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Promposal's the new norm

Promposal's the new norm

my 17 year old kid told me the other day he has to come up with a catchy sign to ask a girl to go to the prom with him and that there's no way around this "school tradition". Any non beta/pussy promposal ideas..you guys gotta have something up you're sleeves

Promposal's the new norm

Teach him some game so he doesn't look and act like a chump for the rest of his life. This is a teaching moment, make the best of it. Also this belongs in the game section

Promposal's the new norm

write it on cardboard with a sharpie like a homeless person with some of the words misspelled and backwards letters

Promposal's the new norm

Quote: (04-25-2019 05:19 PM)BortimusPrime Wrote:  

write it on cardboard with a sharpie like a homeless person with some of the words misspelled and backwards letters

Agreed. OP's son should not jump through hoops to beg some chick to go to prom. That's pathetically beta, and as we all know, chicks don't like betas.

OPs son need to take a no fucks given attitude towards asking her. It's better to mock this new tradition of promposals (cringe) with a poorly made sign, or better yet, just ask her with no stupid signs at all.

Any bitch that demands a fancy production for "promposal" is a huge red flag best avoided.

I'm the tower of power, too sweet to be sour. I'm funky like a monkey. Sky's the limit and space is the place!
-Randy Savage

Promposal's the new norm

Tell him to give her a bag of Skittles with a "PROM?" sticky note on it.

Promposal's the new norm

Quote: (04-25-2019 05:34 PM)RoastBeefCurtains4Me Wrote:  

or better yet, just ask her with no stupid signs at all.


[Image: discussionclosed.gif]

Promposal's the new norm


Teach him some game so he doesn't look and act like a chump for the rest of his life. This is a teaching moment, make the best of it. Also this belongs in the game section

Teaching moment, and an important one at that.

"Son, if you get down on your knee to ask a woman to marry you, you are dooming the marriage. Asking a girl to the prom is a lead up to that."

The sign is a tradition? Really? Well break tradition.

Promposal's the new norm

It reminds me how I proposed to my wife. I told her one day after sex : ´you should start thinking about what engagement ring you want...’

Promposal's the new norm

I do not know how it is in the USA, but at least in the Brazilian middle class... when some man invites a woman he is interested to go to a place that has people interacting with each other... usually he does not get stay with her!

Either he gets her flirting with the others, or, worse, she ends up getting another man!

Promposal's the new norm

First, he needs to get a boom box and a shitty brown dustcoat.

Second, he needs to get the nastiest, most degrading-to-women rap song he can possibly find.

The public will judge a man by what he lifts, but those close to him will judge him by what he carries.

Promposal's the new norm

As a young guy who grew up recently with this tradition, I think the older guys here are being a bit harsh.

See, it would be simping if he went overboard for a girl he has never dated or even talked to; but I'd say its well within the realm of reasonablility for him to do something funny/clever for a girl he is/was dating/banging.

Believe it or not, this promposal thing, if done right and to a high enough smv girl, will have the other girls all over your son at prom. Traditions like these come in and out of style all the time, dont deprive your son of a well adjusted social life in his youth for the sake of the red pill.

Its good to the ingrain RP principles into your son so that he's on the right track in life, but dont go overboard and do it at the cost of the experiences of his youth.

Let him live and learn on his own terms as well. You should only serve as a helping hand to guide him so that he never goes full beta. Never go FULL BETA.

Help your son come up with a non-simp promposal, it'll be a great experience for both of you. Rent him a nice car for the day to pick up his girl and go out in after school.

Although I'm not a father, I'm just speaking on things I wish my father and I did when I was your son's age.

Edit: grammar

Promposal's the new norm

Let me tell you, I've watched my fair share of cringey promposal videos on YouTube throughout the years. More than I'd like to admit. I've been the victim of the YouTube rabbit hole hundreds of times. And yes, promposals overall are very cringey.

But I agree with Vet-Boy above me. You can tell him that he doesn't need to go above and beyond, but don't hammer it in his head that doing anything flashy is beta. Let him have fun with it. It's high school, it should be fun!

When I asked my girlfriend to prom, I did it privately in person. But is there a part of me that thinks it would have been fun to do something more public? Sure why not.

The thing is, unless the girl is really shy, she's gonna want something flashy and public, or at least something that she can take a picture or video of for social media points. That's just how it is today.

Overall, tell him to keep it simple, make it something the girl will like, and have fun with it.

Promposal's the new norm

Quote: (04-26-2019 10:43 PM)Leonard D Neubache Wrote:  

First, he needs to get a boom box and a shitty brown dustcoat.

Second, he needs to get the nastiest, most degrading-to-women rap song he can possibly find.

I strongly recommend Blowjob Betty for this purpose. She'll recognize his appreciation for the classics.


But that next day I read this story
A young girl died just last night
She choked on sperm in her windpipe
It was on her face, her neck, and chest
And were sorry to say theres no suspect
When I saw that my brain clicked
I bust a nut and killed a bitch

Hidey-ho, RVFerinos!

Promposal's the new norm

Quote: (04-26-2019 10:43 PM)Leonard D Neubache Wrote:  

First, he needs to get a boom box and a shitty brown dustcoat.

Second, he needs to get the nastiest, most degrading-to-women rap song he can possibly find.

Damn amazing to see LDN channel his inner Darth Vader... and Jetsets pick of BJB for most degrading Hip Hop song to bishes was on target.

Promposal's the new norm

(S)uckas - (I)dolizing - (M)ediocre - (P)ussy -- Basically someone who gives redundant and over the top attention to women that are of far less value than the attention or praise given. Usually the recipient of this praise is knowing of this and is taking full advantage knowing this fact.....Thus the term "sucka" is the main attribute and usually the results in the pending downfall of this kind of man.
This SIMP is acting a damn fool for these stupid ass hoes!

So I decided to reread those Urban Dictionary SIMP listing definitions and would simply tell my son to read the SIMP definitions and then tell him DONT BE THAT GUY - EVER!

First, my son would follow in my footsteps and play tough sports that keep him in shape and he would get multiple invites from the hotties in his orbit like I did... He would truly have a GAF attitude about these social conventions as there will likely be a decent game we could get tickets to instead and offer her to come to the game with us - where I get to vett her out and clue him in.

Then tell him look if some daddy's little princesses start hinting at going to the prom just give her a list of what you will need her to put on her special princess credit card in order for you to be bothered:

1. Classic Tux to buy and be fitted at Men's Warehouse or better Expensive Designer Tux Store $300 to $1,000 since Alpha Men do not rent and wear used clothes.

2. $60 Wrist Corsage - type and from a florist she likes so he does not have to guess.

3. $350 Priceline.com 5 star hotel with room service midnight appetizers and breakfast to add some class to the evening... they will provide robes, bath accessories, and romantic City View.

4. $80 for a decent bottle of Champagne that she needs to bring in her overnight bag.

5. $30 Box of quality condoms you like to bang her with and get your nut off. You are not ready to be a Baby Daddy Yet.

6. $150 UBER premium Car or SUV to the Prom then to the 5 Star and Home the Next day... You do not drink and drive.

Total Estimate for her to have your (Son's) company at the Prom $1,000

Look on her face upon reading the list = Priceless.

Seriously it is phocking 2019 and all women are strong and independent now especially daddies little Tinder hos.

When I was 25 I dated an industrialists daughter (21 yo) who was quite wealthy - she drove a gray market Mercedes from Europe or whatever else was in the yard (Luxury US Cars) - I was at my post Military peak in both Business Style, Physical Condition and natural Red Pill Attitude about women - this one displayed some wife potential at the beginning so I put up with some princess b.s. as she was 21 and living with her parents and had a midnight curfew so no sleepovers and I had a few other plates in rotation at that time.

She got in the habit of wanting to come over after work on Friday evenings and again on Saturday - in the beginning, I would pick her up at work and go to dinner - stay at my place then have to drive her back a half hour round trip which got old quick. Then one of my Tues Thurs bang plates decided to call me out and no more slumber parties if I could not spend weekends with her... decent bang but lousy BJ skills ...

So that Friday when the princess drove herself over after work - I turned on the stereo for background noise and she snuck into my bed and told me it made her feel safe to be there - so a bit annoyed I told her to take her soiled clothes off if she was going to be in my bed - she did - all of them so I figured wtf might as well take this slam dunk... threw on a condom and told her to suck on me to get it nice and hard and then rolled her over missionary and told her to slide it in - she was clumsy about it so I helped her along with a couple of hard thrusts and she gasped loudly which surprised me but after ten to twenty minutes she was getting into the rhythm till I got my nut off. Turns out it was her first time and she was a 22-year old virgin and I had just broke her cherry.


After that she wanted it every Fri and Sat evening which cost me some other prime plates but the princess was an enthusiastic learner. Then I told her I was tired after a long week at work and to bring some take out and condoms and Cold Beer or decent wine on her way over... bit of a series of compliance tests and she never failed - she would end up being my front burner girl for about 4 years till I got fed up with the midnight curfews and let her fade away in preference of other mid 20s hot FWB women who could actually stay the night and bang evening and mornings as like most men I enjoy giving my morning wood its much-enjoyed exercise.

Moral of the Story - it is 2019 she wants to go to a selfie Prom instahoe jamboree with you as her Prince photo partner - she foots the bill as you are saving for college or a new Car/SUV or playoff tickets - you set expectations you stay for one dance and then its UBER off to the 5 star hotel for the main events. Otherwise, in true DGAF style you really do have better things to do.

My success with women was integrating them into things I was going to do anyway and blow off anything that they wanted to do that I thought would be a waste of my time - which was anything that did not include some take out - a few cold drinks - Netflix or watch a good game and serious chill as in fwb sex with her all weekend long. The easiest way to control frame is to never do what you do not want to do with any women. The quality females will respect you for it and learn to ask your permission to do otherwise (anything other than what you want to do).

Let the other bishes ride the carousel and ruin their SMV as they did you a favor and outed their AWALT excessive disloyal slutty natures before they became your problem(s).

That does not work for them - then next plates in rotation. AWALT even prom princesses.

Promposal's the new norm

You need to do something to flip the script.

Maybe offer as a fee what he was going to shell out for prom. See how many bidders, and then try to get them to negotiate against each other

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