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Black Panther: The Alt Right Comic Book Hero? - Simeon_Strangelight - 03-14-2018

Well - it's also some Hillary supporters who want to visit that empowering land of opportunity. At least the guy with the cap was a libertarian who did not want to force Wakanda to give up their vibranium.

Also note how they targeted the interview the anti-Trump way.

Black Panther: The Alt Right Comic Book Hero? - Kona - 04-14-2018

I just watched this nonsense with my nephews. Worst 1.2 illegaly downloaded gb I've wasted. Its just getting deleted.

Basically, these are my thoughts better articulated:

Movies are all bullshit now. We got the one about the horse soldiers in afghanistan. This better be good or I'm gonna start drinking heavily.


Black Panther: The Alt Right Comic Book Hero? - Bacchus - 05-03-2018

[Image: N4Sl5vW.gif]

Black Panther: The Alt Right Comic Book Hero? - Super_Fire - 05-04-2018

Don't cry for me Wakanda!

Black Panther: The Alt Right Comic Book Hero? - Bacchus - 05-04-2018

I recently watched this movie. All movies are examples of unrealistic wish-fulfillment, but this one led the way. An African country has superior technology, all the while the people have plates in their lip and herd livestock. The only example in league that could rival would be "Harold and Kumar Become Pornstars"

Black Panther: The Alt Right Comic Book Hero? - Leonard D Neubache - 05-04-2018

Quote: (05-04-2018 09:35 PM)Bacchus Wrote:  

I recently watched this movie. All movies are examples of unrealistic wish-fulfillment, but this one led the way. An African country has superior technology, all the while the people have plates in their lip and herd livestock. The only example in league that could rival would be "Harold and Kumar Become Pornstars"

Haven't seen BP but I got dragged to A:IW last night and they couldn't help themselves with the Wakanda shit there either.

The Avengers have to (spoilers: perform ridiculously high tech operation in a limited amount of time) and Bruce Banner is there explaining why they built X the way they did in the first place. Ditsy African tech wizard does the whole "why didn't you just derpa the derpa derpa with the derpa instead" to which super-scientist Banner also representing Stark in the matter looks at her like he's a grade school retard and stammers "buh buh buhkuz we didn't think of it?"

Italics added for maximum accuracy.

[Image: tard.gif]

Later Banner is running around in the anti-Hulk suit because he has the equivalent of Hulk erectile dysfunction (entire movie, so don't expect a comeback) and he bounces into battle tripping over his own feet like a goofy moron and laughing dumbly about it while the serious black warrior chick stares at him as if he's a five year old that's just shit his pants again.

I'm going to cop shit for this but this is part of a larger cultural trend I'm noticing that can no longer be described as simple pandering. It can only describable as (removed: pm me for hot wrongthink).

Black Panther: The Alt Right Comic Book Hero? - Latinopan - 05-05-2018

Quote: (03-06-2018 11:56 AM)questor70 Wrote:  

I'm really tired of superhero costumes that look like motorcycle riding outfits. The new Flash is horrid (TV or Justice League version), for instance. I mean, could there possibly be more random layers and zig zag patterns on these things? Nobody in Hollywood appreciates less is more.

I also agree that traditional hourglass figures and bust-sizes are an endangered species these days. Gal Gadot and now Alicia Vikander as Lara Croft are evidence of that. Same with Daisy Ridley before them. The new definition of a female hero is androgynous and waif-like.

BTW, speaking of Alicia Vikander, apparently the new Tomb Raider STILL isn't SJW enough.

The problem of having gay men in charge of the fashion and entertainment industry, they want women to look like teen and per-pubescent boys. They ware not thinking about what heterosexual men want or like, is what they like.

Black Panther: The Alt Right Comic Book Hero? - Canopus - 05-05-2018

Quote: (05-04-2018 11:11 PM)Leonard D Neubache Wrote:  

Quote: (05-04-2018 09:35 PM)Bacchus Wrote:  

I recently watched this movie. All movies are examples of unrealistic wish-fulfillment, but this one led the way. An African country has superior technology, all the while the people have plates in their lip and herd livestock. The only example in league that could rival would be "Harold and Kumar Become Pornstars"

Haven't seen BP but I got dragged to A:IW last night and they couldn't help themselves with the Wakanda shit there either.

The Avengers have to (spoilers: perform ridiculously high tech operation in a limited amount of time) and Bruce Banner is there explaining why they built X the way they did in the first place. Ditsy African tech wizard does the whole "why didn't you just derpa the derpa derpa with the derpa instead" to which super-scientist Banner also representing Stark in the matter looks at her like he's a grade school retard and stammers "buh buh buhkuz we didn't think of it?"

Seen the movie three times with three different groups of friends, and the crowd has been hot for the Avengers every time (I'm in LA/OC, so they obnoxiously hoot like a Married With Children audience for every single funny line or blank stare).

Every time, that scene gets zero reaction.

It's not believable, it's not clever, and it's not funny. And it's not good writing. It's not even average writing. If you wanted to get your plucky prodigy character over with the crowd, you'd show her actually bond with the characters that your multimillion-dollar movies have built up as scientific geniuses, not casually and sardonically one-upping them like a thirtysomething lime-haired landwhale's self-insert in her 60-chapter fanfiction.

If you wrote that scene with Black Panther's sister and Ruffalo finishing each other's sentences and geeking out over robot science, it would do so much more to push the "next generation" of superheroes they're angling for, but I guess even with tens of millions of dollars behind every scene, we can't set aside this bullshit manufactured racial snarkwar for five seconds and just, I don't know, do something positive.

Black Panther: The Alt Right Comic Book Hero? - Simeon_Strangelight - 05-06-2018

< The thing is - it's not for good writing's sake.

You have to realize that with this someone has to actually sit down and think: "Where do we put some anti-White anti-Western comment in?" "Of course - let the African teenage super-genius show how Stark and Banner - some of the smartest white men on Earth - look really stupid. See that White Men!!!!! You are nothing against Wakanda! You are shit! If you had not colonized them in 1875-1900, then they would have had spaceships in 1874." They probably had a lot more in it, but the producers had orders to not overdo it - they know what happens with Star Wars.

Black Panther: The Alt Right Comic Book Hero? - Captainstabbin - 05-06-2018

Quote: (05-04-2018 11:11 PM)Leonard D Neubache Wrote:  

Banner also representing Stark in the matter looks at her like he's a grade school retard and stammers "buh buh buhkuz we didn't think of it?"

Didn't Ultron build Vision's body with the help of that Asian scientist. Stark and Banner just uploaded the software.

Banner should continue - Where's your robot? All this technology and your warriors are literally chucking spears. And your gloves don't do shit against anyone.

Killmonger's entire plan was to use Wakandan weapons to take over the world for the glory of brown people but their weapons were barely effective against some mutated dog-creatures. Bucky's standard machine gun was more effective.

In the later battle, why didn't the Wakandans use their fighters? You see them all lined up when Cap lands but they weren't used in the battle - not even to fly outside the shield and attack the ships.

Black Panther: The Alt Right Comic Book Hero? - Simeon_Strangelight - 05-06-2018

Wakanda in terms of tech and military tech has been designed by a 10yo liberal with zero knowledge of technology.

They are high-IQ, but have tribal fights to the death to find out who shall rule them.

Worst of all is the military. I get it that they want to restrict the Black Panther powers only to the Black Panther. But why not give all the soldiers some cheaper older versions of their suits?

[Image: 7.jpg?1401291986]
That would be their suits and they should not even risk their lives fighting on the field like in some medieval war.

Why not use those combat-ships to blast the invading hordes with heavy blaster guns?

[Image: Black-Panther-Trailer-27-1024x430.png]

I get it - hand to hand combat looks better. But that would have been more logical in cities where you cannot blast everything to bits with combat jets.

Black Panther: The Alt Right Comic Book Hero? - Leonard D Neubache - 05-06-2018

Quote: (05-06-2018 02:57 AM)Captainstabbin Wrote:  

Quote: (05-04-2018 11:11 PM)Leonard D Neubache Wrote:  

Banner also representing Stark in the matter looks at her like he's a grade school retard and stammers "buh buh buhkuz we didn't think of it?"

Didn't Ultron build Vision's body with the help of that Asian scientist. Stark and Banner just uploaded the software.

Banner should continue - Where's your robot? All this technology and your warriors are literally chucking spears. And your gloves don't do shit against anyone.

Killmonger's entire plan was to use Wakandan weapons to take over the world for the glory of brown people but their weapons were barely effective against some mutated dog-creatures. Bucky's standard machine gun was more effective.

In the later battle, why didn't the Wakandans use their fighters? You see them all lined up when Cap lands but they weren't used in the battle - not even to fly outside the shield and attack the ships.

The tech issue hit a wall a long time ago where you just have to accept that the heroes might do some interesting new things with tech but it always fundamentally revolves around the heroes doing it.

In Iron Man 3 there's dozens and dozens of AI controlled suits. In #2 he uses a one-shot laser that bins dozens of robots in a second, the disposable part being the size of a coffee coaster. In A:IW Stark's suit is entirely made out of nanotech. And they're still jumping around a field in Wakanda punching shit like high tech ape men? A couple dozen "primitive" Abrams tanks could have hosed down those monsters with their 50 cals, much less their main guns. The whole thing becomes an act of the suspension of disbelief, not in the technology itself but the utterly moronic application of it.

Black Panther: The Alt Right Comic Book Hero? - Captainstabbin - 05-06-2018

Quote: (05-06-2018 06:43 AM)Leonard D Neubache Wrote:  

The whole thing becomes an act of the suspension of disbelief, not in the technology itself but the utterly moronic application of it.

In Black Panther, Killmonger says that one blast from a Wakandan spear can take out a tank. In Avengers, you see them firing the energy blast he's talking about but it barely slows down the dog creatures...the same ones Bucky can kill with a small machine gun.

Remember this? Iron Man 1 - Stark had crazy destructive weapons. It seems like it might have been useful when the fate of half the universe is at stake.

[Image: US89nf.gif]

Black Panther: The Alt Right Comic Book Hero? - Modsaresnowflakeshere - 05-06-2018

I watched this crap last night to see if this movie is really good as they say. My conclusion: one of the worst movies I've ever seen! 2/10

Beta prince that has ONLY female guards that try to act tough. I couldn't stop laughing at the fight scenes (woman vs man). The men fight like they are fighting a child. These no other male character really compare to his cousin who acts semi bad. Female scientist crap! My eyes were hurting afterwards from rolling too much!

I can understand why the feminists love this movie. These nothing more dysfunctional than a woman that fights even tho she will NEVER be strong as a man!

These also a bit of PC bullshit of course regarding black people!

Another piece of shit Hollywood movie full with PC rubbish that stinks of Feminist shit!

Black Panther: The Alt Right Comic Book Hero? - Leonard D Neubache - 05-06-2018

On the rare occasions that my family call a special favour and drag me to one of these fuckfests like A:IW I always take the opportunity to pillory the damn thing, and after this movie I had a bit of an epiphany that I shared with them in the car on the way home.

"Boy", I says, "the moral of the story there is that you need to set goals in life and don't let the fuckwits trying to stand in your way stop you from achieving what you want to achieve. That's why Thanos is a good rolemodel. He had a dream and took the hard steps and made the difficult sacrifices not only to achieve his personal goal but to do what he thought was right for the whole universe."

Anyway, it occurred to me that part of the reason I despise these hero films now is that they're entirely reaction based. Every last one. Guy/s sit around waiting for someone with an actual purpose in life to start causing drama. Guy/s stop guy with a purpose. The end.

In reality it's the complete opposite. Guys with a purpose and the will to act on it win, and the reactive ones lose. Marvel super hero movies and most other hero movies lionize cockblockers who have no personal motivation, which is probably why they're so popular with lazy urbanites, particularly with the reactionary social justice rabble.

I'd like to see a movie where one of these Superheroes sets out to track the down villain that escaped last time rather than sitting on his ass waiting for the guy to come back, but the vast majority of them are just masturbatory fantasy material about how "when shit gets real I'll rise to the occasion, but for now imma just chill".

Black Panther: The Alt Right Comic Book Hero? - Handsome Creepy Eel - 05-07-2018

Quote:LDN Wrote:

"why didn't you just derpa the derpa derpa with the derpa instead"

[Image: laugh4.gif]

I'm too busy at the moment to watch A:IW (or anything, for that matter), but damn do I enjoy visiting this thread over early morning coffee and laughing my ass off! [Image: lol.gif] [Image: lol.gif] [Image: lol.gif]

Black Panther: The Alt Right Comic Book Hero? - Simeon_Strangelight - 05-07-2018

Quote: (05-06-2018 11:15 PM)Leonard D Neubache Wrote:  

On the rare occasions that my family call a special favour and drag me to one of these fuckfests like A:IW I always take the opportunity to pillory the damn thing, and after this movie I had a bit of an epiphany that I shared with them in the car on the way home.

"Boy", I says, "the moral of the story there is that you need to set goals in life and don't let the fuckwits trying to stand in your way stop you from achieving what you want to achieve. That's why Thanos is a good rolemodel. He had a dream and took the hard steps and made the difficult sacrifices not only to achieve his personal goal but to do what he thought was right for the whole universe."

Anyway, it occurred to me that part of the reason I despise these hero films now is that they're entirely reaction based. Every last one. Guy/s sit around waiting for someone with an actual purpose in life to start causing drama. Guy/s stop guy with a purpose. The end.

In reality it's the complete opposite. Guys with a purpose and the will to act on it win, and the reactive ones lose. Marvel super hero movies and most other hero movies lionize cockblockers who have no personal motivation, which is probably why they're so popular with lazy urbanites, particularly with the reactionary social justice rabble.

I'd like to see a movie where one of these Superheroes sets out to track the down villain that escaped last time rather than sitting on his ass waiting for the guy to come back, but the vast majority of them are just masturbatory fantasy material about how "when shit gets real I'll rise to the occasion, but for now imma just chill".

The silent assumption of superhero stories is mired in the belief that our way - in the past the American Way (though that is passe and oh-so-past-modern-chic) - that the way of our Western world and system is so wonderful, that only crazy super-villains would want to try to reform it.

And the sad part is that the SJWs actually agree with Thanos. They would just kill all the Trump supporters - 50% of the population and everything would be alright. I guess the military, cops and almost all masculine white men and a few hot traditional girls and women would be dead. What would remain is a glorious multicultural mix of feminist women, La-Raza supporters, almost all Muslims and we would be golden.

The depopulation-indoctrinated youth probably even thinks that killing half the world population will create utopia as if lottery-killing 50% will somehow result in any better results. And best not think about it if Thanos had applied any eugenics at selection of the 50% - that is a big no-no. No one is as evil as that selecting the best and the brightest for survival - it must be lottery winners only:

[Image: maxresdefault.jpg]

But you are right Lenny - the reality is that our world is shaped by behind-the-scenes supervillains who said one day: "Fuck - we are mega-rich, we fuck the hottest women of Earth, how about we just draw up a plan to rule it all in a few generations?" While everyone is thinking that all we need is a superhero who nabs some bank-robbers and the occasional super-corrupt politician, the real supervillains love to have the guy in underwear and latex running around capturing some low-tier scum. In fact the actions of Superman give legitimacy to their rule. The real Superhero of the people with Superman's power would unite the other freaks of nature and rip Merkel in half after burning the EU parliament and declaring all the world's central banks as gone.

The very concepts of superheroes is of course retarded, it was created as a symbol for greatness in the US recession - that the American Way shall rise again. Little known that it would rise again and then fall more heavily than ever before.

Black Panther: The Alt Right Comic Book Hero? - Latinopan - 05-07-2018

Quote: (05-06-2018 04:09 AM)Zelcorpion Wrote:  

Wakanda in terms of tech and military tech has been designed by a 10yo liberal with zero knowledge of technology.

They are high-IQ, but have tribal fights to the death to find out who shall rule them.

Worst of all is the military. I get it that they want to restrict the Black Panther powers only to the Black Panther. But why not give all the soldiers some cheaper older versions of their suits?

[Image: 7.jpg?1401291986]
That would be their suits and they should not even risk their lives fighting on the field like in some medieval war.

Why not use those combat-ships to blast the invading hordes with heavy blaster guns?

[Image: Black-Panther-Trailer-27-1024x430.png]

I get it - hand to hand combat looks better. But that would have been more logical in cities where you cannot blast everything to bits with combat jets.

Because that is what Afrofuturism is about, the idea that you can have backwards cultural ideologies and beliefs and at the same time an ultra high IQ population with ultra advance technology.

Black Panther: The Alt Right Comic Book Hero? - Hannibal - 05-10-2018

Black Panther: The Alt Right Comic Book Hero? - not-a-pua - 05-10-2018

Finally saw it. I found it shocking, I thought they made fun of blacks.

Black Panther: The Alt Right Comic Book Hero? - Captainstabbin - 05-10-2018

Quote: (05-10-2018 06:30 AM)not-a-pua Wrote:  

Finally saw it. I found it shocking, I thought they made fun of blacks.

Like the ape tribe? Apes who get excited and start gibbering like literal animals. How can that be insulting?

It's okay, the Hollywood (((executives))) hired a black director so people wouldn't get offended.

Black Panther: The Alt Right Comic Book Hero? - not-a-pua - 05-11-2018

Quote: (05-10-2018 12:14 PM)Captainstabbin Wrote:  

Like the ape tribe? Apes who get excited and start gibbering like literal animals. How can that be insulting?

It's okay, the Hollywood (((executives))) hired a black director so people wouldn't get offended.

Yeah, that. And many other crazy stuff. Why is everyone talking in fake African accent? They talked like the dude in the video "African Pastor Explains Gay Poo-Poo Eating".

Why do the have some weird ancient death match fight to determine a King? I thought, ok, if it's ceremonial, hinting at traditions, ok, but actual ass kicking?
Then the pseudo-African clothing and singing and dancing.

I really had to check if the director wasn't one of (((them))).

The disparity between the enthusiastic news reports and the actual movie... it's almost like a bunch of guys made a movie to secretly make fun of people that can't see the propaganda.

Black Panther: The Alt Right Comic Book Hero? - Simeon_Strangelight - 05-11-2018

Quote: (05-11-2018 08:00 AM)not-a-pua Wrote:  

Quote: (05-10-2018 12:14 PM)Captainstabbin Wrote:  

Like the ape tribe? Apes who get excited and start gibbering like literal animals. How can that be insulting?

It's okay, the Hollywood (((executives))) hired a black director so people wouldn't get offended.

Yeah, that. And many other crazy stuff. Why is everyone talking in fake African accent? They talked like the dude in the video "African Pastor Explains Gay Poo-Poo Eating".

Why do the have some weird ancient death match fight to determine a King? I thought, ok, if it's ceremonial, hinting at traditions, ok, but actual ass kicking?
Then the pseudo-African clothing and singing and dancing.

I really had to check if the director wasn't one of (((them))).

The disparity between the enthusiastic news reports and the actual movie... it's almost like a bunch of guys made a movie to secretly make fun of people that can't see the propaganda.

Pretty much .... simple propaganda .... Whites stole everyone from us and White Supremacy is oppressing our people everywhere - from the US, Brazil, Haiti, Liberia, Ethopia - we did not have the wheel in 1850 and haven't met a white man in many central regions, but they still managed to oppress us and steal our stuff.

Black Panther: The Alt Right Comic Book Hero? - redpillage - 06-20-2018


[Image: laugh3.gif]

Black Panther: The Alt Right Comic Book Hero? - Simeon_Strangelight - 06-20-2018

A real life Wakanda had already been created with the full backing, financial support and US constitution - in Liberia:

[Image: julaug2016_p06_photopackagegordon.jpg]

Akon's Wakanda will go the same route - cryptocurrency is a scarce currency and only because it's banana-republic-hyper-inflation-free does not mean real freedom and some kind of miracle Vibranium. The US dollar is often used in many African countries as a substitute currency, adding cryptocurrencies is just another plus, but nothing game-changing.

[Image: julaug2016_p07_photopackagegordon.jpg]

Maybe it will work out better this time around.