the very department that would be effected, throws him a bone so Trump can get the money.

Law 12: Use Selective Honesty and Generosity to Disarm Your Victim.

Give before you take.

Who should be in Trump's cabinet? - greekgod - 11-30-2016

Quote: (11-30-2016 03:07 AM)nomadbrah Wrote:  

Mnuchin is awful on paper, 17 years Goldman, Soros employee, turned Hollywood financier, screams subversive jew. Don't know what is up with that, Trump is Soros aware, so perhaps there is something we don't know.

Usually, once Goldman, always Goldman. They practice "super villian heel dynamics" from wrestling on a huge, real life scale.

"Everyone hates you because you are so successful. Embrace that and embrace our group because no one else likes you".

Perfect way to make people the nastiest of sharks.

Now, Soros, 80% not good but there is a chance it could be more than meets the eye. Remember, familiarity breeds contempt.

A lot of high finance guys have a humaness moment in their late 30-40s, if they last that long.

Maybe once he saw the type of sausage Soros was really making, he puked it up.

Maybe not.

Maybe the best way to find out his intentions is to watch the movies he backed.

Here are the movies his company was involved in in some shape or form.

He bought Indymac in 2009. You had to have a lot of readily available capital to buy such an organization. This is a red flag to me.

If you look at his wiki, it says he made $40 million during his time @ GS which makes you think hes worth 40 million but in reality he's probably closer to being a billionaire or many times over.

He did a lot of business with Peter Chernin the former CEO of Fox so you are only going to hear positive things about him from Fox News.

Very business savvy, tough read. Treasury secretary must have to disclose all holdings, right?

Who should be in Trump's cabinet? - Samseau - 11-30-2016

Check out this article on Sessions. Dude is going to be LITERALLY HITLER, for illegals:

Immigration hard-liner Sessions could execute crackdown as AG


If confirmed as Trump’s attorney general, the Alabama senator would instantly become one of the most powerful people overseeing the nation’s immigration policy, with wide latitude over the kinds of immigration violations to prosecute and who would be deported.

As the nation’s top cop, Sessions would be able to direct limited department resources to pursuing immigration cases. He could launch federal investigations into what he perceives as discrimination against U.S. citizens caused by immigration. He would be in charge of drafting legal rationales for immigration policies under the Trump administration.

And Sessions, as attorney general, could find ways to choke off funding for “sanctuary cities,” where local officials decline to help federal officials identify undocumented immigrants so they can be deported.

Some immigrant advocates are alarmed by the idea of a Justice Department led by someone they see as far outside the mainstream.

“Sen. Sessions’ public statements and history on immigration give [us] real reason to be concerned that his positions, if confirmed as attorney general, would not uphold the values embodied in the Constitution to protect due process and fairness,” said Greg Chen, director of advocacy for the American Immigration Lawyers Association.


One of Sessions’ major powers as attorney general would be his oversight of the immigration courts, formally known as the Executive Office of Immigration Review. That’s the venue where immigrants make their case before a judge on why they should not be deported.

The system is notoriously backlogged, with nearly 522,000 cases currently pending, according to the Transactional Records Access Clearinghouse at Syracuse University, which monitors cases. Sessions could try to speed up the process by installing more judges, particularly ones who align with his tough-on-immigration views. Immigration judges are usually career DOJ attorneys who are hired under guidelines that Sessions could influence should he become attorney general.

Sessions could also exert control through the Board of Immigration Appeals. An immigrant who disagrees with a judge’s decision can appeal to this board, whose 17 members are appointed by the attorney general and write decisions that can set a broad precedent.

But Sessions, as attorney general, would have authority to single-handedly take on a case in the immigration courts himself if he disagrees with a judge’s ruling. Then Sessions’ decision would become binding, unless a federal court intervenes. Experts say that doesn’t happen often, but it is possible.

“He’ll have a lot of influence over what decisions are made or how they are made,” said Jacinta Ma, director of policy and advocacy for the National Immigration Forum, which has raised concerns about Sessions’ nomination as attorney general.

As attorney general during the Clinton administration, Janet Reno issued key orders on who can qualify for asylum in the United States, including a 2001 decision that paved the way for asylum in severe cases of domestic abuse and a 1994 ruling that did the same for immigrants fearing persecution due to their sexual orientation.

“They can literally write opinions that have the force of law and interpret federal immigration law,” said Karen Tumlin, legal director at the National Immigration Law Center. “Would a Sessions-led Justice Department lead to humanizing changes in immigration law? Unfortunately, evidence is to the contrary.”

Sessions would have similarly expansive powers when it comes to enforcing immigration law. The attorney general sets guidelines for the types of violations federal prosecutors should pursue.

Von Spakovksy said a Sessions-led Justice Department could, for example, ramp up enforcement of a current ban on employers hiring those who are here illegally.

“If the employer provision is enforced and the news gets out that the Justice Department is finally enforcing that provision … that will lead to large numbers of individuals self-deporting,” said von Spakovsky, now a senior legal fellow at the conservative Heritage Foundation.

Sessions would also be in position to carry out a Trump campaign promise to punish “sanctuary cities” by choking off funding to cities such as Chicago and New York City that don’t cooperate with the feds when it comes to immigration enforcement.

Though those mayors already have vowed to keep their sanctuary status under a President Trump, Sessions as attorney general could figure out how to close the spigot of federal grants administered by DOJ to cities that don’t plan to cooperate on immigration. One way is by making some level of immigration cooperation a condition of receiving DOJ grants, experts said.

And while the Obama Justice Department sued states such as Arizona and Sessions’ home state of Alabama that tried to implement their own tough immigration enforcement laws, no one expects the hard-liner Sessions to do so as attorney general.

Instead, a Sessions-led Justice Department could actually pursue lawsuits against sanctuary cities to force them to comply with the Trump administration, immigration experts said.

“I would not be surprised if they take that tack,” said Dan Cadman, a research fellow at the Center for Immigration Studies, which favors more restrictive immigration laws.

It’s not just illegal immigration policies that have riled up Sessions. Last year, he and a bipartisan group of senators pressed then-Attorney General Eric Holder to investigate potential visa abuses at Southern California Edison, a utility company that had been accused of laying off hundreds of workers in favor of cheaper foreign workers through the H-1B visa program.

As attorney general, Sessions would be in a position to lead those investigations himself.

The Justice Department also oversees the solicitor general — the administration’s top lawyer who argues cases before the Supreme Court, which regularly takes up immigration cases.

The attorney general also oversees the Federal Bureau of Prisons. Sessions could work in tandem with the Department of Homeland Security to ensure that immigrants here illegally would be deported immediately after serving time.

All of this has alarmed immigrant-rights groups, who acknowledge they face an uphill battle to defeat Sessions’ nomination but are fighting it regardless.

“The biggest concern is, can the person who is charged with enforcing our nation’s laws be fair to immigrants?” said Ma, of the National Immigration Forum. “It’s something the Senate Judiciary Committee and all the senators really have to take a hard look at.”

[Image: icon_worship.gif]

Who should be in Trump's cabinet? - Fast Eddie - 11-30-2016


“The biggest concern is, can the person who is charged with enforcing our nation’s laws be fair to immigrants?” said Ma, of the National Immigration Forum. “It’s something the Senate Judiciary Committee and all the senators really have to take a hard look at.”

No, you pernicious, subversive cunt: the biggest concern is can the person who is charged with enforcing our nation's laws be fair to our nation's citizens.

Get the fuck out and stay there! Leave the subversion to (((other))) people, they are much better at it than the likes of you.

[Image: gtfo.gif]

Who should be in Trump's cabinet? - greekgod - 11-30-2016

^forgets to specify she is talking about illegal aliens. Not immigrants. SAD!

Who should be in Trump's cabinet? - Wutang - 11-30-2016

I'm guessing the above article about Sessions is meant to raise alarms and invoke feelings of "muh racism" in people but it's just getting me more excited about Sessions moving into the administration.

Who should be in Trump's cabinet? - WeekendCasanova - 11-30-2016

Quote: (11-30-2016 03:07 AM)nomadbrah Wrote:  

Mnuchin is awful on paper, 17 years Goldman, Soros employee, turned Hollywood financier, screams subversive jew. Don't know what is up with that, Trump is Soros aware, so perhaps there is something we don't know.

Subversive jew?

God forbid Trump nominates a jew.

Mnuchin is not awful - he wants to lower taxes, and deregulate banks, both of which will be a boon to the economy. Anyone who follows finance knows that he's a shrewd investor and businessman. He made boatloads of cash during the subprime crisis.

I'm not sure who well that will translate into politics, but it can't hurt to have a guy with economic growth in mind.

Who should be in Trump's cabinet? - Repo - 11-30-2016

Deregualating banks is how you end up with bubbles, I hate that idea. They are more massive now then they ever have been, and have too much control over our corrupt government. Stress testing and regulation should be increased, or we should break banks up to the point that if they fail our economy won't hit the shitter. I'm curious how deregulating banks will lead to an improved sustainable economy when most of the regulation involves making sure banks have adequate, capital, plans to liquidate in case of emergency without crashing the economy, and not making bad loans. Banks are still making money hand over fist even with these regulations.

Who should be in Trump's cabinet? - TheOllam - 11-30-2016

Quote: (11-30-2016 05:31 PM)Repo Wrote:  

Deregualating banks is how you end up with bubbles, I hate that idea. They are more massive now then they ever have been, and have too much control over our corrupt government. Stress testing and regulation should be increased, or we should break banks up to the point that if they fail our economy won't hit the shitter. I'm curious how deregulating banks will lead to an improved sustainable economy when most of the regulation involves making sure banks have adequate, capital, plans to liquidate in case of emergency without crashing the economy, and not making bad loans. Banks are still making money hand over fist even with these regulations.

Start looking at categories of banking institutions.

Big money center banks like Wells Fargo are playing on a different field. A handful of mega banks control too much.

Then there are community banks and credit unions that follow different rules for capital requirements, and due to size are beholden to different, more local stakeholders. They also represent American Jobs.

The Small and Midmarket banks and CU's took a beating under Obama due to

1. Sometimes Onerous regs built to "reign in" the big banks, but end up over regulating the small guys out of existence.

2. Artificially low interest rates by money printing. Tiny spreads on loans are not enough to cover operations.

BUT, the small and mid size guys that have survived could do really well if they built some nice tech infrastructure AND the economy improves and interest rates rise.

It's not about more regs, it's about smarter regs and recognition of the big bank elephants in the room as being, basically, a monopoly.

Who should be in Trump's cabinet? - kaotic - 11-30-2016

About Credit Union^^^^

ALWAYS JOIN CU'S they are great for the local areas, they have CO Service Centers, they still offer car/mortgage/small loans and credit cards.

I've had one ever since I could ever deposit a check - fuck the big banks.

Who should be in Trump's cabinet? - kaotic - 11-30-2016

Also, rumors on MSM that Sarah Palin might head the VA - I highly doubt that Trump would do that.

Who should be in Trump's cabinet? - Enoch - 11-30-2016

Quote: (11-30-2016 05:31 PM)Repo Wrote:  

Deregualating banks is how you end up with bubbles, I hate that idea. They are more massive now then they ever have been, and have too much control over our corrupt government. Stress testing and regulation should be increased, or we should break banks up to the point that if they fail our economy won't hit the shitter. I'm curious how deregulating banks will lead to an improved sustainable economy when most of the regulation involves making sure banks have adequate, capital, plans to liquidate in case of emergency without crashing the economy, and not making bad loans. Banks are still making money hand over fist even with these regulations.

As long as the banks PAY for their own mistakes deregulation is fine. If bank makes a bad loan and the borrower cant pay, it shouldn't come with its hand out to Uncle Sam, which is basically what happened during the real estate crash. If the bad debt had just exited the system poorly managed lenders would have failed. It's called capitalism.

Who should be in Trump's cabinet? - captain_shane - 11-30-2016

Quote: (11-30-2016 06:17 PM)kaotic Wrote:  

About Credit Union^^^^

ALWAYS JOIN CU'S they are great for the local areas, they have CO Service Centers, they still offer car/mortgage/small loans and credit cards.

I've had one ever since I could ever deposit a check - fuck the big banks.

We should really promote this on the forum. I love my credit union. Actually got a call today from them that my old card may have been compromised and that if I see any strange charges to call them and they'll take it off. Well's Fago never did that shit, all they did was charge me money to have a checking account.

Fuck the big banks. If we could get even 10% more people in this country to switch from banks to credit unions, it would be huge.

Who should be in Trump's cabinet? - budoslavic - 11-30-2016

President-elect Donald Tump nominated Wilbur Ross as Secretary of Commerce and Todd Ricketts as Deputy Secretary of Commerce.

Additional background information on these two gentlemen:
- Wilbur Ross
- Todd Ricketts

Who should be in Trump's cabinet? - kaotic - 11-30-2016

I always get calls like that, or if I withdraw from a random places.

I've never been charged an overdraft fee (when I was a teen) and they always had me covered.

Who should be in Trump's cabinet? - Enoch - 11-30-2016

Dodd-Frank apparently a high priority for repeal. Killed C.U and small banks, which is why there has been so much consolidation in that industry in the past few years. Would be huuuuge!

Who should be in Trump's cabinet? - Libertas - 11-30-2016

Quote: (11-30-2016 05:31 PM)Repo Wrote:  

Deregualating banks is how you end up with bubbles, I hate that idea. They are more massive now then they ever have been, and have too much control over our corrupt government. Stress testing and regulation should be increased, or we should break banks up to the point that if they fail our economy won't hit the shitter. I'm curious how deregulating banks will lead to an improved sustainable economy when most of the regulation involves making sure banks have adequate, capital, plans to liquidate in case of emergency without crashing the economy, and not making bad loans. Banks are still making money hand over fist even with these regulations.

It's probably not so much deregulation itself as compared to where the money goes.

Is the money going into actual investment and production or is it just going into speculation which tends to build a mania and blow a bubble?

The regulatory regime should be focused on banks being able to lend and money to go into productive things, and discourage speculation. Dodd-Frank needs big league reforms.

Who should be in Trump's cabinet? - Mr. Accuride - 11-30-2016

The Wilbur Ross appointment has me going:

[Image: PLVFa.jpg]

In seriousness though, I have made a lot of money tracking this guy and reading through all of his interviews. He is the king of flipping businesses and commercial paper in the same way people flip houses.

If he's the new Secretary of Commerce, I swear I will feel like a dumbass and a failure in life if I don't figure out how to make myself several times richer during the Trump administration. It should be so much easier with him being in charge of flipping and promoting all American businesses.

Who should be in Trump's cabinet? - Repo - 11-30-2016

Enoch, I can agree with the fact that deregulation is fine as long as banks pay for their mistakes. But unfortunately with how large banks are that is not possible. My thoughts are to either:

1) Scale reserves and stress testing requirements to be more restrictive the bigger a bank is
2) Loosen regulation across the board, but break up the biggest banks so that if one were to fail, it would not ruin the economy

I don't know alot about Mnuchin, but if he wants to lower regulation on big banks I think that is a huge mistake.

Also, I'd need to read more about the regulation running small banks out of business. Small banks fell victim to the recession just like big banks did, as an underwriter I saw plenty of small banks books, the loans they booked were plain horrible. The only difference was they weren't big enough to be bailed out. There is still plenty of small banks out there on the rocks because of shitty mistakes and corruption. Hell one of the small local banks were I lived a good portion of the staff was banned from working in the finanicial industry due to bribes from local developers. Just because their small doesn't mean their not corrupt or as shitty as their bigger counterparts, CU's too. Regulation at the time of the recession simply was not sufficient.

Who should be in Trump's cabinet? - kosko - 11-30-2016

Quote: (11-30-2016 06:20 PM)kaotic Wrote:  

Also, rumors on MSM that Sarah Palin might head the VA - I highly doubt that Trump would do that.

She would be god for Sec. of the Interior, it would just be like her Alaska job but on a bigger level. Pipelines, natural parks, land mangement, Indians, resources, fish, bears, and guns. That is really Alaska in a nutshell and it is more or less what the Dept of Interior deals with in thier portfolio.

Who should be in Trump's cabinet? - Enoch - 11-30-2016

Quote: (11-30-2016 11:03 PM)kosko Wrote:  

Quote: (11-30-2016 06:20 PM)kaotic Wrote:  

Also, rumors on MSM that Sarah Palin might head the VA - I highly doubt that Trump would do that.

She would be god for Sec. of the Interior, it would just be like her Alaska job but on a bigger level. Pipelines, natural parks, land mangement, Indians, resources, fish, bears, and guns. That is really Alaska in a nutshell and it is more or less what the Dept of Interior deals with in thier portfolio.

Sarah Palin as Secretary of the Interior would also prompt a new porno. I assume Lisa Ann is still in the business?

Who should be in Trump's cabinet? - komatiite - 12-01-2016

Man I had no idea that it was the State Dept who is in charge of the Refugee Resettlement process. There is even a whole blog tag of it on this site:
I never really thought of which department does this but I guess it is the UN who hand picks the Refugees then the State Dept chooses where they go. Makes the Romney situation even more baffling because he is not tough on Radical Islamic Terrorism IMO...

Who should be in Trump's cabinet? - Enigma - 12-01-2016

Quote: (11-30-2016 12:45 AM)Samseau Wrote:  

Quote: (11-29-2016 06:19 PM)Enoch Wrote:  

Looks like a couple names dropped today:

Elaine Chao - Sec. of Transportation. Penultimate D.C. insider, thumbs down.

I think Chao is a brilliant pick. Mitch McConnell is the Senate leader yes? Trump needs an obedient senate yes, more so than the house, since the Repubs only have 51 there.

So how do you control Cuck McConnell? The same way you control all cucks - through their wives! If Bitch McConnell gives Trump any problems with passing his legislation, Trump just makes Chao's life a living hell. She then goes home and bitches the fuck out of Cuckface with crazy Asian lady antics until he submits. He then goes back to the Senate after a horrible weekend, and suddenly he wants to pass Trump's economic plan.

I'm honestly very disappointed more guys here didn't see this. Looks like a lot of fellas need to brush up your game skills and female understanding more. This is 10D chess going on here, but amateur hour for any gamesman.

It's actually 34DD chess.

Think about this. Both the Education and Transportation appointments are Asian.

The other major female name that is/was being kicked around (other than Palin, who is a long-time ally) is a Pacific Islander, Hindu Democrat.

Outside of these women, the only other "diversity" hire was Carson, who, like Palin, has been a trusted ally.

Coincidence? How many Asian cabinet members did Obama have between two terms? One?

Remember, many of the swing voters that went for Trump were people the Democrats had marginalized.

While the Dems are doubling down on identity politics and calling everyone racist, Trump is silently signaling to the "minority" groups (East Asian, Pacific Islander, Indian) who are least represented on the left and the most ideologically aligned with Trump's policies.

He's going to beat the liberals at their own retarded game.

There's a good chance he'll also shore up his Cuban support with a Cruz SCOTUS appointment.

And if my Romney prediction is correct, that Trump will graciously pass on him in a way that strokes his ego and lets him save face, that will also play well with Mormons, evangelicals, and establishment cucks.

The guy is practically campaigning for reelection and he hasn't even been inaugurated for his first term.

Who should be in Trump's cabinet? - Latinopan - 12-01-2016

Quote: (11-30-2016 11:40 AM)greekgod Wrote:  

^forgets to specify she is talking about illegal aliens. Not immigrants. SAD!

The media is notorious for doing this, they blend every immigrant together without distinction, that way they get the legal immigrants to feel bad and scared.

Like an immigrant that wait in line 10 or more years to get in the USA fallowing the law is the same as the illegal crossing the border with a coyote and moving into a sanctuary city to avoid ICE.