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LMR : Help I brought a nutcase home

LMR : Help I brought a nutcase home

Since my last thread complaining about getting no results I lead home and banged a second girl. A 20 year old self-proclaimed model with a hot body who fucked like monster.

This weekend I tried to go for the third one but it was a huge flop.

Long story short, I brought this chubby girl home from a nightclub and she went straight from the door to my bed, under the sheets, with street clothes on and refused to leave or let me escalate.

At the club, physical escalation had been fast and easy. I would run my hands all over then release and she would come back for more.
When I first suggested coming back to my place she refused so I left her and went back to hanging out with a this girl we both new.
15 minutes later she came back for me and another 15 later I left the club with her clutching my arm.

Outside she kept making dumb jokes and laughing hysterically. Then at the taxi, she suddenly got very angry/scared when I didn't want to tell her my age so I did...

Then at the appartement, when I finally got her to sit on a couch instead we had this bullshit hamster-wheel conversation where she was saying :
- she thought she was only coming to sleep (yeah right, I explained my place is not a hotel)
- my mid-thirties age means I'm probably and secretly married (she was 28)
- she doesn't have money for the cab, her friends back at the club have but she doesn't want to go back see them because they are going to get angry at her because she's supposed to be with them (eh???)

At some point I got her to get up. I hugged her and started kissing her neck. She got extremely horny for a second, hugging me and breathing hard - then pushed herself away and back to sulking.

Then she wanted to see an ID that proved I'm single. I said ok if that's the problem we'll sort it out. When I finally found the ID saying I'm single she didn't say anything and instead immediately clicked on her app to book her cab.

I waited for her cab with her but when she asked me for taxi money I was like "what? you want me to give you money?" and went away. I don't know how she solved her problems 'caused I blocked and deleted her number.

Since she was nuts, I went to sleep afraid of a fake rape accusation and I'm still kind of worried.

LMR : Help I brought a nutcase home

I’d be more concerned that you couldn’t close the deal on a fatty more than anything.

LMR : Help I brought a nutcase home


LMR : Help I brought a nutcase home

Sounds like a long night of tolerating bullshit that you didn't need to waste your time on.

If she wanted to bang, she wouldn't be making excuses not to bang. Kiss her goodnight and call a backup.

Hidey-ho, RVFerinos!

LMR : Help I brought a nutcase home

Sounds like you're basing your hookup expectations on 20 year old models who fuck like monsters on the same night you meet at the club. That's a hell of an accomplishment that 99.9 percent of men on the planet will never experience. The reality is that most of the world is filled with the chubbies / fatties (most of whom seem to have kids now) who increasingly think they are as desirable as the 20 year old models. The chubby girl clearly had been burned in the past and wanted more of a relationship developed with you than just a ONS. In the old days before tinder/match etc, the chubby girls knew they had to put out in order to snag a man because their options were a lot more limited. Now they can be a lot more selective since they have more options than ever before. I would say try to be more efficient and recognize red flags to screen them out before you even allow them to get into your apartment. Try to recognize this a learning experience as much as possible. Sometimes going home and going to bed alone is a better option than trying to roll the dice with a complicated chubby in this day and age, even though your confidence is telling you it should be a slam dunk.

LMR : Help I brought a nutcase home

Thanks. Yes, she didn't say but it's very possible.
I also could have gone back to the clubs at 3:00 but I was tired.

The 20yr old thing is not to brag. I'm just reflecting on how zero drama the first two girls were while being both much hotter. They were so chill that I wasn't even sure they liked me or they couldn't care less.
I couldn't see those two girls again thou.
Both were late night hook ups so I stopped after they got their orgasm. Both were not terribly happy I was getting rid of them and the second I didn't even try to get the number (too chaotic).

LMR : Help I brought a nutcase home

What country are you in that has marriage ID? Or were you talking about your passport?

LMR : Help I brought a nutcase home

None of my passports has my marital status (or I couldn't find it) but the Id of my home country does.
If you are implying she wanted to get a look at my passport for some other concealed reason then everything is possible. She suddenly went all moody and didn't believe my real age either.

LMR : Help I brought a nutcase home

Your problem was putting in effort with a fatty. If you bring home someone that you label a fatty yourself 3 things should be true:

1. She is enthusiastically pursuing you. All resistance should be on your part.
2. All Regrets from a fatty encounter should be on your part.
3. If you are worried about false accusations, you start journaling your encounters with the weirdo stalker and inform your social circle. To head off the false accusations you may want to keep in contact, bang her out one night, and save her next morning thank you text in several formats.

You picked up a fat drunk headcase. There's a good chance she will do radio silence and move on, but if she makes contact at all your best defensive move is probably charm to collect evidence of her post band gratitude. Going under the covers in street clothes suggest she was rather intoxicated.

In the future get pickier and work on lowering your tolerance for club crazy.

If you do meet up with this girl again you might find her more pleasant sober. Since you blocked and deleted her number, any future encounters you can play up that you were drunk and kinda weirded out by her enthusiasm.

Porkers can be paradoxically harder to close than human sized girls showing similar levels of enthusiasm in public. They tend to be maladjusted and when isolated their crazy comes out.

The next time you have a night where a porker is the only one prospect taking you bait in a club, fee free to play with them, but keep it in the club. Practice your charm, but at the end of the night remember your nut can do better. If you let crazy tempt you into isolation it becomes a longer commitment documenting their enthusiasm.

Pretty girls aren't immune to being struck with crazy, but they tend to be much saner than hammier chicks. And stay completely away from the chicks who transitioned from the genetic female gender to the dysfunctional mayo gender.

LMR : Help I brought a nutcase home

If you are willing to sleep with a girl whom you don’t find of any value... why.

You need some introspection. The ultimate goal is happiness along with meaningless. Not some number that you will regret when your game gets better and you pull better women.

Why. Just why??

LMR : Help I brought a nutcase home

So you went from a 20 year old self proclaimed model to trying to fuck a fatty...

Shouldn't it be the other way around? Are you just trying to up your notch count?

Since you didn't care about fucking a heavier gal that night, you should have realized you were wasting your time after she refused to come back with you while you were still at the club.

Don't chase women that aren't worth your time, or look like Precious.

Reporter: What keeps you awake at night?
General James "Mad Dog" Mattis: Nothing, I keep other people awake at night.

OKC Data Sheet

LMR : Help I brought a nutcase home

Thank you BBinger. That is all true.

She was throwing herself at me until I mentioned coming home. The ball should have stopped there.
My ego was saying something like if I didn't bang her then she was just using me for attention, etc...

And partially addressing the other comments, when I say "chubby" I mean a pear-shaped short girl with about 10-15 extra kg and small tits, not the behemoths we sometimes see. At the club she was ok enough for pre-selection. At the club...

When I saw her properly in the light of my room, I had a pang of dread (haggard, messed up make up, etc...)

I guess that if I had been truly attracted, there would have been ways to double down and pass her tests but I was too weirded out.

I definitely will run into her again.

LMR : Help I brought a nutcase home


she thought she was only coming to sleep

When a girl says she is not going to fuck with you just say "yes". And continue conversation and/or escalation as usual.


(yeah right, I explained my place is not a hotel)

Wrong reaction. You "demanded" or "expected" sex. Always keep plausible deniability.


my mid-thirties age means I'm probably and secretly married
Yes you are married. To three girls. And she is currently auditioning to be your fourth wife. She better give an awesome striptease. Agree and Amplify.


I hugged her and started kissing her neck. She got extremely horny for a second, hugging me and breathing hard - then pushed herself away and back to sulking.

Then she wanted to see an ID that proved I'm single. I said ok if that's the problem we'll sort it out. When I finally found the ID saying I'm single she didn't say anything and instead immediately clicked on her app to book her cab.

Went along into her frame and failed the test. You tried to negotiate sex by complying with her demands. She made up a fake 'problem' for you to 'solve'. In this case by showing her your ID and proving you are not cheating on your non existing wife.

You should have gone cold. Push Pull. Check your email or something. Suddenly become interested in watching cartoons. Show outcome independance. It gives her a choice. Either go away or escalate a bit.

Only three ways to do something: "The right way. The wrong way. Or my way. Obviously my way is best."

LMR : Help I brought a nutcase home

It sounds like she never had any intention of banging you but just wanted to soak up your attention and time while playing head games with you to get off on the thrill of knowing that she has the power over a guy to get him all flustered but then stop at the moment of truth, leave him high and dry and still get him to pay for the taxi to take her home. I recommend not communicating with her again. You were right not to give her money and you did not bone a fatty which is one positive thing you can take away from this. If you think she is crazy and volatile now, imagine if you had done the deed, she regretted it later, and her nutty hamster wheel later convinced her that she had not consented somehow or she started flipping out in your place during or right after you guys did it so that your neighbors or some other bystander calls the police on your address.

LMR : Help I brought a nutcase home

Quote: (10-28-2018 06:39 AM)Jetset Wrote:  

Sounds like a long night of tolerating bullshit that you didn't need to waste your time on.

If she wanted to bang, she wouldn't be making excuses not to bang. Kiss her goodnight and call a backup.

Jetset is exactly right.

LMR : Help I brought a nutcase home

Awesome advice BBG.

I knew I was doing it wrong.

Once outside the club, after a minute walk she suddenly started yelling "wait, where are we going, I'm tireeeeed!!!".
So I got a cab...

In the cab she flung herself as far as possible from me and started yelling (like she was about to cry in distress) why I wasn't telling her my age... so I complied.

Later at the appartment I briefly explained to her that if I was single in my early thirties (according to her "logic") all I did between then and now is take risks, travel, live in different countries and get to where I am now in terms of success... so no time to get married. My story actually made her arrogant, she obviously couldn't relate and I felt like an idiot using it to qualify myself.

Push pull is what got her walking out the club clutching my arm.
For some reason I decided I should drop the monkey game and "get to know her" or whatever...

I know what a test is and have passed tests before. But up until now they popped up early in the interaction as jabs at my value, never before like this that a girl I'm already taking home goes from silly and chill to panicking and shouting with no intermediate step.
LMR, I got it very few times but it just meant I banged the girl two hours later or on the next date. Never this angry whiny bullshit.

I concur with the other posts that as volatile as she was, I was afraid she would snap in the middle of escalation or sex (plus she looked bad under proper lighting).
It's ironic how good game would have lead me to banging this "fatty" and it was almost unecessary with the previous two.

Recently, a lot of girls have been trying to grill me for provider traits. As well as losers and cockblockers asking too many questions. My job may be cool but I hate explaining it to some entitled bitch that doesn't understand anything... and submitting to their frame. The advice here is great against that.

LMR : Help I brought a nutcase home

In my experience, I have found the best results in answering questions in a very vague and ambiguous fashion and/or evading them altogether. Example: If you are an accountant and she asks you what you do, an ambiguous and evasive answer is "I like to play with numbers." This could mean that you are anything from a theoretical physicist to a globalist cartel banker to a mobster to an unemployable thumb-sucking cretin with a few wooden toddler's number blocks in your bedroom that you like to stack and put in your mouth from time to time when you are not masturbating at traffic or violently assaulting the homeless and elderly with the splintering end of a broken mop handle that you scavenged in the dimming light of the setting autumn sun from a rain-soaked dumpster behind a Waffle House in southern Arkansas. By saying this, you have given her no real information. You have volunteered no information about your job title, salary, the legality of your business and/or profession, how many bosses you have, or the fact that you are becoming increasingly irritated at your coworker who calls his paid membership with a Multi-Level Marketing "company" a "business" and keeps trying to get you to "join the company and start your own business for only a small upfront investment." So she really still knows nothing more about you than she did prior to asking the question except that you are not a completely open book with numbered sections and highlights that she can flip to at will, extract any information she wishes from, and toss when she gets bored.

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