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How do I play this?

How do I play this?

Matched with this girl on POF. My profile picture was the typical D-bag picture of my abs. I'm not even that jacked, just low body fat. I opened her with a "Love to eat your pussy" line. And that ended with me getting her snap. She started to send me pics of her ass and progressed to nudes of her titties and her fingering herself. I never even met this girl yet.

Some background. I'm not typically like this. I only recently been getting results on my physique and only have 2 notches. My game is still very new and I have a bad habit of being too goofy. I tried the opposite approah and legit sexualized the conversation from line 2 and went to straight dirty talk. I am meeting up with her tomorrow.

I'm not sure on how to play this when I meet her. I guess I'm not sure if I can keep up the dominant frame in person. Yes, I'm trying to fuck her. I've been abstaining from masturbating and porn for 2 weeks and I wanna smash.

How do I play this?

What I have done in past, similar situations was acted/talk the same way I did to her online.

When you meet in-person, try re-capping what you had said online, that way, you can possibly eliminate any awkwardness.

Majority of the girls I met in-person and rehearsed this on, usually, gave a positive response i.e., laughter. With her laughing about what I said to her earlier, online, was so beneficial. It helped me connect with them, right away, and broke-up any thoughts of awkward first meetings. Zero tension.

With the tension broken. I immediately went to escalating to physical.

"How does one get off this thing?." ~ Marcus Brody

Fitness Thread: thread-69404.html

How do I play this?

Well the frame here is booty call, don't make it awkward. Meet where sex can happen, have 1 drink, escalate quickly. Sounds like she's DTF so I wouldn't throw in any provider type game it's just gonna confuse her hamster and make her give you LMR.

How do I play this?

Thanks for the replies guys.

How do I play this?

With this much sexualization, I'd invite her directly over for drinks. If she says no, you just meet at a bar nearby, then go back for your place.

When she comes over, don't make a move within the first minute. Let her get comfortable, then move.

How do I play this?

Please let us know how it went. Be honest about it.

Only three ways to do something: "The right way. The wrong way. Or my way. Obviously my way is best."

How do I play this?

She flaked on the meeting. It seems like she was just horny that one time. Seemed like a "too good to be true" type of situation. But I'm gonna hit her up in a few days again and try to set up another date.

How do I play this?

You should have invited her over to your place the same day

How do I play this?

Just like what was said before, the frame is booty call so stick to that.

Don't feel weird about being dominant. As long as you have common sense you're not gonna scare her off.

If she's sending nudes and asking for the D, you have all the leash you want to be as dominant as you want and fuck the shit out of her, because that's exactly what she wants.

If you pull back you're gonna end up making things awkward.

Next time you have her going, strike while the iron is hot instead of waiting until the next day.

How do I play this?

It's probably too late. A situation like that you're have to jump on it ASAP or it'll go away and she'll feel like a slut. Then you're opportunity it gone. Now she won't want to go on a date because she knows you'll inspire those feelings in her again and you would have just met. I've had this happen too many times.

How do I play this?

Thanks for all the feedback guys. I definitely should've struck while the iron is hot. I'm not used to getting attraction from women like this so I just have to adjust. Gotta bring out that primal energy.

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