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How Many Rape Accusations are False?

How Many Rape Accusations are False?

I read it, then read it again just to make sure my eyes weren't lying to me. I believe it because I've lived it.


Feminism has produced a popular definition of rape that can be expressed as: “Rape occurs anytime a woman has a physical, auditory or visual contact with a man, and, the woman is unhappy, before, during or after the contact.

Of all of the statistics in our contemporary culture, none remain more elusive than statistics about rape.

There are a number of reasons that the statistics on false accusations are elusive. The crime of “rape” is a hyper emotional concept in our culture. Men, as well as women, revile at the idea of “rape.”

The mass media is obsessed with “rape” and sexual crimes, and, disseminates extraordinary amounts of myths, propaganda, false information and stereotypes about “rape.” Rape is so emotional, that a mere accusation of rape is sufficient to invoke hostility and violence. These factors combine to distort most people’s views about rape.

We need to evaluate accusations of rape and sexual assault based upon law and science, rather than mass media driven hysteria.

First, we have to define a “false accusation of rape.”

Feminism has produced a popular definition of rape that can be expressed as: “Rape occurs anytime a woman has a physical, auditory or visual contact with a man, and, the woman is unhappy, before, during or after the contact.

Under the feminist definition of rape, which is completely subjective and arbitrary, there can be no such thing as a “false accusation of rape.”

After thousands of years, and, for thousands of years, our civilization has, however, developed a much better definition of rape.

Civilization’s legal definition of rape is that if a person has intercourse or sodomy with another person, and, knows that the other person does not consent to the intercourse, then, the intercourse is rape.

Under civilization’s definition of “rape,” very few contacts between people are “rape.”

The late 1980’s and early 1990’s saw some serious studies conducted by the U.S. Air Force, Purdue University, and other institutions, into measuring the rate of false accusations of rape.

These studies employed an unimpeachable method of recording a rape accusation as false, only if the accuser admitted that it was false.

These serious studies concluded that between 40% and 60% of accusations of rape were false (based upon the admissions of the accusers).

These conclusions, based upon the admissions of the accusers, that 40–60% of rape accusations were false, has been relentlessly protested by the feminist media and narratives. Nevertheless, they remain as the only credible scientific studies done on the phenomenon of false accusations of rape. Shortly after these studies were published, rape accuser advocates had “rape shield laws” passed in all states that prohibited further scientific research and study of the phenomenon.

More recent studies indicate that the number of false accusations of rape has drastically increased since the 1990's.

We quote from a recent paper of a rape accuser advocate that, contrary to popular belief, the police determine that about 86% of rape claims are unfounded.

This is the very first step in the criminal justice system. On average, 86 percent of the reported sexual assaults never went any further than the police. The vast majority of these cases were never referred by the police on to the prosecutors. Rebecca Campbell , Ph.D. Professor of Psychology, Michigan State University, National Institute of Justice Transcript, December 3, 2012
Commentators such as Campbell, who advocate for rape accusers, are of the opinion that the high rate of unfounded rape accusations, as determined by the police, is a result of a lack of “training” of the police.

Such commentators, however, overlook the fact that the police are far more expert in resolving and detecting crime, and, far more objective than any rape accuser advocates.

Men are not only the victims of women who rape them, but, men are also the victims of women who falsely accuse them.

It seems obvious that we need to put a stop to the rape hysteria promoted by rape accuser advocates, and, the mass media. The best way to do so is by confronting actual facts, instead of rape hysteria theories now promoted by the media and junk science.

About John Davis BA JD LLM
John Davis (1953 - ) was born in Cleveland, Ohio. He was educated at Case Western Reserve University (BA) (one of the top ten universities in the United States), Seattle University School of Law (JD), and, New York University School of Law (LL.M post-doctoral) (one of the top ten law schools in the United States). John is fluent in seven languages (including ancient Latin and Greek). He has travelled the world over, many times, and has represented clients, in his thirty five year career, such as the United States Government and the Federation of Russia.

He has been a prosecutor three times in his 35 year career. He has held positions such as Assistant Attorney General, United States Speaker, and Assistant District Attorney, Chief Wing JAG, U. S. Air Force Auxilliary, and Supreme Court Law Clerk.

For most of his career in civil law, John was a successful international lawyer, practicing in many nations around the world.

John is now retired and lives in the South of France.

"Feminism is a trade union for ugly women"- Peregrine

How Many Rape Accusations are False?

Quote: (10-29-2018 04:15 PM)vinman Wrote:  

I read it, then read it again just to make sure my eyes weren't lying to me. I believe it because I've lived it.


Feminism has produced a popular definition of rape that can be expressed as: “Rape occurs anytime a woman has a physical, auditory or visual contact with a man, and, the woman is unhappy, before, during or after the contact.

Of all of the statistics in our contemporary culture, none remain more elusive than statistics about rape.

There are a number of reasons that the statistics on false accusations are elusive. The crime of “rape” is a hyper emotional concept in our culture. Men, as well as women, revile at the idea of “rape.”

The mass media is obsessed with “rape” and sexual crimes, and, disseminates extraordinary amounts of myths, propaganda, false information and stereotypes about “rape.” Rape is so emotional, that a mere accusation of rape is sufficient to invoke hostility and violence. These factors combine to distort most people’s views about rape.

We need to evaluate accusations of rape and sexual assault based upon law and science, rather than mass media driven hysteria.

First, we have to define a “false accusation of rape.”

Feminism has produced a popular definition of rape that can be expressed as: “Rape occurs anytime a woman has a physical, auditory or visual contact with a man, and, the woman is unhappy, before, during or after the contact.

Under the feminist definition of rape, which is completely subjective and arbitrary, there can be no such thing as a “false accusation of rape.”

After thousands of years, and, for thousands of years, our civilization has, however, developed a much better definition of rape.

Civilization’s legal definition of rape is that if a person has intercourse or sodomy with another person, and, knows that the other person does not consent to the intercourse, then, the intercourse is rape.

Under civilization’s definition of “rape,” very few contacts between people are “rape.”

The late 1980’s and early 1990’s saw some serious studies conducted by the U.S. Air Force, Purdue University, and other institutions, into measuring the rate of false accusations of rape.

These studies employed an unimpeachable method of recording a rape accusation as false, only if the accuser admitted that it was false.

These serious studies concluded that between 40% and 60% of accusations of rape were false (based upon the admissions of the accusers).

These conclusions, based upon the admissions of the accusers, that 40–60% of rape accusations were false, has been relentlessly protested by the feminist media and narratives. Nevertheless, they remain as the only credible scientific studies done on the phenomenon of false accusations of rape. Shortly after these studies were published, rape accuser advocates had “rape shield laws” passed in all states that prohibited further scientific research and study of the phenomenon.

More recent studies indicate that the number of false accusations of rape has drastically increased since the 1990's.

We quote from a recent paper of a rape accuser advocate that, contrary to popular belief, the police determine that about 86% of rape claims are unfounded.

This is the very first step in the criminal justice system. On average, 86 percent of the reported sexual assaults never went any further than the police. The vast majority of these cases were never referred by the police on to the prosecutors. Rebecca Campbell , Ph.D. Professor of Psychology, Michigan State University, National Institute of Justice Transcript, December 3, 2012
Commentators such as Campbell, who advocate for rape accusers, are of the opinion that the high rate of unfounded rape accusations, as determined by the police, is a result of a lack of “training” of the police.

Such commentators, however, overlook the fact that the police are far more expert in resolving and detecting crime, and, far more objective than any rape accuser advocates.

Men are not only the victims of women who rape them, but, men are also the victims of women who falsely accuse them.

It seems obvious that we need to put a stop to the rape hysteria promoted by rape accuser advocates, and, the mass media. The best way to do so is by confronting actual facts, instead of rape hysteria theories now promoted by the media and junk science.

About John Davis BA JD LLM
John Davis (1953 - ) was born in Cleveland, Ohio. He was educated at Case Western Reserve University (BA) (one of the top ten universities in the United States), Seattle University School of Law (JD), and, New York University School of Law (LL.M post-doctoral) (one of the top ten law schools in the United States). John is fluent in seven languages (including ancient Latin and Greek). He has travelled the world over, many times, and has represented clients, in his thirty five year career, such as the United States Government and the Federation of Russia.

He has been a prosecutor three times in his 35 year career. He has held positions such as Assistant Attorney General, United States Speaker, and Assistant District Attorney, Chief Wing JAG, U. S. Air Force Auxilliary, and Supreme Court Law Clerk.

For most of his career in civil law, John was a successful international lawyer, practicing in many nations around the world.

John is now retired and lives in the South of France.


How Many Rape Accusations are False?

I dont know if anyone has touched on this but there's that statistic out there that 8-10% of rape accusations are false taken from government crime stats.

However that's referring to accusations that can be legally PROVEN to be false and resulted in convictions. Most rape accusations cant be proven either way.

Think of it as the reverse of the feminist talking point about all the supposed unreported rapes. Well then there are a ton of "unreported" false rape accusations because they cant be legally proven to be false.

This is a significant point that's often completely overlooked.

How Many Rape Accusations are False?

Alan Dershowitz once observed that rape is, simultaneously, the most under-reported and over-reported crime in modern society: Many rapes go unreported. But many allegations of rape are false. That's why it is CRITICAL to have due process. "Always believe the woman" is the biggest crock i've ever heard in my life! It's nothing but a naked power grab. And not the fun kind of naked.

How Many Rape Accusations are False?

I don't remember the post or the thread, but false accusations were around 82%, stopping at the assigned officer/detective level, not going to court.

"A stripper last night brought up "Rich Dad Poor Dad" when I mentioned, "Think and Grow Rich""

How Many Rape Accusations are False?

3 people I personally know (including 1 very famous nfl quarterback) were accused of rape....every last one of them was false. 2 of which made because the girl thought she was getting a slice of the pie.

I would personally say only 25-30% of rapes WERE false. But with the new "movement" I believe its closer to 50% now.

How Many Rape Accusations are False?

The first study is exactly the same one Warren Farrell used in his excellent book The Myth of Male Power, at least I believe. On top of the Rape Shield Laws, he goes into details about the 12 unique women defenses that are available to them when committing a crime! This Feminism game goes really really deep... and generates A LOT of money for the players in the Game. He goes into details inside the book how the Feminist talking circuit is Flush with Government money for the sponsored speaker. Fantastic read I strongly recommend

How Many Rape Accusations are False?

I'd be willing to bet that 98% of all rape reports that involve a man the woman knows are categorically false.

Men are not the monsters the media wants us to believe. Who here knows a man that you would suspect of pinning down another person with half the strength and forcibly inserting an object into their body? Practically none of us. Do we know guys who manipulate and trick girls into sleeping with them? Yep, odds are we've all done it. But that's not rape.

The West does have problems pertaining to sex, but it's not sexual assault and certainly not rape. It's the mentality that sex is a consequence-free activity for women. Women are told to embrace every perversion and impulse. She is being fed lies.

She slept with a married man = he took advantage of her desire for stability. He's a predator.
Lost her boyfriend because she cheated = he didn't give her enough attention. He deserved it.
Fucked by a different guy every weekend = open, free, sex-positive.

Society is still holding on to the remnants of sexual piety and these actions have real-world consequences that they've been told will no longer apply to them. Life is not the WaPo opinion page or manipulated twitter trends. Outside of the Buzzfeed and HuffPo water cooler circles, people still call a home wrecker a home wrecker and a whore a whore. It's the biting reality that makes the worlds of the girls who live on social media crash down upon them. And what do they do when they are called to task within their communities, they cry rape to absolve themselves of any responsibility.

How Many Rape Accusations are False?

Quote: (10-29-2018 08:55 PM)The Father Wrote:  

Alan Dershowitz once observed that rape is, simultaneously, the most under-reported and over-reported crime in modern society: Many rapes go unreported. But many allegations of rape are false. That's why it is CRITICAL to have due process. "Always believe the woman" is the biggest crock i've ever heard in my life! It's nothing but a naked power grab. And not the fun kind of naked.

It isn't a contradiction either when you consider actual scary rapists incite fear of retribution while unsatisfying simps invite accusation exploitantion.

How Many Rape Accusations are False?

A lot. Clearly "believe" women will only result in the weaponised used of rape allegations, even more than it already is. The kavanaugh case is well publicized but it will, and does happen to ordinary guys much further down the food chain. In fact it's much more scary for ordinary guys as very few people care about your average person, or have a vested interested in their well being.

It's scary. I feel very sorry for all the guys that are in prison who haven't done anything. The justice system in the UK has essentially fallen. This was a guitly verdice from the Rolf Harris case to the beyond reasonable doubt standard with no evidence beyond the accustation:

"Another woman said she had been working as a waitress, at the age of 13 or 14, at a charity event in Cambridge in 1975 when Harris had put his arm around her shoulder.

“To start, it was a very nervous but a good feeling,” she said. “However his hand then moved and his hand went up and down my back and his hand went over my bottom and it was very firm.”

Even a lot of the ones that are guilty aren't really.

How Many Rape Accusations are False?

Probably a lot more than anyone could comfortably say. I'm sure there's scores of men in jail or have had their lives ruined for nothing.

Also let's be honest. How many of these real rapes, forced penetration under threat of violence under physical force [the only real definition of rape btw] could have been EASILY prevented. I would say almost all of them. I never hear of nice traditonal women that stay home at night, listen to their fathers/boyfriends getting raped. It's always the girls that do drugs, girls that go party, girls that insist on saving 15 dollars on that cab and walk through the city, girls that hang out with men they know they shouldn't.

Men shouldn't rape? Correct, that's why we have laws. Men shouldn't rape! = you can do whatever the hell you want. I mean you can I guess, but there's consequences. People shouldn't rob, but those liquor stores in the ghetto still got bullet proof glass I wouldn't open up a liqour store in the ghetto without one. People shouldn't do other people harm, but that's why we learn to protect ourselves, I wouldn't do risky stuff without knowing how to. Bitches shouldn't lie, but that's why we're skeptics, I wouldn't trust a bitch without verifying what they say.

Has anyone ever tried to talk to a woman about this? Rape is somehow sacred, if you ask a woman they have this visceral reaction like it's worse than murder, or losing everything, or becoming crippled. Pretty interesting given the fact that they seemingly go out of their way to put themselves in bad positions that risk it happening to them.

The only analogy that I've been able to get any penetration [heh] with is when I'm lecturing a girl on how to avoid getting raped and she pulls the whole "well men just shouldn't rape" shit up is like. Right, I agree with you. That's why we've all decided to make it illegal and the penaltys are harsh. However it's up to you as an individual to protect yourself from bad people. What if I walked across our city with a rolex on and money falling out of my pockets at 2AM just through alleyways and got mugged? Did I deserve to be beaten and have my shit stolen? (I always interject that I think I would have, and I really do think like that). No? But I'm being pretty fucking stupid aren't I.

If they don't concede to that at least partially they're a lost cause, entitled bitch that won't nothing snap her out of it. Abort.

I think I'm getting colder as I get older. I have almost zero sympathy for people that get "victimized" (and to be honest I think the same thing about most lf our brothers who get thrown in jail for false rape but that's for another thread). I've been living a risky lifestyle for damn near 10 years now. I've hitchhiked across the continent, slept under bridges, got involved with very dangerous people, been a white dude in dangerous all black and mexican neighborhoods. There's not a damn scar on me I don't deserve. Wherever I'm at now and whenever I end up I can say the same. If I listened to my elders (or had better ones) and didnt do shit I know I shouldn't be doing I'd have a lot less scars and a lot more money by now. I don't get how people but women as a whole - as 50% of our species just have zero culpability

How Many Rape Accusations are False?

Quote: (10-29-2018 10:43 PM)la bodhisattva Wrote:  

Men are not the monsters the media wants us to believe. Who here knows a man that you would suspect of pinning down another person with half the strength and forcibly inserting an object into their body? Practically none of us. Do we know guys who manipulate and trick girls into sleeping with them? Yep, odds are we've all done it. But that's not rape.

The vast majority of individuals who would commit an actual rape are sociopaths.

But most sociopaths aren't violent. They're just pathetic scam artists.

4% of the adult population are sociopaths, and perhaps a quarter of sociopaths would do something like this under the right circumstances. Meaning 99% of men would not, which sounds about right.

It's a serious crime that would definitely leave physical evidence (bruises, cuts, roofies in blood, etc) and a lot of opportunities to get caught.

My guess is that probably 5% of women are groped, assaulted, raped etc. by the use of violence or threat of violence. The majority of these attacks are probably happening in the hood, trailer parks, and other shitty high crime locations. So it's a legit phenomena that is probably way under reported, however it is 75% less prevalent than feminists would have us believe, and probably mostly occurs where you would expect crimes to happen. For example, prostitutes are frequently raped, as are illegal immigrant women who are unlikely to report it.

The reported rapes are another story though. Particularly with college girls, affluent white women, "date rape" cases, etc.

The evidence that should exist simply doesn't, and the women are either full of shit or have terrible judgment. In either way the government has no business getting involved.

How Many Rape Accusations are False?

The definitions behind the parameters in these statistics need be equivalent for them to be valid, which will never happen.

Women feel "raped" if a guy bypasses her regular avenues of calculating value by lying about his age, job or background.

Women are "raped" when their boyfriends catch them cheating on them and they need an easy excuse, they are "raped" when they are called out by their friends for sleeping with an ugly guy, or when they get pumped and dumped by Chad and then "realize" that it was never consensual.

Reasonable, non-cucked men see rape as black and white. "The act of physically dominating and forcing sexual acts onto someone".

You won't see a man claim that he got raped because the 8/10 girl from the club ended up being a 5/10 when he woke up next to her.

You won't see a man file a report with the police over someone "faking their personality to get me into bed".

When society starts telling women that they can push the responsibility for their own actions to someone else, they will take that chance every single time.

Do you think there were false rape cases everywhere back in the early 20th century? No. Women avoided strange men, they dressed moderately and they did not put themselves in situations where they could be taken advantage of.

How Many Rape Accusations are False?

I don't know how accurte the stats are. I may have posted this because it plays into my bias. Before I posted I asked retired detectives that I knew from Canada, and the US, and they said the stat were about right from their experience. I had a text convo with a forum member and he gave me some different resources to look through. I'll go down that rabbit hole when I can and let you know.

"Feminism is a trade union for ugly women"- Peregrine

How Many Rape Accusations are False?

It can't be calculated. As Gold God alluded to, the definition of rape/sexual assault in major research has been diluted. Spokepoker is right as well, a lot of cases get buried by smart detectives with BS detectors. Those cases never show up in any collected data.

"Boy ya'll want power, God I hope you never get it." -Senator Graham

How Many Rape Accusations are False?

My anecdotal estimation is that the numbers are probably something like 0.5% of women have actually been raped (with a dick in them), maybe 10% have received inappropriate groping (like on the bus or at a resto-bar, not on the dancefloor at the club or sitting on a sofa beside a guy at a house party) of their tits or ass or crotch, and maybe 30% who have been verbally abused with lewd comments in public, constant passes from a coworker at work, or being called a slut/whore by some jealous gamma in her social circle.

That would leave a whopping 70% who have never in their life suffered anything worse than awkward pickup attempts, or some light unwanted touching on their shoulder or waist.

I think this is implicitly known, otherwise metoo wouldn't have been such a popular thing it was for the ladies to discuss. If 50+% of women have been assulted then it wouldn't mean anything and the girls wouldn't care and get bored of hearing about it from others.
If really only <10% of girls have been sexually groped or worse, then declaring it as part of metoo means you are a high-end desirable woman.

How Many Rape Accusations are False?

Quote: (10-30-2018 01:46 PM)The Golden God Wrote:  

Do you think there were false rape cases everywhere back in the early 20th century? No. Women avoided strange men, they dressed moderately and they did not put themselves in situations where they could be taken advantage of.

I'll bet that the incidence of REAL rape has dropped massively in the past 100 years. So many men now are incels, or satisfy themselves with porn, or can fuck sluts. Law enforcement is dramatically more accurate at tracking down real criminals.

How Many Rape Accusations are False?

Quote: (10-31-2018 12:07 AM)MrLemon Wrote:  

I'll bet that the incidence of REAL rape has dropped massively in the past 100 years. So many men now are incels, or satisfy themselves with porn, or can fuck sluts. Law enforcement is dramatically more accurate at tracking down real criminals.

I'm no detective by any means and I am only speaking on what I think makes sense, but the "classic rape" that we think of is a man physically overpowering a woman and sexually using her in some way.

You're not going to find that happening very frequently in developed countries (that haven't mass imported 3rd world refugees).

Society has encouraged women to pretend to be men and chase career success and independence, but they can't change what the reality of our biology is. Women are passive and they can't reliably keep themselves out of dangerous situations like we can.

Their fight or flight responses don't kick in like ours and they rely too much on societal cues instead of instinct.

Women see the awkward nerdy guy who complimented her in the coffee shop as a probable axe murderer, but think their borderline personality disorder ex that beat her regularly is a "good guy who just has some growing up to do" or some BS rationalization like that.

They aren't going to be able to avoid a serial killer/serial rapist trying to get them. Have you guys ever read anything about Ted Bundy? People that fucked in the head are exceptionally capable at manipulating other people. They are also EXTREMELY rare, there aren't a bunch of high functioning psychopaths prowling the streets for women.

If a woman is going to be truly raped, it is going to be in a situation that she has no business putting herself into. Really, you expected feminism to protect you when you were making the decisions to drink and do drugs with strange men?

So what does this mean for the rest of us? Fear mongering over date rape has put the idea into everyones head that men are sociopathic manipulators who are on the hunt for women.

Beta boys listen to women cry about the stuff they're scared of, like being abandoned by an alpha male who pumped and dumped her, and they internalize these gay complaints as rules to live by and come out proudly exclaiming:

"Men need to be honest about their intentions with women or the sex that they gave them is INVALID!! You must stay in good graces with the almighty pussy!"

Women get to expand on the definition of rape and they have their army of beta orbiters to support them.

If we keep on letting them dominate the conversation good guys are going to get fucked over time and time again in the future by the bitter bitches and their estrogen mobs of mother hens and soyboys.

How Many Rape Accusations are False?

Quote: (10-30-2018 01:15 PM)jeffreyjerpp Wrote:  

My guess is that probably 5% of women are groped, assaulted, raped etc. by the use of violence or threat of violence. The majority of these attacks are probably happening in the hood, trailer parks, and other shitty high crime locations. So it's a legit phenomena that is probably way under reported, however it is 75% less prevalent than feminists would have us believe, and probably mostly occurs where you would expect crimes to happen. For example, prostitutes are frequently raped, as are illegal immigrant women who are unlikely to report it.

Exactly. Rape is in most cases carried out by someone you know. Who rapes people that they know?

Pieces of shit with control issues. Junkies, thugs, criminals, all the sorts of "edgy" people that girls think are fun to mess around with. People that women choose to be around.

If a girl is a virgin that goes to church every Sunday and lives by traditional values that we had 50 years ago, she'll be just fine.

Decide to go out and desperately search for dick from any guy who will give you attention? Well you're bound to run into one of those people eventually.

If you do something risky enough times, you're bound to run into someone who is going to give you that risk you are looking for, and it's not gonna be as "exciting" as you think it is.

How Many Rape Accusations are False?

This lady explains it very well. Different surveys have false rape allegations set somewhere between 10% and 40%.


How Many Rape Accusations are False?

Most every crime has a statute of limitations in the US, right?
What do you think the SOL for rape accusations should be?

How Many Rape Accusations are False?

Quote: (10-31-2018 09:50 PM)moneyshot Wrote:  

Most every crime has a statute of limitations in the US, right?
What do you think the SOL for rape accusations should be?

Probably one year after the crime is reported, with a one year window to report something after it actually occurred. So, maximum two years.

The current statutes of limitations, which range from multiple years to FOREVER, are absolutely absurd. The relevant physical evidence is long gone, and witnesses memories cannot be trusted with someone's life after several years.

Plus, since the evidence is all gone, you cannot really prove yourself innocent. This conflicts with the presumption of innocence- the government shouldn't be able to charge you with anything that cannot be definitely proven one way or another. That is the whole point of these laws.

How Many Rape Accusations are False?

I've known three guys that actually did time in prison because of a false rape charge (one of them actually ended up in San Quentin). Conversely, I've never heard one guy mention rape (be it something he did or something another person did): and I've been all over the world and heard all sorts of stories.

So my experience tells me that over 90% of rape charges are false. Moreover, it's far more common for a man to have his life ruined by a duplicitous woman and a feminist court system.

"Action still preserves for us a hope that we may stand erect." - Thucydides (from History of the Peloponnesian War)

How Many Rape Accusations are False?

Quote: (10-31-2018 09:50 PM)moneyshot Wrote:  

Most every crime has a statute of limitations in the US, right?
What do you think the SOL for rape accusations should be?

Too long, if she can't be bothered to report an attack within 24hrs, it didn't happen.

How Many Rape Accusations are False?

There's no way of knowing an exact percentage, it will vary from place to place. It's a lot more than 10%. Same thing with domestic violence charges.

The important thing is that it doesn't happen to you. Reupping this:

RVF: How to prevent and defend against false rape and domestic violence charges

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