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When you go to a social gathering and you have THAT friend

When you go to a social gathering and you have THAT friend

I normally meet with some of friends and one of them from time to time brings a girl, I happen to have a friend on the group who is tall, more or less good looking and above all very social.

I know from the start everything this guy will do in that meetup is to get the girl. I more or less know is modus operandis and he basically does anything to have the girl.

From his relationships and other stuff I also happen to know he is very beta when it comes to relationships but he is strong when trying to get the girl, and he plays "the being taller than everyone" card very good.

How do you guys act when you go to this kinds of meets, do you even try something with the girl?

When you go to a social gathering and you have THAT friend

There's not much you can do, he's playing his cards, you've gotta play yours the best you can.

If you think he's your competition and you feel like you're in second place (even after you hone your skills and lifestyle) then hate to say you might want to start having him around less and less.

When you go to a social gathering and you have THAT friend

Quote: (12-18-2018 12:21 PM)kaotic Wrote:  

There's not much you can do, he's playing his cards, you've gotta play yours the best you can.

If you think he's your competition and you feel like you're in second place (even after you hone your skills and lifestyle) then hate to say you might want to start having him around less and less.

He is part of the group, the group is my best social group right now, without them I have close to zero.

When you go to a social gathering and you have THAT friend

If you know his MO, then find ways to neutralize him, you don't need to AMOG him, but you can sure make him impotent.

You know his moves, you know what he says, so use it to your advantage.

You should ALWAYS try something with the girls who come around, even isolate them from your social circle when you're out and and about if you can.

You can always be a bit aggressive but not clash with your friend.

When you go to a social gathering and you have THAT friend

Quote: (12-18-2018 12:39 PM)kaotic Wrote:  

If you know his MO, then find ways to neutralize him, you don't need to AMOG him, but you can sure make him impotent.

You know his moves, you know what he says, so use it to your advantage.

You should ALWAYS try something with the girls who come around, even isolate them from your social circle when you're out and and about if you can.

You can always be a bit aggressive but not clash with your friend.

Interesting, will give it a try.

Never thought of this question by that way. Will think in something, will report after regardless the situation.

When you go to a social gathering and you have THAT friend

I think this is a sad situation when you have to be concerned about a male friend diminishing your chances of getting laid. There is a lack of abundance mindset there.

When you go to a social gathering and you have THAT friend

Quote: (12-18-2018 02:13 PM)Lermontov Wrote:  

I think this is a sad situation when you have to be concerned about a male friend diminishing your chances of getting laid. There is a lack of abundance mindset there.

We need to know more about OP's situation he mentions he has pretty much nothing without this social circle.

I do agree there is a sense of lack of abundance but we need to know more.

When you go to a social gathering and you have THAT friend

Are you the leader of your social circle?
Are you funny?
Are you assertive, even when girls are present?

All of the above easily eclipse a lack of height height/money/looks. If you don't have any of the above, being shorter is the least of your worries. Go out into the world and damage yourself enough to develop yourself. You'll know when you've made sufficient progress because your insecurities about other men's height will vanish.

And for God's sake don't put yourself in a situation where you're one of many guys at a get together with only one cute chick.

two scoops
two genders
two terms

When you go to a social gathering and you have THAT friend

Quote: (12-18-2018 02:16 PM)kaotic Wrote:  

Quote: (12-18-2018 02:13 PM)Lermontov Wrote:  

I think this is a sad situation when you have to be concerned about a male friend diminishing your chances of getting laid. There is a lack of abundance mindset there.

We need to know more about OP's situation he mentions he has pretty much nothing without this social circle.

I do agree there is a sense of lack of abundance but we need to know more.

About me, I only had some small term relationships, only have sex from time to time, and in my country I find it hard to get it on with girls, as most the girls I want dont want nothing with me.

My competition is somewhat fierce and Im almost maxed out in terrms of looks.

The pros in my life:

- No personal problem so far
- Got a masters degree in STEM
- Im more or less smart but above all I think Im very creative
- Have 1 or 2 side business ideas
- I am well read and been in several countries


- The way I look in my country doesnt favors me (Im not ugly tho)
- Average height
- Sometimes I loose frame too easily (my friends when competing with me know how to take advantage of that)
- I developed a lazy attitude for life, mostly because I havent won that much in the last years

When you go to a social gathering and you have THAT friend

One of my close friends is one of the most ruggedly handsome mofos in the world. Everyone here would know his face as he has modeled for 20 years and for nearly every men's brand out there.

We went out a lot. We both still got laid. I could have seen him as an adversary, but instead I saw him and I as a team. I learned to play well off him, and to my surprise, he learned to play off me as he was smart enough to see the potential and how much more fun it was.

If you guys learn how to work together you will be unstoppable. Nothing is more attractive to women in a social setting then two funny and commanding guys, telling stories and bringing people in.

Also, its amazing how different guys tastes are when it comes to women. Of course, living in a city with lots of hot women helps as there are more options on any given night.

When you go to a social gathering and you have THAT friend

Quote: (12-18-2018 02:16 PM)kaotic Wrote:  

We need to know more about OP's situation

Not really; we know his attitude and that counts for pretty much everything.

OP said:

He is part of the group, the group is my best social group right now, without them I have close to zero.

If he's going to rely on outside factors to add value to his life, then he can be sure whatever value he has is short lived and conditional.

It's his mindset that needs changing and nothing else.

"Does PUA say that I just need to get to f-close base first here and some weird chemicals will be released in her brain to make her a better person?"

When you go to a social gathering and you have THAT friend

Your friend honestly sounds like a dick. If I meet up with friends it is to spend time with THEM. Im guessing your friend is probably gonna be talking to the girl the whole time and focusing all his attention on the girl. I would be pissed if i took time out of my day to spend it with someone but they waste me time like that.

When you go to a social gathering and you have THAT friend

Don't cock block , it's a bad practice, spin more plates and that will cure you of your desire to do so

When you go to a social gathering and you have THAT friend

Quote: (12-18-2018 12:15 PM)pk9090 Wrote:  

when it comes to relationships but he is strong when trying to get the girl, and he plays "the being taller than everyone" card very good.


Mate you and him need to go out alone, he can be the honeypot, and you bring the game, work as a team to slay poosey and create your own better, more abundant social circle.

Having a circle jerk about your mate getting all the girls is going nowhere.

180 this situation.

When you go to a social gathering and you have THAT friend

When you want to bang a girl don't go out with him.

When you go to a social gathering and you have THAT friend

There was a group of guys I used to hang with when we hit the clubs. One of the guys was very good looking and wealthy. He was like a blackhole for pussy. We couldn't even get scraps, if the girls couldn't have him they wanted no one or you would spend the night being the beta shoulder to cry on as she bemoans how unjust it is he didn't choose her.

It was fun socializing with the boys but it became depressing that all female attention was only focused on him. Even if one of us snagged a girl elsewhere or someone introduced his girlfriend they would gravitate and flirt gratuitously with him. I couldn't handle that level of disrespect in a potential partner but perhaps the guys were just ignoring it in hopes of getting the lay later. I liked the guy, he wasn't an asshole or anything but I started having a more enjoyable and successful time away from him so moved on from the group.

When you go to a social gathering and you have THAT friend

Quote: (12-18-2018 12:15 PM)pk9090 Wrote:  

I normally meet with some of friends and one of them from time to time brings a girl, I happen to have a friend on the group who is tall, more or less good looking and above all very social.

I know from the start everything this guy will do in that meetup is to get the girl. I more or less know is modus operandis and he basically does anything to have the girl.

From his relationships and other stuff I also happen to know he is very beta when it comes to relationships but he is strong when trying to get the girl, and he plays "the being taller than everyone" card very good.

How do you guys act when you go to this kinds of meets, do you even try something with the girl?

I'm sure there is more than one girl... if there is only one girl, it's not him that's the problem... it's the environment.

If you're in a decent environment, there is often someone for everyone, so having him around will work in your favour because more women might hover around and you can game them while he's busy with someone else.

When you go to a social gathering and you have THAT friend

The problem is you're measuring yourself in man standards and not chick ones.

How do you make them feel????????

That's what really matters.

There's a ton of emotions you can choose from and do it a bunch of different ways. Make her feel something, than you can always flip it.

When you go to a social gathering and you have THAT friend

Quote: (12-18-2018 03:59 PM)Laner Wrote:  

One of my close friends is one of the most ruggedly handsome mofos in the world. Everyone here would know his face as he has modeled for 20 years and for nearly every men's brand out there.

We went out a lot. We both still got laid. I could have seen him as an adversary, but instead I saw him and I as a team. I learned to play well off him, and to my surprise, he learned to play off me as he was smart enough to see the potential and how much more fun it was.

If you guys learn how to work together you will be unstoppable. Nothing is more attractive to women in a social setting then two funny and commanding guys, telling stories and bringing people in.

Also, its amazing how different guys tastes are when it comes to women. Of course, living in a city with lots of hot women helps as there are more options on any given night.

Laner knows his shit, if you can't beat him, join him, wing with him.

This is probably hands down the best advice here.

When you go to a social gathering and you have THAT friend

Quote: (12-20-2018 12:27 PM)kaotic Wrote:  

Quote: (12-18-2018 03:59 PM)Laner Wrote:  

One of my close friends is one of the most ruggedly handsome mofos in the world. Everyone here would know his face as he has modeled for 20 years and for nearly every men's brand out there.

We went out a lot. We both still got laid. I could have seen him as an adversary, but instead I saw him and I as a team. I learned to play well off him, and to my surprise, he learned to play off me as he was smart enough to see the potential and how much more fun it was.

If you guys learn how to work together you will be unstoppable. Nothing is more attractive to women in a social setting then two funny and commanding guys, telling stories and bringing people in.

Also, its amazing how different guys tastes are when it comes to women. Of course, living in a city with lots of hot women helps as there are more options on any given night.

Laner knows his shit, if you can't beat him, join him, wing with him.

This is probably hands down the best advice here.

Yeah, but "Was This Beta?"

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