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Debunked any Myths about Women?

Debunked any Myths about Women?

Amongst guys who talk about women, there's almost this universal notion that women are mind readers and can detect the slightest hint of "incongruence"/"fear"/"betaness" @ the PPM level.

I've never found that to be true. You can lie/bluff/be nervous your way with a woman in a pick up situation like anyone else.

Another one, "girls aren't visual" - the hell they aren't....

Another one, " A girl decides whether she's gonig to sleep with you in 30 seconds" - Like what you say and how you say it doesn't tip the balance in either direction. When you do the debrief, you should always ask when she knew she waned to sleep with you. 10 bucks says it was sometime after 30 seconds/5 minutes or some other snap judgment time.

Debunked any Myths about Women?

When you do the debrief, you should always ask when she knew she waned to sleep with you. 10 bucks says it was sometime after 30 seconds/5 minutes or some other snap judgment time.

No woman is going to admit to a snap judgment time.

Debunked any Myths about Women?

I think some of this stuff just sounds like ridiculously exaggerated accounts of statements that in their moderate form are true. So the fact that women are far less visual gets turned into the notion that a 300lb guy can sleep with any girl he chooses if he just gets his game tight. This kind of nonsense tends to come from people selling some e-book or fail-proof chat up line service, who have a financial interest in telling even - especially - the most hopeless cases that they offer all they need.

Debunked any Myths about Women?

This reminds me of the movie Closer where many characters were able to INSTANTLY tell his/her partner recently cheated or not.

I think it's hard for men to believe that women have these extra sensory powers, and while mainstream media/sources may be giving them too much credit, I think they are much better at picking up subtle cues than we are. But it can be learned. It's not uncommon for men who've been in the game for several years to pick up on this skill as well. Midway through a sentence i can tell how a girl feels about what i'm saying and adjust accordingly so i don't linger on "poor" topics for very long.

Debunked any Myths about Women?

I think that women aren't necessarily "non-visual", but I would go so far as to say they are certainly less visual than men. Or maybe it's just not solely the sight of a naked man that turns a woman on.

I read a study a while back that tried to measure sexual responses from women, and it seems that even straight women like looking at pictures of naked women more than they enjoy pictures of naked men. But when shown videos of couples being intimate together, that usually elicited some kind of response.

See, you can't just show a woman a boner and expect her to be instantly turned on. You have to make her think about sex and then she'll find boners appealing.

Debunked any Myths about Women?

I think that girls decide in the first 30 seconds if they DON'T want to sleep with you. Otherwise, you're a maybe, and you have a few hours to attract her, with any number of things that can trip an immediate NO in those first few hours.

Debunked any Myths about Women?

Quote: (09-07-2008 04:02 PM)wintergreen Wrote:  

I think that girls decide in the first 30 seconds if they DON'T want to sleep with you. Otherwise, you're a maybe, and you have a few hours to attract her, with any number of things that can trip an immediate NO in those first few hours.

Ohhh... I don't think it's nearly so black and white as all that. If you have the opportunity to see her often, there's always the possibility that she'll decide she wants to do you after all. Women are fickle creatures, after all.

Maybe the best thing to remember is that women don't really know what they want. Period. They might think they do but that can change at the drop of some pants. Or a drunken makeout session. Whatever.

IMO, it doesn't take all that much for some girls to go from "indifferent" to obsessively stalking you and wanting your cock. [Image: tongue.gif]

Debunked any Myths about Women?

Quote: (09-07-2008 04:02 PM)wintergreen Wrote:  

I think that girls decide in the first 30 seconds if they DON'T want to sleep with you. Otherwise, you're a maybe, and you have a few hours to attract her, with any number of things that can trip an immediate NO in those first few hours.

Yeah, my experience tells me otherwise.

If women were so observant, no one would have gotten into Ted Bundy's van.

This mythology only serves their purposes.

Debunked any Myths about Women?

I don't think it's any different from guys. A man can look at a chick and within 2 seconds decide he wants to sleep with her purely based on the physical appearance. A woman does the same thing, but they also have the presence of mind to not try to follow through with every guy she thinks is doable. And also because a lot of them have options they don't feel forced into sleeping with the first cute guy they see.

Debunked any Myths about Women?

Women want a sensitive, vulnerable man
They don't. At most, they want a man who's vulnerable in some trivial way. Girls more universally than guys are disgusted by a man who is in any way a pussy. Girl crying, bystander thinks "oh, what's wrong?" Guy crying, "What a pussy, why the hell is he crying?"*

I have in mind two experiences where I confided in girls I liked: one, where I told her I felt frustrated because we just had a date and I felt like her personal entertainer - I also came off needy, calling too much.

The second, with a girl I'm in an open relationship with, I told her once in a text that it was important to me that she apologize for something she did, rather minor, but I really hate it when people snub me, and she later teased me about it, calling me high-maintenance (and because of my repeated requests for sex).

Credit to The Rawness, mentioned it here - http://therawness.com/ I had meant to post that here, and then Rawness reminded me.

*I wouldn't have things any other way, just that what girls say they want is far from what moistens their loins. And as for girls and crying, more is better than less.

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