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My Travel Journal - destiny - 01-27-2017

Day 4:

Well hmmm... what can I say?

My relatives have been sticking to me like glue along with my parents for the past 4 days. They forced me to learn how to drive a scooter which was cool but scary as fuck driving out on the streets. They later said it was too dangerous for me to go out driving on the streets lol. I also got into a scooter accident but I was only the passenger. The internet in my room has been nearly unusable, oscillating between being on to going offline every 5 minutes. I also found out today from my father about the guest rules which was written in vietnamese (no hookers, and no guests allowed). I have been getting like 4-5 hours of sleep each night because my relatives and parents force me to stay up late at night like the night they called me downstairs to learn how to drive a scooter in the middle of the night and then wake me up at 7am, banging on my door or calling me. Also the noise level is a bit ridiculous early in the morning, people are blasting their steroes at 6am wtf.

A few of my leads have gone silent due to the extended time from not meeting up. I am however planning to meet one lead tomorrow in Vung Tau, a seaside city about 2hours away from Saigon because one of my cousins asked me to go with him there tomorrow, I figured since one of the chicks has been pestering me to go there and visit her, I should go. She's gonna be back in Saigon in later too so I can continue dating her. It's a good then, all of my leads have gone home away for the Tet holiday and won't be back until around Feb 5-6 which gives me time to look for another hotel. I did a stupid mistake of showing my cousin who I'm going to Vung Tau with, a photo of the girl and trying to explain to him that I want to go meet here for a bit. He doesn't speak any English so we had a communication problem. Anyways he ended up blurting this stuff out to my parents and everyone and telling them I've been talking to pretty girls online. I also mentioned to my parents I want to get the fuck out of this district and move down to district 1 and my father gave me shit about it, also accusing me of wanting to go there so that I can take girls back home. One of of cousins asked me to go chill with him yesterday so I told him let's go down to the Vincom mall and then my parents invited themselves and cockblocked me. We didn't even end up going to Vincom and instead drove to Ben Thanh but they were closed so we went back home. Man, what a fucking waste of my time.

This is ending up to be a huge problem. My family and relatives are huge cockblocks and I haven't even gotten a chance to run any daygame or nightgame yet. If my folks aren't pestering me, its my aunts/uncles or cousins asking me to accompany them to places. I have to keep up appearances for face but its getting in the way of what I want to do. The only upside to my district is that two of the leads who I have talked to online also live in the same street as me, so it will be more easier to meetup with them and attempt to bring them back to my hotel but apparently there is some no guests/hookers allowed rule at my shitty hotel. My parents also booked a flight for 4 days down to Danang without even consulting with me. Normally I would be alright with this but I came down here for one purpose. Now my time to follow up with leads and close the deal has been cut even more cut. Man what a fucking nightmare!

Wtf am I going to do?

My Travel Journal - Dalaran1991 - 01-28-2017


My Travel Journal - sterling_archer - 01-28-2017

May I ask why your family really is cockblocking you and have problem with you talking and meeting girls? It seems that for whenever you try to get away, they are immediately here and you must go somewhere else with them.
I know that you can't tell them to fuck off, they are family of course, but have you tried to explain to them to ease up on you a little. It may sound stupid but have you tried to use maybe google translate english to vietnamese to express something, I know this translator is ridiculous but its a good start.

My Travel Journal - destiny - 01-28-2017

Quote: (01-28-2017 03:21 AM)sterling_archer Wrote:  

May I ask why your family really is cockblocking you and have problem with you talking and meeting girls? It seems that for whenever you try to get away, they are immediately here and you must go somewhere else with them.
I know that you can't tell them to fuck off, they are family of course, but have you tried to explain to them to ease up on you a little. It may sound stupid but have you tried to use maybe google translate english to vietnamese to express something, I know this translator is ridiculous but its a good start.

I tried to have this conversation a long ass time ago with my parents but they are stuck in the fucking stone age refusing to change with the times. My father is now accusing every chick that I talk to online as being "bad" according to his definition. He's like also why should chicks even give you the time of the day when you speak to them outside of the house and go home with you to your hotel. They don't know you. Gee man, can't do this, can't do that. Is a chick gonna magically drop down onto my lap or something? They bitch and complain about me being single yet they always fucking screw me over with their dictatorship rules. Can't go to clubs/bars, don't hang out with those guys, they are a bad influence, don't go out late, come home at so and so, etc... I pretty much told them to fuck off by my actions when I took off to Europe by myself. I even snuck off last year to Europe without telling them for 1.5 weeks. My aunts and uncles have also been pestering me and asking me when am I going to get a gf or wife. I think I could have the talk with them as they seem more reasonable then my fucking parents. Also that trip to Vung tau for tomorrow, my parents have been telling my relatives and my cousins mother about it, saying don't let him go and take me. They are saying my cousin's friend is a bad influence and that they will drink beer and do drugs lol. What a fucking load of crap. My cousin ended up cancelling the trip saying he wasn't feeling well although this was news told me to my parents and not him directly. I haven't seen him since this morning.

I ended up having to cancel my date. The girl who I was supposed to meet in Vung Tau was really disappointed and I felt really bad about it. This is the first time I have ever flaked on a chick before. If it was a chick from toronto, I wouldn't have given two shits. Anyways this was the last fucking straw. I was really pissed off and I immediately told them I'm gonna go rent a place downtown and the look on my father's face looked like he was ready to explode. They agreed but then tried to backpedal saying they will only let me stay there for 2 nights. Fuck them!

My Travel Journal - destiny - 01-28-2017

Day 5:

I just got home. Another bullshit start to the day. My relatives kept on phoning me and banging on my door early in the morning. Can't a guy get some sleep around here? I'm on fucking vacation not going to work. Is it a crime to relax and get some proper sleep? Later in the morning, I noticed several people come off their scooters right in front of the house, including some cute chick wearing a skimpy ass top with cleavage and tight black skirt. She looked like she was 18 or something. They entered and immediately I knew their were my uncle's wife's brothers and their family. I have to admit, it was kind of hard to pay attention to everyone while you have some chick walking around in your relative's house wearing a skimpy ass dress. I was hoping that maybe she was a friend or something and I wasn't related to her. I caught her looking at me a few times. Anyways, we all went to several temples afterwards. What a waste of my time. One of my aunts has been harassing me to get a girlfriend saying she will feel a lot better if I'm not single lol. She goes and points to that chick who is walking in front of us and is like she speaks English. You should get a girlfriend that is around her height. I also heard her tell that chick some stuff about me as well. Later on, I noticed the girl positioned herself right beside me while we waited in the parking lot. I hesitated for a bit as even though we aren't blood related or anything or would feel kind of strange nailing a cousin or something and I'm sure her father would kill me. I spoke to both of my uncle's wife's brothers when they initially showed up and assumed she was their daughter or something. I later found out this was not the case.

Anyways, after I while I said fuck it, I'm getting massively cockblocked by my parents and can't do shit right now. I opened her in English and her face lit up and I immediately started to run game on her and got a few laughs out of her within seconds. We then got interrupted and I resumed the conversation several minutes later. I caught her looking at me several times again and then she tried to strike up a conversation with me but I saw her who I assumed to be her father and mother there and immediately stopped trying to run game after getting a laugh out of her. She later positions herself yet again beside me and while talking asks me if I had a gf. I tell her I don't know lol and she's trying to get an answer out of me and saying I probably have a gf lol.
Our whole family ends up having lunch and she walks up to me while I'm still sitting down and says her goodbyes as her relatives leave with her. I later asked my mother about her and she said she thinks she's my uncle's wife's niece from one of her other brothers who didn't come today. On the one hand, I probably would nail this chick if given the chance and being tempted enough especially if she was not related to me whatsoever but on the other hand, if she's like a cousin or something, I don't think I could do it.

In the evening, one of my cousins said he was going to take me to a beer club. I never heard of this term before but he said him and my other two cousins would take me there since I said I wanted to meet girls. We arrive at some club called kingdom beer club but one of my cousins doesn't show up. All I see at the club are fucking tables everywhere and a tiny ass dance floor right in the middle. The ratio was pretty bad like 70/30. My cousin orders one of those giant tubes of beer and some fruit platters and fries which I thought was way overpriced and waste of money. I noticed at the club, no one was approaching anyone and it was purely social circle. Approaching her would be even harder then a club since you would need to approach an entire fucking table. I tried to look for some ioi's and got several from tables far away but I chickened out of approaching the entire table. After a while, I was getting frustrated so I whipped out my phone, spotted a chick standing at a table right behind our table and I approach her and tab her on the shoulder. I stick my phone in front of her and tell her to take a photo. She obliges and when she finishes and hands me back my phone, I try to re-engage her but the music was too fucking loud, holy shit! She couldn't hear me and I couldn't hear here. I had to yell and scream into her ear and asked her if she spoke english. She was like no and after trying to re-engage her again, she just turns her back on me and goes back to her friends so I return back to my table. There wasn't any other chicks within my vicinity so I opened two dudes right in front of our table. I should mention, no one is seated and its standing tables mainly at this club. I walk over and ask the dude what he's eating but he says something to me in viet. I tell her I don't speak viet and ask her if he speaks English. His english was really bad. I then open his friend right beside me. He said he was from Australia but said he couldn't hear me. He wasn't in a talkative mood so I left him alone and returned back to the early guy. Then all of a sudden a dude shows up with a chick. I immediately introduce myself to both of them. They seem kind of comprehensive about me. After exchanging a few more words with the guy, I return back to my table. In terms of running game, this has got to be one of the worse clubs I have been to before. There was one other table to behind me but the nearest chick was a fattie and two dudes. The friends were on the opposite side. I couldn't do it. One of my cousins then grabs my hand and brings me to the dance floor with him. I'm thinking "great, what have I gotten myself into?" We start dancing and there's several guys there already. Soon several more guys show up and start dancing. It was a giant sausage fest dance festival. I felt gay dancing with these dudes but tried to show I was having a good time. My other cousin filmed me dancing up there which only made me feel more insecure about it. After a several minutes I went back to our table. A saw a few of the dudes dance awfully close behind each other as if they were grinding or something shit. I was like wtf. I hope all these dudes aren't gay or anything. Anyways the girl who I shook hands with earlier, now I noticed she made eye contact with me at least twice. She was positioned on the other side of her table beside some guy who I assumed was her bf. His body language suggested he was guarding her. We made eye contact a few more times but I was too chicken to reapproach her table again and try to fend off that guy to get to her. Hardly any chicks even went on the dance floor, it was fucking dudes only and I absolutely no one approach any girls here. One of the dudes beside our table who was there with his male only table of friends then gives us a toast and I walk over there along with one of my cousins and toast them. Also that guy who i opened early walked up to our table to toast us as well. We probably had the most social table out of all the tables there but it was no use. This club was fucking bullshit, all tables and social circle and it's really difficult to break into their groups. A got several more ioi's from chicks from distant tables but didn't have the balls to approach their entire table. After a while, my cousin left to go to work and soon, me and my other cousin ditched the place as well. He said one of my other cousins was at a karaoke place right beside my hotel so I decided to check it out since earlier in the day, I saw several chicks walk in there. When we arrived back home, my uncle told me my parents are inside their too and is like go inside and see them.

My dickhead cousin who I left the club with had filmed and taken several photos of me at the club and then attempts to show both of my parents and aunts videos and photos of me at the club [Image: facepalm.png]

I thought it was understood that this would be low key and no one would find out. Now everyone knows about us going to a nightclub and drinking beer which my parents tried to forbid me from doing but I kept it a secret in the past. Talk about cockblock. I don't know how to overcome this huge hurdle with my family and relatives.

Update: I just checked my facebook and that chick who I mentioned earlier had added me on facebook. This chick must really want it badly from me. She even just messaged me.

Update 2: It's official. That chick really wants me to nail her. She just asked me on facebook if from the first time I saw her, if I liked her.

My Travel Journal - Dalaran1991 - 01-28-2017

Dont fuck up with this chick. Get your text/online game on point then sort out the logistic. You want absolutely zero influence from your family, which you already let having too much power over you for a grown up man. Dont anwser to text/call, get your money and rent a hotel where and when you want and set up a date and bounce with this girl. Stop letting people amog you, you are nobody's underdog. If the hotel staff gives you shit for bringing girl over, thats the Vietnamese way to tell you to give him some tips. 50k VND would do it.

Good luck.

My Travel Journal - sterling_archer - 01-29-2017

Destiny, seriously, what the hell is wrong with your family haha? They are really determined to mess up your every chance. Your cousins seem totally immature. I don't know if it simple ultra traditional backward thinking or something else here in question.

My Travel Journal - destiny - 02-04-2017


I finally managed to shake off my family and relatives and got a hotel in D1. Unfortunately now I have this problem right after checking into my room. Read rule 4 and 5

[Image: 10ohcar.jpg]

No strangers allowed into the room or receiving guests unless approved by the hotel's management. What the hell is with all this cockblocking in this country? I have a date in like 1 hour from now and I didn't sleep more than 3-4 hours because of relatives and I'm very tired right now. I don't know if I should play it safe and just do a regular date or try to risk it and bounce the chick to my hotel. I also need to leave the room key with the reception everytime I leave and pick it back up when I return. I don't know if I should just try to take the girl into my place and pretend I'm not bringing a girl in or if I should inform the receptionist. Reception from females has been very good here but cockblocking is at an extreme level!

My Travel Journal - sterling_archer - 02-04-2017

Huh... at least you got rid of family. Look at the bright side! [Image: biggrin.gif]

My Travel Journal - destiny - 02-04-2017

Day 14:

I finally got rid of my parents and relatives and rented an apartment right downtown albeit quite small, slightly better then my last one. After renting the place and going upstairs to my room, I quickly noticed a sheet with the hotel regulations. I did a quick scan and noticed it said no guests or strangers allowed. I was thinking fuck, I'm screwed! What the hell am I gonna do? Yesterday, I had a chick flake on me from tinder coming up with some bullshit excuse that she had food poisoning. She didn't offer an alternative date so I knew it was toast. The thing is, I'm pretty I could have met up with her if it wasn't for this tet holiday. I lost a lot of leads because of it. Anyways, I had arranged a date with another chick from vietcupid. This chick was showing strong signs of interest, always texting me each day and actually came back to Saigon earlier to meet up with me. I had flaked on her previously because of my parents and cousin. I was originally supposed to meet up with her in Vung Tau but had to cancel because of my family cockblocking me. She was super excited prior to meeting up asking me where we should meet, etc... We agreed to meet at Vincom mall. When I finally arrived though, she said she was still waiting for a taxi and for me to wait for 15 minutes. I sat down and waited and waited. At around the 20 minute mark, I was thinking to myself "Shit, is she playing games with me, and not gonna show up?" I decided to wait another 10 minutes but my patience was wearing thin and I was about to leave if she didn't show up within the next ten minutes. Luckily she showed me. She didn't quite look as good as her photos though which was kind of disappointing. Maybe like .5-1 point lower in looks but still passable around a 6.5. She seemed shy and quiet during the date and I had to do like 70% of the talking and also prompting her. We ordered some bubble tea but she didn't like it. I figured because of my hotel situation and the fact that I keep on hearing that viet chicks are conservative and stuff that I should take it slower. She also mentioned that she was sick and I didn't know if I should take the risk because firstly what happens if she rejects me saying she's sick or if I can catch something from her. After the drinks, I moved to the arcade in the mall, hoping to help break her out of her shell and make it more fun for her. We started off with bumper cars but she still seemed reserved. The other video games didn't really help. She kept on looking at me to lead, asking me where else to do, so I asked her lets go grab something to eat. I had originally intended to go out nearby my hotel by she said it was raining outside and suggested the mall. Since I was planning on going the traditional dating route, I said why not.

I made sure to wait for her to sit down first and then sit beside her so that I could get into her personal space. We didn't some chatting and I did some like flirting and teasing which she seemed to like. She was quite reserved and her english wasn't very good neither but nonetheless I still plowed through. She asked if I wanted to watch a movie afterwards and I was thinking fuck, I already spent so much money already. Around 150000 vnd at the arcade, 110000 vnd for drinks, and another 200000 vnd for food. If this kept going, I would have ran out of funds in a few days. I wasn't sure if she was trying to use me for stuff or really genuine. She did however pay for 5 tokens at 50,000 vnd first which was a good sign. When we were walking upstairs to the movie theater, I noticed her body language was very positive and she kept on bumping into me and grazing my hand a few times. This gave me the green light. Luckily when we got upstairs to the movie theatre, the movie we wanted to watch was all sold out, except for a late showing. We would have had to wait for over 2 hours and she asked what we would do during that time. I said screw it, let's go watch it another time and just go for a walk. We started to walk closer and closer to my hotel. There's a street near vincom which I don't know what its called but they had decorations there during new years and today it was also packed. I decided to just check it out quickly and maybe send her off.

When we began to cross the street, she latched onto my arm which gave me an even bigger green light to proceed further. I grabbed her hand and held her when we crossed another street and she didn't pull away. Good sign! She asked if we were going to go watch the movie later, and I don't remember exactly what I said, but I think I said something along the lines like "I have a tv with over 700 channels, we can go watch a movie at my place." She paused for a second, which I assume she knew what was up and then said ok. I asked her if she wanted to grab some snacks before we headed back so we hit up a convenience store. After that, she kept on holding onto my arm and we took a few pics. Then I started to walk towards my hotel. There was a few brief moments of silence because I was all in my head thinking about how the hotel staff was going to not let me take her home. Anyways, I snapped outta of it and began asking her questions about her family just to keep her occupied. When we finally arrived at my hotel, my heart was beating like crazy. I was so fucking afraid of them cockblocking me when I approached the receptionist and asked for me keys while my date was right behind me. After I grabbed my keys, I immediately headed straight for the elevator with my date in tow. I saw the girl from the receptionist get out of the counter and walk towards us. I was thinking shit, she knows but then surprisingly, she disappeared. We got on the elevator and made it in my room. First successful pull into my place ever!

I didn't start trying to make a move on her yet and decided to just let her ease into the place. I immediately turned on the tv and when I noticed it only had like 3 channels lol, I immediately grabbed my computer and started to show her photos. I then started to move up further and further up my bed to force her to follow me until we were leaning up against the head rest area. I didn't know what the fuck to do though. I've never gotten this far before with a chick. I then decided to play a scary movie on my computer since she said she likes horror movies but then it took too fucking long to download and load so I switched back onto photos. I slide up beside her and now I slowed my speech and began looking at her eyes and lips. She showed me some photos on her phone and then I later started to touch her hair and inquire about it. Then I noticed she started to giggle and smile and look at me as I got closer so I said fuck it and just went for the kiss. Holy shit, she was receptive towards it and immediately started to give me tongue. I continued to french kiss while running my hands up and down her body as well as the back of her hair while she kept on running her hands underneath my shirt. I then went for her neck and shoulders and after kissing her a few times, she started to moan. I couldn't tell if she was faking it or if it was real but soon she reached under she shirt and lifted it up over her head. OMG, was this really happening? Was I going to get laid tonight? I thought. She then unbuckled her bra and tossed it to the side. There's no going back now. I ran my lips from her shoulders and collarbone down her sternum and latched onto one of her nipples while I felt up her other. She was moaning a lot now. When I finally tasted her nipples, I was thinking wtf? This is it? It taste of nothing. This was what I had fantasized all those years and that's it? I continued to kiss, lick, and suck on her nipples while massaging the other with my hands. Then I ran my other hand down her inner thighs and started to rub her vagina while her pants was on. This turned her on even more, so after a few minutes, I reached down to her button and started to unbutton it and she surprisingly assisted me and removed her pants and panties. I then worked my way down her stomach, belly button and went downtown on her. I had no fucking idea what the fuck I was doing, just trying to mimic the shit I saw in porn. She continued to moan and then I rubbed the outer lips of her pussy and soon stuck my middle finger inside. It was all warm and moist. I soon used a come hither motion which I read about online which made her moan even more while I continued to pleasure her with my tongue and lips. All right, now it was time to bring out the big guns. This foreplay doesn't mean shit until I've actually inserted my dick inside of her, so I started to unbuckle my belt and she got up from the bed and assisted me. My penis was now bare right in front of her face, pointed at her. She grabbed it and started to give me a blow job. What the hell, I thought. I thought she was all conservative and shit. This chick's been around the block. She was giving me head and even licking my balls. She knew what the hell she was doing. I then told her wait because I was almost ready to cum onto her face after her giving me a bj for 2-3 minutes. I didn't have any condoms in my pants but had several in my laptop bag so I soon jumped outta bed and grabbed my bag and whipped a condom on. Soon, I was balls deep inside of her...
While nailing her in the missionary position, I was thinking what the fuck? This is it? This was the shit I was pedalizing all these years?
I continued to ram into her but after 2-3 minutes, I couldn't hold it in anymore and ejaculated. I was kind of disappointed that it happened so quickly so I jumped outta bed and snapped on another one and went for another round. This time I picked her up in my arms while she sat on my lap. I pounded at her, while her ass slapped loudly into my legs but again, after only 2-3 minutes I ejaculated again. wtf! This was embarrassing. I quickly ran into the washroom and pulled it off and whipped on another one. Then I made her get on top of me while she rode me. This time, It was even faster. Now I'm kind of worried that some of my semen may have gotten inside of her if it leaked out of the condom while she was on top.

After this final ejaculation, my penis wouldn't cooperate with me even though I still wanted to kept on going, like how I saw porn actors do. I had whipped on another condom but my dick was now limp and wouldn't harden. She kept on playing with it and also violating me as well, running her hands all across my body and opting to play with my nipples which was very strange and looking at me and giggling. I told her I still wanted to go again but I needed to give my dick time to recover. I was fucking dead tired right now not because of the sex but because the previous hotel's noise level was ridiculous and I got woken up after only sleeping for 3-4 hours. Anyways, I was lying there in bed with this chick embracing me and kissing me, thinking I can't believe I pulled that off. I just got laid! A day 1 lay. How the fuck did I pull that off? I was hesitant to share this information with anyone but I finally lost my virginity. Holy fuck! It took me 31 fucking years of my life but I finally managed to have sex with a chick and without even paying for it. I always knew I could pull it off if given enough determination and time but man did it feel awesome to finally achieve this goal which has been bothering me for ages. All of my friends have been telling me "just go get a hooker." but I didn't want to pay for sex, not because I'm cheap or anything but because I wanted to prove to myself that I could do and I did!
Now I can tell all those fucking people who ever doubted me to go fuck themselves. The people who told me I had to go settle and fuck a fatty or pay a prostitute, fuck you!

Man, this journey of trying to lose my virginity was a long and painful one, full of heartaches and frustration but now looking back at it all, I don't think I regret any of it.

While I continued to stare into the ceiling my date kept on kissing me and telling me how white my skin was and how she loved it and how cute and handsome I was. It's very strange to hear these words from cute looking girl because of all the bad experiences I had in Canada with chicks discriminating me. She kept on cuddling with me and taking my arm and putting it around her shoulders. The only thing I could think about was, this chick must be a slut. I wonder how many other dudes she's fucked. She knew what the hell she was doing. I hope I don't get her pregnant or catch any std's from her. I know it's kind of fucked up to think about these things after accomplishing one of my biggest goals but I couldn't help it.

We laid there for a quite a while, while I struggled to keep my eyes open. She kept on asking me if I wanted to fall asleep while I was thinking about how I could get rid of her because I was worried she might take my condoms and get herself pregnant or steal from me. I suggested she take a taxi home after we grabbed a coffee outside and she agreed. After several more minutes of cuddling, we went at it again though and she rode me. She said I had a lot of energy lol but I was only thinking about pleasing her and giving her an orgasm. Again, I couldn't hold it in for more then a few minutes and quickly had to grab another condom. She rode me and then I had her back in missionary but she put her legs on my shoulders while I nailed her. I quickly pulled out with my condom in tack after several more minutes and then said I was done. I went through like 5 condoms in a span of like 1-2 hours with her. We then cuddled a bit again and then she said didn't you say you wanted to get coffee so I quickly jumped outta bed first, went straight into the washroom, grabbed the condoms I threw into the toilet in the spur of the moment and tossed them into the garbage bag and grabbed the bag and threw it into my closest before letting her go inside of the washroom to take a shower.

We soon headed out, and yet again I was worried about the staff saying shit but I saw two dudes lying on the couch near the reception area and attempting to go to sleep while the desk was empty and the lights off. I told my date to go ahead of me while I dropped off the keys but no one came so I just left with them. We did a final pitstop at some convenience store and I bought us a drink. She called a taxi and then left as I waited with her. She texted me about 30 minutes ago saying she got home ok.

I kind of have another two dates for tomorrow but the plans are not definite but now I'm kind of lacking the motivation and kind of want to move back into district 3 with my parents and relatives lol. Very strange for me to want this. I want to thank all the fellow rvf forum members who are helped me along this journey and provided great tips for me. I couldn't have done this without your help!

Not really sure what I want to do now but I suppose I will continue on this journey and continue to hone my skills so that I could land my dream girl. I thought the chick from today had great potential prior to meeting her but now after seeing how experienced she is in the bedroom, I'm having a lot of second doubts about being in a relationship with her.

My Travel Journal - sterling_archer - 02-04-2017

YES! Enjoyed the read, you should try writing porn "scenarios" LOL. Congratulations!

My Travel Journal - Kangaroo - 02-04-2017

LOL great write up.

See how easy it is, just remember girls are horny too so all you need to do is make up a reason to get back to yours and if she likes you she will say yes. Also the hotel thing, you look like a local so would be very rare to have an issue.

Congratulations on losing your virginity!

My Travel Journal - subterfuge - 02-05-2017


I knew you'd get laid in VietNam! My older cousin was a virgin until his 40's and he went to Vietnam and the Philippines and got laid non stop!

Keep it up

My Travel Journal - kirdiesel - 02-05-2017

Congrats man!

You finally made it! I came back just to follow along. Now you know its possible you just gotta keep going. Upwards and onwards... Now you should become more and more confident around women and less nervous when you know whats about to go down.

The thing with coming so fast will stop the more sex you have. You think you came fast now? Wait until you start having sex without a condom. Wait until you nut raw inside a girl for the first time.... Shit will have you hooked for life.

My Travel Journal - Dream Medicine - 02-06-2017

Quote: (02-04-2017 02:11 PM)destiny Wrote:  

I finally lost my virginity. Holy fuck! It took me 31 fucking years of my life but I finally managed to have sex with a chick and without even paying for it. I always knew I could pull it off if given enough determination and time but man did it feel awesome to finally achieve this goal which has been bothering me for ages. All of my friends have been telling me "just go get a hooker." but I didn't want to pay for sex, not because I'm cheap or anything but because I wanted to prove to myself that I could do and I did!

Great work Destiny! Proud of you man.

[Image: giphy.gif]

My Travel Journal - destiny - 02-06-2017

Day 16:

I had two chicks kind of flake on me yesterday. One didn't confirm definite plans and later said she couldn't while another said she was confused and then said she wouldn't meet me. Good thing I texted her like ten minutes before we were to meet. I basically told her to fuck off afterwards. She was a tinder match and when I suggested a meetup like 2 weeks ago, she said she wouldn't meet me and was only interested in being friends online. I told her goodbye and then ignored her messages. She messaged me this week and seemed down to meet but then she pulled this bullshit again so I told her to fuck off. She was ugly too, fuck that shit!

I met up with the chick who I lost my vcard to today. Earlier in the day I noticed she didn't message me and took longer to reply back after I messaged her to see if she was coming. I of course didn't ask that but did in a more subtle way and she got the hint. Seeing as I wasn't 100% sure of her showing up, I started to make backup plans but then she showed she was down to meet and asking for details. I met up with her and took her to the movies. During the movies, she was very clingy always grabbing my hand and placing it close to her. When we left the theater, she grabbed my arm and put it around her shoulder lol. Afterwards I lead her to a restaurant near my new hotel. I changed hotels because my previous one was too fucking tiny, noisy, and they were cheap on the free breakfast. The new one is much nicer, quieter, and bigger but I was worried about the potential cockblock again. I didn't see any rules posted until I found a booklet in the room. Anyways, to make it less obvious, I took to a convenience store right across the street from the hotel and told her we were going to buy a few things and ask for 3 bags. I would carry two and she would carry one so that one it would look like she was family and was helping me up to the room. We made it past the receptionist without any problems and soon we fucked within 5 minutes of arriving in my room. She was super horny and got on top of me and started to kiss me. I did a lot of foreplay on her and by the time I fingered her, she was really wet and moist. I unfortunately came within a few minutes of fucking her but then on my second round, I couldn't come anymore and nailed the shit outta her for a good 10-15 minutes while she moaned a lot. When I pulled out, my condom was soaked with her white bodily fluids. She kept on trying to cuddle with me and kept on kissing my face and cheeks. While we were embracing she said she hates me. I asked her why and she was like she likes me but she can't love me. I've only met her twice and already she's trying to tell me she loves me lol. Women...
It's kind of ironic now that I think about it. I returned back to my place of birth and that's where I lost my v-card. I actually didn't even want to come here to begin with. I thought it was a shithole and still kind of think it is, but I was able to look past that and see some of the positives of this country.

We rested for a bit in my room and when we got dressed and walked out of the lobby, the male receptionist gave me this stunned look of jealously and envy lol. The look on his face was priceless. I made her take a cab home. Tomorrow I have two dates scheduled back to back but then in the afternoon my parents fucking told me I have to go to some bullshit buffet. I told them no and they got pissed off at me. I don't know if I'm gonna be able to get outta that one. Also when I went back to my relatives house for lunch, one of my cousins wanted to hang out with me in Saigon. I told him to fuck off in a nice way because I had a date with that chick and then he goes and starts blabbing out that I am meeting a girl because I don't want to hangout with him. What a fucking idiot. What the hell is the deal with my family and always trying to cockblock me?

We'll see how it goes tomorrow. I hope I can get another chick into bed.

My Travel Journal - Dalaran1991 - 02-06-2017

Gotta leave it to the Viets to get everything done [Image: biggrin.gif] ! Good job man

About moving, what about Vancouver? I just came back from 2 weeks there with family, and I noticed that asian guys seem to be doing pretty well there. They are usually pretty jacked and stylist, and mingled well with the local white girls. I was relaxing in the hot tub and a group of late teens came in. One cute white girl in the group couldnt take her eye off one Asian guy, and was doing everythign she could to get his attention, like leaning up with her breasts and trying to correct her swimming bra. I was like "you go man!" but the guy didn't make any move. Meanwhile his friend is also AMOGing another group of white girls.

Didnt stay long enough but from the look of it Vancouver might be good for you.

My Travel Journal - destiny - 02-06-2017

Quote: (02-06-2017 01:49 PM)Dalaran1991 Wrote:  

Gotta leave it to the Viets to get everything done [Image: biggrin.gif] ! Good job man

About moving, what about Vancouver? I just came back from 2 weeks there with family, and I noticed that asian guys seem to be doing pretty well there. They are usually pretty jacked and stylist, and mingled well with the local white girls. I was relaxing in the hot tub and a group of late teens came in. One cute white girl in the group couldnt take her eye off one Asian guy, and was doing everythign she could to get his attention, like leaning up with her breasts and trying to correct her swimming bra. I was like "you go man!" but the guy didn't make any move. Meanwhile his friend is also AMOGing another group of white girls.

Didnt stay long enough but from the look of it Vancouver might be good for you.

Thanks! I wasn't sure if I was going to make it or not. I was very close to giving up and my jackass "friends" weren't helping neither. What a huge relief this has been now. I feel my confidence level with women have gone up several levels now.

I've visited Vancouver before and absolutely loved it there. The girls I have met from Vancouver have less attitude then the cunts in Toronto. I would definitely move there in a heartbeat if I had the bankroll. The problem with Vancouver is the housing and rental market. You need like 2+ million to be able to afford to even buy an average house. Rent is even worse then Toronto there. I wouldn't be able to afford living there unless I was earning mid 6 figures or something. Cost of living is very high. At the moment, I see Vancouver as a final destination. After I've gotten my finances in check and have a decent level of game, vancouver will be a home base. I'll really have to think it through as to where my next destination is once I get back to Toronto but for sure I'm moving the fuck outta that place.

My Travel Journal - destiny - 02-07-2017

Day 17:

One of my dates agreed to change the time of our date from the evening to mid afternoon so that I could go to the family buffet and also make it to my second date in time. I thought great! She even texted me about an hour before our date to ask about our meeting time but then went radio silent after I replied and didn't go back on whatsapp. I arrived at our date venue but she still hadn't replied back yet. I was starting to worry about getting stood up but decided to just relax for a bit and hit up the local arcade in the mall to kill some time. I also called her but no one picked up so I figured fuck, I wasted time but then a few minutes later received a text from her asking me where I was. We talked on the phone but I couldn't hear her really well and her English was really bad. Nonetheless about 5-10 minutes later, she actually showed up. At first glance, I was kind of disappointed in what I saw. She looked a lot shorter then her pics, had pimples and ache all over her face which she tried to use some whitening cream to conceal, her nose looked whacked, and she had some red stain on one of her teeth. Overall, she looked 3 points below her pics. Way too big of a difference for me to let it slide.

The date wasn't bad overall. I teased and flirted with her and I noticed she got into my personal space quite quickly and began hitting me later on and bumping into me. Since I wasn't into her, I didn't even bother with getting her food and just start to one drink and a few games at the arcade and then called it a night. At the end of the date, I kind of stood shyly not knowing what to do so I told her to come in here and give me a hug, then she's like what about our kiss, Yikes! Kissing some ache filled chick with red shit stick on her teeth? Are you fucking kidding me? I had flirted with her heavily on tinder telling her that we were going to kiss for sure on our date but after seeing how she looked like, I couldn't follow through with what I said lol. Also before our date, I received several text messages from my second date saying she was busy today and cancelled. Oh well, she's 37 and post wall. Her loss.
I decided to call my parents and ask about the buffet since I was now free to do whatever.

I showed up at the buffet with my uncle and my relatives from my father's side of the family is there. I did a quick check of the place and wasn't interested. Poor food selection, cheap crap, and overall not very tasty. I could have gone to several better buffets closer to our house for around the same price. Anyways while filling up my glass with pop, one of the waitresses helped me and then asked me where I was from. We started to talk and I teased her and praised her a little bit. I could tell immediately she was into me. I left her alone and several minutes later, found her right beside me again so I played a little game with her. I asked her to tell me what each of the buffet items were in English since her English wasn't very good and she wanted practice. I started to flirt with her more and my entire family saw what was going on. After we were done, I left her and went back to sit down. Immediately my one of my uncle's asked me if I got her number haha. I told him not yet, next time when I speak to her. My mother and other uncles started to tease me. One of them said to my mother, hope he gets her number so that you finally have a daughter in law. Anyways I went to the dessert area where I saw she was idling and immediately she hovered over me again so I opened her and played the tell me what this is in English game again. I could see with my peripherals that one or two of the other female employees were getting jealous or something and started to come near us as we circled the dessert area. I then asked her that we should hangout sometime to "practice English" and asked for her number. She was like ok, I'll tell you and you just memorize it lol. There was no fucking way I was going to remember 10 fucking digits like that. I grabbed a business card from my hotel and told her to write her number and then give it to me later but she couldn't understand me but took my card anyways. Then one of my uncles did a major unintential cockblock and yelled out in Vietnamese that she should give me her number. The other employees heard him and she immediately smiled and walked away. I made my way back to our table and had a word with him and told my family what he just did and they all laughed at him. Then my other uncle is like, do you want me to go over there and get her number for you and then my mother is like "no, let me show you how your mother does it". It was quite an embarrassing and hilarious moment at the same time. I sent my uncle over there to her since she was now being watched like a hawk by the other employees to translate for me since he speaks Vietnamese to grab her number. I told him to grab a business card and write down my number and then ask her to text me her number. He went over and tried to do it, but he later came back and said she verbally told him her number but he couldn't remember it all. We then spend the next several minutes brainstorming how to grab her number hahaha. My uncle then found her alone again and this time handed her my number and also memorized her phone number and went back to me and gave me it. I immediately sent her a text with my number. It was kind of hilarious watching the whole thing. I remember prior to arriving in Vietnam telling my mother "watch, I'm gonna pick up some chicks in front of you." because she kept on complaining about me being single and my dating life. She at that time was very skeptical of me being able to do it but I proved it tonight to her.

After I arrived back home, I received a text and then a phone call from her asking me where I was and that she was hungry and just got off work. I suggested she come downtown to meet me near my hotel and we'll go out for food and she agreed. While this was going on, I also received text messages from 3 other chicks. One of them from the girl who I'm seeing. She was being super needy saying she misses me and wants to come see me right now and hug me and stuff. Another one was from a pretty attractive looking chick in Danang and finally that chick who I went on a date with earlier. It was kind of too much to juggle lol. Luckily, I was able to put my main chick at ease and she left me alone and said goodnight while I ignored the girl from my date early and just focused on the girl in Danang. She seems interested so we'll see how it goes.

I met up with the waitress and then we went for dinner although I didn't eat since I just went to a buffet. We talked a bit and she touched my leg several times while I teased and flirted with her. Her English was pretty bad and I had to use google translate a number of times. Once we finished eating, I suggested a walk around my hotel which I was going to bounce her to. When we got pretty close to my hotel, I suggested she come up to watch a movie at my place and we'll go grab some snacks from the convenience store located ever so conveniently right across from my hotel. She put up resistance saying we just met and stuff and then I just said, look its right over here already adn the mosquito's are biting us and then just walked into the convenience store not allowing her a second word and she followed. I did this to help make me taking her back to the hotel seem less obvious when she's carrying grocery bags with me. Once I entered the hotel, the dude from yesterday gave me this fucking look like he knew what was going on and didn't approve but whatever, he didn't say anything and I was relieved when I finally got her back to my hotel room. Immediately she put up resistance and wouldn't take her shoes off and choose to sit on the chair in my room instead of my bed. I had earlier put down two dirty pieces of clothing on the backrest but didn't think I needed to put more shit on the actual seat. Lesson learned. I patted down to the bed and told her to come sit beside me because I couldn't hear her but she wouldn't do it and kept a safe distance between us lol. I did get her to take her shoes off by pointing to the dirt she created on the floor but then she wanted to put on slippers. I spent over an hour trying to overcome her resistance and trying to build more comfort and rapport but she just would not come sit beside me on the bed so I figured alright, I need to do some deep connecting with her and then got her to tell me more about herself. This really opened her up and she was nearly going to cry or something when she started to tell me about her problems. She told me about her problems at work with her coworkers which was ok. Then she dropped another bomb that she just got divorced 1 year ago. I could still work with this but then the final nail in the coffin that instantly turned me off was her telling me she has a kid. I did flirt and tease her quite a lot and she did hit me quite a lot as well and always kept on saying she's going home now but never really did. I'm sure if I continued to be more persistent with her and touched her more and more and escalated things, I could have taken her as my lover but it didn't feel right. She sounded like she had been through a lot and I didn't want to cause even more suffering and damage to her. She was also hesitant because she was worried about what would happen when I left for Canada and the fact that we just met. I just could not bring myself to do it. After she tried the it's late I'm gonna go home now card yet again, I told her fine go and pointed to the door. I called her out on it and then she didn't want to leave lol, but I kind of threw her out by starting to put my socks and shoes on while she stood there looking kind of shocked. Then she's like "will you text me tmr?" I told her I don't know, maybe. She's like "can I see you on friday?" I told her I was going to Danang and then she's like "can we meet when you get back?" and I'm like no in a joking way and she's like "fine, I understand." and tries to guilt trip me with this sad face which almost worked. She even brought up her kid at some point and asked if I had a problem with her having a child. I couldn't tell her alright "ya its a problem." so I played being indifferent about it. Anyways I suppose its good experience but what a huge letdown and waste of time that I could have used for other things. She's also clingy right now before I've even kissed her and texted me after she left. Just imagine what would happen if I had actually taken her as my lover?

I'm actually surprised I even pulled her to my apartment. I thought the first time was a fluke but this second time and even with token resistance, I somehow managed to do it. One last thing. That chick who I mentioned was my uncle's wife's niece messaged me on vietnamcupid out of the blue and sent me an interest. This chick basically has a sign on her forehead and wants to get boned by me but somehow I feel kind of weird if I were to go through with it. It would be extremely awkward at family gatherings and if my uncle's wife ever found out, she would probably kill me. I want to nail this chick but at this cost, I'm very hesitant to go through with it. Besides, I have all these other leads too to juggle. I don't know if I want this type of drama right now. Who knew Vietnam would cause this much drama.

My Travel Journal - sterling_archer - 02-07-2017

Good story, really enjoyed "number game" part. Your family can't really decide whether they want to cockblock you or be your wingmen hahah

My Travel Journal - TripleG - 02-07-2017

Congrat's man on pulling off online game and your success
[Image: tumblr_m4smytVFmN1ru046vo3_400.gif]

now you should go for bigger challenges and see if you can pull girls via day/night-game there

My Travel Journal - destiny - 02-10-2017

Day 18:

I arrived in Danang today. The weather was quite cool and rainy. I had a date lined up for this evening however logistics was not good. I have never been to Danang before and the chick wanted to go see a movie. Looking back at it, I probably shouldn't have agreed to it. I thought maybe it was a cultural thing to go see a movie on a first date but I can see why it would greatly work against you. I'm staying at a family hotel and sharing a room with my parents. I also have two other rooms that my relatives are staying in. I figured the only way I could nail this chick was to do it while my parents were away in the afternoon or early evening. There's no way they would be outta the hotel at night. The other option would be to tell my cousins to let me use their room, but I doubt they would and I'm 100% sure word would leak out to my family. I thought about maybe renting a hotel for the night but wasn't familiar with the area so I figured, hell I'm gonna go just do a informational date, leave a good impression and then schedule a day 2 either the next day or the day after right beside the beach which is where my hotel is. Meet at the beach, go for a walk, maybe buy an ice cream cone, then bounce to a cafe/restaurant right beside my hotel then bounce to the hotel. I would need to do this in the afternoon while my family was away on some bullshit excursion.

Right before my date, I'm already being called by my aunt asking me how everything is there and what I'm doing that evening. I fend her off and then take off with my parents still in the room and leave without saying a word.

The date from hell
I arrive at the mall which is like a 5 minute drive from my place but my date's nowhere to be found. I wait a bit and then figure I should walk up to the theatre to check out the showing times. While up there I also noticed a ice skating rank and inquired about it. I figured, it would be a good way to get some kino in and also check for compliance. I receive a text soon after and she's like I just got on the taxi now. She shows up late and then doesn't even say hi but goes me this dirty look because she couldn't find me at the meeting location. We start to walk and she immediately is trying to lead the way and then suddenly sticks her jacket in front of me, expecting me to hold it for her. I'm thinking wtf but didn't want to start things off like that so I just took it but she wasn't leaving a very good impression. I attempt to speak to her but her English is crap. She barely speaks any English at all. I tell her "hey, let's go to the movie theatre first to grab tickets" and she agrees and then just walks off. I catch up to her and ask her "where are you going?"
she's like the movie theatre. Alright, fine, your more familiar with this place then me. I keeps on saying "hot." and makes this weird angry face. I tease her and say "if your hot, why did you bring a coat." she didn't understand me.

We get up to the ticket counter and I ask her what movie would you like to see and she's like monster trucks. Didn't ask me what I wanted, only cared what she wanted. The girl at the counter asks if we want popcorn and I turn at her and ask. She's like yes. I order the tickets and food voucher and then start walking towards the concession stand. She stands beside me and then suddenly when I see a shorter line move over there and then she walks away and just sits down. Hmm... She didn't even tell me what drink she wanted. I'm kind of pissed at her behaviour but decide to let it slide so I walk over and ask her what drink she wants. She gives me this sign and then grabs the voucher from my hand and walks over to the concession stand. Doesn't say anything to me and then just orders two drinks. I had to interrupt the girl working at the counter and change my drink. We grab seats and start talking but she keeps on giving me this sort of sad dirty look. Her behaviour kept on changing from laughing, happy, to sad, and angry like someone with bipolar disorder or something. I was thinking wtf? While talking to her and using google translate to translate, my phone rings. I'm kind of embarassed but answer it knowing its my family who won't leave me alone unless I pick up the call. I say sorry and answer it. Its my cousin asking me where I'm at and how everything is going. I assure him everything is fine and end the call within 30 seconds. I apologize and then continue the conversation but she gives me this look. Its becoming apparent quickly this girl has some sort of princess syndrome. We continue to sit down and chat and all the while this chick never even offers to give me any of the popcorn that I PAID FOR! She also whips out her phone and starts taking selfies and then shows me a pic of some guy who she said was her "friend" from Canada, yah right. She asked me to take a selfie of us together but then says it was no good and then takes it herself and says "see, good.". This was total disrespect from her and I was almost ready to ditch this bitch. Anyways we continue to talk and she continues to make those annoyed sad faces every few minutes which pisses me off so I tell her in a calm but firm voice something like "you know, its kind of rude to act like this to your date. It shows a lack of respect towards them, do you understand what I'm saying? If there's something wrong, you can let me know about it and we can talk about it, but this behaviour is really rude. Do you understand?" She says yes and nodds. We talk a little more and she returns back to being more smiley and friendly. The movie is about to start in like 5-10 minutes so I tell her "let's go inside to our seats." She waves her hand in front of me and says "no, you do not understand. I am from here so I understand." It was pretty rude. Looking back at how everything went, if I wasn't so sleep deprived from my family, I would have grabbed the tickets, tore up her ticket and then tossed it in her face, grabbed the bag of popcorn and went into the movie theater by myself, leaving her sitting there embarrassed. I didn't argue with her so I just let it slide, but then when it was time for the movie to begin, this girl looks at me and the bag of popcorn signaling with her non-verbals for me to grab it and carry it for her. I chuckled, ignored her, grabbed the ticket and then walked, leaving her shocked that she actually had to carry the fucking popcorn that she wanted. While walking inside the theater, she turns towards me and is like "you are the man, you are supposed to carry the popcorn." I turn and look at her and in a firm voice say "I would have, if you had said could you please help me carry the bag of popcorn." This annoys her but nonetheless we grab our seats. She seemed to enjoy the movie and laughed quite a bit. About halfway through the movie, she actually offered me some popcorn which was surprisingly and there was a few instances where she turned and looked at me, waiting for me to return her glance. I was thinking, alright maybe she just needed someone to not let her boss them around and stand there ground to gain her respect. Just the mere fact that she was acting like such a spoiled bitch automatically placed her in the fuckbuddy category and I was intending to discard her after one use. Definitely not gf material. Anyways after the movie was done, she was trying to lead us but I kind of stood my ground. She asks me where to next and I say let's grab something quick to eat (I was pretty hungry and would have gotten food with or without her) but she says no and wants to go home. I knew I had been had. This bitch just wanted to use guys for free shit. What a fucking bitch! I say alright and then we try to go out of the mall but the escalator only goes down to parking. I try to figure out how to get back to the main floor but again she gives me attitude "you don't understand, I understand because I am vietnamese." and then says we need to walk out through the parking garage. While walking out she's like "take a taxi?" and I'm like "ya, I'm gonna take a taxi home." She smiles and says "we take together?"

In my mind I'm thinking no fucking way bitch unless you were coming over to my hotel to fuck. I wasn't gonna pay for her fucking cab fare. I ask her where she lived and in which direction and how long it would take her to get home. She said 15 minutes and then when I hesitated to get into a cab with her, she's like "its ok." turns around and gets into the cab and takes off. No fucking goodbye or thank you for tonight. I was pretty pissed but also relieved that I won't be going on a date with this bitch every again. This was by far my worse date ever. There was zero mutual respect from her. It was all me me me. I'm glad I didn't spend even more money on her. Going to the movie theater with her and the girl who I'm seeing is like night and day. The other girl shows respect and demonstrates to me through her actions that she wants to be there with me unlike this bitch. I checked my phone the next day and noticed this girl texted me "goodnight u.". What a fucking joke. I ignored her text and didn't even bother to reply back. NEXT!

I also received several texts from that chick with the red stuff stuck to her teeth, asking if I want to date her again lol. When I didn't answer her texts for 1-2 hours, she got angry and demanded an answer. I told her I will answer it when I'm not busy and that put her in her place. I will slowly ease off texting her and I don't intend on seeing her again. I always knew Asian chicks were clinging, but I never imagined this much clingy, especially when you haven't even held their hands or kissed them. I mean I could understand it if I had fucked these girls but I haven't even held their hands and they are already this needy and clingy. After I arrived back to my family and relatives who had went out to eat and some restaurant.

I got grilled and had practically everyone question my decision to do online dating and stuff. What the hell do they know? They never even done it yet feel the need to tell me what to do. When I had arrived at the restaurant, one of my cousins asked me how the date went because earlier I had told him and one of my other cousins to keep a lid on it and don't tell my parents where I would go because I had a date. I had hoped they got the hint and would do it but when we got down to the table, they started to go on about how girls online are not trustworthy and how I should only consider dating girls who were Chinese and not Vietnamese. It's like dude, you've only dated two chicks your whole life, your not qualified to give me dating advice on what I should or shouldn't do. My other cousin never even had a gf before. So I had 1 bad date, so what? That's like 1/4 for dates that turned bad. I'd say that's pretty damn good and there wasn't really any red flags prior to the date so not a lot I could have done + I had to deal with my cockblocking family and hotels too. Anyway's my father then buds into the conversation and I can hear him saying shit about me in Vietnamese to my relatives how I'm stupid and I don't listen to him and always rebellious. He then goes and tells my relatives in Vietnamese how lucky I am and blah blah blah, how my cousins can't afford this or that. Gee, maybe if they quit smoking and drinking, they would actually have some money to buy some new clothes. My father's fucking delusion and wants a slave and robot as a son, not an actually human being. I was the main focus of discussion on the dinner table with everyone feeling the need to say something to me. I felt kind of betrayed. I felt like my cousins had sold me out and told my parents (It actually wasn't the case as I found out today). I was really angry and my fucking family, especially my father for always cockblocking me and getting in the way of my becoming a man and growing up. He always likes to compare me to my cousins who are all whipped and likes to play the filial card and guilt tripping. This discussion around me and my dating life only made me more determined to continue doing what I'm doing because I know it fucking works. Me listening to my fucking father did jackshit for me all these years. The only thing it did was make me lonely, miserable, and feeling like a useless sack of shit, dependent on my parents for everything. Well fuck that!

Within 1 year's time, I'd like to have moved the fuck outta Canada and away from my parents and finally have total control over my life as well as my relationships with women. All my dickhead friends replaced with several new social circles who actually support me and see things eye to eye with me. Me being in relationships with several girls who treat me with respect and want to be with me. After dinner was over, my cousins invited me up to their room to have a guy's late night over beers and snacks. We started talking about relationships and then they started trying to give me advice lol. One of them was trying to give me advice about how I should sacrifice my happiness for the family no matter what. He said my way of thinking has been poisoned because of how I was brainwashed in North America about not wanting to marry the women there anymore. Basically him and my two other cousins were talking shit about me in Vietnamese in between talking to me. Only one of them speaks Chinese and he acted as a translator. One of them was saying how lucky I was and how he was envious of how over protective my psychotic father was and how he was neglected and then starts breaking down and crying like a little bitch. Jesus man, your a fucking adult and your supposed to be stronger then me because you grew up in a harsher environment, not turn into a pussy. He kept on sobbing making it awkward for everyone and after a while, they told me to go get some rest so I left.

I ain't gonna listen to any of their advice and just continue doing my own thing. Fuck what they think! They hear about me having 1 bad date with one girl who I met online and now suddenly every chick you meet online is bad lol. One of my cousins ex-friend he met through social circle and she ended up being bat shit crazy and threatening to commit suicide when he tried to break up with her or my uncle who got taken to the cleaners through his ex-wife who was introduced to him via social circle. I don't see any of these guys mention how the same shit can happen but when it comes to online, everyone is so quick to judge. I shouldn't have told them anything and most likely won't anymore.

My Travel Journal - Dream Medicine - 02-12-2017


This post relates to the style rather than the content of your posts. I hope you can use these ideas to improve your writing and therefore your efficiency in telling stories and the likelihood of readers giving you feedback.

Suggested writing tips

(1) Trim the paragraphs

The reason I gave you props was because Mr. Kangaroo wrote "Congratulations on losing your virginity!" and then I went back and read your Day 14 post in full, learning with pleasure about how your dedication finally paid off. Put another way, it was because another reader, not you the writer, illuminated this milestone event.

I'm highlighting this point because it is difficult to read one big chunk of plain, homogeneous text. In your day 18 post, the fourth paragraph spans almost 30 lines. Unless a reader has a clear personal interest in reading your story, they will glance over it quickly. Instead, try to limit paragraphs to 5-6 lines (assuming you're writing/reading from a computer).

(2) Use Headings

Headings make it easier for readers to quickly perceive the main parts, points, or sequence of events in your story.

(3) Use bold, italics or colour

Use in moderation so that the change in formatting itself does not distract from the content.

(4) Use numbers, or bullet points

Good for making quick, to-the-point lists, for instance when itemizing the lessons learned from a story.

(5) Insert pictures or illustrations

A good cognitive change for readers which makes the tale more engaging. Travel stories in particular benefit from pictures.

(6) Highlight your question or lessons

* If you want feedback on a specific issue, then ensure it stands out and put the question at the beginning or end of the story.

* You could summarize the key learning points from your experience at the end of the story, e.g., '2 mistakes I made', '5 things I did well', '5 things I learned'. Focus on the positives, and note the future action plan or lessons learned in case you experience something regretful.

(7) Cut unnecessary words

I encourage you to write in full detail as soon as possible after the event. Doing this will ensure you will not forget any key details, which is important considering how quickly memory degrades. Don't worry about formatting or grammar in your first draft. Your second/third draft, however, should be much shorter and properly formatted for readability.

I will provide an example of what could be dropped from the final paragraph of your day 18 story (which as a whole could be cut from over 2800 words to around 1500:

Quote: (02-10-2017 06:42 PM)destiny Wrote:  

I ain't gonna listen to any of their advice and just continue doing my own thing. Fuck what they think! They hear about me having 1 bad date with one girl who I met online and now suddenly every chick you meet online is bad lol. One of my cousins ex-friend he met through social circle and she ended up being bat shit crazy and threatening to commit suicide when he tried to break up with her or my uncle who got taken to the cleaners through his ex-wife who was introduced to him via social circle. I don't see any of these guys mention how the same shit can happen but when it comes to online, everyone is so quick to judge. I shouldn't have told them anything and most likely won't anymore.

Example edit:


My family have negative ideas about meeting people online no matter the horror stories we heard through social circle meets (e.g., my cousin’s ex threatened to commit suicide when he tried breaking up). Lesson learned: I’m gonna keep my mouth shut about my dating life. Beyond that, I won’t let them dictate my life anymore. Time to think and act for myself.

All that said...

I appreciate the high level of detail you put into this journal.

It is common for new members to write out a few vague lines and then ask the readership for answers to a complex problem. However, without investing time into detailing their stories or questions, the value of their posts and the meaningfulness of the replies will be limited. Many fundamental concepts are undoubtedly powerful when applied correctly, yet they are still generalisations and are therefore too broad to be effective without calibration.

Instead, the best advice in complex areas such as relationship dynamics will most likely come from consideration of a highly-nuanced picture of the individual context.


You are making GREAT progress and will get even more out of your journaling if you adjust your writing style. In this age of constant attention and never-ending entertainment, people have increasingly short attention spans. So, working on your delivery is a must if you want to maximise your readership's engagement.

I trust that you will keep up the richly-detailed journalling and I hope that my feedback has been helpful.


1. Lizard of Oz - Some Tips on Writing
2. Tuthmosis - Writing in Textspeak on the Forum Can Cost You a Job
3. fiasco360 - Is Writing A Talent? Want To Improve My Writing
4. How Long Should a Paragraph Be?

My Travel Journal - kirdiesel - 02-12-2017

Keep up the good work man!

Don't listen to you family. Do your own thing.

My Travel Journal - destiny - 02-13-2017

Day 23:

Family Drama and hotel troubles:

What a day filled with drama. I had booked a hotel room for when I came back into Saigon but my parents wanted me to stay put and stay in that shithole of a hotel beside my uncle's house. We got into a huge argument about it with him trying to manipulate and guilt me saying how I was inconveniencing everyone and that I was being selfish while my cousins had nothing and had to go to work early in the morning. Are you fucking kidding me? I'm here on vacation and every fucking morning I get awaken up by one of them. I was running on 4-5 hours of sleep on average while in Danang because of my family and relatives. My fucking father was also saying how I was being stupid for even trying to date girls online and how everyone was saying that it was a poor choice. After some further resistance my father finally relented and said I can go take my money and piss off. What a fucking douchebag!

My parents also said some shit to my uncle while I was still sleeping and he disappeared in the morning when I was ready to go pay the deposit for the hotel and leave. The hotel told me that they would only reserve the room until 12pm so I had to get my ass down there before then but my uncle wasn't around. Most likely because my parents tried to sabotage me leaving. By the time he arrived back, it was already 12:30pm and I was pissed. They kept my wallet and money so I couldn't even get a taxi down there which I was seriously considering at that time. Luckily when my uncle finally arrived back, he asked me for the hotel's number and he called them to extend the reservation time. After some further bullshit, I finally made it outta there and down to the hotel.

Now, I was faced with another problem. The room was only available for one night. This is where I fucked up. I should have booked the hotel room for when I returned but I figured after the Tet holiday, their would be more rooms available. The opposite happened actually. So me and my uncle spent the next hour or so driving around the area looking for a new hotel. The only thing that was on my mind at the time was whether or not I would get cockblocked by the receptionist at the hotel and whether or not there were any rooms available. The first hotel I had stayed at also was fully booked and after half a dozen or so hotels saying they were fully booked, I stumbled across 2 hotels. One of them was a shitty room in the basement with the ceiling nearly touching my head. The other was a big better looking place, although the receptionist seemed kind of intimidating so who knows. I hope I won't get cockblocked at this new place.

Lesson learned:

1. Never give any of your money to any family members to hold onto, especially crazy controlling parents
2. Book hotel rooms well in advance to avoid any potential problems
3. Tell my parents way ahead of time about what I'm planning on doing, even if they get pissed off, that way they can't try to sabotage me right when I'm taking action


I had arranged for 2 dates today both back to back. This was probably a bad idea but I'm not running outta time because of that bullshit trip to Danang. We did jack all except visit more temples and shit. The only thing worthwhile was a trip to Bana hills but there was a shitload of rain and fog that you couldn't see shit and would be soaking wet. What a fucking waste of my precious time.

I did notice however at the hotel that I was staying at that one of the receptionist took a liking to me. I didn't really pay much attention to her at first but on my last day at the hotel, I noticed her non-verbals were very positive and when I was leaving we had a small chat but she was all smiles. I probably could have taken things further with her if I had paid more attention. She looked kind of cute when I spoke to her as I was heading out to the taxi. This is something I'm noticing about Vietnam. In western countries like Canada and the USA, hitting on employees and getting their numbers is a lot harder then here. You can definitely tell if a chick is game here whereas in Canada, its much harder. I'm actually thinking that it would better to just target employees in stores instead of daygaming random chicks on the street because the employees have much better english levels and pre-open you instead.

Anyways back to my dates. I had a date lined up for 6pm with a new tinder chick. She isn't quite as good looking as my main chick but there's something captivating about it that I can't describe from her photos that makes you just want to fuck her. My second date was at 10pm with my main chick. I didn't really have to worry about flaking because both chicks messaged me today without me prompting asking about details.

Date #1:

I met up with the first chick but she said she might be 15 minutes late so whatever. I just walked around the mall, but then kept on checking my phone and noticed she still hadn't messaged me that she had arrived yet when it was around 6:30pm. I then noticed that my data was turned off. I didn't connect to the wifi at the mall. I was like shit! I immediately turned it on and what do you know? She had messaged me about 30 minutes ago lol. I immediately messaged her and she asked where I was. I caught with her and apologized and offered to pay for the drinks to make it up.

She looked quite similar to her photos although a little bit shorter then I would like. She was all decked out in a dress, high heels, makeup, just like I had ordered her the night before lol. I paid for our drinks and then grabbed a seat on a couch right beside her and started to run game. I did some light kino and even touched her thigh briefly to emphasize a point. Zero resistance except for when I tried to touch her stomach to see if she had a six pack. She was definitely giving off signs of interest so I bounced her to the next place, restaurants near my hotel. We ate at some nearby restaurant close to my hotel. Again, I sat beside her and this time, escalated even more with my flirting and touching. She was also more touchy this time around.

When the bill came, she actually offered to pay and wouldn't let me pay for it which I found surprising but definitely earns her a point. She told me however that she had a curfew that was 10pm and needed to leave by 9pm. It was around 7:30pm at that time when we were still in the restaurant. I then tried to bounce her near my hotel by walking towards ben thanh market but it was around 8pm at that time. I'm not sure if I fucked up or not but perhaps I should have tried to bring her to my hotel but I was very anxious and worried about my main girl catching me or getting cockblocked by the hotel receptionist. I mean it would look bad to bring a girl back to the hotel but to do it again twice in one evening, I'm not sure if I could get away with it so when she suggested that we walk back to the mall where we met up, I agreed with her.

As we were walking, I gently grabbed her hand and then intertwined our fingers together. Zero resistance again. I think this is actually the second time I've actually grabbed a chicks hand before in my life on a date. The first was with my main chick but that wasn't so smooth lol. She tried to shit test me when I held her hand asking me why am I holding her hand. I told her her hands looked cold so I thought I would help warm them up. She then almost tripped and I caught her in time and used that as a further explanation. The funny thing is, I felt zero anxiety and fear about doing it unlike in the past. We arrived at the mall and she asked to walk around and then suggested ice cream. As we ate the ice cream, she called her personal driver. I also glanced down at her clothes and handbag, it was all brand new shit. I was thinking, holy shit, this is a rich girl. The first time I've actually dated a rich chick. She did mention her parents owning some company that she works at.

I was kind of nervous while we were walking around the mall together because I was worried that I might run into my main chick. Anyways, we just walk around the mall to kill time and I could feel the tension and magic slowly disappear so I said fuck it, I'm gonna go play a game with her so I took her around the mall to women's clothing stores and tried to find her an outfit for our next date. I also threw in a few comedic episodes in their like when I saw a kitty costume playing with kids and made her take photos with it and just clowned around with her. As we were walking, I spotted something interesting. Earlier I had noticed a chick dressed in red who was very attractive looking an arrow. Upon closer inspection, she was dressed in a cupid costume working at some store. I tried to approach her earlier but when I arrived, she took off back into a store behind a counter so I said screw it. But this time, I said screw it. I walked up to her and asked if my date could take a photo with her which my date objected while laughing. The staff then walked up to the both of us with two separate roses so I asked them if they are for me. They said yes if I did some bullshit facebook posting. I would need to take a photo of me with the flower and post it on facebook saying I checked into that store. At first they suggested that the both of us take the photo together. I was thinking shit! All the girls on my facebook are gonna know about my date but then I suggested just me. My date wasn't disappointed in my decision. I ended up getting the both of us roses lol. This made my date's interest in me further increase.

I figured, I could use the other rose for my date later in the evening lol. I didn't try to go for the kiss because we were in a crowded mall and people like to gossip here. Anyways, a few minutes later, my date's driver arrived so I just waved her goodbye and took off to prepare for my second date. If I didn't have the second time lined up, I probably would have went straight for my hotel when we were in Ben Thanh Market but I didn't want to risk it for fear of my main girl finding out. I'm 80-90% sure I could have banged this chick.

Date #2:

I had my date wait for me outside ben thanh market in front of my old hotel. She wanted the address to my current hotel but I didn't give it to her. We met up and I took her to some fancy lounge with practically no one inside. I hid the rose from my earlier date from her pretending to not know what she was talking about when she asked what I was holding intending to play dumb and then give it to her. This made her really happy when she received it but she was still suspicious about what I was doing earlier.

We went to a lounge and ordered smoothies. It was a nice romantic place with ambient lighting and sofa seats, playing love songs, perfect to bring dates to. I actually overheard the waitress get jealous about seeing my date receive flowers the day before valentines day. We talked for a bit and then took off to my hotel. I again went straight to the convenience store knowing about the potential cockblocks that lied in wake for me at the reception desk but my date didn't listen. I told her not to hold onto my hand when we got to the front door but she didn't listen. As we were walking towards the hotel, the parking attendant saw us and the dude had a huge grin on his face lol. I just ignored him and made my way up. But the front desk dude saw her holding onto my arm and as I walked past him ignoring his ass, he asked my girl for her ID. I was thinking shit! Luckily after she handed him her ID, he let her go and we made it up to my room. I gave her a little lecture about her antics and soon she was giving me bj, she even let me cum onto her chest lol.

I'm finding I'm getting kind of bored now of banging her. I don't know why, but it seems kind of routine now. We cuddled for quite a while and then went at it two more times. I think I made her cum multiple times because I could feel her vagina pulsating several times while she moaned, plus it was soaking wet with her fluids covering the whole condom. I was worried about what would happen when she went to get her id but luckily nothing happened. As I came back into the hotel, I could hear the two guys (parking attendent and receptionist desk) talking about me and my girl. Ah well, fuck them!


Overall, I would say both dates went well. You know, its kind of funny because about 1.5 months ago, I was bitching and complaining about how awful I was on dates, how nervous I would get, and not know what the fuck I was doing but now, I appear confident and have very little nervousness while on the date. My mind is only occupied about the potential cockblocks I could be facing instead of trying to figure out what to do next with the girl. I'm really surprised by it all.

Tomorrow I have another date lined up with another chick in the afternoon. Not sure how things will go with her, but I will try to bounce her to my place if things go well. I also just received a message from another chick who says she wants to meet tomorrow and had a previous chick who I was conversing with message me outta the blue. I lost interest in her because I didn't find her that attractive and had better prospects. I also deliberately left my evening open so that I could arrange another date with either one of my dates from today, preferably date #1 so that I could bang her and get it out of the way with. I'm actually kind of overwhelmed right now. Too many girls want to see me but I can't possibly see all of them. Funny how things change. At all one point, I was dateless and getting nowhere with women but now its like the complete opposite. I'm so glad I actually took the time to improve myself and also learn game. There were so many times when I just wanted to quit and throw in the towel because I was getting very little results but now it seems things are starting to come together and I'm getting results.