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Should I bother counting approaches?

Should I bother counting approaches?

Hey guys,

So I met this one dude on r/seddit who suggested I quit counting how many girls I approached and instead focus on having a mindset of 'I want to get laid. I want to fuck women' instead. I'm in agreement as my intentions aren't getting laid, but rather, simply playing a numbers game that tells my subconscious to 'approach 5' women. It can be shitty approaches, it can be good approaches. As long as I attempt to 'seduce' 5 women.

What do you guys think?

Should I bother counting approaches?

I don't think it's important to count approaches. I only have a rough guestimate on how many women I've approached, but on the other hand I do get curious as to how many exactly I have approached. I find it's more productive to just focus on analysing my approaches and go for quality instead of quantity.

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