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Attractive and Successful 27yo NYC Woman Commits Suicide

Attractive and Successful 27yo NYC Woman Commits Suicide

This story is pretty much made for this forum. NYC Dietitian, single and childless, posts a dramatic suicide note on her website before hanging herself. She had a great job and in my opinion nice looking. She has a slew of photos on her instagram and even her suicide note was a clear attempt at post death attention whoring.

I feel bad for her and her mother. I imagine she was medicated with anti-depressants and brainwashed into believing being an "independent childless woman" was the key to her happiness. Had she been born into a traditional patriarchal society she would probably be a happy wife and mother.

It also brings the issue of how many men commit suicide because they can't find a a healthy relationship with even a 6 like the girl from the article.

This is a story of a society in full decline.




[Image: suicidio-de-tara-condell.jpg]

“There is no global anthem, no global currency, no certificate of global citizenship. We pledge allegiance to one flag, and that flag is the American flag!” -DJT

Attractive and Successful 27yo NYC Woman Commits Suicide

I take it this is to be used as justification for political or other restrictions on the freedom of action of those of us who do have dreams and aspirations and the will to pursue them.

Attractive and Successful 27yo NYC Woman Commits Suicide

Quote:FoxNews Wrote:

A young Manhattan dietitian hanged herself in her West Village apartment after posting a suicide note online in which she apologized to her mom and said she “felt absolutely nothing during what should have been the happiest and darkest times in my life,” police sources said Thursday.

Not a single mention of anti-depressants, which really ought to be renamed anti-feelanythingants.

Her doctor/psychiatrist gets the honour of another belt notch on this one, total tallies going to big-pharma.

The public will judge a man by what he lifts, but those close to him will judge him by what he carries.

Attractive and Successful 27yo NYC Woman Commits Suicide

It's just sad all around whenever you see something like this.

Poor woman. I can't imagine what it must feel like to be so alone. I don't know that the patriarchy would have saved her, but perhaps some genuine human kindness might have. Women need it, especially.

You can see it in her eyes. You can always tell when someone is genuinely happy from their eyes. There's no zest there. There's no life. No broader meaning. Children might have helped.

You can see the difference on her instagram. The picture of her with the two kids is the happiest she looks, even when compared to traveling, or GNOs and all that.

That said...

I wonder why her father isn't mentioned at all in any of these? I wonder what role that played?

Attractive and Successful 27yo NYC Woman Commits Suicide

Quote: (02-01-2019 11:13 AM)Investment Bro Wrote:  

It's just sad all around whenever you see something like this.

Poor woman. I can't imagine what it must feel like to be so alone. I don't know that the patriarchy would have saved her, but perhaps some genuine human kindness might have. Women need it, especially.

You can see it in her eyes. You can always tell when someone is genuinely happy from their eyes. There's no zest there. There's no life. No broader meaning.

That said...

I wonder why her father isn't mentioned at all in any of these? I wonder what role that played?

Read the note my man. Her father is dead and probably has been for quite a while. "I’m coming home, Dad. Make some room up on that cloud and turn the Motown up."

Attractive and Successful 27yo NYC Woman Commits Suicide

Quote: (02-01-2019 11:16 AM)Soldier Wrote:  

Quote: (02-01-2019 11:13 AM)Investment Bro Wrote:  

It's just sad all around whenever you see something like this.

Poor woman. I can't imagine what it must feel like to be so alone. I don't know that the patriarchy would have saved her, but perhaps some genuine human kindness might have. Women need it, especially.

You can see it in her eyes. You can always tell when someone is genuinely happy from their eyes. There's no zest there. There's no life. No broader meaning.

That said...

I wonder why her father isn't mentioned at all in any of these? I wonder what role that played?

Read the note my man. Her father is dead and probably has been for quite a while. "I’m coming home, Dad. Make some room up on that cloud and turn the Motown up."

Just read the story, I don't really have the stomach to read stuff like that. I'm a positive vibes snowflake pussy. [Image: undecided.gif]

Thank you for clearing it up for me!

Attractive and Successful 27yo NYC Woman Commits Suicide

The object lesson in this is that you need a purpose, an aspiration, a long term dream or goal, to develop reason and motivation to live. Without it, life becomes meaningless and suicide becomes an option. This lady obviously didn't have this and, as a result, committed suicide.

Attractive and Successful 27yo NYC Woman Commits Suicide

She could have had a family and it seems that she was very lonely. This is sad.

I agree with Leonard D Neubache that it sounds like anti-depressants may have been involved and they have been known to increase suicidality.

Attractive and Successful 27yo NYC Woman Commits Suicide

White male privilege is the ability for 100s of men to kill themselves every day without the national media making a big about it.

A woman kills herself and her life it put through the media blitz. I'm sure she didn't want everyone to be talking about her after she left. Just live and let die, patriarchy.

Attractive and Successful 27yo NYC Woman Commits Suicide

Very sad. I’m going to risk an interpretation. She’s a simple girl, introvert, she likes the little things in life, she is a dietetician... she justs wants to serve. I conclude that she is a highly submissive girl (and ISFJ, for those who believe). The tension between her craving to submit, and society telling her to be strong and independent became unbearable. She would have been an excellent mother.

Attractive and Successful 27yo NYC Woman Commits Suicide

“I have written this note several times in my head for over a decade, and this one finally feels right. No edits, no overthinking. I have accepted hope is nothing more than delayed disappointment, and I am just plain old-fashioned tired of feeling tired.”

That statement got to me.

“There is no global anthem, no global currency, no certificate of global citizenship. We pledge allegiance to one flag, and that flag is the American flag!” -DJT

Attractive and Successful 27yo NYC Woman Commits Suicide

And 20 young men killed themselves the same day. They didn't have Instagram or write suicide notes full of shitlib pablum.

Dr Johnson rumbles with the RawGod. And lives to regret it.

Attractive and Successful 27yo NYC Woman Commits Suicide

Basing it only on my intuition after reading her suicide note, she was ok girl.
Sad. Good people go first as they say. RIP, Tara

PS. This is a true suicide note, not seeking attention: feeling numb, feeling distant from everyone, lack of hope.

Attractive and Successful 27yo NYC Woman Commits Suicide

It sounds like she is hapa. These people tend to have higher rates of mental illness. Also a lot of people in the food industry tend to be unhappy. If I had to guess she was not happy with her station in life (almost 30 not married, shit job that barely pays the bills, no Chad husband) and she probably wasn't taking medication(s) to treat herself.

Attractive and Successful 27yo NYC Woman Commits Suicide

Sad. She was definitely cute enough to probably have a few guys vying for her attention. She was the living an easy modern life of comfort and convenience that would shock kings and queens of ages past and still was unfulfilled enough to off herself. I’d wager we are going to see more sad cases like this in the coming years as more women age out of their prime and realize that the feminism and empowerment they were sold is path to unhappiness

Attractive and Successful 27yo NYC Woman Commits Suicide

Sounds like long term depression since her teen years. Hard to read too much into it, especially in terms of broad society-spanning conclusions that some are making. She was just one person, and her problems may or may not have been representative of common ones we see in society.

Attractive and Successful 27yo NYC Woman Commits Suicide

Quote: (02-01-2019 12:36 PM)[email protected] Wrote:  

It sounds like she is hapa. These people tend to have higher rates of mental illness.

Yeah, most hapas kill themselves. It's like one out of three.


Attractive and Successful 27yo NYC Woman Commits Suicide

Damn, what a waste. She looks like my type too. Sad.


Delicious Tacos is the voice of my generation....

Attractive and Successful 27yo NYC Woman Commits Suicide

She has/had 3200 Instagram followers? Sheesh!

She probably was getting a lot of internet likes and attention.

"A happy man is a happy everybody else in his life."

"Ladies if you want to make your man happy, think about what makes you happy and do exactly the opposite."

"Hey how you doin' and I hope you know that I'm an upgrade for your stupid daughter." - Patrice O'Neal

Attractive and Successful 27yo NYC Woman Commits Suicide

If you read the note, she had very sensory satisfactions versus spiritual and intellectual. Something to be said there.

Attractive and Successful 27yo NYC Woman Commits Suicide

Cute feminine girl. Sad story.

What struck me about her note and Instagram pics is how obsessed she was with food.

Take care of those titties for me.

Attractive and Successful 27yo NYC Woman Commits Suicide

I was halfway done writing a response to her suicide note but then I said fuck it.

This is just sad man.

We hardly know this chick beyond the basic chick photos she took, I'll giver her a bit of doubt but things have to be said.

I gotta admit even her note sounded something like a basic chick would say.

She was "tired" - I mean come the fuck on, look at how much she traveled and ate.

At least she even admitted it was a first world problem.

She wasn't your "haaaapy", I'll never understand this.

You live in America, you might be struggling to make ends meet, but you're in America.

Unless you prefer Somalia?

Every single fucking day above ground is a goddamn blessing.

You have the choice to change things, life isn't a broken record (only if you let it be).

Desperate times can call for drastic changes.

I can never forgive a perfectly healthy in mind/body/spririt young person taking their own life, bar something at the far end of the spectrum.

It's absolutely selfish, and I guarantee she had people she could talk to.

She could've worked this out, she was stuck in a rut, all she needed was a bump in the right direction.

I still to do this day, do not understand depression, I just don't.

Even if it's clinical I truly believe in my heart that it's a mindset no matter what, even if you have to battle it every single day, you still win, it only makes you stronger.

Attractive and Successful 27yo NYC Woman Commits Suicide


I Hate The Word “Bye”, But See You Later Maybe?

She forgot the Oxford comma between later, and maybe. Epic fail on her part.

Attractive and Successful 27yo NYC Woman Commits Suicide

Quote: (02-01-2019 01:11 PM)astro Wrote:  

If you read the note, she had very sensory satisfactions versus spiritual and intellectual. Something to be said there.


So much this!

It's all materialism versus spiritualism.

Her writings reads of someone who was dead inside and only filled that void with food and traveling.

Attractive and Successful 27yo NYC Woman Commits Suicide

Quote: (02-01-2019 12:43 PM)Kona Wrote:  

Quote: (02-01-2019 12:36 PM)[email protected] Wrote:  

It sounds like she is hapa. These people tend to have higher rates of mental illness.

Yeah, most hapas kill themselves. It's like one out of three.


You're onto something here, Kona. Interracial kids are only about 50% more likely to engage in destructive behavior.


“Nothing is more useful than to look upon the world as it really is.”

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