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Thoughts on Mark Manson and John Sonmez?

Thoughts on Mark Manson and John Sonmez?

Evening gentlemen,

So I'm an avid follower of Roosh, but I've also learned great techniques and tips from people like Mark Manson (especially Models) and John Sonmez (if you're a Software Engineer, you may know him). What's your opinion on those two dudes?

Thoughts on Mark Manson and John Sonmez?

Mark Manson originally started by posting here. He has some good information but a lot of it is watered down for mass appeal.

Thoughts on Mark Manson and John Sonmez?

Check this thread out. thread-35249.html

In particular this post by Krauser.


I think the book is worth reading but over time my tolerance for Manson has declined a lot and I'm considering Models more like a stepping-stone book that you discard after absorbing the few key ideas. As a practical guide it is utterly hopeless - it's just blind filtering for strong Yes Girls. The actual game advice is worse than useless and will retard the development of a noob who hasn't already begun to get laid.

The value of Models is in the meta-level and not taking shit. There are a handful of very good ideas/frames in there which have definitely helped me...... because I knew enough to discard his feelgood pablum. Be very wary of the Purple Pill content, though.

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