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A different view on cheating women?

A different view on cheating women?

I have seen a lot of people talk about how you shouldn't steal guys women and/or that women who cheat are not ones you want to be fucking or dating. I also see people talk on here and other places about how women attracted to the "alpha" or dominant and masculine personalities. If this is the case then it reasons that:
1) if you are "alpha" enough you shouldn't worry about your girl cheating
2) you shouldn't care if you steal some guys girl because that means you are the higher value, she traded up to you. Then from there you just have to keep the frame and high-value perception like any other relationship.
3) you should know that if your girl cheats it is REALLY on you because you are not being attractive enough.

What are your guy's thoughts on this?

I am not new to game, but I am new to this forum. Reading this forum has been the main catalyst in the abandonment of my "don't go after girls with boyfriends" rule. I have been intentionally testing some of my own theories and strategies on girls in relationships the last couple months and I have had some pretty crazy successes and some straight fails that I would also like to talk to people about if this thread gets any attention.

A different view on cheating women?

Quote: (10-17-2018 01:26 PM)InvoluntaryHermit Wrote:  

I have seen a lot of people talk about how you shouldn't steal guys women and/or that women who cheat are not ones you want to be fucking or dating. I also see people talk on here and other places about how women attracted to the "alpha" or dominant and masculine personalities. If this is the case then it reasons that:
1) if you are "alpha" enough you shouldn't worry about your girl cheating
2) you shouldn't care if you steal some guys girl because that means you are the higher value, she traded up to you. Then from there you just have to keep the frame and high-value perception like any other relationship.
3) you should know that if your girl cheats it is REALLY on you because you are not being attractive enough.

What are your guy's thoughts on this?

I am not new to game, but I am new to this forum. Reading this forum has been the main catalyst in the abandonment of my "don't go after girls with boyfriends" rule. I have been intentionally testing some of my own theories and strategies on girls in relationships the last couple months and I have had some pretty crazy successes and some straight fails that I would also like to talk to people about if this thread gets any attention.

I personally handle these situations on a case-by-case approach. If I believe I can covertly fuck a girl who has a boyfriend/husband and I have exhausted all other options then i'll consider it(or if the chick is an 8.5 and above).

With that said, I don't actively pursue women who have boyfriends/husbands just so I can showcase to the world how much of an "alpha" I am. I try to avoid potentially drama ensnaring situations in my life(messing with a girl who has a boyfriend is just asking for it).

There's plenty of attractive and available women that don't have boyfriends/husbands so why bother with one's that are taken? Plus, it's not like you'd want to cultivate an LTR with a woman whom you seduced from another man; what's to say she wouldn't do the same to you(what comes around goes around)?

A different view on cheating women?

I consider a typical boyfriend to be like a pet. All girls have one or are able to obtain one rather quickly. Thus boyfriends are mostly irrelevant.

The answer to your question is that the question is wrong in the first place.

The idea of a longterm monogamous relationship (marriage) is not the default for human nature. Marriage only works if it is strongly enforced by society and culture (complex and nuanced) as a whole, which it currently is not (in the West). Exceptions exist.

You should not focus your attention at one single girl and not expect her to focus all her attention on you. Expect her to follow human nature and follow human nature yourself. It's not "cheating" when you do what is normal human behaviour.

1) Yes and no. She has different needs. She will go for a man who will be able to fullfill those needs. One day she needs a hug. Another a banging.

2) Yes. Unless she is married. But that is more about your personal values and ethics.

3) Not really. A homeless guy can be attractive. She might have a "relation". Do not expect it to be permanent.

Only three ways to do something: "The right way. The wrong way. Or my way. Obviously my way is best."

A different view on cheating women?

Quote: (10-17-2018 02:39 PM)JonVonstroke Wrote:  

Quote: (10-17-2018 01:26 PM)InvoluntaryHermit Wrote:  

I have seen a lot of people talk about how you shouldn't steal guys women and/or that women who cheat are not ones you want to be fucking or dating. I also see people talk on here and other places about how women attracted to the "alpha" or dominant and masculine personalities. If this is the case then it reasons that:
1) if you are "alpha" enough you shouldn't worry about your girl cheating
2) you shouldn't care if you steal some guys girl because that means you are the higher value, she traded up to you. Then from there you just have to keep the frame and high-value perception like any other relationship.
3) you should know that if your girl cheats it is REALLY on you because you are not being attractive enough.

What are your guy's thoughts on this?

I am not new to game, but I am new to this forum. Reading this forum has been the main catalyst in the abandonment of my "don't go after girls with boyfriends" rule. I have been intentionally testing some of my own theories and strategies on girls in relationships the last couple months and I have had some pretty crazy successes and some straight fails that I would also like to talk to people about if this thread gets any attention.

I personally handle these situations on a case-by-case approach. If I believe I can covertly fuck a girl who has a boyfriend/husband and I have exhausted all other options then i'll consider it(or if the chick is an 8.5 and above).

With that said, I don't actively pursue women who have boyfriends/husbands just so I can showcase to the world how much of an "alpha" I am. I try to avoid potentially drama ensnaring situations in my life(messing with a girl who has a boyfriend is just asking for it).

There's plenty of attractive and available women that don't have boyfriends/husbands so why bother with one's that are taken? Plus, it's not like you'd want to cultivate an LTR with a woman whom you seduced from another man; what's to say she wouldn't do the same to you(what comes around goes around)?

This goes around comes around thing is exactly what I was trying to get at in my post. Should that be an actual concern if you are being as high value or more than when you pulled her from her previous relationship? If women try to date up then don't you only have to worry about men of higher value who want to take her? And that is even assuming a man WANTS to have her and has the same mindset as me which is not the norm.

A different view on cheating women?

1) if you are "alpha" enough you shouldn't worry about your girl cheating

The alpha beta dicotimy is outdate and played out on game forums.

Think of this way, if you've got plenty of girls, then who cares if a girl drops from you harem, there's always another hottied around the corner.

Goes back to the age old line, "It's not your pussy, it's just your turn"

2) you shouldn't care if you steal some guys girl because that means you are the higher value, she traded up to you. Then from there you just have to keep the frame and high-value perception like any other relationship.

If you steal a guy from a girl, she isn't worthy of an LTR at all, just a plate at best. If she cheated on her guy with you, she'll do the same to you eventually. ie its not your pussy, just your turn

You can keep frame and high value for whatever time you want but relations can run their course.

3) you should know that if your girl cheats it is REALLY on you because you are not being attractive enough.

False, it's not being "attractive" enough (if you're talking in the literal sense)

If you're talking attraction in SMV and emotions then yes you're right.

Girls cheat emotionally first then cheat physically second.

So yes, if a girl cheats on you it means the flames died out in your relationship and she's already on the market shopping elsewhere.

The biggest takeaway, never take a girl seriously whose cheated on her man with you. They are low value.

A different view on cheating women?

Quote: (10-17-2018 03:33 PM)InvoluntaryHermit Wrote:  

Quote: (10-17-2018 02:39 PM)JonVonstroke Wrote:  

Quote: (10-17-2018 01:26 PM)InvoluntaryHermit Wrote:  

I have seen a lot of people talk about how you shouldn't steal guys women and/or that women who cheat are not ones you want to be fucking or dating. I also see people talk on here and other places about how women attracted to the "alpha" or dominant and masculine personalities. If this is the case then it reasons that:
1) if you are "alpha" enough you shouldn't worry about your girl cheating
2) you shouldn't care if you steal some guys girl because that means you are the higher value, she traded up to you. Then from there you just have to keep the frame and high-value perception like any other relationship.
3) you should know that if your girl cheats it is REALLY on you because you are not being attractive enough.

What are your guy's thoughts on this?

I am not new to game, but I am new to this forum. Reading this forum has been the main catalyst in the abandonment of my "don't go after girls with boyfriends" rule. I have been intentionally testing some of my own theories and strategies on girls in relationships the last couple months and I have had some pretty crazy successes and some straight fails that I would also like to talk to people about if this thread gets any attention.

I personally handle these situations on a case-by-case approach. If I believe I can covertly fuck a girl who has a boyfriend/husband and I have exhausted all other options then i'll consider it(or if the chick is an 8.5 and above).

With that said, I don't actively pursue women who have boyfriends/husbands just so I can showcase to the world how much of an "alpha" I am. I try to avoid potentially drama ensnaring situations in my life(messing with a girl who has a boyfriend is just asking for it).

There's plenty of attractive and available women that don't have boyfriends/husbands so why bother with one's that are taken? Plus, it's not like you'd want to cultivate an LTR with a woman whom you seduced from another man; what's to say she wouldn't do the same to you(what comes around goes around)?

This goes around comes around thing is exactly what I was trying to get at in my post. Should that be an actual concern if you are being as high value or more than when you pulled her from her previous relationship? If women try to date up then don't you only have to worry about men of higher value who want to take her? And that is even assuming a man WANTS to have her and has the same mindset as me which is not the norm.

There is always a chance that a woman will be exposed to a man that is of higher value than you. Plus, just being a man of high value does not necessarily ensure a woman will never cheat or leave you. Women are fickle, volatile, and are drawn to novelty. Being a man of "high value" just means you're highly sought after in the sexual marketplace—but that does not guarantee any women you're with will forever be spell-bounded to you.

As far as the moral implications of such an act: that is subjective. I try my best to conduct myself in an honorable fashion, and I do believe in karma. Hence I don't make a habit of coaxing women that are taken—I do make some exceptions though.

Lastly, word gets around: you don't want to start getting a bad reputation(don't shit where you eat). That could potentially harm you in the long-run. Similarly to a business that engages in unscrupulous and deceptive practices. Once word starts to get around nobody will want to do business with you. I try my best not to burn bridges. Disregards the naysayers; you can be an upright and ethical person with values, while still being an alpha.

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