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3 guys got played by 1 girl
guys got played by 1 girl
Met a girl through club game, invited her out on a date, banged her on the first date. We started fucking more and eventually, she started getting feelings for me. Told me she was confused about me and couldn't read me like she could with other guys. I tried to avoid the question "so what are we?" and always tried to keep it on a fuck buddy relationship. She started getting jealous of me whenever we would be at the same club every Friday and i'd hit on other girls and make out with them in front of her. She felt like she owned me.

The girl isn't the most attractive, but her body is smoking and it's probably the best sex i've had. She's down to most things and quite experimental. But seeing as i banged her on the first date and she's quite the promiscuous type with 3x the amount of partners i have, i knew i would never make her my girlfriend. No way. She kept pushing for it though, but there was a problem. I wouldn't even consider it 1% before she ended things with her ex-boyfriend Daniel. She would mention him from time to time and tell me he still had residual feelings for her and that he couldn't leave her alone, and she was scared to hurt his feelings so she just kept him around as a FRIEND.

One day we meet up and she tells me she ended things with him and that she wants to pursure something more serious with me. I must admit it made me feel good about her, and was willing to give it a little chance. But she had a lot to prove. I asked her when the last time was she fucked him, she said it was over 2 months ago, just when she met me and we started seeing eachother. I honestly didn't believe her, cause i know womens hypergamous nature and it wouldn't surprise me if she lied to try to manipulate me. I told her i didn't believe her and that i didn't care who she's fucking. As long as she's honest about it. Since we're no more than fuck buddys who am i to decide who she can and can not sleep with.

She started getting feelings for me along the way as we fucked more and hung out more, outside of the bedroom. I thought she was cool, but nothing i would relation up. Anyway, yesterday i was at the club and there was a lot of drama going on. Her ex-boyfriend Daniel was there. Somehow i got involved and she seemed distant. Wasn't speaking much to me and trying to avoid me. I knew something was wrong. I told her i'd like to say hi to him, she always spoke about him and i'd like to see who he is. She said, no don't. If you speak to him i will never speak with you again. I don't want to hurt his feelings more. I was ready to drop her just like that. No girl should threaten me like that, does she think she owns me?

Anyway, i found out why she tried to keep me away from Daniel. When i spoke to him, i asked him about everything. First question i asked him was when was the last time you had sex with her? He said, just a few days ago. I was shocked. This lying piece of shit was playing us both all along. He told me she was his girlfriend up until a few days ago. I told him, that's weird, she told me she stopped seeing you 2 months ago and that she wanted a relationship with me. We sat down and exposed all her lies to each other and it was quite a relief. I thought i had swallowed many red pills throughout my time, but this one was bitter. We found out she also was fucking a third guy on the side as she was seeing us both. It made me really think that she must have seen EVEN MORE than 3 guys at one time as she had clear red flags i ignored. A ton of guys on instagram and snapchat messaging her and asking her to fuck. She would show me messages and tell me stories when we were together, and i took it as a shit test, and didn't give the slighest fuck. I just laughed at it.

She would also mention her ex a lot and even sit and message him when we were together. I didn't want to seem jealous, i didn't give a fuck, but i had to keep a masculine frame and told her i wouldn't bother seeing her again if she sits and texts her ex when we're together. (makes sense now he wasn't her ex, but was actually her boyfriend). She would even take calls from him and act like he's crazy and obsessed with her, when in reality it was her who was cheating on him with me.

I instantly blocked her ass on every social media and won't be talking to her anymore. The quesion is though, what would you do? Would you still keep her around just as a fuck toy or would you not even give your dick to a liar like that?

Daniel told me he's also done with her after this and also blocked her, but he showed me messages he had written to her and knowing how blue pill this guy is, i know he will be taking her back because of the feelings he has for her. Weak minded fuck. She told me he would cry over her and text her 5-6 times in a row whenever she would put him on hold and ignore his messages. Funny.
guys got played by 1 girl
The woman are always like this. IMO you did the right thing. There are many girls that you can find and establish same kind of relationship. If you continue with her, she might cause some troubles. Furthermore, it's not safe to have sex with with girls who has high notch count. When it comes the other dude, he is such a loser, I can only pray for him.
guys got played by 1 girl
Hypergamy 101. Welcome to 2019.
guys got played by 1 girl
So shes fucking around, do guys not do the same (especially on here)?

She was just a fuck buddy, nothing else. If you enjoy it, I say keep her as insurance so you don't run dry.
guys got played by 1 girl
Quote: (05-04-2019 08:12 AM)matt1996 Wrote:  

Met a girl through club game, invited her out on a date, banged her on the first date. We started fucking more and eventually, she started getting feelings for me. Told me she was confused about me and couldn't read me like she could with other guys. I tried to avoid the question "so what are we?" and always tried to keep it on a fuck buddy relationship. She started getting jealous of me whenever we would be at the same club every Friday and i'd hit on other girls and make out with them in front of her. She felt like she owned me.

The girl isn't the most attractive, but her body is smoking and it's probably the best sex i've had. She's down to most things and quite experimental. But seeing as i banged her on the first date and she's quite the promiscuous type with 3x the amount of partners i have, i knew i would never make her my girlfriend. No way. She kept pushing for it though, but there was a problem. I wouldn't even consider it 1% before she ended things with her ex-boyfriend Daniel. She would mention him from time to time and tell me he still had residual feelings for her and that he couldn't leave her alone, and she was scared to hurt his feelings so she just kept him around as a FRIEND.

One day we meet up and she tells me she ended things with him and that she wants to pursure something more serious with me. I must admit it made me feel good about her, and was willing to give it a little chance. But she had a lot to prove. I asked her when the last time was she fucked him, she said it was over 2 months ago, just when she met me and we started seeing eachother. I honestly didn't believe her, cause i know womens hypergamous nature and it wouldn't surprise me if she lied to try to manipulate me. I told her i didn't believe her and that i didn't care who she's fucking. As long as she's honest about it. Since we're no more than fuck buddys who am i to decide who she can and can not sleep with.

She started getting feelings for me along the way as we fucked more and hung out more, outside of the bedroom. I thought she was cool, but nothing i would relation up. Anyway, yesterday i was at the club and there was a lot of drama going on. Her ex-boyfriend Daniel was there. Somehow i got involved and she seemed distant. Wasn't speaking much to me and trying to avoid me. I knew something was wrong. I told her i'd like to say hi to him, she always spoke about him and i'd like to see who he is. She said, no don't. If you speak to him i will never speak with you again. I don't want to hurt his feelings more. I was ready to drop her just like that. No girl should threaten me like that, does she think she owns me?

Anyway, i found out why she tried to keep me away from Daniel. When i spoke to him, i asked him about everything. First question i asked him was when was the last time you had sex with her? He said, just a few days ago. I was shocked. This lying piece of shit was playing us both all along. He told me she was his girlfriend up until a few days ago. I told him, that's weird, she told me she stopped seeing you 2 months ago and that she wanted a relationship with me. We sat down and exposed all her lies to each other and it was quite a relief. I thought i had swallowed many red pills throughout my time, but this one was bitter. We found out she also was fucking a third guy on the side as she was seeing us both. It made me really think that she must have seen EVEN MORE than 3 guys at one time as she had clear red flags i ignored. A ton of guys on instagram and snapchat messaging her and asking her to fuck. She would show me messages and tell me stories when we were together, and i took it as a shit test, and didn't give the slighest fuck. I just laughed at it.

She would also mention her ex a lot and even sit and message him when we were together. I didn't want to seem jealous, i didn't give a fuck, but i had to keep a masculine frame and told her i wouldn't bother seeing her again if she sits and texts her ex when we're together. (makes sense now he wasn't her ex, but was actually her boyfriend). She would even take calls from him and act like he's crazy and obsessed with her, when in reality it was her who was cheating on him with me.

I instantly blocked her ass on every social media and won't be talking to her anymore. The quesion is though, what would you do? Would you still keep her around just as a fuck toy or would you not even give your dick to a liar like that?

Daniel told me he's also done with her after this and also blocked her, but he showed me messages he had written to her and knowing how blue pill this guy is, i know he will be taking her back because of the feelings he has for her. Weak minded fuck. She told me he would cry over her and text her 5-6 times in a row whenever she would put him on hold and ignore his messages. Funny.

Does not look so bad, after all you had sex for free

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