Amongst guys who talk about women, there's almost this universal notion that women are mind readers and can detect the slightest hint of "incongruence"/"fear"/"betaness" @ the PPM level.
I've never found that to be true. You can lie/bluff/be nervous your way with a woman in a pick up situation like anyone else.
Another one, "girls aren't visual" - the hell they aren't....
Another one, " A girl decides whether she's gonig to sleep with you in 30 seconds" - Like what you say and how you say it doesn't tip the balance in either direction. When you do the debrief, you should always ask when she knew she waned to sleep with you. 10 bucks says it was sometime after 30 seconds/5 minutes or some other snap judgment time.
I've never found that to be true. You can lie/bluff/be nervous your way with a woman in a pick up situation like anyone else.
Another one, "girls aren't visual" - the hell they aren't....
Another one, " A girl decides whether she's gonig to sleep with you in 30 seconds" - Like what you say and how you say it doesn't tip the balance in either direction. When you do the debrief, you should always ask when she knew she waned to sleep with you. 10 bucks says it was sometime after 30 seconds/5 minutes or some other snap judgment time.