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DNC Leak thread - El Chinito loco - 07-24-2016

[Image: feelthebern.jpg]

Trump dealing out the sick berns one after another today.

[Image: laugh4.gif]

DNC Leak thread - philosophical_recovery - 07-24-2016

[Image: congratsto-bernie-thanks-for-the-memes-b...050007.png]

DNC Leak thread - I DIDN'T KILL MY WIFE - 07-24-2016

[Image: utGCTVr.jpg]

((((((COINCIDENCE)))))) spotted

DNC Leak thread - Enigma - 07-24-2016

[Image: CoFA0iSUAAE4qbM.jpg]

This was posted as a joke on Twitter and half of the replies are rabid leftists trying to "prove" it's fake by pointing out the phone number, date, font, etc.

Wow, you mean Hillary Clinton didn't really have a gorilla assassinated? Fucking retards.

DNC Leak thread - hydrogonian - 07-24-2016

Quote: (07-24-2016 07:17 AM)britchard Wrote:  

Not a peep on the leaks this side of the pond, and we're the country that follows American politics most closely after Canada and Mexico.

I just ran both google and BBC website searches for any coverage of the leaks by the BBC.

There is exactly zero coverage.

Not that it was a secret, but the BBC needs to be openly condemned as a propaganda organ by western journalists themselves.

DNC Leak thread - Adonis - 07-24-2016

Anyone catch Opening Statement w/Judge Pirro last night? She hammered some Dem guests pretty hard on the leaks, with specific examples that indicated she either read them or was thoroughly briefed. Only one so far that has given it more than lip service, even on FNC.

DNC Leak thread - Dr. Howard - 07-24-2016

this thread, and the leaks...are making my news day. Even if there is nothing bad in them (which there is) the content is also so unprofessional that it will turn people off.

"Chip in $5 so we can go to a drag party and bang cougars"

DNC Leak thread - Libertas - 07-24-2016

Whenever anyone tries to say that these leaks were orchestrated by the Russians, here's how you should respond:

1. "I don't believe the media, because they've been thoroughly implicated in shilling for the DNC, and this would certainly play into that conflict of interest, but even if the Russians were somehow involved, they'd have nothing to use if our pretended betters weren't totally corrupt."

2. "If it was the Russians, you will recall that the server that was hacked was the DNC server, which was, as per FBI Director Comey, far more secure than Hillary Clinton's private email server. If they hacked the DNC server, they almost certainly hacked her own unsecured private email server, and therefore will likely indeed have a blackmail file on her. That makes her disqualified from office. It's a clear conflict of interest that puts our country in danger."

Number two in particular is devastating. Confirms Trump's narrative. It's getting good engagement.

DNC Leak thread - Dusty - 07-24-2016

[Image: attachment.jpg32796]   

DNC Leak thread - HighSpeed_LowDrag - 07-24-2016

Quote: (07-24-2016 11:11 AM)Libertas Wrote:  

Whenever anyone tries to say that these leaks were orchestrated by the Russians, here's how you should respond:

1. "I don't believe the media, because they've been thoroughly implicated in shilling for the DNC, and this would certainly play into that conflict of interest, but even if the Russians were somehow involved, they'd have nothing to use if our pretended betters weren't totally corrupt."

2. "If it was the Russians, you will recall that the server that was hacked was the DNC server, which was, as per FBI Director Comey, far more secure than Hillary Clinton's private email server. If they hacked the DNC server, they almost certainly hacked her own unsecured private email server, and therefore will likely indeed have a blackmail file on her. That makes her disqualified from office. It's a clear conflict of interest that puts our country in danger."

Number two in particular is devastating. Confirms Trump's narrative. It's getting good engagement.

Don't forget the Clinton Foundation's ties to the Russian uranium deal. Simpler, yet even more devastating because it demonstrates Clinton adversely affecting national security for her own profit.

DNC Leak thread - beta_plus - 07-24-2016

Quote: (07-22-2016 07:57 PM)budoslavic Wrote:  

Quote: (07-22-2016 07:46 PM)El Chinito loco Wrote:  

I looked up some of these people on twitter and their tweets are just wall to wall fabrication.

What strikes me is how completely unprofessional the DNC staff sound in e-mail.

Who the hell tells people to "fuck off" and "eat my butt" in a professional work setting? Apparently DNC staffers.

They talk and act like high school kids. These really are shitty people in general and I can't imagine what it's like to work for these pieces of garbage.

Debbie Wasserman Schultz in particular is just vile. DWS functions as Hillary's personal hatchetwoman. That's what the Bernie people were saying all along.

You know what bugged me?

They get to say "fuck off" or "eat my butt" in their emails, but we are not allowed to write those in our work email at where I work due to "politically correct" training courses.

Politically correct, my ass.

If this doesn't convince Americans that these people invented PC to control them, I don't know what will.

DNC Leak thread - TravelerKai - 07-24-2016

Quote: (07-24-2016 09:42 AM)hydrogonian Wrote:  

Quote: (07-24-2016 07:17 AM)britchard Wrote:  

Not a peep on the leaks this side of the pond, and we're the country that follows American politics most closely after Canada and Mexico.

I just ran both google and BBC website searches for any coverage of the leaks by the BBC.

There is exactly zero coverage.

Not that it was a secret, but the BBC needs to be openly condemned as a propaganda organ by western journalists themselves.

There was a little bit of coverage yesterday.

Now it is really heating up. Fox News has it all over the front page.

ABC news has a story of Bernie asking for Wasserman to step down.

CNN has it as a main story on their site as well.

Monday will still be the true test of how much outrage is there, but for a weekend, it isn't too bad. Suppression did not work at all. Twitter got outdone by 4Chan and Redditors constantly switching the hashmarks. Facebook got called out and exposed and was not able to delete enough posts.

I knew this was going to happen. The story is too big to ignore. I just wonder about how much leg will this have to run with come Monday. If key Democrats start flipping out (key donors too), it is possible more than just Wasserman will get called out for a resignation.

If she resigns on Monday morning (like before 11est), will that also be enough to squash the outrage? Will any new lawsuits pop up? Will certain Republican House/Senate members start calling for investigations for campaign fraud?

Sometimes this stuff takes time to drum up. Staffers have to do research and congressmen time to talk to other ones to see what quick coalitions they could build to form a plan of action/posturing. Sometimes the delay is if they may piss off another donor source or fuck up something on their side of the fence by opening up a investigation. Add a weekend in there, and only half a staff or less is available to dig into stuff.

The press implications are an entirely other matter. Who can or is willing to waste time attacking the press themselves? Trump making nasty tweets at their biases, is one thing, but who is clean enough to take them to task. We have roughly 4-5 major news outlets with blatant and unethical ties to the DNC. I fear that will get swept under the rug compared to the rest.

DNC Leak thread - iop890 - 07-24-2016

[Image: 50447f408a.png]

DNC Leak thread - I DIDN'T KILL MY WIFE - 07-24-2016

Quote: (07-24-2016 09:28 AM)Enigma Wrote:  

[Image: CoFA0iSUAAE4qbM.jpg]

This was posted as a joke on Twitter and half of the replies are rabid leftists trying to "prove" it's fake by pointing out the phone number, date, font, etc.

Wow, you mean Hillary Clinton didn't really have a gorilla assassinated? Fucking retards.

Pray for Harambe, he was the inspiration for Cernovich's HARAMBE MINDSET book

Meanwhile, backstage at the DNC
[Image: Snorlax+used+Throw+Table.+It+s+super+eff...455749.gif]

DNC Leak thread - ElJefe1 - 07-24-2016

This is why I dont fuck with the democrats or republicans they are all corrupt.

DNC Leak thread - budoslavic - 07-24-2016

If I'm reading this right, #WikiLeaks is about to drop another bomb during #DemConvention week.

[Image: CoIdVUhXgAAauTg.jpg:small]

WikiLeaks Is About to Ruin Hillary Clinton’s Chances of Becoming President

DNC Leak thread - I DIDN'T KILL MY WIFE - 07-24-2016

Sup Chad, can you vet this donor?
Yeah nah he's cool, just killed 50 horses

[Image: tlYsoXH.jpg]

DNC Leak thread - Dr. Howard - 07-24-2016

^ lol what the fuck am I reading. I can't believe these emails are real.

I half expect it to some out later that Wikileaks got duped and were tricked into getting a bunch of unreleased scripts from episodes of "The Office" and not the actual DNC.

DNC Leak thread - beta_plus - 07-24-2016

Quote: (07-24-2016 12:44 AM)porscheguy Wrote:  

It doesn't matter if Russia is behind the leak or not.

It's not Russian Intelligence's style to do something like this. They're all about controlling people, especially by blackmail. If you just dump all this info out there, they can't really control you anymore.

DNC Leak thread - beta_plus - 07-24-2016

Are any of the journalists and their editors who conspired with the DNC going to be called before congress?

Could the presstitutes be guilty of committing a crime?

DNC Leak thread - Jaydublin - 07-24-2016

These cucks on CNN are saying that the DNC chief being booted shows Hillary is a strong leader and how she will
Be as president.

DNC Leak thread - hydrogonian - 07-24-2016

This was featured at the top of my current Google News feed, positioning which seems like it may be significant given the phrasing of the headline:

Bernie Sanders Must Disavow Hillary Clinton Endorsement: Rigged Election; Bernie Never Had a Chance: The Fix Was In

DNC Leak thread - Jaydublin - 07-24-2016

Dnc chief to step down after the convention

DNC Leak thread - TravelerKai - 07-24-2016

Porcheguy is right. It really doesn't matter. That is "shooting the messenger" talk. If you come across any American using this as an excuse, they have shit for ethics and values. You would be wasting your breath trying to convince them most likely. This is no different than a simp getting angry at you because you smashed his bitch. You owe that cat a favor if he helped you avoid marrying the woman.

There is no extradition treaty between the US and Russia. If a lone wolf Russian hacker wants to pull emails from party servers, Russian police won't stop him unless Putin wants it stopped. The FBI has not arrested th3j35t3r and he has been attacking islamic terrorists and other countries against America since 2011. Why would the Russian govt. arrest Russian hackers doing the same? Jester actually helped the FBI catch LulzSec and Sabu.

This is America getting a taste of it's own medicine for the first time perhaps. Destabilizing nations and countries internal politics is America's specialty. Now Putin gets to turn the tables and start his own campaign to disrupt American political structure and destabilize the country.

If he really hates Obama he will give Wiki or whoever he can use, information to leak out to the public. Whether or not Americans deserve getting our own electoral system manipulated by external forces is irrelevant. We earned this heat with the past 8 maybe 16 years of arrogant intervention in other countries and especially Obama pushing those Patriot systems closer to Russia.

You have to understand geopolitical nuclear warfare strategy and how it affects foreign policy. Russian ICBMs won't make it to the US, if Patriot systems are in the Ukraine. They called Putin's bluff and he invaded to their surprise. All this stuff affects every kind of deal making between all sides, US, Russia, NATO, EU, etc. Russia also lost some of it's ability to hurt the EU with their natural gas chokehold. So if he can use our democracies against our own leaders by method of cyberwarfare, he will do it. He has shown the world several times that his gangster is to be respected.

It's not a coincidence that all the major think tanks and foreign policy specialists in the past 3 years are worried about cyberwarfare and blocking attacks. You even have congress trying to do things about it and Obama has had what? 3 or so Cyber czars already?

Obama's push on Putin seems to have gotten somewhat personal. They keep going back and forth over the missile dome issue. Obama recently put more in South Korea. I honestly cannot tell you if Trump would or would not continue this foreign policy strategy, but I think Putin will figure that out when the time comes. If he is behind this, he knows that a Hillary victory is a 100% guarantee she will pursue that strategy and create issues for him. He dealt with her enough when she was Sec of State long enough to know what she will do. He has all her email, so of course he knows her strategy. She is a Globalist using Europe to put economic pressure on him.

If Trump wins, continue to pay attention to these things. I promise you it will continue to come up, over and over and over. Remember it's about ICBMs, Raytheon/Patriot missile defense, NATO memberships, and the Russian S500 missile systems.

CREAM (Cash Rules Everything Around Me) is still the rule of the world, but at the end of the day, the placement of these trucks are what determines the deals involving the money.

[Image: patriot_pac2.jpg]

[Image: alalam_635977938552036862_25f_4x3.jpg]

When MAD is not an issue, who has all the leverage at the deal table?

DNC Leak thread - Easy_C - 07-24-2016

Quote: (07-23-2016 12:02 PM)TravelerKai Wrote:  

This is America getting a taste of it's own medicine for the first time perhaps. Destabilizing nations and countries internal politics is America's specialty. Now Putin gets to turn the tables and start his own campaign to disrupt American political structure and destabilize the country.

No, it's not even remotely the first time. Read up on some of the recommended history studies here.

A large number of these leftist groups were originally funded by and supported by Soviet intelligence....they were particularly busy in Chicago, and I know because I have a good friend whose father was intimately involved in the COIN efforts there.

They also courted American academics and journalists, taking them to Russia to booze them up, making them susceptible to the propaganda they were then exposed to. There is a reason why the media is so leftist and a lot of that has to do with organized Soviet infiltration and subversion.