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UK may make misogyny a "hate crime"

UK may make misogyny a "hate crime"

Looks like the left Feminist brigade could get a winnin their BS war on men !


UK may make misogyny a "hate crime"

Please copy and quote the article so we don't have to go and visit the link.

And yes a lot of us are that lazy!

UK may make misogyny a "hate crime"

The "men" who are campaigning for this might as well turn in their sacks to their nearest healthcare provider. They might have to wait three months to actually see their doctor, but that shouldn't deter them from going full eunuch.
That, or just off themselves before they reproduce.

UK may make misogyny a "hate crime"


A group of MPs and campaigners are calling for misogyny to be made a hate crime.

A letter by gender equality the Fawcett Society urges police to criminalise prejudice against women.

MPs Jo Swinson, Stella Creasy and Peter Bottomley, former home secretary Jacqui Smith, women’s rights campaigner Helen Pankhurst and Nottinghamshire Police and Crime Commissioner Paddy Tipping are among those to have signed the letter.

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It has been sent to Metropolitan Police commissioner Cressida Dick and National Police Chiefs Council chair chief constable Sara Thornton.

Sam Smethers, chief executive of the Fawcett Society, said: "We have to recognise how serious misogyny is. It is at the root of violence against women and girls.

"Yet it is so common that we don't see it. Instead it is dismissed and trivialised.

"By naming it as a hate crime we will take that vital first step."

Analysis of crime figures by the Fawcett Society estimated there were around 67,000 incidents of hate crime based on gender last year - with 57,000 of those being targeted at women.

Ms Smethers added: "This data should be a wake-up call to all of us, but it is just the tip of the iceberg.

"Women are routinely targeted with abuse and threats online and in our streets.

Watch: Meghan Markle on feminism during UN speech (The Independent)

"We know that black women, Muslim women and Jewish women are particularly affected. The way we tackle hate crime must reflect that."

In a statement responding to the letter, Chief Constable Thornton said recording misogyny as a hate crime "cannot be prioritised when policing is so stretched".

She added: "The core policing that the public tell us they care about most is seriously stretched.

"We do not have the resources to do everything that is desirable and deserving.

"There are well reasoned arguments for recording misogyny as a hate incident, even when no crime has been committed, but it cannot be prioritised when policing is so stretched.

"Protecting women and girls from violence, harassment and sexual or domestic abuse continue to be priorities for the police."

Ms Ghose said: "Domestic abuse does not just happen in a cultural vacuum. The everyday sexism that women experience daily - from the catcalls on the street through to being groped and sexually harassed in public places - creates a culture where it is OK for men to demean women.

"In short, it normalises abuse.

"For far too long, women have not had the confidence to report men's violence and harassment to the police for fear of not being believed or taken seriously.

"It is clear that recognising misogyny as a hate crime gives survivors greater confidence that our criminal justice system will treat all forms of violence against women and girls more seriously."

Hate crimes and incidents are defined as those perceived to be motivated by hostility or prejudice based on a personal characteristic.

Five strands are monitored centrally: race or ethnicity, religion or beliefs, sexual orientation, disability, and transgender identity.

Police in Nottinghamshire, North Yorkshire, Avon and Somerset have already adopted misogyny or gender as a form of hate crime for recording purposes.

In November Ms Dick said "stretched" police forces should focus on violent crime rather than recording incidents of misogyny that are not crimes.

Things are going to get interesting when essentially our existence is a hate crime.

UK may make misogyny a "hate crime"

Orwell was right. We are literally going to be persecuted for thot crime.

"If you're gonna raise a ruckus, one word of advice: if you're gonna do wrong, buddy, do wrong right."

UK may make misogyny a "hate crime"

Relax guys. Obviously they will leave guys like us alone, and will primarily target men from the Muslim population who generally hold deeply ingrained misogynistic ideas, and who commit violence against women at a rate several times higher than the general population.

UK may make misogyny a "hate crime"

Diagnosis: Deracinated male

I prescribe a steak and eggs diet, a trifecta boxset of A Team, Dukes of Hazzard and Baywatch and plenty of laughter and fun, a long backpacking trip perhaps.

I'd imagine they'll realise they dont care about misogyny nearly as much as they think.

UK may make misogyny a "hate crime"

I'm not exactly sure what the proposed crime is that is not already a crime. In Canada, there are two varieties of "hate crimes". One is the hate speech provisions (the real thing, not the fake thing like a little Jewish guy giving a talk on a university campus) covering things like advocating genocide and wilfully promoting hate. The other is in the sentencing provision whereby it is an aggravating factor if a crime is motivated by such things as racial prejudice. In other words, there are just crimes but you can get a longer sentence if it was motivated by hate.

UK may make misogyny a "hate crime"

Get with the times 66Scorpio...white heterosexual men cannot be allowed to criticise their betters. This law will mean they will think twice before piping up, ushering in Utopia!

Dr Johnson rumbles with the RawGod. And lives to regret it.

UK may make misogyny a "hate crime"

Quote: (01-15-2019 03:04 AM)Roosh Wrote:  

Things are going to get interesting when essentially our existence is a hate crime.

There will come a time when actual men will have to push back. It would be wise to focus on the white knights and male feminists first. They are the real threat to masculinity out there IMO. Fucking traitors so bloody thirsty they turn against their nature.

"Women however should get a spanking at least once a week by their husbands and boyfriends - that should be mandated by law" - Zelcorpion

UK may make misogyny a "hate crime"

This is part of a system designed to criminalise all dissent so that the judiciary can be used to selectively create a legion of second class citizens, ironically those being the men native to the nation.

It will all be very streamlined and relatively efficient. Post something "sexist" on facebook no matter how benign and you're served with an order to appear in court. The judge and the prosecutor give you the same deal everyone else gets. Plead guilty and get a recorded conviction but no jail time. Plead innocent and get tossed in a cell for certain. There is no defence. The laws are clear. You're dead to rights. You take the plea deal. Everyone does.

The whole process from the time you walk in the door takes five minutes.

Now you're a felon. You can't vote, own a gun, get into university, get a decent job or even get a passport to escape this hell. You have officially become part of the state-mandated underclass despite the fact that it was your ancestors that built the nation which you now skulk around in like a rat. You spend the rest of your days washing dishes for Rashid who treats you like shit until you die at the end of a very long NHS waiting list that "rightly discriminates against criminals".

Or you sack up now and get to taking out the trash who want to enslave you.

The public will judge a man by what he lifts, but those close to him will judge him by what he carries.

UK may make misogyny a "hate crime"

I'm not the least bit surprised. The Cult of Equality has turned every other group that's not the majority into a sacred class, so women are next to receive legislated hate crime protection, whatever hate crime means to the bureaucratic pencil pushers. In the end this won't help women, but that's also not surprising because (1) hate crime laws haven't helped other groups and (2) no one in democracies can actually pinpoint and define problems. Instead, we get busy body politicians and activists inventing problems out of thin air, pose "solutions," get paid handsomely, and stifle the very people they're trying to help.

UK may make misogyny a "hate crime"

Non Story-Everyone loves Miso soup, so who will this law effect?

Delicious Tacos is the voice of my generation....

UK may make misogyny a "hate crime"

I am increasingly thinking that many of the women pushing for this are trying to ban cold approaches because it gives them plausible deniability (read: delusions) to say they would otherwise be approached ad infinitum, if these proposed laws were not in place. They are clearly suuuuuuuch stunners.

Case in point, Melanie Jeffs, the cat lady activist who spearheaded the initial “hate crime” farce in Nottinghamshire:

[Image: LE9K8dH.jpg]


[Image: DDajZlDXsAAoOmJ.jpg]

McEye Bleach:

[Image: 65fe572beee3827fe09bd0123f753d1b.jpg][

Born Down Under, but I enjoy Slovakian Thunder: http://slovakia.travel/en/nove-zamky

UK may make misogyny a "hate crime"


Check out this reddit link. Women in the 3rd world know our laws. What they lack in education they make up for it cunning.
Philippines maybe the easiest place to pull but youre expecting to get hustled if youre a white westerner. Were essential getting thots in maidens clothing going to shitholes.

Best to marry a small town girl in your own country(if youre marriage minded). These people look at us as idiots for wanting to live work party n find love there then say in italy where its developed.
Russia thailand somalia the locals will know whats up.
Even Mark Zolo settled in Malta.

We gotta be so careful. These laws will spread globally. All we can do is manage those risks

UK may make misogyny a "hate crime"

If hate is a crime, then all genders should be protected. Why isn’t any UK politcian calling this out?

You can’t favor 50% of the population and not have the same protection for the rest of society.

Woke people must march for equality real soon.

UK may make misogyny a "hate crime"

[Image: DDajZlDXsAAoOmJ.jpg]

Judge Jessica: You stand accused of raping this beautiful and courageous citizen. What is your defense?

Guy: Your Honor, if you are going to lock me up on a false rape charge, could you please at least have it be lodged by an attractive female so that the real criminals in prison don't think I'm some kind of flap-slapping weirdo? First off, I don't have sex with big fat guys so this person is lying about me. Second, this individual has more folds than an origami swan and more chins than Chinatown. If a guy were going to put his freedom and life on the line just to get into a someone's pants, wouldn't he at least choose someone who is attractive. Even if I were gay, I don't think I could ever get hard for this dude no matter how much I were medicated. Furthermore, he looks like a he might actually be able to overpower me or at least crush and suffocate me with his own weight so I don't understand how I was supposed to have perpetrated this made-up assault.

Judge Jessica: Your accuser is female.

Guy: What? Woah. See, that's something I would definitely have seen if I had gotten her pants off. However, I think I may have also been turned to stone.

Judge Jessica: Well, I suppose this is a valid point. However, as this is the UK, I must now charge you for 3 counts of misogynistic hate speech, for which the penalty is a mandatory 15-year sentence to be served in a cell built for 4 but which will house, including yourself, a total of 6 men, no less than 5 of whom are to be African, Arab, or Pakistani. This should give you time to think, reflect, and convert to Islam. If you survive your incarceration, it is my hope that you can re-enter society as a nu-man and leave your toxic past behind you.

UK may make misogyny a "hate crime"

So what they're saying is; Sharia Law is no longer kosher...?

UK may make misogyny a "hate crime"

Quote: (01-30-2019 05:52 PM)CynicalContrarian Wrote:  

So what they're saying is; Sharia Law is no longer kosher...?

It would appear so. These are dark and confused times indeed.

UK may make misogyny a "hate crime"

Calling out thots on their fuckshit is considered "misogyny" in the UK. What a fucking dump.

UK may make misogyny a "hate crime"

Quote: (01-30-2019 06:09 PM)Waqqle Wrote:  

Quote: (01-30-2019 05:52 PM)CynicalContrarian Wrote:  

So what they're saying is; Sharia Law is no longer kosher...?

It would appear so. These are dark and confused times indeed.

Not to make this into an Abrahamic Religion thread... but doesn't everyone know that the ME Gulf religions after the Egyptians of the Great Cities and the Nile are based on their slaves getting too educated and wanting all that the original owners had? Psyop after psyop after psyop...

UK may make misogyny a "hate crime"

Building on an earlier post:

misogyny (noun) - mi·​sog·​y·​ny | mə-ˈsä-jə-nē


1a : whatever a female claims it is
1b : whatever a female's orbiter/simp/beta/cuck claims it is
1c : whatever a female or male lawmaker, on behalf of the female lawmaker and/or another female, claims it is

Example Sentences

a: By making eye contact with her while introducing himself at the company meeting, Bryan was committing an act of misogyny and Rachel reported him.

b: In questioning Rachel's claim, Jerod committed an act of misogyny and he was also reported.

c: The choice of the other men in the office to not introduce themselves to Rachel, and thus neglect her, amounted to a collective act of misogyny for which they were reported.

d. The toxically male law enforcement officers who were called in by Rachel and her female colleagues to handle the reported male abusers utilized justifiable force in order to subdue and remove them from the premises in order to prevent further misogyny from being perpetrated against the precious female staff as well as to create a safe, all-female working environment in the office of the faceless multi-national conglomerate that they worked for, which succumbed within a year to bankruptcy and insolvency as a result of constant infighting and internal sabotage.

e: The virtuous male, who had remained virginal and never so much as said 'hello' to a female up to that point, bravely took his own life in order to ensure that he would never accidentally inflict misogyny on a female and he considerately did so deep inside of a remote forest so as not to drive down the value of the property he had been living in by leaving his corpse there as it was owned by a female who inherited it after her own father took his life following his divorce from her mother who went on to live off of the alimony with her much younger boy toy in The Gambia whom she had already been in communication with for some time prior to the divorce.

Synonyms: misogynism, hate, hatred, penis

Antonyms: philogyny, obedience, submission, androgyny

*Excerpt from Waqqle's Concise Dictionary of the Cucko-Thotian Language.

UK may make misogyny a "hate crime"

Quote: (01-15-2019 10:02 AM)david.garrett84 Wrote:  

I am increasingly thinking that many of the women pushing for this are trying to ban cold approaches because it gives them plausible deniability (read: delusions) to say they would otherwise be approached ad infinitum, if these proposed laws were not in place. They are clearly suuuuuuuch stunners.

Case in point, Melanie Jeffs, the cat lady activist who spearheaded the initial “hate crime” farce in Nottinghamshire:

[Image: LE9K8dH.jpg]


[Image: DDajZlDXsAAoOmJ.jpg]

McEye Bleach:

[Image: 65fe572beee3827fe09bd0123f753d1b.jpg][

I didnt really contemplate the following until I saw this cat lady.

That bitch has a hairline worse that many men which could mean there are hormonal imbalances within her, whether during puberty or at any point in her life. The poisoning of the water supply, and environment to feminize men and masculinize women is actually fckn devious.

Not only does it disrupt a person's biology it then disrupts their psychology and very essence, their spirit, leading to the shit show we have today, damn.

UK may make misogyny a "hate crime"

Dumb shit like that is why Britain is going down the toilet, bigly!

UK may make misogyny a "hate crime"

A stab and a quick run to the local pigfarm is going to be the best solution on dealing with these feminazis a law indeed gets approved.

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