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American Girls

American Girls

I'm currently travelling through Europe. I'm based in the UK but don't often get to see the rest of the continent. One thing that has stuck me is how young American females behave. From country to country it's as common as Africans hawking tacky shit. They are loud, always talking about absolute bollocks, and have a swaggering confidence that's more like obnoxiousness.

This is in stark contrast to the locals, and in particular the girls I see in Poland, a county I've visited many times in the past few years. They are quiet and demure.

I've spent minutes unfortunately standing or walking near these American girls and have heard unmitigated poop flowing with galling uptalk from the mouths of these shrill cunts, always sounding like they're some kind of authority, always shrieking in packs.

I know I'm not telling anyone anything new here, but I needed to get this off my chest. They truly are repellent. I know, I know, NAWALT and all that. Just my observation. I also realise I'm probably witnessing an unrepresentative sample; rich girls travelling. But still.

What's also horrifying is how vocal these nitwits are politically.

American Girls

American women frustrate the hell out of me. The worst part about them is how they can be fat, dumb, and with no personality and still act like a 9. There are a ton of Asian students at my university and they are so much better if they can speak English well. I have dated a few who were not that good at English and the relationships just don't last when they can't speak well. TBH I would take an average Asian girl over most any American women, even the super hot ones.

American Girls

Women can be trained to be two things, either sluts or wives. We used to have wives but contemporary American society has done a good job training them to be sluts until recently. Now they are no longer women.

American Girls

It’s not an unrepresentative sample.

"If you're gonna raise a ruckus, one word of advice: if you're gonna do wrong, buddy, do wrong right."

American Girls

OP, everything is relative. It really depends on the specific girls. Some American girls are like this but then others are not. Just like some British girls are socially awkward, can't do small talk and can be very rude. Then, you will find other girls that aren't like this at all. It is tempting to color all women from a certain area a certain way because of a few bad experiences. But I think this is a mistake because you risk missing out on some great girls.

I think you can make some generalities about girls from certain places but that doesn't mean that they will fit the individual girl. It could vary based on how much traveling she has done and other life experiences. Women are always going to act differently in a group compared to on their own too. So you can keep the generalities in mind but I would not let it become an automatic filter without verifying.

One thing I do that I have found works good is to simply raise the issue with the woman playfully and let her qualify herself. For example, in your example with American girls, you could just say to them something like "I had a few bad experiences with American women being very loud and obnoxious. Are you like this?" I have found this to be something where you will often find the girls go out of their way to not act in this manner. Or if they don't care, you have verified your filter and can act accordingly.

I think what you will find is that some girls won't fit the stereotypes and then you can compliment them about that and/or you will find some girls that will be eager to live up to the anti-stereotype and so act more like the behavior you seek.

American Girls

Quote: (10-10-2018 01:48 AM)griffinmill Wrote:  

I'm currently travelling through Europe. I'm based in the UK but don't often get to see the rest of the continent. One thing that has stuck me is how young American females behave. From country to country it's as common as Africans hawking tacky shit. They are loud, always talking about absolute bollocks, and have a swaggering confidence that's more like obnoxiousness.

This is in stark contrast to the locals, and in particular the girls I see in Poland, a county I've visited many times in the past few years. They are quiet and demure.

I've spent minutes unfortunately standing or walking near these American girls and have heard unmitigated poop flowing with galling uptalk from the mouths of these shrill cunts, always sounding like they're some kind of authority, always shrieking in packs.

I know I'm not telling anyone anything new here, but I needed to get this off my chest. They truly are repellent. I know, I know, NAWALT and all that. Just my observation. I also realise I'm probably witnessing an unrepresentative sample; rich girls travelling. But still.

What's also horrifying is how vocal these nitwits are politically.

Western Europe tends to attract the more ignorant/obnoxious type American females. All they are really there for is some photos and to tell their friends "I went to Europe this summer , got fucking shitty and it was so fuuucking awesome!!! YAY!!!."

American Girls


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