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South Korea - booshala - 02-18-2016


South Korea - booshala - 02-18-2016

Quote: (02-17-2016 01:18 AM)Sourcecode Wrote:  

Still trying to figure out why Korean girls think it's ok to have such small asses.
[Image: WoaUirBl.jpg]

Why do black women think it's OK to have such big asses?

South Korea - Phoenix - 02-18-2016

Quote: (02-18-2016 01:36 AM)booshala Wrote:  

Quote: (02-17-2016 01:18 AM)Sourcecode Wrote:  

Still trying to figure out why Korean girls think it's ok to have such small asses.

Why do black women think it's OK to have such big asses?

Therein lies the answer: black dudes like bigger ass, Korean dudes like smaller ass. Japanese dudes like tiny legs connected directly to the spine, I assume.

South Korea - Sourcecode - 02-18-2016

Is it really that Korean guys like flat ass. Or they just accept it?

South Korea - Sourcecode - 02-20-2016

I refuse to believe there are only two forum members in Korea?
Who else is still here?

South Korea - mack_hand - 02-28-2016

i have pulled about 10 korean women in the ny/nj area over the years and i think ALL of them with 1 exception had the seriously flat ass syndrome.
5 out of the ten had nose jobs
2-3 had fake boobs
5-6 had memorably severe kimchi-garlic breath
how do you guys get passed the flat assed thing?
Having nailed many big butt Latinas and white/black girls over the years a flat pancake ass has always been a major issue for me.Go me sir mix a lot I LOVE BIG ASSES!
I have had japanese and chinese gf’s [a few with nice asses ] and they just seem to have more “real" personalities and are seemingly less of a novelty...ymmv.
Furthermore I have done business with many Korean men in America and I have to say 90% of the guys I have dealt with are straight up cunts with serious anti American sentiment that they do not even try to hide.
In some subliminal way this must have colored my perception of Korean women in America that I have banged.
Perhaps it’s a totally different game in South Korea?

South Korea - Sourcecode - 02-29-2016

This is might break rant.

Hmm I will say.. the flat ass still gets me. I've been here about a year now.
I was first in the phase where I just wanted to get my flag.. So I dealt with the flat.
Then I gave up on Korean chicks because I really hate a lot of parts of the culture and the stigmas and stereotypes.

I still think the majority of foreigners that actively choose to come to Korea and become English teachers and what not...are weird as fuck.

I believe most dude come to Korea chasing those cartoonish looking Korean chicks that looks like cute little children. They are usually odd themselves and can't really make it in America, which is why they have latched on to another culture.
Honestly.. I do no meet many well rounded western men here.
I've met dudes that seemed decent.. and next thing I know.. they are telling my about their girlfriend while leading to the bar streets full of "juicy" girls and claiming a chick that fucks for cash under the table is their main girl.

Other dudes of shown me pictures of chicks that look like they just got out from middle school lunch.

Females are the same.. only Korean men don't want western females because on average.. they are overweight. They aren't at all fitting to what Korean dudes are after.
These chicks are average in America.. below average everywhere else. But usually their personalities also such and they default to being just as childish as a lot of Korean girls.
If they were normal.. they would work at a fucking bar like the rest of the American girls that are up to their eyeballs in debt.
Every now an then these girls will get laid by a Korean guy for sport. Korean guys are interested in sex just like everyone else.
Theyll bang a stupid American/British/South African chick and never call back.. then be seen downtown with their real girlfriend.

The same western girls will often frequent the same western style bars and Pubs that every other English teacher frequents.

Its kinda funny.. Every now an then I hit these places up because its a guaranteed warm up spot and they usually have better choices of beer.
But the people here are the lowest looking people ever. Youll never see so many frumpy chicks with bellies in a bar than you will in a foreigner bar outside the states.
...Maybe in the midwest.

I know I ranted a bit, but ill try to address other parts of your post.
Dealing with a lot of Koreans.. I don't notice many fake personalities. A lot of the girls I meet are really shy.
Korea is really repressed despite all the technology and suck. Korean girls don't seem to believe they are suppose to really have big open personalities.
They ones that do... aren't looked upon great in the society.. but It appears its much better than previous years.

Korean dudes for the most part are still extremely feminine in their youth. Even the Korean Military guys I mean.. extremely feminine. I don't know if they are programmed that way before they get to the military, if its some off thing where they are suppose to act manly in the military but they give up the manliness in their offtime... or that their femininity isnt punished.. its almost praised.
Korean girls claim they don't like their men to act so feminine.. but at the same time.. they don't go after guys that are hard.
They like to make their boyfriends dress up in the same outfits as them...down to the underwear.

Korean are hive mind based.. so instead of fighting back.. it seems like most of the dudes just cave in. They don't even want to get laid..they just want a girlfriend.

Their are a few Korean dudes that are alternative to this style.. but I would still say 85 percent of the males are very feminine.

The older generation
I won't say they aren't anti american. But looking at where they came from.. Korean War, Jap occupation ect.
They are a bit more hardened as people and aren't gonna take shit.
Korean business isn't fun and games.. its a bit ruthless...with lots of cigarrete smoke and alcohol.
The average American just can't handle that.

I had a Korean worker bring me a case of Soju with the intent that I would buy American whiskey and we would talk work and drink.
Some days.. I can't get any work out of him and he acts like he won't do shit for anyone. Another days he puts in long hours.
Its just how Korea seems to work.

Back to the ass.
After the flag phase.. then the hate phase.
I'm now at the phase where you gotta play the cards you are dealt. You stay somewhere long enough and you get use to things.
You gotta adapt
[Image: TjLGX9Nl.png]

I still love a fat juicy ass and im currently chasing one right now.. but sometimes Im walking down the street or swiping left on tinder and something like this walks by
[Image: B1cFj9pl.png]

An part one of my brain goes " Damn I would smash that into the headboard..
Then part 2 of me has to tell myself.. bruh.. You love Hungarians girls in High Heels.

Im afraid one day I will go back to Italy to chase tail and
[Image: E5Dlf3Dl.png]
Ill turn my head at this.

But I know that I'm an ass man at heart and this is just another time in my life where Korean BBQ has gotta be my main dish.. or I would go relatively sexless
Embrace the rice.
[Image: ER4grwOl.png]

At the end of the day.. women will still be women.
I mess with the shy korean girls that I have to constantly compliment because they are so self conscious about their slanty eyes and lack of plastic surgery ( Its the only way they will keep coming over to cook and lick my butthole)

I also mess with the hip hop groupie girls that are allways in the hip hop clubs popping their little booties out like this
[Image: VHdU4BKl.jpg]
Cause these girls will cook for you.. give you a massage.. buy you clothes..fade you up, suck you dry then let you go about your business.

For the record.. I do not like getting my ass eaten.. I slapped a girl for that.. it was one of those sudden reactions.
I don't condone ass eating. That shit is nasty..

South Korea - Sourcecode - 02-29-2016

Second post.
My weekend.
I been working are and trying to go out harder. But as a result I've actually been sick for about 2 weeks.

I decided to gather some friends together and we go something manly

We hit the Jimjilbang.
If you don't know what it is.. it a 24 hour Spa/Bathhouse
5 people total stripped down and hung out with a bunch of old naked Korean dudes for the night.
Talked about money and hoes.
A night at this place and some spicy seafood soup ( Jamppong) I think its spelled
[Image: 2ihVSX3m.jpg]
Either way.. Im pretty much healthy now.

So the next night I went over to my main girls house.. Smashed a couple times.
She decided that for giving her D that almost put her out of work.. She was gonna "pamper" me.
Next thing I know.. I getting a nails and ears cleaned.. and she trimmed up my eyebrows.
I just had to accept the 30 minute long talk about not going out to fuck no other girls and tell the other girls that I have a lady and whatnot.
I wanted to smash again, but her little brother came home.. and homeboy is probably a snitch to begin with.
[Image: LvCjv89m.jpg]
She also claimed she was gonna go hang out with her friend for the night.

I was trying to convince her to come out with me and bring her friends out.
I'm trying to put the team on my back and hook them up with some decent Korean girls.
But she wasn't having it. All my friends wanted to go to gangnam.
So I went to meet up with my friends.. and she went to meet hers.

I wasn't worried though.. cause all dogs go to heaven
[Image: 3odNvFlm.jpg]

We ended getting dinner in Hongdae..and hitting up this other random club..
Where..I met a new girl.. One of the rare Korean chicks I've seen thats thick and had ass.
I had to take her with me..But she didn't wanna go either.
My friend met another chick.. and after some girl talk in the bathroom.. my chick didnt wanna go to Gangnam..
So I had to make a pimps decision and leave my boys.

Which was both a good and bad choice.
Because the second club I bounced this new chick too.. happen to have my main girl at it!?!

My main girl "lied" she said she was going to her friends house.. but she also went to the club.
her and 4 of her little hoodrat friends out thotting.
This was my mistake.. I shouldn't have taken the new girl to a place I've been before.

I'm not from Seoul.. so I don't have enough go to places in the city where I really like..
But Seoul is massive and I didn't think I would run into my girl here.
Luckily she didnt see me come in with the new girl, but she was pissed that I was talking to her.

My story worked. I made up some crap about waiting from friends to meet me so I could get to Gangnam.
While at the same time convincing this other chick that she needed to meet me outside.

The story gets long an complicated.. but one of my girls friend had some feud with one of the new chicks friends.. and they had a little tussle which allowed me to slide out.
Taking the new chick with me..
Some sweet talking led me back to her place.
Where I got my second smash for the night.
[Image: 0OcXyywl.jpg]
Also.. Can someone loan me a ROK army uniform. I feel like I could pull mad Koreans if I pretended to be a ROK soldier

Also there was a big protest in Seoul across the street from Deoksugung Palace.
[Image: 9AW1RFnl.jpg]
There was hundreds of cops around.
I heard it was a protest about the president.. I can't confirm..but 12 was deep.
I turned the corner.. and said nope...walked back into the coffee shop.

South Korea - Zerdame - 02-29-2016

That is some fantastic stuff about Korea, I would be going in June, would be great to meet for a drink.

South Korea - Sourcecode - 02-29-2016

I should be back in the States by then.

But I'm down to try to answer any extra questions.

South Korea - Doodle23 - 03-01-2016

I have been in Korea for about 2 years. I have only been with 2 Korean girls. I was in a relationship for one year and we are still FWB's. I usually don't go to Seoul often. I suck at club game and the music annoys me. I guess I should go to Itaewon or Hongdae more often.

South Korea - GeneralMacDaddy - 03-02-2016

Quote: (02-20-2016 02:30 AM)Sourcecode Wrote:  

I refuse to believe there are only two forum members in Korea?
Who else is still here?

I just got here, living right near Seoul at the moment. I'll probably be around till Aug or so. Would be great to have a Seoul meetup. This is quite a change from the Philippines I must say.

South Korea - glugger - 03-02-2016

Sourcecode you're going to have to elaborate on how you pulled the second girl away from your main girl. That sounds like some James Bond shit.

South Korea - Sourcecode - 03-02-2016

Well I was in the club for maybe 20 minutes before my girl came in. She didnt notice me at first cause she came in with a couple of her friends.
Mid conversation with girl two.. I just walked over and acted like I was surprised to see girl 1. Girl 1 gave a fit and tried to get loud, but its a club.. no one cared.

I told girl 2 that she was a good friend of mine and she knows some of my other friends.

Both girls knew that I was suppose to be going to Gangnam with my friends.. So I just played that card. Girl 1 thinks I missed my friends. and I'm waiting for them to come meet me.
Girl 2 thinks this is just a girl I associate with.

Girl 1 doesn't know I came with girl 2.. so she isn't horribly mad.. she just thinks I'm talking to another chick.

I go to the check in desk and get my stuff and girl 2's stuff and quickly come outside. Then I tell girl 2 that I really need to meet my friends.
We have a back to back text conversation until I threaten to leave with her purse.
Once she comes outside.. we argue and she wants to go home.. but doesn't want to leave me.
So we end up in a cab together and going back to her little shitty one room apartment.

Girl 1. My main girl is a super jealous.. but loving girl. I still played my game well and she thinks I left quickly because my friends said I needed to bounce.
She probably thinks I left that other girl hanging in the club also.

South Korea - Zerdame - 03-02-2016

Quote: (03-02-2016 09:09 AM)Sourcecode Wrote:  

Well I was in the club for maybe 20 minutes before my girl came in. She didnt notice me at first cause she came in with a couple of her friends.
Mid conversation with girl two.. I just walked over and acted like I was surprised to see girl 1. Girl 1 gave a fit and tried to get loud, but its a club.. no one cared.

I told girl 2 that she was a good friend of mine and she knows some of my other friends.

Both girls knew that I was suppose to be going to Gangnam with my friends.. So I just played that card. Girl 1 thinks I missed my friends. and I'm waiting for them to come meet me.
Girl 2 thinks this is just a girl I associate with.

Girl 1 doesn't know I came with girl 2.. so she isn't horribly mad.. she just thinks I'm talking to another chick.

I go to the check in desk and get my stuff and girl 2's stuff and quickly come outside. Then I tell girl 2 that I really need to meet my friends.
We have a back to back text conversation until I threaten to leave with her purse.
Once she comes outside.. we argue and she wants to go home.. but doesn't want to leave me.
So we end up in a cab together and going back to her little shitty one room apartment.

Girl 1. My main girl is a super jealous.. but loving girl. I still played my game well and she thinks I left quickly because my friends said I needed to bounce.
She probably thinks I left that other girl hanging in the club also.

Can't agree more. The neediness and jealousy of Korean girls are unreal. They literally get pissed with you just for talking to another girl. I've experienced it myself and they have to be one of the most easily jealous women in the world.

South Korea - glugger - 03-02-2016

Quote: (03-02-2016 09:09 AM)Sourcecode Wrote:  

Well I was in the club for maybe 20 minutes before my girl came in. She didnt notice me at first cause she came in with a couple of her friends.
Mid conversation with girl two.. I just walked over and acted like I was surprised to see girl 1. Girl 1 gave a fit and tried to get loud, but its a club.. no one cared.

I told girl 2 that she was a good friend of mine and she knows some of my other friends.

Both girls knew that I was suppose to be going to Gangnam with my friends.. So I just played that card. Girl 1 thinks I missed my friends. and I'm waiting for them to come meet me.
Girl 2 thinks this is just a girl I associate with.

Girl 1 doesn't know I came with girl 2.. so she isn't horribly mad.. she just thinks I'm talking to another chick.

I go to the check in desk and get my stuff and girl 2's stuff and quickly come outside. Then I tell girl 2 that I really need to meet my friends.
We have a back to back text conversation until I threaten to leave with her purse.
Once she comes outside.. we argue and she wants to go home.. but doesn't want to leave me.
So we end up in a cab together and going back to her little shitty one room apartment.

Girl 1. My main girl is a super jealous.. but loving girl. I still played my game well and she thinks I left quickly because my friends said I needed to bounce.
She probably thinks I left that other girl hanging in the club also.

[Image: clap2.gif]

South Korea - Sourcecode - 03-09-2016

Last weekend I had the most annoying girl over.
She kept gasping in Korean. And laughing at everything. Had to damn near wrestle her naked.
She took everything as a game. Ticklish at every touch.

Had to make a run to 7/11 at 1am because she wanted to take a shower and I didn't have shampoo.
She wouldn't get into bed until she took a shower.

When it came down to sex.. I could barely get a finger in...
I made the decision to loosen her up with a little tongue in the bush action.
Eventually I could finally get the tip in.. Fun and game time over.
She kept screaming "TOO MUCH HURT"

Turns out she was a virgin.
A little blood... I never got more than the tip in.
Big dicks and Korean chicks don't mix well.
She was literally so fresh she didn't know how to hold a dick.
Took forever to teach her how to give a decent blow job.

I busted half on her face and half on her arms.
She had never seen cum in real life.. So she instinctively tried to block it after the first two squirts splattered on her face.

The next morning, she cleaning my entire kitchen and bathroom.
Such a sweet girl.

South Korea - Sourcecode - 03-11-2016

First thing. Someone asked me how Im meeting so many chicks.
I posted in another thread about people that work a lot. I work 14 hour days and I live extremely close to where one part of my job is and I drive to another on a timeline.. so I don't have much downtime.
I have not day gamed in a long time.
I meet almost all the girls on Tinder, HelloTalk and this app called 1Km, which is all in Korea.. but I just randomly message chicks and see who replies.
I also use Instagram game. Cast a big net and message girls on Instagram and send pictures.
Most of my friends are spread around Korea.. so we usually all meet in Seoul/Busan but we have already pipe lined girls to just meet us where we go.
So my night game is usually filled with me meeting up with some chick at a bar and feeling her out.. and if she isnt cool. I just bounce clubs and hit up another girl.
When I go pure night game.. I slowly default into a comfort zone where I start talking to English teachers.
They usually are thirsty as hell and start hitting on me or my group of fly ass dude.
But..its like hot girls blowing out dudes...These English teacher chicks are lame. and I usually call them out
I lost out on a easy bang a while back cause I couldn't get over how bad a dancer and kisser the girl was. I told her first joking.. then again in a more serious tone. She eventually picked her drink up and left.
Only to find out she was stuck cause another friend of mine was trying to pull her friend.

Bottom line
Because I working from like 630 to 8pm pretty often. I don't have time to day game.
My last 5 lays have been from some sort of app that I use during my lunch break.

Random Topic: Prostitution in Korea.

I can't fully decide if Pros are really more prevalent in Korea.. Or do I just notice it more now that I'm an adult.

Busan is one place that I noticed a lot of red light districts and juicy bar areas.
Its interesting. I rented an apartment on AirBNB last year in Busan. I met these random two guys that were a little sketchy but I decided to walk with them. Next think I know they had taken me to a little alley way in between a side street and it was a red light district. It was kinda creepy how close it was to the main strip. We were only a couple blocks from the beach.

When we popped up on the normal street I realized the big 20+ story building that I was staying was right across the street.
I had no idea that I literally was staying across the street from a hidden red light alley.
In retrospect.. from my high floor apartment, I could see that the alley was covered up by a bunch of bushes, but I could see the faint neon light between the bushes.

Multiple times I've been out with with people I know and somehow one of them is that weird dude that things his girlfriend is a bartender.
It seems like theses areas pop up both near the military bases and in random cities with little to no military presence.
Its usually always a bar owned by a older woman where the drinks are cheap for men.. but Filipino, Russian or Korean girls talk to you and convince you to buy a a drink thats essentially.. Koolaid. or a really really...really weak vodka and mixer.
The girls drinks will cost like 20 bucks or more.
I've heard up to 40 bucks in places where its really dry when it comes to women.

I wonder how these bars stay afloat.. they never seem really busy.
We all know they are fronts for prostitution.. but they seem to avoid the radar really well.
One bar a couple blocks from my apartment was recently taken of an off limits list because it was deemed likely for sex trafficking.
I doubt this bar just, all of a sudden started doing legit business..

Another bar.. that has been open forever.. Which I know is a front for prostitution of some sort.
I met a girl that works at one of these places outside of work.( I don't go anywhere near the sketchy places in the town)
She had to stop herself a couple times after admitting that she isn't allowed to leave work unless someone pays for her.
She said she isnt a hooker... but then cut herself off.. as if she didn't wanna admit that some of the other girls might trade their time for money in other ways.

Another example I hear is that the big entertainment companies pimp out their artist.
The same label that PSY is on.
Those companies contract out their big female and male stars to rich executives and parties, government workers ect.
There isn't any solid proof that its true that I know off.. but I've heard from guys I work with contacts in government, that it happens pretty often.
The companies pretty much other the artist as people.. down to the clothes they wear when they walk outside and whether or not they are allowed to date other people.

There are also plenty of those double barber pole massage places all around.
There are lots of random examples of hookers and pros in Korea.
Hopefully someone will come and expand more on this.
I just thought it was an interesting topic to bring up in Korea

South Korea - Mentavious - 03-11-2016


How long will you be in Korea for?

I hope you do a massive datasheet when your done

South Korea - whiteknightrises - 03-11-2016

I have also heard of entertainment companies pimping out their girls... like B level celebs for 100k won (~$1,200 USD at today's exchange rate)

Source: a Korean-Canadian teacher (more Korean than anything) who's been here for like 10 years told me

I recently looked up some info on Suwon (capital of Gyeonggi Province) and came across a datasheet posted by a member who was banned here. He posted a video of what was essentially an Amsterdam-esque Red Light District - literally just girls standing in shop windows. According to his account, that was by the subway station of all places.

Before I came here, I didn't expect any sort of p4p in such a "conservative country," but it's pretty widespread apparently and not even that "hidden." In Korean companies, it doesn't seem too uncommon (again from what I hear*) for businessmen to hit p4p spots after company dinners.

Maybe some members who are more Korean/have worked and lived in Korea can shed some more light

South Korea - Sidney Crosby - 03-11-2016

Quote: (03-11-2016 02:28 PM)whiteknightrises Wrote:  

I have also heard of entertainment companies pimping out their girls... like B level celebs for 100k won (~$1,200 USD at today's exchange rate)

Source: a Korean-Canadian teacher (more Korean than anything) who's been here for like 10 years told me

I recently looked up some info on Suwon (capital of Gyeonggi Province) and came across a datasheet posted by a member who was banned here. He posted a video of what was essentially an Amsterdam-esque Red Light District - literally just girls standing in shop windows. According to his account, that was by the subway station of all places.

Before I came here, I didn't expect any sort of p4p in such a "conservative country," but it's pretty widespread apparently and not even that "hidden." In Korean companies, it doesn't seem too uncommon (again from what I hear*) for businessmen to hit p4p spots after company dinners.

Maybe some members who are more Korean/have worked and lived in Korea can shed some more light

I was wandering around some place in Seoul in the middle of the day in a bombed out area that was deserted except for girls standing in shop windows, one per window and they were all staring at me (no one else on the street)

Not sure of the exact area cause I was lost.

South Korea - Sourcecode - 03-11-2016

Quote: (03-11-2016 02:16 PM)Mentavious Wrote:  


How long will you be in Korea for?

I hope you do a massive datasheet when your done

Well I'm not Rudebwoy.
Ill only be in Korea a couple more months till June or July.
So a little over a year.

I don't really see the point of doing a massive datasheet.
It really seems like Korea isn't a big destination. Thats why I didn't start a thread like it did in Budapest.
Even more, it doesn't seem like a big forum location for black guys.

I probably will do a fun Grand Theft Auto Wrap up post though
Like I did in Budapest here.

I recently bought a new camera and I'm getting back into photography.Slowly we are moving into Spring and Summer.
I will try to make it a point to take more pictures and maybe do some restaurant/attraction reviews in places like Seoul, Busan and Daegu.

All these cities have some really interesting restaurants.

*I have a lot of pictures that I don't post. I don't mind talking off post to repped members.

Quote: (03-11-2016 02:28 PM)whiteknightrises Wrote:  

Before I came here, I didn't expect any sort of p4p in such a "conservative country," but it's pretty widespread apparently and not even that "hidden." In Korean companies, it doesn't seem too uncommon (again from what I hear*) for businessmen to hit p4p spots after company dinners.

Maybe some members who are more Korean/have worked and lived in Korea can shed some more light
I got my info almost direct. A Korean kid that works for me does event planning on the side. He has a really cush job..considering both his parents work for the government.
He always gives me the hook up on where a lot of parties are. Unfortunately these places are usually for Koreans only.
But he's mentioned some really "interesting" scenes that he's seen get played out at these parties.
Bunch of drunk business men in rooms doing business.. the lowest guy on the totem pole is told to fuck the prostitute.
Boss along with the other companies boss are all laughing and smoking.
Your boss is pretty much yelling at you to fuck the chick better and if you bust, we might not get that million dollar contract ( That we are gonna skim money off either way)nsfw linknsfw
I would say its probably something like this^ (mod can remove if you think its too much)

This leads into another topic ive notice.
Sex education.
***If anyone has any more info, or notices an error in my post,let me know. I'm just talking about what i've noticed.

Sex education isn't really big here.. I feel like schools focus more on preserving girls innocence than teaching them about sex. Porn is technically illegal here. Even though you can easily get around it, I feel like women don't really watch much of anything.
Korea has downright been a country where girls suck at sex the most.
They just don't have much experience.
Between that.. and being obviously more endowed, sometimes sex is comical.
One girl didn't even know how to hold a dick. Or they do weird awkward things once its in their hand. Treating it like a beer bottle or something.

Condoms don't seem big at all either. Unless its a girl that speaks English really well, or has travels... she usually never mentions anything about a condom.
I've gone right raw in almost every girl here with no objection.

I've been told, that as a submissive society, Korean girls are pretty much told not to say no to a guys advances.
Once agree to come over and spend the night. The amount of resistance they put up is like a formal play.
Where they only deny enough to save face.
Then during sex, they often act like they don't know whats going on.

The other day was women's day.
A Korean girl I know was talking about how there aren't a lot of laws to protect women.

The government currently provides almost no aid for single/non married mothers.
Unless it was a divorce, single mothers get almost no assistance. The stigma continues, where its probably gonna be hard for them to get a job and such.
There is also almost no way for them to claim child support without jumping through a bunch of hoops.
The laws seem to favor men. If she is saying the father has the money to pay and provide for the child. The government seems more likely to give custody to the father. He would surely be a better parent than the woman.
Either that, or the woman give the kid up for adoption. I have ran across quit a few orphan agencies in Korea. There are always partnerships between Americans and Koreans to have little events for the orphans to have fun.

There was actually TV series
"Kang Poong-ho is a pest exterminator by day and a K-1/mixed martial arts fighter by night. He is a single father raising his 7-year-old son Kang San after the boy's mother, his first love Yoon So-yi, abandoned them to pursue her ambition of becoming a pianist. Despite life's trials, Poong-ho never loses his optimism and sense of humor."

I thought this was interesting.. cause the narrative is completely opposite in America.
We all know that America glorified single mothers and makes the women look like dead beats.
There would never be a big show making women look irresponsible.

Even further. I thought about all the foreigners that knock up Koreans...
I always hear about dudes skipping the country or paying chicks off.

America, it seems does not have Korea on the list of countries where foreigners can seek child support.
I was told that it would be a lengthy expensive battle for a Korean chick to jump through the legal loopholes to even get a paternity test to prove an American was the father..let alone have the government garnish his wage for child support.

All these things seem make a lot of stuff come to place.. when I think about how Korea is such a safe, efficient country that keeps its people in check.
For the most part, Korean women aren't running around slutting it up (publicly) like Americans.

South Korea - Doodle23 - 03-11-2016

Source, how do you get girls on tinder and 1km. I have banged a few from tinder, but only other foreigners and never a Korean girl. I haven't messed around with 1km too much. It seems like every girl on these applications nowadays use it for validation and to feed their ego. The hot ones usually have dozens of thirsty guys hitting them up. Any advice you can give me on how to use these aps?

South Korea - Sourcecode - 03-12-2016

Ego an Validation are on every app.
But it's not super difficult.
I would look into the Tinder app for more info or stuff you could apply to your game specifically.

I just use standard Tinder game. Say something to get a rouse out of them. Make a little joke or tease.
Instead of asking for an number. I ask for their Kakao. ( I havent gotten a girls phone number pretty much in a year.
Kakao IDs are where its at.

Then from Kakao I just run more good game to try to get them out either to meet me at a bar.
Or I tell them they should come visit my city. Ill take them out for Coffee or Ice cream.
A lot of Korean girls are kinda boring, I feel like.
Many of them are content trying to meet a foreigner that isn't an asshole, like a lot of people they have heard about.
I have picked up more than one girl at the train station and drove her right to my house.
Some of them have taken 2 hour trains on the weekend to meet me in private. I'm sure some of them would be a little shy to telll their friends ( who can't speak any english) that they are meeting a Black American guy.

The thirst of Tinder is also why I have started using my Instagram game technique also
Cut through some of the swipe and have a direct line to her.

South Korea - Doodle23 - 03-12-2016

What is your job here in Korea?