Quote: (04-10-2019 08:33 PM)samifon Wrote:
Quote: (04-10-2019 07:08 PM)bgbusiness Wrote:
Stocks - Tesla, Dropbox, Square
Crypto - Bitcoin, Ethereum, XRP (Ripple), Binance, 0x.
Real Estate - Start from your own neighborhood and nearby cities, but right now there is a bubble, would be super careful with these.
Thank me later.
These companies have consistently lost money and already have huge market caps. What makes you think that these are good investments?
Same thing over and over again. I get this comment a lot and it's super annoying how I have to answer this all the time.
Any business that are relatively new are going to have negative cash flow initially and then eventually the initial investment is going to pay off over the years as the cashflow becomes positive.
This isn't no hard asset like real estate where you need positive cash flow from Day 1. What kind of investing strategy is that? Even in real estate, you have to put 10%~25% of down payment. You LOSE MONEY FIRST.
However, you collect rent and those rents (cash flow) will eventually be more than the initial investment that you have put in...
Do you think guys at Sillicon Valley stop investing in these companies because they all lose money in the first several years?
How do you think companies like Amazon, Google, Netflix, Facebook become so BIG today? Huge initial investment and HUGE risks were taken.
I am not trying to put you on the spot, but I am not completely sure what your trying to come across. Your ignorance is bleeding through your comments...
Even humans are not able to sustain themselves and are negative ROI until they become adults.
Think of Parents = investors.
Do you think you or I had the ability to make our own income at the age of 1? NO.
Same as companies. Startups/Comapnies are basically a form of an organism just like us. Once there is enough attention and resources invested the first several years, they are able to be self-sustainable and also contribute more to the world. Just like humans turn 18, go to college or whatever and are able to sustain themselves and also have positive impact of life.
At the end of the day, do whatever you want, don't invest in companies that are LOSING money because there are millions of people who disagree with you and THESE companies will continue to raise capital from investors.