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Fat people thread - Aquiles_Baesta_Parada - 09-05-2015

[Image: 984please-no-fatties-bench.jpg]

Fat people thread - Suits - 09-05-2015

Quote: (09-05-2015 11:32 AM)Goldhawkstar Wrote:  

WB with her mouth duct-taped shut.

Fat people thread - AnonymousBosch - 09-05-2015

Quote: (09-05-2015 11:47 AM)Days of Broken Arrows Wrote:  

Below is the image that went with it. I posting this to ask a serious question: Can anyone explain WHY those old-lady glasses came back in style, especially amongst fat women?

I suspect it's a style cue that grew out of Third Wave Feminism in the early 1990's, during the previous PC craze, particularly the related Thrifting and 'Zine cultures.

I could be wrong, but I'll try to explain my suspicions:


Part 1

Before the internet, Activist Types clustered in Liberal Cities: San Francisco, Portland, Seattle, etc. Privileged Right On Students always seem to feel an unspoken shame over their lack of genuine oppression, so would furiously affect Bohemian Poverty cues.

As such, Thrift Shop Culture was a huge part of that period. Style bibles like the Amok Journal or Re/Search publications - which grew out of the cliquey 70's SF punk scene would offer tribal behavioural cues by prizing the discarded debris of 50's and early-60's culture: trashy movies, easy-listening records, dating and deportment guides, pulp novels.

Progressives are fixated on the 1950's for its idealised depiction of traditional family values. As such, even to this day, they seem strangely-obsessed with subverting a period they have no knowledge or experience with except via their consumption of entertainment media that was designed to ironically-subvert that façade of normality: basically, their conception of the 1950's comes from second-hand sources with a Liberal Bias, which is why they would think I'm lying when I say my grandmother had a high-level career in foreign affairs during that period. They truly believe all women were trapped at home, because that's what the dogma says.

You can see this Reduction Process throughout the 1980's. A band like the Cramps - affecting the 50's rockabilly sound they'd grown obsessed with via Thrifting expeditions - are a classic example of looking for subversive elements behind the facade of 50's normality. David Lynch's 1986 film 'Blue Velvet' would be another - even though it's set in the 1980's - it's mocking 50's idealisation. Stephen King's 1985 novel 'It' is set in a Fifties where a town ignores child abuse and murder.

I suspect the point of this subversion is to train people to think there was never any good in the period, that all values were hypocritical ones, and that everything beautiful was ugly inside. As such, anyone striving to uphold those values was easily-tarred by association: you want things to go back to being bad.

Understanding all this, you can see whilst the relics of the 1950's were Totems of Cool for 90's progressives, to be bought, displayed, worn and interacted with ironically, particularly attention grabbing ones such as Cat's Eyes Glasses: their original fashion heyday was the 1950's and early 1960's, before the sexual revolution.

The 'I Love Mallory' sitcom scene in "Natural Born Killers" is exactly this sort of 90's Progressive Cliché. Wow. An ironic subversion of a 1950's Family Values Sitcom obsessed with murder and incest. How original. This is why I was so, so unimpressed with the recent thread on the 'Clarissa' comic to a heavily-sarcastic degree.

Heh, my Gen X roots are starting to show:

[Image: index_daria.gif]


So, with the Tribal and Cool Cues firmly in place, how were Progressive Ideas distributed pre-internet? Through the 'Zine Network. These were cheap amateur magazines, generally black and white and photocopied, distributed through the 80's and 90's through music and counter-culture stores. The most famous of these off-hand would be tedious SF Clique Journal Boing Boing, and the Punk 'Zine 'Maximum RocknRoll', (which I'll come back to later), but there were hundreds of them, on all sorts of different topics, but always with a Progressive political angle.

Since 'zine's were usually done by a single author or a handful of people, there was a heavy reliance on pre-existing art from cheap sources: old magazines, books, novels.

This generally-resulted in terrible hand-drawn comics, or cut and paste photographic montages focusing on rawness and ugliness in the music ones, but, interestingly, if a 'zine was Political in focus, you'd usually get Heavily-Ironic Recontextualisation of 50's artwork, particularly anything geared towards status or beauty. How it threatens them so!

[Image: 4020c6b6417c8646634dc1bf1295aaa1.jpg]

[Image: zines-mystery-date-p7230806*180.jpg]

Recontextualised artwork here, but the zine author was usually obsessed with mocking the Family Values Normality of The Brady Bunch on the cover.

[Image: teenage-1989.jpg]

More 50's subversion from the 90's Queer Punk movement:

[Image: Meta2CoverForWeb.png]

Once again, it's easy to see how Cat's Eye Glasses would be valued for their Ironic Subversion Value, and heavily-imprinted in the DNA of Third Wave Feminism.

But how do the glasses become a Visible Style with Fourth Wavers?

Fat people thread - T and A Man - 09-05-2015

You need your own blog Bosch. It's clear you WANT to write, you want to impart your insights to a willing audience

Fat people thread - AnonymousBosch - 09-05-2015

Part 2


It's in this 90's climate that alternative cartoonist Daniel Clowes starts publishing 'Ghost World'.

[Image: ghostworld095vm.jpg]

It's an ongoing series about two teenage girls one who is obsessed with thrift shop retro culture, and are deeply-cynical and emotionally-detached from everything around them. They faux-intellectuals, believing themselves to be much smarter than they actually are, and as life starts taking them in different directions, they start drifting apart.

Enid, the one in the glasses, constantly changes her look with the thrift shop debris of past, but never passionately-engaging in enjoyment of it. Her friend, Rebecca, plays along, but gradually wants to engage with the mainstream world. Note in the above image, how Enid berates her for reading 'Sassy'.

It's a fascinating comic, because it's a detailed-observation of girls of the period, and rather than idealising them, it cuts to the insecurities behind the bluster of girls who believe they can't fit into society because they're too intelligent and unique to do so.

Note this key scene, particularly the final frame:

[Image: ghost-world-1.jpg]


In 2001, the series is made into a movie starring Thora Birch and Scarlet Johansen.

[Image: scarlett-johansson-ghost-world-GC.jpg]

Enid wears Cat's Eyes Glasses in multiple scenes.

Feminists find the film deeply-problematic for the fact that Feminist Characters are mocked, and PC Identity Politics backfire on Enid, costing her her College Scholarship, but are strangely-drawn to it anyway. I suspect it's due to just how cutting the observations of Enid are of: a) not being as intelligent as she believes she is; and b) and suspecting her detachment from society isn't because of her superiority to it, but her mediocrity. It gets to the core of how they really feel about themselves.

Note the scene in the last cartoon panel is repeated in the movie.

But note conversations like this:

[Image: ghost-world_thumb.png?w=595&h=333]

[Image: 47017200-d557-0132-45f7-0ebc4eccb42f.gif?]

There's a telling scene where she adopts a new style believing it makes her seem cool, only to be mocked for it. Note her 'It's obviously....' line at the end, which is classic SJW tactic of moving the goalposts.

As such, this movie has had legs far beyond its original release with Leftist Teenage Girls who are 'Too Smart to be normal'.

A handful of the many style guides I found on the net:

[Image: BQcDAAAAAwoDanBnAAAABC5vdXQKFnJQclcxbThu...0%8BZQ.jpg]

[Image: ghostworld.jpg]

[Image: y.jpg]

[Image: y.jpg]

Bringing it full circle: a girl posts this image from a Thrift Shop in Portland. What does she say?

"They remind me of Enid from 'Ghost World'."

[Image: 6a00d8341c8c6253ef011168cec359970c-250wi]

Fat people thread - AnonymousBosch - 09-05-2015

Part 3

This current wave of PC Hysteria is so intrinsically-linked to 80-s90's Progressive culture that I feel like we haven't advanced as a society at all. This is a far cry from the flying cars and personal jetpacks I was promised as a kid.

From "I'm So Fucking Beautiful", a 90's Fat Acceptance Zine - and there were multiple ones - notice the forming concept of 'Thin Privilege':

[Image: img0342.jpg]

Atheism+? Gamergate? "Your subculture needs to be inclusive and not hurt feelings!" This war already raged through the punk subculture in the late 80's and early 90's. From a 1984 issue of Maximum RocknRoll, bolded for emphasis:


For many people, [b]music is a potential vehicle for social change. Obviously, it has thus far worked much better for the government than it has for positive change. My suggestion is that you mindless violent, fashion-conscious exhibitionist, whose prime motivation is to assert your “manhood,” please just frequent shows that showcase bands with your mentality (need I list some of them?), and allow the rest of us to transcend these ridiculous labels (such as hardcore), as well as your pitiful lifestyles. There would be much more support for a “scene” that valued intelligence, compassion, education, action, and most of all, creative music. I know of many people who would show much more interest (myself included) in something positive and ever-changing, as well as diverse, and free of labels that only serve to stifle and stereotype behavior.[/b]

"Punks are dead. Punks don't have to be your audience. Punks are over."

A different writer:


This brings us to the next point—where the scene is headed socially and ideologically...

...For me, the most disappointing trend in punk currently is towards sexist, nationalistic, and otherwise backwards trends. Quite a few of the bands playing this stuff claim that it’s a joke or that it’s all in fun. Well, why aren’t they making fun of white, heterosexual healthy people like themselves (for the most part)? I don’t think that’s funny at all. But even that aside—the people I’m wondering about are the (let’s face it) more impressionable people who are 15 or 16 and just getting into the scene. What kind of values or opinions is this kind of humor going to to instill in them? My only hope is that there seems to be an equal, if not greater number of bands using their music to speak out against things like sexism, fascism, etc. While some will still moan about being “preached ” at, there seems to be more and more people listening to what these bands have to say and at least stopping to stopping to think about both sides of the story. A lot of people seem to be realizing that, gee, women and gays are people too, and that God & Country aren’t all they’ve been made out to be.

"Won't someone think of the children?"

Also, note the final line, highlighting my point from Part 1: the traditional ideas of God & Country are bad things and anyone who values them is a bad person.

You'll notice punk didn't become a force for social change. The power of the scene fractured when it became drearily-PC and only continues today as a small-subculture, rather than taking over the world. Whilst grunge is said to have been the punk explosion going mainstream, bar Nirvana and Green Day, the rest sounds liked an outgrowth of 70's stoner rock. Since it changed to become more inclusive, with the implication it was therefore, better, how did it end up so marginalised and culturally-irrelevant?

This is why I'm so jaded by now: I have heard it all, again and again.

Fat people thread - Clemmo - 09-06-2015

Quote: (09-05-2015 11:32 AM)Goldhawkstar Wrote:  

So this video has been going viral in the past 24 hours.

First let me tell you what I think of this video.

It was hard to watch. An annoying skank with a colored stripe in her hair and an Ariana Grande voice talking for six minutes with down syndrome music playing in the background. But. I loved the point behind it. And even better - I think it speaks volumes that hundreds of "plus-size positive" videos are put up every week on YouTube without a bat of an eye, but when this bitch with less than 100,000 subscribers speaks the truth it causes a potato storm.

And the worst part was that her channel got banned for "hate" speech. Now its considered hate speech fat shame people. But she actually made valid points in her video which was taken down.

Here's the reuploaded video.

Fat people thread - GoldHawkStar - 09-06-2015

^^^ That's because we live in an era where disregarding the horribly unhealthy and expressing a desire to live in a healthier world is considered hate.

Fat people thread - Bill Brasky - 09-06-2015

In addition to the engineered mass immigration, I believe that the globo-elite have a vested interest in the decimation of western races and culture by encouraging and even legislating in favor of fat acceptance.

Fat people cannot fight for themselves and will submit to tyranny for just another meal.

Fat people thread - AneroidOcean - 09-09-2015

Quote: (09-05-2015 08:32 PM)AnonymousBosch Wrote:  

There's a telling scene where she adopts a new style believing it makes her seem cool, only to be mocked for it. Note her 'It's obviously....' line at the end, which is classic SJW tactic of moving the goalposts.

Great breakdown. Thank you. I find it funny how frumpy/plain they dressed Scarlett Johansson and yet just with her pigtails and little crossed over braid and simple feminine mannerisms she is infinitely more likable and attractive.

Fat people thread - AnonymousBosch - 09-09-2015

^ Out of personal curiosity, I researched this further to see if there was any supporting evidence for my suspicions, and found an interesting one.

I figured there would have been an small clutch of Normality-Loathing Feminists who identified with Enid who adopted aspects of her style, (including the Retro Glasses). If a few of them were popular enough, they send Style Cues out to their followers, and thus normalise widespread adoption of a particular look.

I won't directly-embed the images on the site, due to the blogger being underage, but here's a link to a Buzzfeed story that directly links Third Wave 90's politically-correct outrage culture with a Fourth Wave Social Media Feminists, when, in 2010, Kathleen Hanna, (90's 'zine writer and riot grrl musician), hands down her famous 'feminist' sweater to a young Style Blogger even then already known as a media phenomenon. Hanna knew what she was doing.

The resemblance to Enid, (resting bitch face, emotional detachment, ironic style), is striking.

From her own website, she captions another photo in the series thus:


You may think from these photos that I want to kill you. I do not. It is just my regular face.

... which is something I could imagine coming out of Enid's mouth.

Looking further, she has interview with multiple celebrities on her blog, including, to my non-surprise, Daniel Clowes.

Fat people thread - kbell - 09-09-2015

Thora and Scarlet both have nice racks. Is the movie worth watching, besides for that?

Fat people thread - Horus - 09-11-2015

Doctors in the UK are increasingly requesting the use of CT scanners at zoos for patients too obese to fit in CT scanners used by people.

They even included a picture of one of these fatties being scanned.
[Image: article-2086306-0F73C53600000578-537_468x328.jpg]

[Image: laugh4.gif]

Fat people thread - Rawmeo - 09-12-2015

My eyes are bleeding

Fat people thread - Phoenix - 09-12-2015

Quote: (09-06-2015 08:37 PM)Goldhawkstar Wrote:  

^^^ That's because we live in an era where disregarding the horribly unhealthy and expressing a desire to live in a healthier world is considered hate.

That's because it is hate. And it's good to hate bad things. That's what hate is for. I hate fat chicks, and I say that with pride. Hating bad things is as healthy-minded as loving good things, and I do both.

Fat people thread - JayR - 09-14-2015

Air India Grounds 125 Cabin Crew Deemed ‘Too Fat’


Air India will ground 125 of its 3,500 cabin crew members after they failed to reach an “adequate BMI,” according to an official. The announcement comes after 600 crew members were told to shape up over the course of a six-month probationary period last year.

The airline insisted to the BBC that the rules are a matter of safety, not appearances. The regulations, the airline claims, were put in place to ensure that cabin crew could function well in emergency situations.

Would love to see a breakdown by gender of the crew members who are grounded. Is Air India really doing this for safety, or is this just a pretense, to jettison their fat/unattractive flight attendants for politically-correct cause?

Oh, just thought of this -- FUEL SAVINGS!

Fat people thread - Days of Broken Arrows - 09-15-2015

When I was young, one of the big arena rock bands was REO Speedwagon, whose guitarist, Gary Richrath, helped define the wailing classic rock lead guitar style.

Here is Gary back in the day:
[Image: 114578019.jpg]

It was recently reported that Richrath died at the relatively young age of 65. This surprised me. Until I saw a recent photo:
[Image: richrath.jpg]

So what was that Dr. Oz said about "healthy at any weight?" There was no cause of death listed (yet) for Richrath, but just by looking at the photo you can tell he didn't have long.

"Healthy at any weight" is fiction. It's hard to believe that people today have quicker and easier access to information on health than any generation ever, yet they believe this crap.

Fat people thread - AnonymousBosch - 09-15-2015

Man, that's severe. For contrast, here he is miming unconvincingly in 1985. He looked like had the genetics to go south without careful management even then. That's 'doughy' for the time period.

Fat people thread - JayR - 09-16-2015

Quote: (09-15-2015 11:24 PM)AnonymousBosch Wrote:  

Man, that's severe. For contrast, here he is miming unconvincingly in 1985. He looked like had the genetics to go south without careful management even then. That's 'doughy' for the time period.

Richrath was a hardcore alcoholic for decades, which was the reason he was kicked out of the band in 1989. If you watch the "Behind the Music" about the band from 2003, Richrath looks bloated, he cannot annunciate his words, and he struggles to complete a sentence without stammering.

The band always had the door open for him to return, on the condition he kick the booze. He never returned, except for one final performance in 2013 for a tornado relief benefit concert.

Richrath's is a cautionary tale more for budding alcoholics than for fatties (though the two are certainly related). He was a great guitarist and wrote some classic tracks, but he totally blew it with the booze. RIP.

Fat people thread - etwsake - 09-27-2015

I have a new favorite website.

[tw: child abuse, weight loss, hate, violence]

So I was browsing Tumblr after finding this blog, and saw so many people talking about how “thin privilege isn’t real because thin people just work harder.” Not only is this wrong, as you have explained multiple times, but it also excludes the young ones. The children stuck with being overweight for one reason or another. And as a girl who has never been thin in her life, I figured I would submit. I will reiterate that you check the warnings before continuing.

Early on in life, I had two parents, mother and father. My mother had been skinny her whole life, had multiple plastic surgeries done, and only wore designer clothes. There’s nothing wrong with this, spoiling yourself is fun. But the problem were her ideals. She had the idea in her mind embedded that a woman’s worth in society was in how she appeared, and started teaching such from an early age. My dad, who also was always the “skinny kid” agreed and supported all this, also thinking my main goal should be to be beautiful and find a man.

I will state that no, I am not an old woman born in a time period from long past. I was born in 1997. Anyway, their whole ideal fell apart when they realized that their only daughter was an accursed fat girl. I “never lost my baby fat” and was enrolled in gymnastics when I was four years old. I was actually quite good at it, but I never lost my fat, and got taken out because the gymnastics trainer would bully me whenever I made a mistake, while telling the skinny kids they should try again, with a big smile.

Unless I’m mistaken, shouldn’t four be below the acceptable age for shaming?

Regardless, I stayed fat. I went to school, got perfect grades, committed to artistic projects on my own, and loved to read. I, of course, would be ignored by my parents. I never got a smile, or thumbs up or “good job” for my performance. I instead would come home and get locked outside because they insist I exercise. Despite my efforts, once again, not even ten years old, I didn’t lose weight. This was the routine for many years, I saw this as average and normal.

Things changed when I was eleven. Due to a combination of drugs and unemployment, my family became… less then content. I had started my period when I was nine, and hit a large amount of weight gain shortly thereafter. My family hated this. When I was eleven, my mother finally decided that she was done with my weight, and started forcing me to take diet pills (clearly marked for 18 and older) as well as forcing me to fast. I gained weight faster. Then they decided physical punishment would work, and began a daily cycle of beatings and verbal abuse, almost exclusively targeted at my weight and self worth. This created a cycle of binge eating that in turn made me gain weight, making things worse.

One day, I tried to call the police. I tried to tell them they weren’t treating me right, I was being denied nutrition and abused. The officer looked in the kitchen and saw it well stocked, and looked at me and saw a fat body, while my parents acted shocked. But no matter what I said, the officer didn’t listen.

I would say that being listened to when reporting abuse is thin privilege.

Once again, this was the status quo for a few years with only increases in harm. My mother passed away when I was thirteen. Now my father decided to keep her legacy alive, and kept up the verbal aspect. He would always compare my thirteen to fifteen year old body to my mother’s, saying I needed to be like her, that I looked awful. He limited my diet. I was allowed to eat 3 meals a day, but he banned everything except for grilled chicken, green vegetables, and fruit. Of course he didn’t abide by these rules, and ate fast food three meals a day, and screamed at me if I ever asked if I could try some.

I was taught my entire life that my body was bad, and never told a way to fix it. Of course, I experienced the normal hurt a girl like me does. Guys still refuse to talk with me even if it’s just to game with me, I’m the one that’s asked out as a prank, people at me disapprovingly in public, I’m still afraid of shorts up to my knees, and doctors still don’t take me seriously. In fact, when I was thirteen, I went to a doctor about my period. You see, since I had gotten it, I had been afflicted with period cramps that make normal life impossible. I couldn’t move most of the time during my period. I explained it all to my doctor, and asked for help so I could function. She ignored me completely and told me to lose weight. She ignored a thirteen year old in excruciating pain because she decided her weight wasn’t okay. Mind you I was perfectly (physically healthy). A few years later, I got a scholarship to go on a student exchange program in Europe, and needed health forms signed. They ran tests on me, and everything was fine, I was perfectly healthy. But I was told that if I didn’t get down to 150 pounds before the end of the year (90 pounds in 4 months at the time) she wouldn’t sign my form.

I didn’t make it.

So yeah. That’s thin privilege. Not being abused and hurt your entire life and told it’s your fault because of your weight. Not crying out for help and people assuming you’re fine because you’re fat. Thin privilege is losing everything, feeling your sanity drip away, and having constant physical pain without people telling you that you don’t need help. Because you’re fat.

So to all you people out there, thinking that thin privilege doesn’t exist, I want you to think about that little girl. As the officer says she looks just fine. Him walking away, the door being closed behind him. And knowing that because of his assumption, you were going to see that knife mom like’s to threaten you with. Again. And again, and again. And tell her that her weight is her fault, and that this discrimination isn’t real. It’s fucking real.

Thank you thisisthinprivledge for your time and for hosting my submission

Fat people thread - kbell - 09-27-2015

I don't think she was beaten at all. She acted like eating 3 meals a day was starving too.

Fat people thread - Roardog - 09-28-2015

She weighed 240 pounds as a ~16 year old!?

Fat people thread - etwsake - 09-29-2015

Well remember, it's not her fault. It's all cause of thin people. ALL the world's problems are because of thin people. And fat people are just born that way and they'll always be that way and there's nothing anyone can ever do about it. Fucking thin people, keeping all these beautiful fat women oppressed and hungry. It's just so fucking unfair.

Fat people thread - Ridiculous - 09-29-2015

I've never had sex with anyone over 120lbs... I go limp with bad smells or odors and have imagined what it would be like with a big lady. Even thinking about it now makes my face scowl.

Fat people thread - cascadecombo - 09-29-2015

Hold up, so she was told to eat only grilled chicken, vegetables and fruit.

It didn't even sound like she was limited as to how much of those three foods she could eat, but all she wanted was to eat fast food.

She said her mother limited her food but she still gained weight. So basically homegirl was raiding the fridge at night stuffing her face with any and all sweets/carbs because she has no self control.

This isn't thin privilege at all, it's just a fattie who has 0 desire to eat a healthy diet and exercise.