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The SJW/feminist hate mob came after me, lessons learned

The SJW/feminist hate mob came after me, lessons learned

I've been writing notes about how this all went down, and thought it would be appropriate to share if any of you find yourself in a similar position.

If you want the full story, just go read the tweet and some of the replies. My notifications have been about 100/minute the last few days, there was an attack into my personal life, and a lot more.

It ended up being nearly 15 million people that looked at my Twitter profile over the course of a couple days. I'm fortunate that I'm relatively anti-fragile. No job to fire me from, and it ended up being profitable to have the mob come after me. No doubt though, if I was in corporate America, I'd be fucked.

The lessons below are very short notes but may serve you well, I'll try to answer any questions and expand on them in the future.

Here's the triggering tweet:


And this one went nuts, too...


You can read the rest of my profile to see what else shit went down.

I highly suggest you read Vox’s guide:


Remember that everyone has a voice but that doesn’t mean they DESERVE it.


If you think — at all — that there might be something in your archives, purge it with Tweet Delete. Back in July I decided I wanted a fresh start on here, so I deleted all my old tweets. I don’t think there was anything bad, but I have zero doubts people would have combed back through 2013 to find something. That is how sad of a life most of these people lead. Kind of funny to think about hundreds of people wasting days to read my entire archive though.


DO NOT TRY TO LOGIC. People literally were ragging about my hair, eyes, lips, and small micro penis — all while telling me I was an asshole for preferring fit girls. Good luck trying to rationally explain any of it to them. You might as well speak to a wall.

Imagine the last time you had an argument with your GF or wife. You probably tried to use logic to explain your reasoning, and no matter what, you cannot get through. This is the same thing - only worse.


Big accounts will not quote you. They will screenshot instead and not @ you. It’s their way of sending the mob without letting you know. It is utter COWARDICE, and you should always PUNCH UP. Go after them with fucking fury, you will bait them into responding — they’re incredibly insecure (otherwise they would @ you) and can’t help it. I would say I got 90% verified accounts to respond. Their audiences are always low quality trolls anyway, and they’ve set the mob on you. You might as well get the exposure.


Do not click any links, trust me, for your sanity. What lurks behind that hidden media can not be unseen. Even innocent looking links have nasty surprises. No viruses or anything, just images I can’t unsee.


Every typo or comma used will be scrutinized, and paraded around. Do it on purpose for the laughs. I meant to type yin and yang, and accidentally put yinG. People wasted an entire afternoon on this.

Same with peak and peek.

Or a questionable ;


Be up to date with your pop culture. You’re going to get some weird shit that doesn’t make sense. Someone sent me a genuine message, asking if I’d use the BOFA way of responding. Turns out BOFA means “both of these nuts”. I responded asking what he meant and it was screen capped everywhere. Not a big deal but I could have avoided it. The other one I got was LIGMA. Look it up yourself. Use Urban Dictionary when in doubt.


Do NOT respond to any of the typical “small penis” type stuff. You might be tempted to the first time just for kicks, but after the 10th, then 100th, then 100,000th (I’m not joking, I suspect that is how many accounts said this), it’s just noise. Responding once at the beginning would have gotten me screen capped and then paraded as “HE HAS SMALL PENIS HAHAHA” forever.


Cernovich has 3 Ws that people attack men for. Wallet, women, waistline. Handle these and let them roll off.


It might be bigger than you think. Prepare accordingly. I did nearly 15 million impressions from all this. Your average NFL stadium holds about what, 50,000?

Imagine how many stadiums of eyes were on me at 15 million.


Find humor. I thought this picture some troll made was hilarious. It was good. Steer into the skid, take their memes and laugh with them.

[Image: Dmz0jIOX4AEy68O.jpg]


Blocking is better. When you mute, people will go and obsess about you all day. Read these tweets to see what I mean. It’s weird.

These girls were raging all day at me when I had them on mute, totally ignoring them. Wasn't even aware they were still around. When you block they do the obligatory screenshot “hahaha he couldn’t handle me!!!) and then they move on to haunt someone else.

Example 1:

[Image: IMG-4662.png]

[Image: IMG-4661.png]

[Image: IMG-4660.png]

[Image: IMG-4658.png]

[Image: IMG-4655.png]

[Image: IMG-4654.png]

Example 2:

[Image: IMG-4667.png]
[Image: IMG-4665.png]
[Image: unnamed_1.png]


Keep your DMs open…I would. A troll or two will make it past. But you’ll also hear some wonderful things from people who agree with your message, and will probably become huge followers. Plus, the hate are great screen caps. If you respond, keep it simple so as to not get lured into a trap. “Thanks man?” - sounds crazy to think about a “DM trap” but these people are SO PATHETIC they will stop at nothing.


I am not the first — I’m not even that edgy.

Nor will I be the last.

You might save someone’s career if you remember some of this stuff.

The SJW/feminist hate mob came after me, lessons learned

Amusing post, thanks.

The SJW/feminist hate mob came after me, lessons learned

*following* [Image: smile.gif]
Great stuff

The SJW/feminist hate mob came after me, lessons learned

Ha! Great job telling some truths. When people hit back hard, that's because they know deep down you're right. They just can't stand it.

Two points:

1). One thing I found that shuts people up is to ask: "Why is it OK for women to have standards, but when men have standards it's "sexist?" Scads of women rule out every man under 6' who makes less than 100K and didn't go to a four-year college.

But a guy can't ask for a fucking lasagna?!?!

2). "Homemade" is one word, not two. To me, this was the only offensive thing you wrote. Proper grammar is hella important in my world.

The SJW/feminist hate mob came after me, lessons learned

Wow comments are hilarious - especially from female's with Beta husbands who do all the house work.
I am so sick even reading this shit.

The SJW/feminist hate mob came after me, lessons learned

One particularly interesting set of comments was the guy with soy face who swooped into the thread and pooped on you for being a sexist meanie, then a few comments later a woman with a suspiciously familiar male lurking in the background of her profile photo did the same... clicked through, she is the first guy’s wife and is ugly as fuck. Stay based brother

"If you're gonna raise a ruckus, one word of advice: if you're gonna do wrong, buddy, do wrong right."

The SJW/feminist hate mob came after me, lessons learned

Pubestache haha, well you definitely ruffled her feathers, good job.

The SJW/feminist hate mob came after me, lessons learned

Quote: (09-14-2018 03:09 AM)This Is Trouble Wrote:  

Here's the triggering tweet:


Wow, I was expecting something a lot more risqué after your intro. That tweet just sounds like the standard dating advice you'd give to any young man looking for a wife.

The SJW/feminist hate mob came after me, lessons learned

I have had internet brigades and isolated nutcases come after me before, so I have learned my lessons. Some points:
  • I do not use Twitter. There's a meme going around on Facebook that Twitter is where people express the sin of wrath, and 240 characters or whatever their limit is these days is not enough for rational discussion, but enough for people to throw shit like chimpanzees.
  • My current employer is not a matter of public record. This protects me from them being able to contact my boss to try to get me fired.
  • The fact I post to Roosh is not something I tell even close friends.
  • When my real name is attached to them, I am very subtle about expressing any Red Pill truth.
  • SJW mobs and other internet brigades have a very short attention span. If you can survive an attack, they will ignore you after a couple of weeks and move on to the next target.
  • There is a lot of resentment against SJW thought police in our society. Even if one does get fired, standing up to SJWs makes it easier to get a job at a more red pill organization.
Let me go over the original Tweet causing the SJW outrage:

Relationship with father. I have yet to meet a slut, and I have known many, who had a good relationship with her father growing up.

Sexual past. Yeah, I can see why SJWs don't like this: The radical left wants to not be held accountable or to take responsibility for their actions.

Views on children. The SJWs playbook is that it is better to not have kids. This philosophy can only last one generation. One reason I learned the red pill was to make it possible for me to have kids.

Attitude towards men. A lot of SJWs are men-hating dykes.

Ability to cook/clean/domestic duties. SJWs are too lazy to cook a decent meal or clean up after themselves.

The SJW/feminist hate mob came after me, lessons learned

Clown world strikes again.

Those things in the first tweet is something your grandmother would have told you to look out for! Hardly hate speech.

The SJW/feminist hate mob came after me, lessons learned


I've dated guys for a month+ before even getting in their car

[Image: laugh6.gif]


the only dates you can get are with your 2nd cousin

[Image: laugh7.gif]

Big talk from a bunch of Yanks that pride themselves on one night stands and copping redneck incest jokes from the stereotypes of the good ol' south.

That's enough virtue signalling now.

[Image: whip.gif] [Image: banana.gif] [Image: monkey.gif] [Image: treehugger.gif]

[Image: popcorn3.gif]

The SJW/feminist hate mob came after me, lessons learned

OP, can you share how this shitstorm benefited your sales?
Some of the comments are so sad....

The SJW/feminist hate mob came after me, lessons learned

Quote: (09-14-2018 08:21 AM)asdfk Wrote:  

OP, can you share how this shitstorm benefited your sales?
Some of the comments are so sad....

Gained two thousand Twitter followers, some of which are probably haters, but some will be in my corner.

I re-opened my Harem product and sold it by trolling.

Same with some books on Amazon.

Hundreds of new email signups.

And most of all, those who were already fans will become even bigger ones.

The SJW/feminist hate mob came after me, lessons learned

Twitter is toxic and very little, if any good can come from it.

The SJW/feminist hate mob came after me, lessons learned

Thoughts on Twitter.

Signup for TweetDelete. Bantz is a criminal offense these days, and I've had some of these freaks resurrect a conversation from years back that they weren't tagged in. I have no idea how they even found it without their browser crashing. When somebody grave digs to argue with you, they're just baiting you into saying something that they can report.

Use the ban button readily. Again, these people just want to find an excuse to get you banned. They'll come in and insult you - you tell them to fuck off - you're now a hate speech.

My twitter is for talking to interesting people, not these creatures. I ban them to protect my account.

The SJW/feminist hate mob came after me, lessons learned

You handled that very well. After scrolling through the last chicks twitter account it's evident she's mentally ill and a blatant hypocrite.

The fact is they wouldn't spend so much time of their day monitoring your twitter to harass you if they had real lives in addition to lacking mental stability. Also, it's worth pointing out that she has a hugely inflated fake following on both IG and Twitter. You can tell this by seeing the number of likes/hearts she gets on individual posts. Several posts have <300. It's wildly cheap to do this and so prevalent that repo's of the bots are literally sitting on github.

Keep up the good work man. I'll subscribe to your daily newsletter now!

The SJW/feminist hate mob came after me, lessons learned

There are 15 million haters and freaks who responded to a relatively innocuous email.

Imagine what would happen if we elected a white male patriarchal President? (oops!)

The SJW/feminist hate mob came after me, lessons learned

Did anything bad happen though? It sounds like you just triggered lots of people and they sent you deranged messages.

"Especially Roosh offers really good perspectives. But like MW said, at the end of the day, is he one of us?"

- Reciproke, posted on the Roosh V Forum.

The SJW/feminist hate mob came after me, lessons learned

Notice how the first girl made it all about her. It's all about how she wouldnt go out with you blah blah. She wasn't concerned about the advice in relation to the general population.

She had to go out of her way to try and refute how it applied to her, which means it home because she thought it applied to her. That's some quality trolling there.

That's all we need to know right there.

The SJW/feminist hate mob came after me, lessons learned

Thanks for posting this.

The cognitive dissonance of these people is striking, not only for its severity, but for the innocuousness of what sets it off.

They literally can't even when a man has standards for a woman.

They have based their lives on a fantasy world, and completely lose their minds when a bit of truth enters the mix.

These people are going to be useful if the shit ever hits the fan and we go back to the stone age.

All right folks, we need medics, trackers, farmers, snipers, and especially we need some Twitter trolls to tell everyone they have a micropenis.

This is about survival folks.

“The greatest burden a child must bear is the unlived life of its parents.”

Carl Jung

The SJW/feminist hate mob came after me, lessons learned

It was good that you were already SJW-aware Kyle.

Obviously those women have no idea what they are talking about. You are very much a guy that many women "find chemistry" easily enough and certainly not a basement dweller.

It just went viral and hope you could profit well from it.

But ultimately it will blow over. And obviously you did everything right by never backing down or apologizing. Besides - your comments are what many normal women can even call "kind chauvinism". According to studies that is actually a kind of men they prefer anyway.

The SJW/feminist hate mob came after me, lessons learned

I looked at the twitter profile of that "modern beta male" guy.

Holy shit. I wish I could unsee.

"Does PUA say that I just need to get to f-close base first here and some weird chemicals will be released in her brain to make her a better person?"

The SJW/feminist hate mob came after me, lessons learned

That old saying about arguing with an idiot being like wrestling a pig has never been more true than trying to engage in any way with SJWs on twitter (and not only in terms of their overall physical appearance): “you’re both going to get covered in shit. The difference is, the pig enjoys it.”

"If you're gonna raise a ruckus, one word of advice: if you're gonna do wrong, buddy, do wrong right."

The SJW/feminist hate mob came after me, lessons learned

Quote: (09-14-2018 04:07 AM)Days of Broken Arrows Wrote:  

1). One thing I found that shuts people up is to ask: "Why is it OK for women to have standards, but when men have standards it's "sexist?" Scads of women rule out every man under 6' who makes less than 100K and didn't go to a four-year college.

But a guy can't ask for a fucking lasagna?!?!

Good one.

"Don't let yourself get attached to anything you are not willing to walk out on in 30 seconds flat if you feel the heat around the corner."
- Heat

"That's the difference between you and me. You wanna lose small, I wanna win big."

The SJW/feminist hate mob came after me, lessons learned

Lasagna? Low carb high protein bra

Seriously, asking a girl to cook a roast nowdays is akin to asking them to move a mountain.

If that girl is such hot shit where is her husband and kids?

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