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"Men" in Black International

"Men" in Black International

The new Men.. in Black movie.


Men in Black International is a spinoff of the original Men in Black series, which famously starred Will Smith and Tommy Lee Jones. Although neither Smith nor Jones make an appearance in this trailer, Men in Black International does carry through some of the classic comedy stylings fans will appreciate. If we’re being honest, the only thing better than Smith and Jones getting into hijinks with aliens is Hemsworth and Thompson getting into hijinks with aliens.

[Image: qCbR9GF.jpg]

Quote: (11-15-2014 09:06 AM)Little Dark Wrote:  
This thread is not going in the direction I was hoping for.

"Men" in Black International

Everything about this trailer especially the music choice screams out of touch with young people

"Men" in Black International

[Image: 200.gif]

"Men" in Black International

Im surprised the title wasn't banned, or changed to "People in black" or "people in POC".

"Men" in Black International

Quote: (12-23-2018 01:43 PM)Donfitz007 Wrote:  

Im surprised the title wasn't banned, or changed to "People in black" or "people in POC".

In every single action movie, there is always an impending threat to mankind. I wonder whether screenwriters will be forced to change the dialogue to 'peoplekind' at some point. I wonder just how shit movies can get until an actual shit becomes more entertaining.

"Men" in Black International

Hemsworth seems to be steering hard into comedy. And quite self-referentially, given the Thor-joke at the end of the trailer.

“As long as you are going to be thinking anyway, think big.” - Donald J. Trump

"I don't get all the women I want, I get all the women who want me." - David Lee Roth

"Men" in Black International

No thanks, the series ended fine with Men in Black 3.

What Men in Black originally was

They could've done something based on the original comic, but fatass soy boy film critics would bitch about it.

"Men" in Black International

Another attempt by Hollywood to feminize once great movie franchises.

"Men" in Black International

As Roosh said in a recent podcast, EVERYTHING coming out of mainstream culture right now is meant as a snub against white men. It's kind of a neener-neener "take that white people!" current. We're just gonna have to wait till these idiots run out of steam OR you can wrestle control of the media away from jews.

"Men" in Black International

Quote: (12-23-2018 01:56 PM)Rush87 Wrote:  

In every single action movie, there is always an impending threat to mankind.

This movie appears to have an impending threat to mankind as well - feminism.

"Action still preserves for us a hope that we may stand erect." - Thucydides (from History of the Peloponnesian War)

"Men" in Black International

I'm not "woke" enough for these new-era movies.

I'm going to look at this flashing light instead.
[Image: YdTz9hD.gif]
"Just look at this flashing light and... *FLASH* ... Huh? What am I doing here?" #244

"Men" in Black International

Quote: (12-23-2018 03:38 PM)MajorStyles Wrote:  

Quote: (12-23-2018 01:56 PM)Rush87 Wrote:  

In every single action movie, there is always an impending threat to mankind.

This movie appears to have an impending threat to mankind as well - feminism.

That would be a great plot twist:
The feminist movement was actually started by aliens from ”Quasaark 9” as a means to covertly enslave Earth through agents in all facets of society (including MiB), but over the years they forgot the reason why they started it, due to eating too much Dunkin’ Donuts and attending too many useless meetings.

“As long as you are going to be thinking anyway, think big.” - Donald J. Trump

"I don't get all the women I want, I get all the women who want me." - David Lee Roth

"Men" in Black International

Let's not over-react. It's got two well-cast male actors - Liam Neeson and Chris Hemsworth...Tessa What's-her-tits may not add much, but she's not bad to look at, and nothing i saw above wreaked of grrrrrl-power. Now if the actual plot is that the two men are clueless boobs and the diverse woman has to """"save"""" them, I'll change my opinion. But until then, this doesn't seem as bad as Ghostbusters or Oceans whatever...

"Men" in Black International

So they turned Will Smith's character into a girl? Sort of like what Will Smith did to his son.

"Men" in Black International

Man, everytime I see her, I think she’s a bit slow. Mild retardation?

"Men" in Black International

Quote: (12-23-2018 02:47 PM)TigerMandingo Wrote:  

As Roosh said in a recent podcast, EVERYTHING coming out of mainstream culture right now is meant as a snub against white men. It's kind of a neener-neener "take that white people!" current. We're just gonna have to wait till these idiots run out of steam OR you can wrestle control of the media away from jews.

The only thing left to watch are ancillary programs: i.e. boat racing from Uruguay, Godzilla on VHS, Burmese water puppetry, etc. If it's considered "important" by the modern critics, then you can guarantee that it promotes class warfare.

"Action still preserves for us a hope that we may stand erect." - Thucydides (from History of the Peloponnesian War)

"Men" in Black International

MIB will never be the same without Will Smith and Tommy Lee Jones. Talk about killing off an iconic movie franchise. Money hunger ruins everything.

"Men" in Black International

Now i know how star wars fans feel. NO NO NO NO.. Why? WHYYY? WHY???? I'm a big MIB fan from the cartoons and all 3 movies. But god damn man WHY?

"Men" in Black International

I'm confused. I thought the next MiB was supposed to be crossover with 21 jump street.

"Men" in Black International

The first MiB was relatively entertaining but I don't think it ever had "franchise" potential and now it seems really dated (never thought I'd feel that way about the 90s, but it is).

I think that's the main problem with trying to revitalize it. The premise is sort of a one-trick-pony and the gags get old after a while.

It's just a way for hollywood to blow way too much money making something that is really just a glorified buddy spy/cop comedy at heart.

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