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Vacation in Nairobi

Vacation in Nairobi

Hello guys, My family and i will be going on a vacation in Nairobi and it has been a decade long dream to see the exotic culture of Kenya
I have read several post online about the wildlife, people and food of Kenya, i also learnt they are into sport, i love running, i know kenyans are exceptional at it
I got to know about some of the things i can do in Kenya from this Nairobi which was really informative but i need to know what kind of clothing they use in Kenya also is it really hot there, and they nature of food they eat because two of my kids are lactose intolerant
Thank you guys.

Vacation in Nairobi


Vacation in Nairobi

Yes my dude you came to the right place, this forum specializes in family friendly vacationing.

[Image: popcorn3.gif]

Vacation in Nairobi

As others said you got the wrong forum, but I'll help you out with the food and clothing:

Food is not milk/cheese based at all. Most dishes involve a base of stir-fried onions and tomatoes with green vegetables and meat, either as a sauce or part of a stew. Milk is mainly drank directly, turned into yogurt or found in teas and porridges, not meals; and cheese is more of a novelty snack.
Also, despite being on the equator, Nairobi's high elevation makes its climate mild and pleasant, sort of an eternal spring.

Enjoy your trip!

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Vacation in Nairobi

The most important thing to remember is this:

Keep an eye on your children.

Every single one of them is lion intolerant.

“The greatest burden a child must bear is the unlived life of its parents.”

Carl Jung

Vacation in Nairobi

It’s a death trap

Vacation in Nairobi

Thanks guys i really do appreciate but some of the things you guys mentioned i havent seen anywhere i will like you guys to help me check this post out Vacation package in booked in Nairobi I need to be sure everything i saw in the post is true has they help me in booking my vacation is Nairobi, Thanks guys i really do appreciate.

Vacation in Nairobi

Hi sir ok. I can do for you. No problem ok. Just send me the packages overnight by Fedex express ok? I will pay you triple because it’s my family birthday party ok. Just click the link ok?

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