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Chinese Man’s Life with Beautiful Ukrainian Wife Envied - Leonard D Neubache - 03-16-2018

Quote: (03-16-2018 07:57 AM)El Chinito loco Wrote:  

Quote: (03-15-2018 06:37 PM)Leonard D Neubache Wrote:  

Individual instances of race-mixing are a statistical irrelevance, which is why I can still be happy for guys going to SEA to find wives or for this Chinese guy hooking a Ukrainian girl. It simply doesn't matter in the grander scheme of things. But that doesn't automatically imply that we should toss out borders or laugh at the idea that the peoples of a nation have the right to retain their cultural legacy, and no, a rodeo run entirely by Chinese LARPers doesn't count in that regard.

How is it a statistical irrelevance? I honestly do not want to see the white race die out in north America but the black comedy side of me can't help but observe how hilarious the lemming march is towards the cliff. Even second generation immigrants native born children of immigrants tend to outbreed whites.

From a completely anecdotal point of view I see this happening too. All my minority friends in the U.S. have been married since their late 20-30's and have kids. The white friends..including family friends i've known my entire life who are spread across the nation maybe only a third have kids. This isn't unusual I see a general malaise when it comes to white birth rates nationwide. A lot of single white male friends I have aren't soys but they also really aren't too into breeding even when many are in ltr with white women.

I don't know much about Australia side from the small overall population and low density. I like most Aussies i've met in asia on a personal level but I don't think you guys really and truly understand the cultural dynamics in the U.S.

The low birth rates are a problem but actual race mixing doesn't count for much in regards to the demographic decline of whites.

And reforming women western women is not possible absent a serious collapse of our current hierarchy. There is no feasible roadmap to putting them back in the kitchen until their very survival depends on it. White women like all women will mostly stand by and watch as their men either fight for survival or get eradicated. Though it's not a fight we've picked, this century will see the rebirth of the white ethnostate or the eradication of whites altogether.

I would venture to say that I'm a reasonable study on cultural dynamics in the US and while it would be nice for a happy ending to come about, it's a billion to one shot at this point. Once whites lose the ability to democratically enforce their brand of anti-racist civic nationalism you will see the kind of racial divisions the tail end of Obama's rein ushered in, only it will be on steroids and it will escalate until civil war redraws the borders of the US.

Other events like a world war may interfere but currently the last 50 years of cultural marxist and anti-white propaganda are on track to dissolve the US along racial lines, kicking off the next time a Democrat gets elected and decides to "tear down that wall".

Chinese Man’s Life with Beautiful Ukrainian Wife Envied - Mercenary - 03-16-2018

Quote: (03-16-2018 08:35 AM)Leonard D Neubache Wrote:  

And reforming women western women is not possible absent a serious collapse of our current hierarchy. There is no feasible roadmap to putting them back in the kitchen until their very survival depends on it.


Chinese Man’s Life with Beautiful Ukrainian Wife Envied - StrikeBack - 03-16-2018

The women aren’t gonna be reformed via online beta racial mate guarding, that’s for sure.

If white guys do nothing but analyse and bitch about it online, well your genes aren’t going to survive and fight another day in the future. If you are worried about the future of your race yet won’t put having children as your highest priority, you’re just LARPing. Don’t wait for others to fix the hierarchy or the economy, that’s just an excuse not to do anything at a personal level. I’ve heard all the excuses from my white leftie pinko acquaintances for why they aren’t having children or just one, so if you consider yourself Red Pilled or traditional, you shouldn’t reuse the same.

There might not be too many decent western white women to marry, but there is always enough for just you, an individual Game-aware man. If the minorities who supposedly have inferior Game to you for some reason can always find them and make you cold-sweat with jealousy at night, then you can too. Get off your arse and stop complaining.

Anyway, this thread wasn’t even about western women nor this border business. The girl here is from the Ukraine and the guy is from China.

Chinese Man’s Life with Beautiful Ukrainian Wife Envied - Genghis Khan - 03-16-2018

^ that's why I could never take those tradthots like Lauren Southern seriously. If they're so worried about the white race, they should be popping out 5-8 kids, not attention whoring online

Chinese Man’s Life with Beautiful Ukrainian Wife Envied - Cobra - 03-16-2018

Quote: (03-15-2018 12:51 PM)GoingTheDistance Wrote:  

Quote: (03-15-2018 12:40 PM)kaotic Wrote:  

Quote: (03-15-2018 12:25 PM)GoingTheDistance Wrote:  

If they're discussed on Roosh's websites, they will probably be discussed on here too no matter if posters like Cobra want to patrol the forum for wrongspeak or not.

Big difference between wrong speak and white soy boys crying about muh womyn's being taken away by other races.

If you're going to use terms like mud shark and slant eyes in your posts because of your insecurities and lack of game - then yeah you're just a WRT who spends too much time on forums on not in real life. (This is not a descriptor of you, I'm explaining the difference and what Cobra is calling out)

If you're to discus how your race is going to outpopulated by other races, that's fine, we're adult men, we can have this discussion (yes it might be hotly debated but still valid)

Look I get the whole tribalism, ethnocentric, worries some may have, I'm not even white and I get that.

But you're absolutely right if Roosh talks about it on his website then it's fine to talk about on the forum. (I don't think Cobra disagrees with this).

Well said. I agree. I guess I interpreted what Cobra said in the wrong way, but you explained it to me very clearly just now Kaotic. I guess that's one thing about the internet, it's pretty easy to take somebody the wrong way. Conversations usually go a lot differently in real life.

Sorry for that comment Cobra, I was wrong.

No offense taken. I also have absolutely no problem with ethnocentrism, especially from white people. There are many I hang out with locally on the forum who are great guys that I hope preserve their culture. I mean, for fucks sakes, people think I'm practically white since I have picked up a lot of mannerisms from white culture myself. That cannot be refuted.

As I said, and kaotic clarified impeccably, I care more about men that want to improve themselves and game rather than those that want to bitch on an internet forum regarding how another race is taking their women. Race trolls of any race fit into this. Unfortunately we just have a hard time separating white ethnocentrism from straight up race trolling degeneracy on the forum, while it's easy for us to apply to any other race. The heated political environment and the extreme leftist agenda in today's atmosphere combined with the openness of right wing outlets such as ours, gives rise to this. In this atmosphere, a little race trolling can just hide in the corner until it feeds off of scraps and becomes stronger, in our case through rep points as an example.

This is why I will always be a staunch supporter of the founding concepts of this forum : game and meet ups. I don't think there are too many forum members I have met who would every subscribe to false ethnocentrism. Rather these were guys that wanted to meet and learn together. So, we can say all we want that the forum is just an outlet and not a foundation, but for people like me that came from nothing, the forum means something larger than just a place to write thoughts and check likes. I have made lasting relationships and meaningful progress because of this forum and I will always be respectful and protective of it. For one, I always believed in meeting people and giving them a rep if they were cool enough. If we don't do that in some instances, it's okay, but if a significant amount of our posters come from unvetted keyboard warrior backgrounds, we could have a major issue where we lose such a great outlet.

We don't need to give leftist media outlets a reason to scream muh racism on us and put more pressure on us or shut us down.

Chinese Man’s Life with Beautiful Ukrainian Wife Envied - Simeon_Strangelight - 03-17-2018

Non-White forum members have to cut white guys some slack. The entire Western and White cultures are under constant attack.

Also the sane "ethno-model" promoted by many reasonable White advocates (many RVF members among them) does not mean some kind of 100% Aryan-White race state created by mass deportation, genocide and DNA tests.

It just means some kind of sane immigration policies that include race and culture as deciding factors. Some countries in the world have even put in place a desired ethnic mix that should not deviate too much. Sane policies should just make sure that the parent culture and race does not become a minority in their own home country. London for example now is no longer a British city since the majority of Londoners are non-White and see Britain as little more than a passport.

So yeah - this is not to be viewed as any attack. I personally don't even see race when I meet a guy. This sounds cliche here, but I honestly don't. My main issue is with mass-policies and not individual men - and certainly not men I agree with most things in life on.

Chinese Man’s Life with Beautiful Ukrainian Wife Envied - Transsimian - 03-17-2018

Quote: (03-16-2018 09:00 PM)Cobra Wrote:  

We don't need to give leftist media outlets a reason to scream muh racism on us and put more pressure on us or shut us down.
[Image: 6NkRq5.jpg]

Seriously though, I agree. We have far more control over ourselves than society, so we should prioritise self-improvement over politics online.

Chinese Man’s Life with Beautiful Ukrainian Wife Envied - Cobra - 03-17-2018

Quote: (03-17-2018 04:25 AM)Zelcorpion Wrote:  

Non-White forum members have to cut white guys some slack. The entire Western and White cultures are under constant attack.

I think this is a bit unfair. I don't think myself or any non-white forum member has a vendetta against white guys on the forum that want to practice self-improvement on the forum, game, and move masculinity forward. This couldn't be more clear. I think I'll be black and blue in the face clarifying this.

When there were IRTs on the forum, I always thought of them not only as an entirely unrepresentative and negative portion of my ethnicity but also a portion of my ethnicity that devalues and brings down other Indian guys. Given the negative impact and eventual consequences to Indian guys on the forum, I made every effort to eradicate them. I think I have been very successful at this, but more because of great forum moderation. Similarly, I would think that the solid white members on the forum also want to eradicate WRTs. Just like IRTs, they do nothing but bring their race down in the name of identity politics just like the liberal soy boys on the left. Let's look at the broader context: they also don't contribute to the game or self-improvement sections; so their overall agenda only brings the entire ethnic group down especially when they attack men of other races that are only trying to improve themselves and contribute more to the game and self-improvement sections of the forum. Given this point, I'd be surprised if the reputable white members don't want them gone even more than I do. I'm not encouraging white forum members to hunt WRTs down, but by the same token, if their views are encouraged and promoted, even if those views are not race related, they feel even more encouraged to promote their race hate instead, which is almost unnoticeable.

Quote: (03-17-2018 04:25 AM)Zelcorpion Wrote:  

Also the sane "ethno-model" promoted by many reasonable White advocates (many RVF members among them) does not mean some kind of 100% Aryan-White race state created by mass deportation, genocide and DNA tests.

It just means some kind of sane immigration policies that include race and culture as deciding factors. Some countries in the world have even put in place a desired ethnic mix that should not deviate too much. Sane policies should just make sure that the parent culture and race does not become a minority in their own home country. London for example now is no longer a British city since the majority of Londoners are non-White and see Britain as little more than a passport.

We are not in disagreement here. I actually totally agree. People of my ethnicity have enjoyed the benefits of an infrastructure created by mostly white men, although also provided immense value to it. I even specifically said in another thread that I do not want this country to turn into India. I really don't. I'm not just fine, but rather supportive of a white majority as that is the ethnic mix that has benefitted us all. Again, I come across more relatable to my white colleagues and friends often times than my Indian ones. We're saying the same thing here.

Quote: (03-17-2018 04:25 AM)Zelcorpion Wrote:  

So yeah - this is not to be viewed as any attack. I personally don't even see race when I meet a guy. This sounds cliche here, but I honestly don't. My main issue is with mass-policies and not individual men - and certainly not men I agree with most things in life on.

Yes you are one of the most sensible people in this conversation and forum. I also don't see race as a factor for my evaluation of a person. My issue is not with policies and the political environment in this scenario, however. That's a different conversation to me. My issue is with the deterioration in the spirit of the forum which are constantly attacked by race trolls in the name of politics this time. My firm belief is that even if WRTs want to discuss politics and make good points in that space, the value they add is not even close to the amount of our spirit they are taking away. I think we really need to separate the two.

Chinese Man’s Life with Beautiful Ukrainian Wife Envied - Simeon_Strangelight - 03-17-2018

Soyboys, communists, SJWs and lefties are quickly chased out.

And the more neo-nazi shifting guys also are not felt welcome here - they don't last long.

The direction of the forum has shifted, because the world has shifted so much that the most popular thread is now the Donald Trump one. That should give you an indication of what is happening. And the reason for this is not because folk are sooo concerned about the differences in Trump and Hillary economic policy.

Politics is likely to stay unless you start by closing the Trump thread and all current-day news topics instantly.

Self-improvement should be the most useful part.

Also in terms of Game - the more it seeps into the broader context, the more excellent products and courses there are to learn Game, the less active will be that part of the forum except for sharing some stories (and even then there is a limit to sharing as the example of Linux showed).

Meetups with like-minded men, potentially creating an undercover group of like-minded men and self-improvement (Game, finances, health, awareness of the political situation and broad economic movements etc) - those are the most helpful parts of the forum.

To all of that there are certain limits. But you cannot detach the forum from what is happening in the real world and the world has changed massively in the last 4 years and certainly one hell of a lot in the last 15 years. A lot of that is seeping into all aspects of society, media, movies, books and even video games - all is coloring the experiences of the men here.

Chinese Man’s Life with Beautiful Ukrainian Wife Envied - rudebwoy - 03-17-2018

Quote: (03-17-2018 04:25 AM)Zelcorpion Wrote:  

Non-White forum members have to cut white guys some slack. The entire Western and White cultures are under constant attack.

Also the sane "ethno-model" promoted by many reasonable White advocates (many RVF members among them) does not mean some kind of 100% Aryan-White race state created by mass deportation, genocide and DNA tests.

It just means some kind of sane immigration policies that include race and culture as deciding factors. Some countries in the world have even put in place a desired ethnic mix that should not deviate too much. Sane policies should just make sure that the parent culture and race does not become a minority in their own home country. London for example now is no longer a British city since the majority of Londoners are non-White and see Britain as little more than a passport.

So yeah - this is not to be viewed as any attack. I personally don't even see race when I meet a guy. This sounds cliche here, but I honestly don't. My main issue is with mass-policies and not individual men - and certainly not men I agree with most things in life on.

As your boy Icarus would say "is there some global brotherhood that I don't know about now"?

I don't cut any slack for people who are racist and ignorant.

The more you guys complain and whine, is the more I laugh. Some of you need to put your laptop down and go get some ass.

This thread is about a Chinese guy that went to another country and "worked" his ass of and married a young in her prime sexy Ukrainian girl.

The thread isn't about London, Blacks, Muslims, Trump, Leftist, Right wing, SJWs or Liberals.

Yes, the world is changing but who is making these changes.

Now as for white women, well that is a thread in itself.

Chinese Man’s Life with Beautiful Ukrainian Wife Envied - doc holliday - 03-17-2018

Yeah I agree with Rudebwoy here. Look, a lot of us non-white dudes get that white men are under assault in the culture these days, we've stated it ad nauseum and to be fair, the vast majority of the white men here understand that. However, you do have a sizable minority of guys here, many of whom would be considered veterans like Icarus who have become WRTs (that's brilliant whoever came up with that) and there is no sugar coating that. These guys are viewing everything through the prism of race and quite frankly, it's becoming a serious problem for this forum. The best hope that white men have to take back some of the culture is to have as many allies as possible who are down for this fight, including non-white men and yes, even some women can be employed as allies in this fight.

When you have these WRTs running around here saying nonsensical and ignorant things, I'm not seeing where they deserve any slack. Zel, guys like you should recognize the problems these guys are creating, not admonishing solid guys like Rudebwoy or Cobra to give them a break. Ask yourself this question, who would you want next to you in a bunker fighting with you, someone like Kosko or Kaotic or one of these WRTs? Seems to me that question has an easy, unambiguous answer.

Chinese Man’s Life with Beautiful Ukrainian Wife Envied - ErectedZenith - 03-17-2018

Quote: (03-17-2018 03:47 PM)doc holliday Wrote:  

Yeah I agree with Rudebwoy here. Look, a lot of us non-white dudes get that white men are under assault in the culture these days, we've stated it ad nauseum and to be fair, the vast majority of the white men here understand that. However, you do have a sizable minority of guys here, many of whom would be considered veterans like Icarus who have become WRTs (that's brilliant whoever came up with that) and there is no sugar coating that. These guys are viewing everything through the prism of race and quite frankly, it's becoming a serious problem for this forum. The best hope that white men have to take back some of the culture is to have as many allies as possible who are down for this fight, including non-white men and yes, even some women can be employed as allies in this fight. When you have these WRTs running around here saying nonsensical and ignorant things, I'm not seeing where they deserve any slack. Zel, guys like you should recognize the problems these guys are creating, not admonishing solid guys like Rudebwoy or Cobra to give them a break. Ask yourself this question, who would you want next to you in a bunker fighting with you, someone like Kosko or Kaotic or one of these WRTs? Seems to me that question has an easy, unambiguous answer.

Thing is that there are some white guys who are 100% okay with them going into a poorer country to get pussy but then the moment that someone non white comes in and does the same thing to white girls, they get frustrated for some reason.

Chinese Man’s Life with Beautiful Ukrainian Wife Envied - Simeon_Strangelight - 03-17-2018

< I don't disagree with you guys here Cobra, Rudebwoy & Doc. Icarus' comments were uncalled for - he should rethink his ways.

White race trolling has to be called out - fine with me. White guys should not be made out of sugar - we can take a few mean words back:

[Image: giphy.gif]

Besides - if it comes to the topic Asian-White pairings, then I think that far more White men have crossed that river than White women jumped on team Asia.

Know that when Chinese newspapers are writing stories like that, that it is rather rare - the opposite is seen far more often with Western expats marrying Chinese women. No newspapers of theirs want to brag about that - heh.

Chinese Man’s Life with Beautiful Ukrainian Wife Envied - Cobra - 03-17-2018

Quote: (03-17-2018 08:39 AM)Zelcorpion Wrote:  

Soyboys, communists, SJWs and lefties are quickly chased out.

And the more neo-nazi shifting guys also are not felt welcome here - they don't last long.

Again, I'm not sure how I can be more clear. Maybe you missed my point. While leftists may be chased out, there are many more right leaning trolls just like Icarus who have lasted very long, to reiterate, gaining false seniority through political keyboard sparring. I feel I'm beating a dead horse while the point keeps getting ignored. These guys continue to step outside of the political threads and into game threads like this, just like Icarus. Icarus just happened to take the fall but there are many like him that deserve to be called out. I already did that elsewhere and will continue to do so.

Quote: (03-17-2018 08:39 AM)Zelcorpion Wrote:  

The direction of the forum has shifted, because the world has shifted so much that the most popular thread is now the Donald Trump one. That should give you an indication of what is happening. And the reason for this is not because folk are sooo concerned about the differences in Trump and Hillary economic policy.

Politics is likely to stay unless you start by closing the Trump thread and all current-day news topics instantly.

Self-improvement should be the most useful part.

I know politics and Trump were an overwhelming force but that doesn't mean the purpose of the forum shifted. I think it would have been fine if these race trolls didn't show up but their presence has essentially diluted our purpose.

If we do think self-improvement is the most useful then we should be fighting said trolling and encouraging threads like this. That we don't is the issue.

Quote: (03-17-2018 08:39 AM)Zelcorpion Wrote:  

Also in terms of Game - the more it seeps into the broader context, the more excellent products and courses there are to learn Game, the less active will be that part of the forum except for sharing some stories (and even then there is a limit to sharing as the example of Linux showed).

Meetups with like-minded men, potentially creating an undercover group of like-minded men and self-improvement (Game, finances, health, awareness of the political situation and broad economic movements etc) - those are the most helpful parts of the forum.

To all of that there are certain limits. But you cannot detach the forum from what is happening in the real world and the world has changed massively in the last 4 years and certainly one hell of a lot in the last 15 years. A lot of that is seeping into all aspects of society, media, movies, books and even video games - all is coloring the experiences of the men here.

Now you say again that another tenet of the forum is helpful, meetups. Then we should be encouraging it.

I also think there are many more factors affecting game in addition to just products. That includes online game, Tinder etc. and also just detachment of westerners from it.

The world may have changed but it was our response to it which made the forum stronger in the first place. So why would we stop responding now?

Chinese Man’s Life with Beautiful Ukrainian Wife Envied - mikado - 03-17-2018

This guy has game and I respect him a lot.

Indeed, we are the one who limit ourselves in the end. Props to him for not giving a fuck.

Chinese Man’s Life with Beautiful Ukrainian Wife Envied - mikado - 03-17-2018

Quote: (03-17-2018 04:06 PM)Cobra Wrote:  

Quote: (03-17-2018 08:39 AM)Zelcorpion Wrote:  

Soyboys, communists, SJWs and lefties are quickly chased out.

And the more neo-nazi shifting guys also are not felt welcome here - they don't last long.

Again, I'm not sure how I can be more clear. Maybe you missed my point. While leftists may be chased out, there are many more right leaning trolls just like Icarus who have lasted very long, to reiterate, gaining false seniority through political keyboard sparring. I feel I'm beating a dead horse while the point keeps getting ignored. These guys continue to step outside of the political threads and into game threads like this, just like Icarus. Icarus just happened to take the fall but there are many like him that deserve to be called out. I already did that elsewhere and will continue to do so.

Quote: (03-17-2018 08:39 AM)Zelcorpion Wrote:  

The direction of the forum has shifted, because the world has shifted so much that the most popular thread is now the Donald Trump one. That should give you an indication of what is happening. And the reason for this is not because folk are sooo concerned about the differences in Trump and Hillary economic policy.

Politics is likely to stay unless you start by closing the Trump thread and all current-day news topics instantly.

Self-improvement should be the most useful part.

I know politics and Trump were an overwhelming force but that doesn't mean the purpose of the forum shifted. I think it would have been fine if these race trolls didn't show up but their presence has essentially diluted our purpose.

If we do think self-improvement is the most useful then we should be fighting said trolling and encouraging threads like this. That we don't is the issue.

Quote: (03-17-2018 08:39 AM)Zelcorpion Wrote:  

Also in terms of Game - the more it seeps into the broader context, the more excellent products and courses there are to learn Game, the less active will be that part of the forum except for sharing some stories (and even then there is a limit to sharing as the example of Linux showed).

Meetups with like-minded men, potentially creating an undercover group of like-minded men and self-improvement (Game, finances, health, awareness of the political situation and broad economic movements etc) - those are the most helpful parts of the forum.

To all of that there are certain limits. But you cannot detach the forum from what is happening in the real world and the world has changed massively in the last 4 years and certainly one hell of a lot in the last 15 years. A lot of that is seeping into all aspects of society, media, movies, books and even video games - all is coloring the experiences of the men here.

Now you say again that another tenet of the forum is helpful, meetups. Then we should be encouraging it.

I also think there are many more factors affecting game in addition to just products. That includes online game, Tinder etc. and also just detachment of westerners from it.

The world may have changed but it was our response to it which made the forum stronger in the first place. So why would we stop responding now?

Sorry for the (shameless) self quoting, but this question was adressed (by yours), and I think the ensuing answers pretty much deal with the reasons of this forum's evolution.

Chinese Man’s Life with Beautiful Ukrainian Wife Envied - rudebwoy - 03-17-2018

Zel - I am not offended by what Icarus said, it is his opinion and he is entitled to it.

He isn't the only person who thinks that way. So please don't apologize for him.
It is lame to get bent out of shape about this Chinese guy and his wife.

I was born in London and spent the first 13 years of my life there. Doesn't that make me a Londoner?

Chinese Man’s Life with Beautiful Ukrainian Wife Envied - El Chinito loco - 03-17-2018

Race warriors should probably ask themselves how much of the hardcore white nationalist political stuff is compatible with the travel and game lifestyle promoted on this forum to begin with.

Dedicated white nationalists would probably be far more successful if they took a page out of the Mormon or maybe even the Quaker community playbook. Those religious groups seem to know how to build successful, highly insular, and relatively long lasting communities that survive the test of time.

At the end of the day going from country to country banging various thots along with getting into relationships with non whites just makes you another rootless cosmopolitan...the very idea of which the white identity movement often rails against.

Individuals who really want to dedicate themselves to white nationalism better be prepared to sacrifice a lot actually. The first part of that is to exercise lots of personal discipline and forgo individual freedom to fight for this cause. I disagree a lot with the methods and deeper ideological goals pushed by white nationalists but I do respect guys who actually have the personal integrity and discipline to live according to a set of principles.

To be honest though I don't see many individuals with integrity in that movement to begin with. Lots of wishy washy stuff, short sighted political pursuits, along with poor leadership, and lots of bad faith actors.

Chinese Man’s Life with Beautiful Ukrainian Wife Envied - SamuelBRoberts - 03-17-2018

The White Nationalism movement in the US is like 70% feds and the remaining 30% is people shitposting on line while they fap to tranny porn.
I have zero respect for it.

Chinese Man’s Life with Beautiful Ukrainian Wife Envied - Repo - 03-17-2018

Quote: (03-17-2018 10:18 PM)SamuelBRoberts Wrote:  

The White Nationalism movement in the US is like 70% feds and the remaining 30% is people shitposting on line while they fap to tranny porn.
I have zero respect for it.

Dont forget the most entertaining white nationalist, the non white self hating white nationalist. Probably 5% of the overall group

Chinese Man’s Life with Beautiful Ukrainian Wife Envied - Leonard D Neubache - 03-17-2018

They are an irrelevance except for what they portend.

Chinese Man’s Life with Beautiful Ukrainian Wife Envied - Suits - 03-18-2018

Quote: (03-15-2018 09:22 AM)Fortis Wrote:  

Let's keep it real, broes. You can't be a hater like some of the dudes in this chat and then turn around and pretend to have game. Sorry, doesn't work that way. Your hatred of a chinese guy going to Ukraine and stealing "your" women reveals your scarcity mindset.

Fortis hitting the nail on the head once again.

Reading through this thread, it's pretty easy to spot which forum members get laid and which ones don't.

This is a natural consequence of the forum moving more away from a singular focus on game and self-improvement and diving headfirst into making a regular occupation out of complaining about politics.

When you're dealing with game, it's really easy to separating the fakers and the complainers from the doers.

Really hard to do that when the discussion is about politics. Suddenly everyone is an expert.

Chinese Man’s Life with Beautiful Ukrainian Wife Envied - Icarus - 03-18-2018

Quote: (03-14-2018 07:28 PM)Cobra Wrote:  

So... yes, there is a global brotherhood dude. It is called the Rooshv Forum.

You cheapen the word "brotherhood"...

If you get fired and urgently need some cash, who in here is going to lend you money?

If you get into a fight, who in here is going to have your back?

In my life experience, guys who are all "bros before hoes" are the first ones to betray their so-called bros whenever a sufficiently attractive woman comes along.

Quote: (03-14-2018 07:28 PM)Cobra Wrote:  

We don't see race or ethnicity as an indication of "tribe" in the context of banging women and creating masculine quality relationships

Neither do I. I have 5 real friends, and only 2 are of my genetic stock. One is Mexican and the other is Chinese. If my Chinese friend got himself a hot Ukrainian wife, I would be very happy for him. But, are you seriously expecting me to be happy for a guy I never met? A guy on a news article? Did the guy post anything worthwhile on RVF? I am not sad, either, I am indifferent to him. However, 1000 thin pages make a heavy book.

Masculine relationships are created in the real world, offline, not on forums. Forums like RVF allow one to identify potentially interesting people with whom to interact in the real world.

Chinese Man’s Life with Beautiful Ukrainian Wife Envied - Kona - 03-18-2018

Quote: (03-18-2018 03:38 AM)Icarus Wrote:  

I have 5 real friends, and only 2 are of my genetic stock. One is Mexican and the other is Chinese

Dontbforget about me, your Polynesian friend. Uncle Konas got your back my haole brother.


Chinese Man’s Life with Beautiful Ukrainian Wife Envied - Icarus - 03-18-2018

Quote: (03-14-2018 07:28 PM)Cobra Wrote:  

Being Indian myself

Ahhh, now I get it!

Quote: (03-14-2018 07:28 PM)Cobra Wrote:  

I hate race trolls in general and the white race trolls (WRTs) have unfortunately been getting a pass

Do you really believe there is a white race?

4 million Chinese would wreck Ukraine's gene pool, but so would 4 million Italians, 4 million Spaniards or even 4 million French — though differently. Some phenotypes are just more dominant than others.

This forum is full of adult men who believe they are red pill but still carry in their brains memetic trash implanted by the neurotic female Boomers who indoctrinated them at school.