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The better your game gets...

The better your game gets...

...the better you are able to tell which other guys have any game or not, and act appropriately.

Even otherwise good looking guys with decent body language but weak/no game.

The better your game gets...

Yeah, it's all about Social Aptitude.

TylerD brought up "The Matrix" once, and it's totally true. Hot Chicks live in The Matrix. You, by learning game, are cracking the Matrix.

The better your game gets...

Quote: (08-15-2009 08:24 PM)kerouac Wrote:  

Yeah, it's all about Social Aptitude.

TylerD brought up "The Matrix" once, and it's totally true. Hot Chicks live in The Matrix. You, by learning game, are cracking the Matrix.

This is funny, elaborate.

The better your game gets...

Maybe Matrix was my take actually, but his article is called "The Secret Society":


The better your game gets...

I read this article about 2 years ago, but I'm only beginning to see pieces of the puzzles now after few months of lots of trial and error.

The better your game gets...

Quote: (08-15-2009 06:48 PM)elguapo Wrote:  

...the better you are able to tell which other guys have any game or not, and act appropriately.

Even otherwise good looking guys with decent body language but weak/no game.

or you can tell even if your game sucks as well.

The better your game gets...

Quote: (08-16-2009 11:25 PM)charmer Wrote:  

Quote: (08-15-2009 06:48 PM)elguapo Wrote:  

...the better you are able to tell which other guys have any game or not, and act appropriately.

Even otherwise good looking guys with decent body language but weak/no game.

or you can tell even if your game sucks as well.

Ya, I feel my game has gotten better, but certainly is not good yet! But I can still spot someone who has no clue as to what they're doing. Sadly I watched a friend of mine make mistake after mistake last night. Literally leaning on top of several girls at the bar (which may have annoyed me as much as it did them), failing to move in on his target of the night because she was "too emotional" (perfect time to strike), and wandering around the whole damn bar instead of just picking a damn table.

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