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Paris Yellow Vests

Paris Yellow Vests

Quote: (05-04-2019 08:39 AM)Leonard D Neubache Wrote:  

So going back to my first point. Women are going to once again be the X factor. At some point they're going to feel like their future is threatened in an overall sense by this radical change and they're going to start saying things as trivial as "I think French men need to take justice for these rapes into their own hands" and just like that the entire political dialogue is going to be washed aside in a sea of blood.

That kind of happened in Italy with Luca Traini. Traini heard about some Afghans raping, killing, and mutiliating an Italian girl. He then attacked an asylum center for revenge. Traini was also a member of the Northern League and ran for office. That's the same party as Mateo Salvini.

Traini sent flowers to the Italian mom. She decided to carry them at the funeral.

To come back to Yellow Vests, Italians and French don't speak the NPC programming language, English, so I suspect they're more immune to the guilt programming than the Anglosphere and other high English speaking countries like Germany and Scandinavia.

Keep an eye on France and Italy.

Paris Yellow Vests

Quote: (05-05-2019 02:32 AM)[email protected] Wrote:  

Outside of the US none of those countries have "gun rights". None of the countries outside the US have self defence laws that let you defend your life with guns or even let you carry/conseal carry. Having "liberal gun laws" for sport hunting, collecting, target shooting are not real gun rights where you can defend your life and home against tyranny and criminals. Do you actually believe you have gun rights simply because you can purchase guns and leave them inside a bolted safe in your home until the moment you decide to go to your local gun club? How in the world can you say Canadians have more gun rights than Americans? Explain this to me, I'm really curious.

For one the rights are based on a state-to-state country-to-county basis. The 2A has been butchered beyond recognition in many of those states. Same goes for anything approaching castle laws.

So in some places they can use guns to shoot a home invader? Swell. The only reason that's relevant is because the US is becoming a complete Brazillian shithole.

Next. "Can't use guns and have to keep them locked up". Not true. While out of a safe or not in transit my gun has to be within my control at all times. I'm completely at liberty to walk around my house or property with a .45 in one pocket and a mag in the other as long as in doing so I don't scare anyone. I can meet a home invader with deadly force if I feel my life is threatened at least to the same extent as I could in, say, California and as an added bonus since I don't live in America I am both a million percent less likely to have my home invaded and a million percent less likely to be facing a home invader armed with anything other than a rusty spoon.

Suppressors? Short barreled rifles? Some "gun control" nations have it better than the US in those respective departments.

Concealed carry? Open carry? Again, when you choose not to live in a shit-hole then it's much of a muchness. If there are places in the US where CC or OC gives you a lower chance of dying of a gunshot wound than living anywhere in Australia you could probably count those places on one hand, and if you control for income per capita or even just "whiteness" then that number of places drops to zero.

And last but not least, half a decade on the chest thumping circle-jerk of gun rights has made me realize that the vast majority of the guns rights fags are more afraid of losing their guns than actually having to use them to defeat tyranny. They will keep their heads down and not make a fuss because they seem to think that the guns are a ward against evil rather than a tool to defeat it. As such they are the last people that will actually stand up and be counted because they are so desperately afraid of having their magical talismans taken away.

This very thread shows that the vaunted second amendment is a joke. The French are throwing their own tea parties right now and they never needed guns to do it. Meanwhile the Americans holding their ARs in one hand and their dicks in the other are dying of cardiac arrest. Australians may just have both hands on their dicks instead but in the end the outcome is the same regardless.

Fear calories and cuckery more than disarmament.

The public will judge a man by what he lifts, but those close to him will judge him by what he carries.

Paris Yellow Vests

Quote: (05-04-2019 08:39 AM)Leonard D Neubache Wrote:  

It's odd that I really think women are once again the X factor.

The new fun saying in response to clown world insanity is "And then suddenly, for no reason, people voted Hitler into power."

And isn't that the way things happen? Who actually openly works their way up to "man the machine guns and hook up the cattle-cars"? Not many. These things build under the surface and then erupt rather unpleasantly, especially in white nations where people suppress their frustrations until a sort of political damn breaks, and the Yellow Vest movement is an expression of cracks forming in that very dam.

This is why 90% of propaganda is aimed at women and even then those telltale cracks are beginning to show. Once native men get a green light from native women that resistance = pussy then all hell will break loose.

If our future depends on women changing their attitude for the better, we're fucked. In every hole.


So going back to my first point. Women are going to once again be the X factor. At some point they're going to feel like their future is threatened in an overall sense by this radical change and they're going to start saying things as trivial as "I think men need to take justice for these rapes into their own hands" and just like that the entire political dialogue is going to be washed aside in a sea of blood.

Fixed that for you. They been doing this for the last decade alright. Got raped by refugees, blame all men. The rest is history.

Ass or cash, nobody rides for free - WestIndiArchie

Paris Yellow Vests

So what are women saying about the Yellow Vests then?

The public will judge a man by what he lifts, but those close to him will judge him by what he carries.

Paris Yellow Vests

"You're going to drink beers with your friends on some roundabout again ?" [Image: whip.gif]

Paris Yellow Vests

The Gilets Jaunes are still here after 6 months.

This Saturday, a guy was arrested with a weapon inspired from Assassin's Creed


Paris Yellow Vests

This is good to see, several French prominent actors, scriptwriters and composers are supporting the Yellow Vests.

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