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Sapio and greener pastures

Sapio and greener pastures

Hi all. I first gave online dating a try in late 2016. I joined Sapio and looking back now I realize how much better it was then now (compared to anything). Tinder was ok in 2017, but Sapio, the amount of hot intelligent women who were anxious to talk was great! Made a few friends in the philipeans, several girls agreed to be my tour guides in other countries (Israel) and a really cute educated gal from Brazil offered to fly out to see me (US).

I witnessed the decline of tinder and jumped off. But my point is there has to be another place with green pastures... does anyone else have fond Sapio memories?? From my understanding 2016 was not even a good year for online dating.

Sapio and greener pastures

Who wants a smart woman?

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