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Best Countries to Backpack and Game Other Travellers?

Best Countries to Backpack and Game Other Travellers?

I know this forum is geared more towards dudes who stay a while in capital cities and just game but I'm hoping there's at least a few well-travelled backpackers who can drop some knowledge. Definitely wanna post up in a city like Medellin, Rio, or Bangkok for a couple months at some point in my life but right now I want to see and do as much stuff as possible.

I'm planning on doing a 3 month trip in the next year or so. I won't base where I go entirely off of getting laid but it's a significant factor. I'll try my luck with locals but given the nature of backpacking, 90% of the it's going to be travelers and hostel game.

What do seasoned backpackers think the best trips are for banging other travelers? I know Party and Sex go hand in hand so party hostels will be the spot. I would of just pulled the trigger on Laos/Cambodia/Thailand/Vietnam without thinking about it too much if I hadn't heard that thai island full moon parties are major sausage fests. Now I just want to consider other options.

Europe? Central America? South America? Australia, Bali, New Zealand? Stick with SEA? What do you guys think?

Best Countries to Backpack and Game Other Travellers?

3 months is awhile. South East Asia isn't all about sex. There's some real nice history in Cambodia, some nice countryside in Laos, go try to visit Da Lat in Vietnam for cold weather, swing down to Malaysia / Singapore, check out Myanmar, et cetera et cetera.

I only spent 2 months myself, had to rush a few places and yet still got to go to Myanmar and Malaysia / Singapore. If you got 3 months then you should be able to visit mostly everything.

Best Countries to Backpack and Game Other Travellers?

Step one for mine is to accept that sausage fest is the norm when backpacking/traveling. If this will stop you then self-improvement is needed more than anything. The positive is when you stumble into one of those places where this doesn't apply, then you really get to enjoy it for what it is! You get way more solo male travelers, guys travel in bigger groups because the dynamics of male relationships allow it while girls rarely go above 3 at a time, all of this just adds up to any time you get a 60/40 ratio being a good result. Just what it is...

For mine the major factor for countries that are better than others to game backpackers is the local men. Countries like Peru, Bolivia, Vietnam, Cambodia, Ecuador, Thailand and the like where the local men have very low SMV to European women are your best bet.

After that you're looking for beach/party culture that relaxes the girl, best is both. Finally you need instagram worthy locations for the girls to take their facebook/gram boast posts.

My personal favourites in no real order...

Peru - Top dog for mine just to throw the no real order thing out the window. Food is exceptional, there is a clearly defined "backpacker path" to follow, it's a multidirectional path as well so constantly meeting people going the other way, beaches, world wonders, cities, adventure, jungle and what not are all ticked. Honestly I'd recommend 5-8 weeks for Peru and you'll still have items to come back for. Cusco is still the shining light of backpacker cities for mine. Great party hostels, an absolute ton of things to do during the day, simple and central party scene, Machu Picchu ticks the ultimate instagram box and it's the gateway between Bolivia and Peru so ultimate pivot for people going in every direction, basically all it's missing is beaches (always good to get the body view on the girl...).

Vietnam - Another with a nicely defined backpacker path, heaps of beaches (though most aren't anything special but for European girls that's good enough!), heaps of things to do, great hostels, super cheap, great food. It's rapidly getting overrun but it's a great place still. Doing the motorbike thing is a pretty awesome experience even if just for parts.

Thailand - Is overrun somewhat but a large part of that is that it ticks all the boxes. Beaches are very strong, infrastructure is solid. Cheap and a bit of everything. Full Moon is a great experience, absolutely a sausage fest but that doesn't stop it being fun and something worth doing.

Bolivia - Similar to Peru but not as clearly defined path, infrastructure is nowhere near as good, food is very hit and miss but it's still a fun place with some great things to do.

Colombia - There is competition here from locals but most Euro women that I met didn't really like Colombian men (they tend to be short, among other things) and it's still not competition compared to Europe, Australia, Brazil or Argentina for comparison. The girls you get here tend to be a bit wilder (think of what Colombia is famous for and why they might be there...) but that's a positive generally for a fling. Beaches are good, the path is pretty well defined, the salsa classes are a great way to bump and grind. Throw in that the local women are top notch and it's a good option.

Budapest - Competition is fierce here in comparison to other places from locals but it's such a fun city and it's such a beautiful city that girls flock here in droves for all the instagram opps, the spas and the like and it's just really well setup for gaming with the ruin bars being such a big part of the reasons to go there and the party hostels. (I imagine Prague and a couple of others also tick this box but haven't personally done them as a backpacker).

Bali/Gili T - Bali is good for a couple of nights but the competition is fierce and it's almost always an epic sausage fest, still there is fun to be had in a wide range of places. Gili T on the other hand is one of the rare backpacker spots where the ratio is regularly in your favour. Last time I was here I stayed in a hostel that had ~4 guys and 35 girls staying there for a couple of nights (fun memories!). It's basically beaches, diving and chill yet that chill always ends up party as the night progresses, one of those weird places that girls just seem to flock to much more than guys.

Cambodia - Koh Rong in particular with the perfect beach and party combination with Siem Reap also a top pick just as a backpacking hub. Phnom Penh is interesting for the tourism aspect but not as much for gaming (most of it's sights are pretty depressing but fascinating).

For mine SEA or South America are the best options for this and it's really what appeals more from that point. SEA has generally better beaches than SA but worth checking the time of year you plan on going, backpacking is still seasonal even if not quite to the same extent as regular tourism. 3 months would be a great timeline to the Laos/Cambodia/Vietnam trio for example, imo or the Peru/Bolivia combo with maybe a little bit of Ecuador or Argentina tacked on.

Best Countries to Backpack and Game Other Travellers?


Best Countries to Backpack and Game Other Travellers?

In Thailand it is ridiculously easy to fuck good looking traveler/backpacker girls if you take care of your appearance. That's why they are there - to have fun and fuck around. Eat, pray, love: eat a lot of dick, pray they don't get pregnant, and love a bunch of random dong. Especially the solo travelers, and even more so the digital nomad types. i promise you that the white girls who live in Thailand long term are not getting sauced on the regular by guys they like very much. Why would they be? All of those guys are fucking locals. Now, why anyone would WANT to have sexual intercourses with dour Western frumpzillas in elephant pants as opposed to slim, feminine Thai girls who will cook for you and make you laugh your ass off, I have no idea. But that is the situation if you're looking for it.

"If you're gonna raise a ruckus, one word of advice: if you're gonna do wrong, buddy, do wrong right."

Best Countries to Backpack and Game Other Travellers?

Thailand this time of years isn’t so hard to find sexy, Eastern European girls running around looking for cock as well.

"I got no game it's just some bitches understand my story." Nas

Best Countries to Backpack and Game Other Travellers?

Thailand and Vietnam for sure. Hanoi’s ratios were very much in the favor of women.

A man is only as faithful as his options-Chris Rock

Best Countries to Backpack and Game Other Travellers?

Quote: (01-13-2019 02:22 AM)ElJefe1 Wrote:  

Thailand this time of years isn’t so hard to find sexy, Eastern European girls running around looking for cock as well.

I'm glad you said this - yes, this is 100% true. More and more Poles, Russians, and Balkan people are going to Thailand for vacation in the past few years. I heard tons of Polish when I visited Bangkok and the Islands. Even heard Polish on a train in Malaysia. They're hopping on the SEA bandwagon like everyone else. But if you're into spicy Eastern European girls, absolutely do not sleep on the flight attendants. They're usually hot, usually DTF, and they're only in town for a few days max. If you match with/meet a decent-looking flight attendant, especially if she originates from an Eastern European country, push that shit as hard as you can to the finish line. The best-looking white girl I bumped uglies with while I was in Asia was one of these. Think she was Romanian. Her sex sounds were weird and she smelled vaguely of Pad Thai diarrhea while I was hitting it doggy but other than that she was hot. Also only took two beers to get her back to my place.

"If you're gonna raise a ruckus, one word of advice: if you're gonna do wrong, buddy, do wrong right."

Best Countries to Backpack and Game Other Travellers?

Quote: (01-13-2019 02:22 AM)ElJefe1 Wrote:  

Thailand this time of years isn’t so hard to find sexy, Eastern European girls running around looking for cock as well.

Oh, sounds interesting. But are you talking about backpaking and traveling or staying at luxury hotels?

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