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E-Sports - The ultimate proof of how status is key

E-Sports - The ultimate proof of how status is key

I recently saw a post from a member stating that money and high status may not have all the importance that the members of the community say it does. He pointed out that there are a great number of women who will still settle for a guy who isn't particularly good looking or that has great status, game or money, given that he provides her with what she ultimately wants (companionship, support, attention and etc). Although I do agree with him to some extent, in today's day and age we have one of the ultimate proofs of how status can effectively operate on women's minds.

What is that proof you might ask? Well, it's in the title! E-SPORTS! Or just gaming.

Can you think of an activity/hobby/profession that had lower value a decade ago? Saying that you were into gaming was of one the worst DLV you could possibly think of. Teenagers and adults who took gaming seriously or just spent a lot of time doing it as a hobby, despite of having money or high status in other areas, were viewed as losers and it had a negative impact on the possibility of being successful with a woman (whatever successful means to you). The quintessential image of the gamer locked up in his room playing videogames, daydreaming about having a girlfriend or any form of contact with women really happened. And that image was cemented into women's minds at the time, that's why those kinds of people had very little success with women.

Fast forward to today and what is the current situation? E-Sports is now practically a real sport. Players are making a tremendous amount of many of money, they a huge number of fans, a huge social media following and play in front of enormous crowds that cheer for them. Can you think of something that is more high status than that? In such a short amount of time, they went from being locked up in their basements/rooms to playing in places like the O2 arena and the Staples Center and practically have the same status as musicians, businessmen and well-known players of traditional sports. It was quite a change.

And where is the ultimate proof? Well, just look at the major players of E-sports and take a look at their wives/girlfriends. The difference in attractiveness is astonishing. These women wouldn't look at these men even once if they just crossed each other on the street. But now they have status, so you know what happens next...

Just a post to remind us of how it is important to keep to focus on ourselves, then the women will come! Thanks a lot!

And here are some examples of what I'm talking about. These guys are from the CS:GO scene, but I'm sure the same thing goes for other games.
[Image: attachment.jpg40558]   [Image: attachment.jpg40557]   [Image: attachment.jpg40556]   

E-Sports - The ultimate proof of how status is key

To sum it all up, the word is success*:

I'm a plumber (not sexy). / I have my own plumbing company (sexy)

I'm a musician and play guitar in a band (loser). /I play in a band that's touring all europe next summer and make a fair living out of it (sexy).

I'm a photographer and like taking pictures to girls in instagram (creepy). / I work as a photographer for various magazines and travel around the world (sexy).

I love to play videogames (loser). / I earn tens of thousands a year in e-sports competitions. (sexy).

Women give a shit about your profession as long as you are succesful in it.

E-Sports - The ultimate proof of how status is key

These are not your typical computer nerds or gamers.

The guys you've pointed out here look to be fairly well groomed and in good shape. None of them are drooping all over these bitches either. So we obviously have some game awareness here.

E-Sports - The ultimate proof of how status is key

Maybe it's just me but i wouldn't like at any of these couples and think the woman is doing the guy a favor. All three couples are pretty well looksmatched

E-Sports - The ultimate proof of how status is key

These guys are all clearly punching above their weight.

E-Sports - The ultimate proof of how status is key

Quote: (11-05-2018 11:36 AM)godzilla Wrote:  

These are not your typical computer nerds or gamers.

The guys you've pointed out here look to be fairly well groomed and in good shape. None of them are drooping all over these bitches either. So we obviously have some game awareness here.

Yeah, post a fat neckbeard with a 9 and I might agree with the OP's premise.

Team visible roots
"The Carousel Stops For No Man" - Tuthmosis
Quote: (02-11-2019 05:10 PM)Atlanta Man Wrote:  
I take pussy how it comes -but I do now prefer it shaved low at least-you cannot eat what you cannot see.

E-Sports - The ultimate proof of how status is key

Quote: (11-05-2018 12:08 PM)pitt Wrote:  

These guys are all clearly punching above their weight.

imo not really. a little bit above their weight but nothing crazy. nothing that you wouldn't see at any frat house on a campus near you

E-Sports - The ultimate proof of how status is key

I don't follow your point here.

Yeah they're getting girls, which I guess makes them special compared to the rest of the professional gamers.

But I can get girls better looking than that without talking about my occupation or status at all. And frankly, 2/3 of those girls are WNB and my patience would probably run out listening to them talk about anime and cats before I could get it in.

Anyone that makes the same amount of money is going to have an immediate advantage on those dudes. You think they're going into clubs and competing with NFL players for girls? They're just getting the nerdy girls and the ultra-sluts who will fuck any dude that can get her paid.

Plenty of the guys contributing here that run tight game will have an advantage on these guys. Yes, the gamer will be able to get some hot girls with that money, but in the end we're talking about game here, not buying sex.

E-Sports - The ultimate proof of how status is key

E-sports? More like soy-sports.

E-Sports - The ultimate proof of how status is key

Quote: (11-05-2018 01:33 PM)Kish Wrote:  

E-sports? More like soy-sports.

The E is actually for estrogen.

E-Sports - The ultimate proof of how status is key

E "Sports" is possibly the gayest thing yet to emerge in this century.

"Does PUA say that I just need to get to f-close base first here and some weird chemicals will be released in her brain to make her a better person?"

E-Sports - The ultimate proof of how status is key

Good for these guys for improving their lifestyles, but come on:

"Pactically have the same status as musicians, businessmen and well-known players of traditional sports"

E-Sports - The ultimate proof of how status is key

This is snax. He's your stereotypical neckbeard fat gamer. From Poland:

[Image: Snax_at_DH_Masters_Stockholm_2018.jpg]

This is his girlfriend:

[Image: 17586793_296709287429107_313465850347860...53D%253D.2]

Now let's move on to this guy. No this is not a joke, it's actually real. Another stereotype with a hot girlfriend. They call him the X-god. From Russia.

[Image: DFV_vHGXgAAchyx.jpg]

This is his girlfriend:

[Image: mqdefault.jpg]

This is neo. From Poland:

[Image: 11.jpg]

This is his cute girlfriend.

[Image: Capture-3-244x300.png]

Here's a small clip of her speaking to the camera.

This is GuardiaN. From Slovakia:

[Image: 400.jpeg?v=7]

And this is him and his wife.

[Image: DSZ_MzkW0AE2ulX.jpg]

And finaly STYKO. From Slovakia:

[Image: UZ82nIh.jpg]

E-Sports - The ultimate proof of how status is key

To be honest, some of them ARE rather unattractive, but they're with stunners. It could be because EE has an abundance of beautiful girls and the average girl is pretty high up the scale. Or it could just be fame and status.

Another theory i have is that these girls aren't your average girls. They are gamer girls. Gamer girls have always been hiding behind a computer screen most of their lives and COULD be some of the best girls out there in terms of self-respect and LTR material, for the sole reason that they're not deluded with all the social media bullshit, Instagram bullshit and the whole SMV bullshit. They are rather shy and most of them virgins until they meet someone over the internet.

Sounds a whole better than the brigade of 5's thinking they are 8's nowadays because of the inflation of the SMP thanks to online dating apps and social media. I don't think most of these girls have even stepped their feet inside a nightclub. It's the kind of girls you only meet during day game, in college, at the grocery store and of course online. These pros are like heroes to them, since they have been following them for so long and fanboying over them at events/streams etc. Personally, it doesn't appeal to me, i rather go find a girl with similar hobbies to me than someone obsessed over a video game, but i think this is the reality for some of them. You attract what you are.

E-Sports - The ultimate proof of how status is key

Quote: (11-05-2018 04:35 PM)firat113 Wrote:  

This is snax. He's your stereotypical neckbeard fat gamer. From Poland:

[Image: Snax_at_DH_Masters_Stockholm_2018.jpg]

This is his girlfriend:

[Image: 17586793_296709287429107_313465850347860...53D%253D.2]

Now let's move on to this guy. No this is not a joke, it's actually real. Another stereotype with a hot girlfriend. They call him the X-god. From Russia.

[Image: DFV_vHGXgAAchyx.jpg]

This is his girlfriend:

[Image: mqdefault.jpg]

This is neo. From Poland:

[Image: 11.jpg]

This is his cute girlfriend.

[Image: Capture-3-244x300.png]

Here's a small clip of her speaking to the camera.

This is GuardiaN. From Slovakia:

[Image: 400.jpeg?v=7]

And this is him and his wife.

[Image: DSZ_MzkW0AE2ulX.jpg]

And finaly STYKO. From Slovakia:

[Image: UZ82nIh.jpg]

I definitely stand corrected

E-Sports - The ultimate proof of how status is key

Yeah for those examples of less good looking dudes with the hot chicks cause their gamers thing that might work in some european countries but not in america. I've heard cases of these dudes going for jail bait online (Although by european law 100% legal). Obviously in a couple years this will change but the current trend of 'esports'=cool is super recent and current of age girls arent following that idea to heavily yet.

The whole Gamer=nerd stereotype started to change around 2012 with the culture surrounding FPS games such as cod actually becoming intertwined with misc culture and lifting in general. (most of the dudes from faze lift and some hangout with bodybuilding youtubers)

Even with fortnite which is intertwined with highschool social structure today i'm pretty sure its the same people except in the same roles except if your not the best athlete/super good looking guy but still in the sphere of datable being good at fortnite can boost you up a couple points without having game.(which is crazy as fuck)

Pointless history lesson:Alpha / Beta came from the misc and was popularized in the COD scene. As much as this forum uses the words alpha and beta thats basically the part of the internet that popularized those terms and it was originally just used to describe someone who didn't give a fuck what anyone thought(I.e about what anyone thought of them being into something nerdy like video games),lifted,ate healthy,got girls,and was moderately successful and beta just meant some blatantly pussy ass shit you saw on facebook. Back before everyone used those terms,and feminists used bro there wasn't a discussion on alpha vs beta and when there was and it was usually decided that not giving a fuck trumped all and no one got super intellectual over that type of stuff. Clear lines.

E-Sports - The ultimate proof of how status is key

Let's not forget PewdiePie and his cute girlfriend.

And he got his fame by roaming around in a video game trying to give other players hugs.

“The greatest burden a child must bear is the unlived life of its parents.”

Carl Jung

E-Sports - The ultimate proof of how status is key

Quote: (11-05-2018 11:00 AM)Kaiowas Wrote:  

I recently saw a post from a member stating that money and high status may not have all the importance that the members of the community say it does. He pointed out that there are a great number of women who will still settle for a guy who isn't particularly good looking or that has great status, game or money, given that he provides her with what she ultimately wants (companionship, support, attention and etc). Although I do agree with him to some extent, in today's day and age we have one of the ultimate proofs of how status can effectively operate on women's minds.

What is that proof you might ask? Well, it's in the title! E-SPORTS! Or just gaming.

Can you think of an activity/hobby/profession that had lower value a decade ago? Saying that you were into gaming was of one the worst DLV you could possibly think of. Teenagers and adults who took gaming seriously or just spent a lot of time doing it as a hobby, despite of having money or high status in other areas, were viewed as losers and it had a negative impact on the possibility of being successful with a woman (whatever successful means to you). The quintessential image of the gamer locked up in his room playing videogames, daydreaming about having a girlfriend or any form of contact with women really happened. And that image was cemented into women's minds at the time, that's why those kinds of people had very little success with women.

Fast forward to today and what is the current situation? E-Sports is now practically a real sport. Players are making a tremendous amount of many of money, they a huge number of fans, a huge social media following and play in front of enormous crowds that cheer for them. Can you think of something that is more high status than that? In such a short amount of time, they went from being locked up in their basements/rooms to playing in places like the O2 arena and the Staples Center and practically have the same status as musicians, businessmen and well-known players of traditional sports. It was quite a change.

And where is the ultimate proof? Well, just look at the major players of E-sports and take a look at their wives/girlfriends. The difference in attractiveness is astonishing. These women wouldn't look at these men even once if they just crossed each other on the street. But now they have status, so you know what happens next...

Just a post to remind us of how it is important to keep to focus on ourselves, then the women will come! Thanks a lot!

And here are some examples of what I'm talking about. These guys are from the CS:GO scene, but I'm sure the same thing goes for other games.

When I made that post - I was referring to some women, not the majority of women.

In general, the most fool proof strategy for dating, casual and LTR, is increase your value.

Yes, women do respond positively the most to a guy who is good looking, is successful, carries himself well with confidence, can talk well socially etc.

But, some women do just focus on what they want themselves, or what makes them comfortable, instead of what the guy offers from an external value point of view.

If you come across a woman like this and it doesn't make sense with the guy she chooses, this is probably the reason why.

E-Sports - The ultimate proof of how status is key

I agree with most other comments, but what is worth mentioning is that a lot of the good cs:go players make $500k a year. They didnt use to make that much a decade ago. Whats also worth mentioning is that most of the cs go players seem to have girlfriends who are also streamers/players. I'm not sure being a professional e-sporter provides that much social status outside of areas where people actually know who they are.

E-Sports - The ultimate proof of how status is key

Quote: (11-05-2018 09:18 PM)melikey Wrote:  

I agree with most other comments, but what is worth mentioning is that a lot of the good cs:go players make $500k a year. They didnt use to make that much a decade ago. Whats also worth mentioning is that most of the cs go players seem to have girlfriends who are also streamers/players. I'm not sure being a professional e-sporter provides that much social status outside of areas where people actually know who they are.

Right. It's the idea of a "status ecosystem". Women fuck the leaders of their tribe.

Your tribe could be video games, knitting, hell, even a cult.

General status > local status, but general status is way harder to attain. You have to actually be a celebrity.

Status ecosystem game is legit. It trumps money and looks as far as SMV goes.

E-Sports - The ultimate proof of how status is key

E-sports celebrities: For those chicks too fat to be flown to Dubai.

E-Sports - The ultimate proof of how status is key

Does anyone really think these guys are fucking their women like a caveman? Treating her like the slut that she is? I certainly don't. They are treating her like the queen they have been programmed to treat her as. Blinded by her beauty and presence.

These guys are good at their 'craft', yes. But that took time building their 'skills' at playing video games in their mother's basement. Time they did not spend building up social skills and/or learning how to game women.

IMO, this just represents the Alpha Fux/Beta Bux dichotomy. Do you think their neckbeards and fat man-teets gets their girl's pussy dripping wet? Not that same as, say, an NFL athlete who has a six pack and can bench press 400lbs. These E-Athletes don't flip that vagina tingles switch like a real athlete does.

Most of these girls will (or have already) cheat. Chad Thundercock comes along and it's Game Over. Sad thing is these E-athletes are too beta to dump her and will continue to support her until she leaves him.

I'm not faulting these guys. Hey, live it up. Making a lot of money playing video games and having a hot ass girlfriend/wife isn't a bad life. I just pity them that they are still plugged in and can't see the true nature of their success with these girls.

"Once you've gotten the lay you have won."- Mufasa

"You Miss 100% of the shots you don't take"- Wayne Gretzky

E-Sports - The ultimate proof of how status is key

I sense jealously in this thread, lonewolf's post is key

Quote: (11-05-2018 11:18 AM)lonewolf1992 Wrote:  

To sum it all up, the word is success*:


Women give a shit about your profession as long as you are succesful in it.

The point is that they figured out how to get the hot chick by playing fucking video games.

To me, this makes them smart and their achievements admirable.

two scoops
two genders
two terms

E-Sports - The ultimate proof of how status is key

Quote: (11-06-2018 04:01 AM)corsega Wrote:  

Quote: (11-05-2018 09:18 PM)melikey Wrote:  

I agree with most other comments, but what is worth mentioning is that a lot of the good cs:go players make $500k a year. They didnt use to make that much a decade ago. Whats also worth mentioning is that most of the cs go players seem to have girlfriends who are also streamers/players. I'm not sure being a professional e-sporter provides that much social status outside of areas where people actually know who they are.

Right. It's the idea of a "status ecosystem". Women fuck the leaders of their tribe.

Your tribe could be video games, knitting, hell, even a cult.

General status > local status, but general status is way harder to attain. You have to actually be a celebrity.

Status ecosystem game is legit. It trumps money and looks as far as SMV goes.


There are situations where you could get the girls around you wet if you are the only one for miles willing to kill a spider.

“The greatest burden a child must bear is the unlived life of its parents.”

Carl Jung

E-Sports - The ultimate proof of how status is key

Quote: (11-06-2018 09:50 AM)Vill@in Wrote:  

I'm not faulting these guys. Hey, live it up. Making a lot of money playing video games and having a hot ass girlfriend/wife isn't a bad life. I just pity them that they are still plugged in and can't see the true nature of their success with these girls.

I mean... yeah. This is kind of the key paragraph.

The majority of males aren't "plugged in". Personally, I'd rather be a blue-pilled king of a status ecosystem than a blue-pilled nobody.

Of course, I would rather be a red-pilled nobody (which is who I am now) than either. But I suppose you would too [Image: smile.gif]

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