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Predicitons for Democrat candidate in 2020? - Printable Version

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Predicitons for Democrat candidate in 2020? - Libertas - 01-26-2019

They're doing to Gabbard what they did to Ron Paul and Dennis Kucinich. Any rollback of American overseas imperialism is a no-no with the swamp. And Gabbard doesn't have the brand, the charisma, or the money to overcome that. Her campaign is dead in the womb.

And Beto probably killed his campaign in the womb with his dentist video. Weirdo.

Mike Bloomberg has the brand and the money but he's a white male who isn't crazy. That's not going to fly in a Democratic primary.

Harris has an easy path at this point. I don't see anyone that can stop her.

Let's just be thankful Ocasio can't run yet because she has extremely high persuasion skills. If you haven't noticed them, you haven't been paying attention. Hopefully her career peaks early.

Predicitons for Democrat candidate in 2020? - 911 - 01-26-2019

Gabbard has a shot, because she's the only non-interventionist non-DNC establishment candidate running in a crowded field with many establishment candidates. So Gabbard does have a shot, provided there is no clear establishment frontrunner early on, if for instance Warren, Gillibrand and others split that establishment vote with Harris. You have about a quarter to a third of anti-establishment Democrats who she will appeal to, that's a very solid block off the gates.

If Sanders runs though (probably will), he's going to split that block and neutraliize Tulsi. I have no doubt he will, Sanders being a masonic leftie zio-globalist shill, he will probably replay the role of channeling anti-establishment voters back into the DNC fold.

There is an interesting precedent and parallel here, the Republicans using Robert Dole in 1996 to sideline Pat Buchanan, exactly the same way the Dems are going to use Sanders to sideline Gabbard. Back then, Buchanan had a strong populist America First conservative message that clashed severely with the Rep establishment globalist and increasingly neocon Bush agenda.

Neocon globalists were already in charge of the right wing media with outlets like the Weekly Standard and the National Review, and figures like William Buckley who were zionist shills conspiring against America Firster conservatives like Buchanan were used to attack Buchanan relentlessly, the same way Kristol and other neocons dumped on Trump.

Dole was a conservative WW2 vet who was a genuine nice guy and looked presidential, he run to the right of GHW Bush and pretty much neutralized Buchanan in 96 and 2000. He lacked political acumen though, and was build up as a beautiful loser against young charismatic uber-globalist Bill Clinton.

Buchanan would have challenged Clinton and beat him in the industrial heartland (like Trump did in 2016), and states where immigration was an issue like Florida or Arizona. Had Pat been elected, you would have had no NAFTA, no Rust Belt, a thriving industrial base, a strong social conservative agenda (no Ginsburg or Breyer), no trillion dollar wars for Israel and no illegals/amnesties.

E. Michael Jones documents that key turning point American politics episode in this essay:

Predicitons for Democrat candidate in 2020? - MaceTyrell - 01-27-2019

Quote: (01-26-2019 09:47 AM)Libertas Wrote:  

They're doing to Gabbard what they did to Ron Paul and Dennis Kucinich. Any rollback of American overseas imperialism is a no-no with the swamp. And Gabbard doesn't have the brand, the charisma, or the money to overcome that. Her campaign is dead in the womb.

And Beto probably killed his campaign in the womb with his dentist video. Weirdo.

Mike Bloomberg has the brand and the money but he's a white male who isn't crazy. That's not going to fly in a Democratic primary.

Harris has an easy path at this point. I don't see anyone that can stop her.

Let's just be thankful Ocasio can't run yet because she has extremely high persuasion skills. If you haven't noticed them, you haven't been paying attention. Hopefully her career peaks early.

Have always appreciated your political points Libertas, and happy to see you also see what I see in Kamala.

Also bro, she's frigging sexy.

Predicitons for Democrat candidate in 2020? - CynicalContrarian - 01-27-2019

While I've heard of some shenanigans in Kamala Harris' past, I'm not familiar enough with her nature / antics to have come up with a viable 'meme' name.

I believe James Woods recently had a #HorizontalHarris tag - rather amusingly.

Predicitons for Democrat candidate in 2020? - eradicator - 01-27-2019

The Kamala memes are already in abundance

[Image: maxresdefault220.jpg]

[Image: s-l300.jpg]

[Image: 05939c855d7de5775091ad4c0005ac9f--wrestl...stars-.jpg]

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[Image: Final-Front-and-Back-Cover-JPEG.jpg]

If you don't see the meme's the memes certainly see you!

There is enough here for about 50 memes

Predicitons for Democrat candidate in 2020? - BlueMark - 01-27-2019

Quote: (01-27-2019 02:47 AM)MaceTyrell Wrote:  

Have always appreciated your political points Libertas, and happy to see you also see what I see in Kamala.

Also bro, she's frigging sexy.

In 2013, Obama called Harris the "best-looking attorney general in the country" and caught a lot of flack for it.

We might see some more male politicians complimenting her on her looks and getting slammed for it.

Predicitons for Democrat candidate in 2020? - MaceTyrell - 01-27-2019

Kamala Harris basically had an arrangement with a former mayor of SF ages ago:

She sounds like the type of girl who would be on Seeking, hitting guys up with Linkedin requests after she makes them cum.

Kamala was an AOC before AOC.

Predicitons for Democrat candidate in 2020? - eradicator - 01-27-2019

^ Maybe 35 or 30 years ago, I can’t imagine any sugar daddies paying to fuck a 55 year old Whore/ Sugar baby

Predicitons for Democrat candidate in 2020? - 8ball - 01-27-2019

Kamala harris is running on medicare for all and free college.

And to think she is supposed to be the "centre left" answer to battle the leftists in her party. Holy shit the dem debates will be a marxist circle jerk fiasco.

I am not quite sure if there is room for the billionaires with all these candidates, could you imagine Bloomberg and Schultz on a debate stage with Gilibrand and Harris? What are they gonna say?

Predicitons for Democrat candidate in 2020? - Transsimian - 01-27-2019

Quote: (01-27-2019 05:54 PM)8ball Wrote:  

could you imagine Bloomberg and Schultz on a debate stage with Gilibrand and Harris? What are they gonna say?
"Fellow White People..."

I think Bloomberg would be in a better position, as Schultz couldn't differentiate himself on his Starbucks SocJuc policies.

Bloomberg is legitimately a successful businessmen, and has proven his leftie credentials during his mayorship. He would solidly win those who don't vote on identity.

Predicitons for Democrat candidate in 2020? - budoslavic - 01-28-2019


Predicitons for Democrat candidate in 2020? - durangotang - 01-28-2019

Kamala Harris draws bigger crowd than Obama for launch of White House bid


Predicitons for Democrat candidate in 2020? - 911 - 01-28-2019

That's about 7k-9k people there in Downtown Oakland, you can get at least half that crowd just with the overpaid public sector employees working there, and the rest with the overpaid public sector employees a few BART stops away in SF and Berkeley.

Schultz running as an independent would be AWESOME if he goes all the way, because he would be a spoiler for the Dems, along the lines of Ralph Nader in 2000. Trump voters need to carry his campaign and give the coffee monopolist kingpin enough hope to go through this.

You can do it Howie!!!!

Predicitons for Democrat candidate in 2020? - rpg - 01-28-2019

Quote: (01-28-2019 02:01 AM)durangotang Wrote:  

Kamala Harris draws bigger crowd than Obama for launch of White House bid


I say whopdeedoo to that headline. Lets see what she can do in Ohio. Nothing thats right. She will be just as hated as the cunt. She is also Hindu. People will freak the fuck out at the thought of a Hindu Shiva worshipping childless whore.

Predicitons for Democrat candidate in 2020? - eradicator - 01-28-2019

Hopefully Schultz has good security because the deep state wants him dead dead dead

Predicitons for Democrat candidate in 2020? - TheBowery - 01-28-2019

Can’t wait until T calls out Kamala for Willie Brown. The media definitely timed the story to protect their darling, so it would get memory holed by her stunning+brave presidential campaign launch. She has sociopath eyes blending the worst of HRC+Obama - identity politics, empty platitudes from a state that has become a dystopian case study on inequality, and hypocrisy on female/minority empowerment when she slept her way to the top. Higher taxes to support illegals and the welfare state will do wonders for the rest of the country as it has for California.

Predicitons for Democrat candidate in 2020? - Gmac - 01-28-2019

That Kamala news is a big nothing burger. Too long ago, it'll fall flat, and it's too early to make a splash.

It is going to be fun to watch Hillary 2.0 fail though.


Predicitons for Democrat candidate in 2020? - floor7 - 01-28-2019


Several prominent veteran Democrats, alarmed by the party’s drift from its longstanding alignment with Israel, are starting a new political group that will try to counter the rising skepticism on the left toward the Jewish state by supporting lawmakers and candidates in 2020 who stand unwaveringly with the country.

[Image: tard.gif][Image: dodgy.gif][Image: angry.gif]

Predicitons for Democrat candidate in 2020? - Days of Broken Arrows - 01-29-2019

Quote: (01-28-2019 08:41 AM)rpg Wrote:  

Quote: (01-28-2019 02:01 AM)durangotang Wrote:  

Kamala Harris draws bigger crowd than Obama for launch of White House bid


I say whopdeedoo to that headline. Lets see what she can do in Ohio. Nothing thats right. She will be just as hated as the cunt. She is also Hindu. People will freak the fuck out at the thought of a Hindu Shiva worshipping childless whore.

I watched most of her Town Hall meeting (the one promoted and hosted by CNN). Forget the issues. Forget her background. Forget her speaking style, CNN, the audience, or anything she said.

She will never become president because she is the most joyless candidate I've ever seen. Her face seemed frozen and she looked so serious she came off as almost crazed. Even Hillary smiled and made the occasional joke. And Obama -- like him or not -- was personable. This woman isn't.

Kamala Harris has the demeanor of a billing clerk at college who is always angry at the students. She recalls the teachers we all knew and hated because when they weren't demeaning students they were fighting with administrators.

CNN, the Washington Post, and New York Times are hyping her because as an minority female, she's a Christ-like figure to them. But I don't see this playing beyond the Democrat base.

It's also amusing the way both the Post and the NYT are coming down on Howard Shultz and completely ignoring his ideas. He's an independent white male. Therefore he's a sinner and must be cast out of the arena. Get him!

Predicitons for Democrat candidate in 2020? - Philosopher - 01-29-2019

Joe Biden was leading the polls last time I turned on CNN

Predicitons for Democrat candidate in 2020? - rpg - 01-29-2019

Quote: (01-29-2019 06:25 PM)Philosopher Wrote:  

Joe Biden was leading the polls last time I turned on CNN

Ill take creepy Joe over Krazy Kamala any day.

Predicitons for Democrat candidate in 2020? - Gmac - 01-29-2019

Quote: (01-29-2019 06:25 PM)Philosopher Wrote:  

Joe Biden was leading the polls last time I turned on CNN

Yeah it's not about the polls.

Predicitons for Democrat candidate in 2020? - 911 - 01-30-2019

Polls are important, they do show Harris is burried in iowa and Biden with a huge lead, 32% vs 5%. It's still early though, but it confirms the fact that she has no name recognition outside of CA

I guess the reason she declared early is to make sure the MSM does the work for her.

Predicitons for Democrat candidate in 2020? - CynicalContrarian - 01-30-2019

Quote: (01-28-2019 02:01 AM)durangotang Wrote:  

Kamala Harris draws bigger crowd than Obama for launch of White House bid

How many of those folk attended out of their own interest?
How many were simply paid to be there?

Recall the paid protestors at the one Kavanaugh hearing / event...?

Predicitons for Democrat candidate in 2020? - Canopus - 01-30-2019


[Image: luWQR6N.jpg]

Jesus, they really don't want this guy to run. [Image: lol.gif]