Anyone see the interview?
Krauser now wants kids and wife. Wants to get legally married.
This is the danger of being a full time PUA. It has to be a treat. You get to 40+, no house or "mainstream career" and you have the crisis. An island adrift from a social norm. And you pull back, panicking. Desperately clinging for a thing with a root, an everyday life. Basically a reverse engineered Beta. Love Krausers sobre and honest analysis of his life, however. A very candid interview from a very interesting and complex man. Strange one this, all the same. He'll be potentially picking up a 35 year old whose got a couple of kids on the off-chance she spawns him one out. Otherwise it's provider game to entice something with high SMV to pop one out. But that's back to square one once she has her epiphany. Once you get to 40 and you're still in the Game, you have to understand there is no way out. No picket fence. No 50s TV advert of the Nuclear Family. In for a penny, in for a pound.
Krauser now wants kids and wife. Wants to get legally married.
This is the danger of being a full time PUA. It has to be a treat. You get to 40+, no house or "mainstream career" and you have the crisis. An island adrift from a social norm. And you pull back, panicking. Desperately clinging for a thing with a root, an everyday life. Basically a reverse engineered Beta. Love Krausers sobre and honest analysis of his life, however. A very candid interview from a very interesting and complex man. Strange one this, all the same. He'll be potentially picking up a 35 year old whose got a couple of kids on the off-chance she spawns him one out. Otherwise it's provider game to entice something with high SMV to pop one out. But that's back to square one once she has her epiphany. Once you get to 40 and you're still in the Game, you have to understand there is no way out. No picket fence. No 50s TV advert of the Nuclear Family. In for a penny, in for a pound.