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Good booty call text

Good booty call text

So, september was a good month for me and I managed to get 4 bangs. They all follow my stuff on snapchat. I tried texting the lowest quality one last week with something really weak, it translates to "cuddle?" She replied with "Take it easy with that, I'm sick" (she was hungover)
I did the same thing a few days later and she blocked me.
The other girls are alot better, the sex and connection were much stronger.
Need a good text to send for sex. Already have a girl I wanna do date stuff with.

Good booty call text

"I just got this wine I wanna try, wanna come over?" -- you don't really need the wine but it won't hurt
"I am cooking this new recipe I learned, wanna come help me out?" -- you don't really need to be a michelin star
"I have a new guitar I am practicing on, wanna come over and check it out?" -- you got the idea now
"I am setting up my new sound system, come check it out"

Don't do the netflix shit or movie, overly used, be original, let her know you are already doing something cool and you want her to be part of it, what happens next is a natural flow of events.
Good luck!

Good booty call text

After a night of drinking I woke up the next morning with a plate lying next to me. No memory of how she got there or when she came over. When I checked Viber I saw I'd sent her a text around 2 that read, "I have so much cum to give you right now".

two scoops
two genders
two terms

Good booty call text

That's good stuff. I thought about going more vulgar, but then decided not to. I have a plate I've been chatting with for a while, but never met. Shes kinda meh, but I'll pratice there first.

Good booty call text

Quote: (10-02-2018 10:25 AM)nordicplayer Wrote:  

That's good stuff. I thought about going more vulgar, but then decided not to. I have a plate I've been chatting with for a while, but never met. Shes kinda meh, but I'll pratice there first.

I don't understand the vulgarity part...if you will meet her for real and do the "vulgar" part live instead of virtually on the phone [Image: wink.gif]

Good booty call text

Well, I just texted that girl I've never met before. Had her on snapchat for months, but she takes a week to reply. Wrote: Hey, I'm going down town later., I can fill you up too.
She said: Let me finish my report and I'll get back to you when I'm done

Good booty call text

I borrowed this play on the 200 Million plus copies sold 50 shades of women's fantasies from RVF's innovative Game expert Donny Gately:

DG's Epic Bondage PickUp Knowledge Bomb:

I've literally picked up girls with nothing more than a one-drink investment and...

"Do you want to come up and see my bondage gear?"

delivered with a straight face [so she understands I'm not joking].

He uses this after deciding he wants to escalate face to face and venue bounce...

It is short enough that it could be effective text game as well... she either shows or knots...

Good booty call text

I've certainly used that on text along with, 'I'll come over and bring my bondage gear if you're curious' for girls that have their own pad but are skeptical about doing a first meet at my place. In fact, I used that on my latest mid-20s bang immediately after texting her I was only looking for a submissive, kinky girl when the interaction was in danger of staleing. She responded quite positively.

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