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How to approach in nightclubs

How to approach in nightclubs

I don't have much trouble approaching in bars, and out and about (i.e. Starbucks, libraries, etc). I just have no idea how to approach in a nightclub. How do you all do so? I don't see how it is possible considering clubs are so loud and it's not even possible to have a conversation + so many clubs are dark and u can't even see the person. I could just go up and dance with a girl but i think that would be kind of freaky. how do y'all work the clubs, especially the ones that play house and are dark?

How to approach in nightclubs

Rage, have a good time and dress sharp.

Because of the noise, if you are a more "verbal" playboy it is going to hurt.

I typically chill in the more mellow spots in a nightclub.

Work your cigarette Game.

The Guide to Getting More out of Life

How to approach in nightclubs

Quote: (07-13-2009 09:22 PM)thegmanifesto Wrote:  

Rage, have a good time and dress sharp.

Because of the noise, if you are a more "verbal" playboy it is going to hurt.

I typically chill in the more mellow spots in a nightclub.

Work your cigarette Game.

The Guide to Getting More out of Life

Totally. If you are a smoker, stepping out and asking for a lighter ALWAYS works to at least start a conversation. Also, girls always bum cigarettes and that opens a ton of possibilities for sarcastic/playful remarks about the female nature, etc.

How to approach in nightclubs

The draconian smoking laws have actually helped Game.

The Guide to Getting More out of Life

How to approach in nightclubs

Smoking laws, so true.

I have problems with night-club approaches as well. I tend to do the dance approach, but when you get rejected with this it is pretty apparent (if it is an open dance floor) that you got shot down. The other angle I use is at the bar, it is generally quieter and girls are usually away from their friends for the few minutes that they are here.

Still, I have had almost no recent successes at night clubs.

How to approach in nightclubs

Also in Nightclubs work the "transition Game".

Catch girls going from dance floor to bar, bar to bathroom etc.

The Guide to Getting More out of Life

How to approach in nightclubs

Quote: (07-14-2009 11:06 AM)thegmanifesto Wrote:  

The draconian smoking laws have actually helped Game.

Yes, interestingly enough.

Dance floor is tough unless you know how to dance and girls are drunk enough not to care. Most of the time I see people making out on a dance floor is when a guys is so creepy that he doesn't care and the girl is drunk out of her mind. It's always better to hang around the bar where it's easier to strike up a conversation. Dance floor approach to me is the lastest of the last options because I feel like a total creep, even though I know how to dance and have had success there.

All said, what also works is a combination of both. Use your talking points at the bar, get her interested and THEN invite her to dance. But, again, don't be creepy and show skill and respect - she will see that you are different from other guys who try to dance with girls and that seals 50-60% of the deal in her eyes. She will see you as a special prize that she'll have to claim. They like that, competitive creatures: unique jewelry, clothes, and unique guys that they won over - something that she'd not be ashamed to brag about with her girlfriends. For this, salsa and other Latin music venues are the best; not the hip-hop places - unless you're into meat markets.

How to approach in nightclubs

"All said, what also works is a combination of both. Use your talking points at the bar, get her interested and THEN invite her to dance."


Dancing is a good weapon. But better used AFTER you have a girls interest.

The "Dance Opener" is dorky at best.

The Guide to Getting More out of Life

How to approach in nightclubs

i was always chided for thinking many of the "community's 'opners'" were trite, at best - and dorky at worst

How to approach in nightclubs


They are.

The true art of opening is not opening.

The Guide to Getting More out of Life

How to approach in nightclubs

Quote: (07-13-2009 09:16 PM)simonh Wrote:  

I don't have much trouble approaching in bars, and out and about (i.e. Starbucks, libraries, etc). I just have no idea how to approach in a nightclub. How do you all do so? I don't see how it is possible considering clubs are so loud and it's not even possible to have a conversation + so many clubs are dark and u can't even see the person. I could just go up and dance with a girl but i think that would be kind of freaky. how do y'all work the clubs, especially the ones that play house and are dark?

There are 4 general positions
1) on the wall
2) at the bar
3) on the dance floor
4) patrol

If you just pick a spot to stand and watch everyone pass by, you typically lose.

If you roam the entire club the entire night looking for a victim, you lose.

If you can dance well, but w/o making a spectacle of yourself - eye contact is good enough to get a chick to dance with you. For me, this then means get physical, escalate, isolate - get her off the dance floor for a smoke/drink, spit game.

But the players get to the club early, with their wingmen, and take a prime spot @ the bar. Like crocodiles @ the river, you just snap @ every gazelle trying to get a drink. You're gate keeping.

Club game also means
- looking good (good clothes, smell good, work out - stuff you should already be doing)
- being loud and talking more (see above)
- typically more direct

How to approach in nightclubs

"If you just pick a spot to stand and watch everyone pass by, you typically lose. "

Unless you find the right "Vortex Point".

All clubs have them.

Trick is finding it.

"Like crocodiles @ the river"

Good one.

The Guide to Getting More out of Life

How to approach in nightclubs

Alright guys, I'm going to hook you up with the techniques to get the mamacitas all over your chimichangas. It's all in this video... Keep this info just for yourselves. Don't let it spread, because I don't want to go to a dance floor and have some girl call me out on my skills... Aiiii?


How to approach in nightclubs

Thanks for all the advice. What are some openers ur using? Also, is the technique any different for you all when you are in a club where ur a foreigner and the girls speak limited english?

How to approach in nightclubs

Quote: (07-17-2009 09:52 PM)kerouac Wrote:  

Alright guys, I'm going to hook you up with the techniques to get the mamacitas all over your chimichangas. It's all in this video... Keep this info just for yourselves. Don't let it spread, because I don't want to go to a dance floor and have some girl call me out on my skills... Aiiii?


haha, that was great.

How to approach in nightclubs

use HEAPS more kino at night and escalate a lot faster than during day time

just think of night game as day game on TURBO speed, is a good rule of thumb to get you started with [Image: smile.gif]

How to approach in nightclubs

This one girl I know who seems to have a propensity to get picked up herself gave me some "advice" that I tried out tonight. She told me if I'm doing solo game that I should go out and play as this mysterious character to gain a girl's intrigue. Anyway, I tried it and yeah it worked to a certain degree where girls would look at me trying to get eye contact but the whole pretending to not be interested that she also advised didn't work. I can imagine it working for a LSe chick but not really the type of girls I go for.

Unfortunately this "trial" left me too much in my head so I had a hard time getting back to my normal game but I did see something that really caught my eye.

This gray haired dude that had to be in his 50s picked up a 21ish girl. The guy was really outgoing and did exactly what I would consider to be primo nightclub game. I'll post about it tomorrow because I'm typing this on my phone but it was very interesting to see.

How to approach in nightclubs

Quote: (08-16-2009 05:05 AM)kerouac Wrote:  

the whole pretending to not be interested that she also advised didn't work.

This is because girls have too many options in bars/clubs. For you feign not to be interested and be successful you would have to be 1. extremely good looking and charming, or 2. have an obviously successful game going on with other women at that time. Then you would pick their interest and make them curious - what is so good about you that other women like? Can I steal him to find out for myself?

If you just stand there looking mysterious, they won't even notice - you might even appear creepy.

How to approach in nightclubs

Alright, so the 50 year old guy...

First, let's talk physical. He was in great shape, great posture, and very well taken care of. His hair cut was something a youthful 50 year old would have. When I first saw him, my initial reaction looking at him was this guy must be banging 20 year olds. He just looked young and in the prime of his life. He was quick to smile. Almost Bruce Willis-sque.

Next, I saw his game for only a little while before he took the blonde 20something away from her friends. First thing he did when he took her away was land a big kiss, and when I looked at her friends when that happened it was almost like ashamed disgust. It was a funny look, but I sensed a little bit of jealousy in the other girls.

By what I consider good gaming, I watched for only a few minutes before he took her away, but it involved getting the whole group involved. All the girls were loving him, but he was focusing on the blonde and getting most physical with her. Lots of kino, great body language (standing tall-- he was an avg sized guy), quick to smile. He also had the girls smiling and laughing all the time. This, mixed in with girls getting a little drunk, equals gold.

What I really loved about his game was that he seemed to be alone, and he obviously had enough balls (or drink) to be able to engage a group of 3 attractive girls and keep their attention for the whole time. They were revolving around him. No awkward silences, he always had something to say, and it was obviously something that would flip a switch in the girls each time.

How to approach in nightclubs

Sounds like he had the basics mastered. Being interesting, well spoken, well dressed, high energy, confident, dominant, etc. Nothing surprising, really... but mastery of the basics is tough.

Thanks for the info Kerouac.

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