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Should I go to soccer with this girl

Should I go to soccer with this girl

So I have been chatting with a hot girl from Tinder for a while but never met her. She cancelled when we were supposed to meet about three weeks ago. We've been chatting on and off and she said we should have makeup sex after I made up a role play of us having children.

She is a big fan of the team that is playing in a couple of days and wants us to go together. My initial reaction is that it's a bad idea because we are not able to talk to each other and our attention is not directed towards each other.

Should I go to soccer with this girl

If it were me I wouldn’t do it. Like you said your attention isn’t going to be directed at each other - you’re going to be competing against a loud sports game to get a word in. It’s way easier to game and escalate if you can’t focus your attention on each other with minimal distractions. I’d say make up some legit sounding excuse as to why you can’t go and reschedule for getting a drink

Should I go to soccer with this girl

If you're going to the game anyways then I'd say sure go meet up with her during break.

If you plan on only going just to see her, don't, blastbeat is on the money, say you're busy that time and reschedule.

Should I go to soccer with this girl

Sure man, just go.

A woman who likes to watch soccer?? This is marriage material.

Should I go to soccer with this girl

Don't see how you can have makeup sex with a woman you've never met, but hell yes!

If she supports the team that you're going to see then chances are she'll be in a heightened emotional state after the game. Even better if you have a game like the two Champions League matches this week.

You shouldn't have a problem with her in terms of talking or attention. I've been to loads of games and even the noisiest kop has moments of lull between action and chants. If you can, get yourselves a place behind one of the goals. Even better if you have standing terraces and a large crowd.

Go with her to a bar afterwards and take advantage of that buzz. Even if you don't get anywhere with this one, you should have a decent day out.

Men are not creepy. Do you know what’s creepy? Spiders, because we don’t know how they move.

Should I go to soccer with this girl

Never take a woman whom you have never met to an expensive dinner or event. That is reserved for women you are having sex with...

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