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Is the RVF Manosphere Worth Saving?

Is the RVF Manosphere Worth Saving?

Let's not forget that RVF was a forum mainly populated by weirdos (myself included). It doesn't mean that I wouldn't hang out with them (I met more than 10 people from RVF), but we have to face the fact that these people weren't "normal".

Is the RVF Manosphere Worth Saving?

(11-20-2024, 11:16 PM)crayon toy Wrote:  RVF was a forum mainly populated by weirdos

If you date many women, you are going to have jealousy and drama.  But you didn't read much about that on here.

But let's forget that, and consider travel. The easiest way to travel is with a woman companion who speaks the language.  She can teach you, show you around, split the bills.  In a forum of playboys with "game", suspiciously few were able to find a travelling girlfriend.

Is the RVF Manosphere Worth Saving?

(11-20-2024, 08:39 PM)Archivist Wrote:  This forum sustained itself by suppressing explicit discussion of P4P, and attracting a perfect storm of big baller trolls, fantasists, and commercial self-promoters.  Prostitution was rampant.  LINUX wrote one of the most popular posts about two bangs in 22 hours on his first day in Colombia, without knowing Spanish.  MiXX had the most reputation points, and Roosh had to specifically warn him to stop discussing P4P.

Many members reported "misunderstandings" where women demanded money after sex.  "Superman" wrote about tricking Dominican women into sex under the pretence of taking them shopping later.  Then he checked out of his hotel early to avoid paying $20!  The convoluted logic is that paying $20 does not count as a notch, but tricking a whore does.  Vincent Vinturi also wrote on STW about $20 Cambodian whores.  Greek Kamaki was hilarious, and insisted that he merely offers "gifts" due to his advanced age.  Shemp (on Swoop the World) was open about being a Sugar Daddy.

The popular destinations had cheap prostitution, e.g., Thailand and South America.  Africa was a niche for Naughty Nomad and Rottenapple.  The Fantasist/Vorkuta (Bald and Bankrupt) wrote about picking up hitchhikers at bus stops and paying for sex.  I surmise that prostitutes hang around bus stops.

Then you have outright fiction, like NASA Test Pilot and The G Manifesto.  Samseau wrote about easy dance floor game, and became a moderator of the christisking.cc forum.  Soup wrote about ridiculous numbers while posting on the forum at all hours.  Neil Skywalker (Spike) and Goldmund promoted books by lying about their numbers.  They were broke, with no advance knowledge nor pipelining, limited time, and shitty logistics.

The ban of Kamaki was hilarious. The reason was not clear. Roosh found insulting that Kamaki made an 'offer' to some club girl or because Kamaki ruined Roosh's connection with some random club woman or many other reasons.. Anyway, where Roosh ended up, explains everything. 

Some other guy is a complete idiot btw.

Is the RVF Manosphere Worth Saving?

RVF was not mostly weirdos. This forum is. That’s why the weirdos in this thread are calling RVF weirdos: from their weird perspective, normal people are weird.

“Traveling girlfriend” lol.

Zero understanding of females, or what game is about.

Is the RVF Manosphere Worth Saving?

[quote pid="1988778" dateline="1732224194"]
The ban of Kamaki was hilarious.

Some other guy [Some guy2] is a complete idiot btw.

Yes, and yes indeed.

IIRC, Roosh met up with Greek Kamaki in a bar.  Roosh isolated a girl while Kamaki chatted with her friend.  This friend was very upset by Kamaki's words, and Roosh looked guilty by association.  Basically Kamaki cockblocked Roosh.

Kamaki's explanation was suspicious.  He say he only "offer gifts" and did not solicit prostitution.  He admits he patronizes prostitutes now, but claims he did not do this when younger.  The incident with Roosh occured in a noisy bar/nightclub with people who do not share a native language.  So there was room for misunderstanding.
[quote pid="1988778" dateline="1732224194"]
The ban of Kamaki was hilarious. The reason was not clear. Roosh found insulting that Kamaki made an 'offer' to some club girl or because Kamaki ruined Roosh's connection with some random club woman or many other reasons.. Anyway, where Roosh ended up, explains everything. 

Some other guy is a complete idiot btw.

Is the RVF Manosphere Worth Saving?

(11-21-2024, 10:06 PM)Some guy2 Wrote:  RVF was not mostly weirdos. This forum is. That’s why the weirdos in this thread are calling RVF weirdos: from their weird perspective, normal people are weird.

“Traveling girlfriend” lol.

Zero understanding of females, or what game is about.

RVF was full of weirdos. What kind of white man goes to a forum to look at the best ways to copulate with monkeys? 

And the whole woman rating thing was so weird, like "oh hey I had sex with a 6.5 guys", as if there was a common rating standard that everyone agrees on.

Is the RVF Manosphere Worth Saving?

How Useful Precisely is the HB 1-10 Scale

TL;DR Terminology is essential to theory. No terminology means no theory, and it is only because the guy above is probably PAG—meaning brown—that he can’t seem to grasp that. It’s also why he denigrates White scientists as “nerds”, “incels” and the like. But these nerds and incels are the reason his race was enslaved.

Did RVF have nerds and incels?

Of course it did. That’s who created advanced pick-up. And that’s why that african hounds this forum: because his race can’t create their own, as they can’t create anything. They can only destroy. Which is why he keeps trying to destroy this forum.

Is the RVF Manosphere Worth Saving?

You reek inceldom by having a website where you post the 1-10 scale.

Oh, by the way, nobody's going to visit your website since it's not even HTTPS. What a loser.

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