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0 year old roastie gets pumped and dumped by Chad she met through Tinder and now wan
09-07-2018, 06:16 PM
What exactly is a "roastie"?
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0 year old roastie gets pumped and dumped by Chad she met through Tinder and now wan
09-07-2018, 06:32 PM
OK, I've moved on. Forget the pump and dump. Forget the New York Times article.
What's bothering me so much about this whole Courtney Sender article is something that's not apparent at first. It's that by writing this article, she as a professor is courting danger for both her and her students.
This woman is having Tinder sex with random guys, then "revenge writing" articles in the New York Times. Should one of her "randos" decide to take revenge in the form of a violence, both she and the New York Times will be complicit in how the lives of her and her students were negatively affected.
This is why we used to hold teachers and college professors to a high standard. We entrust them to our kids. She's playing with fire here.
I assumed at first the guy who seduced her was a smooth operator. But what if he's a nut with a short temper who feels embarrassed about what she wrote? He's not named, but she makes it clear her social circle knows who he is.
This occurred to me about an hour after reading the article. Shouldn't a New York Times editor have thought of this?
One final thing: Had this been a male professor writing about his one night stands with women, they'd be calling for his resignation. We should call for hers.
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0 year old roastie gets pumped and dumped by Chad she met through Tinder and now wan
09-08-2018, 02:32 AM
This is horrifyingly evil. I laughed when reading this, and wanted to high-five the Chad who pumped and dumped her smug ass...but then I thought about it. She can't stand that she has tenuous power over men, and is willing to put them in second-class status to remedy it.
We need to definitely continue what Trump is doing and take the culture back, but after reading stuff like this, we need to go back even further - I don't think they can ever be trusted with the vote.
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0 year old roastie gets pumped and dumped by Chad she met through Tinder and now wan
09-08-2018, 04:40 AM
So consent is required “to ghost”, yet no such consent is required in the no fault divorce era when (usually) the wife decides to cash in, destroy the lives of children and future grand children, renege on holy oaths and “move on”?
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0 year old roastie gets pumped and dumped by Chad she met through Tinder and now wan
09-08-2018, 08:32 AM
She is basically a post wall 5. The story would have been a lot juicier if a 7 or 8 had been pumped and dumped.
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0 year old roastie gets pumped and dumped by Chad she met through Tinder and now wan
09-08-2018, 11:53 AM
There's a second rule she's not mentioning.
Rule No. 1 is that, if you blow her off after a ONS, that's rape.
Rule No. 2 is that if she blows you off after a ONS, but you still try and pursue her, that's also rape.
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0 year old roastie gets pumped and dumped by Chad she met through Tinder and now wan
09-08-2018, 01:42 PM
“The greatest burden a child must bear is the unlived life of its parents.”
Carl Jung
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0 year old roastie gets pumped and dumped by Chad she met through Tinder and now wan
09-09-2018, 03:43 AM
Dude: May I have sex with you?
SJW vagina: Shut up and ride me hard Chad!
SJW hamster: Silly Chad, those rules are for soy boys!
Shut up and ride me hard Chad!
Dude: May I have sex with you and ghost?
SJW vagina: Shut up and ride me hard Chad!
SJW hamster: Dayum, Chad, you're callin me out for the slore that I am. Shut up and ride me hard Chad!
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0 year old roastie gets pumped and dumped by Chad she met through Tinder and now wan
09-09-2018, 03:54 AM
“I invited a guy from Tinder to my empty apartment on a snow day,” I said. “Let’s just assume you have blanket consent.”
She invited me from hook up app Tinder to her empty apartment on a snow day, didn't ask for commitment and allowed me to bang her. Let's just assume I have blanket consent to ghost.
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0 year old roastie gets pumped and dumped by Chad she met through Tinder and now wan
09-09-2018, 05:38 AM
Nature is so beautifully cruel. Women that wield such intrinsic power in their youth and fail to learn from it suffer as they get older. And still they want more than the gift of being the most privileged group on the planet and still they don't suffer nearly as much as their failure male counterparts. Complaining with such indignation publicly and loudly about how much of a failure they are, in their entitled stupor not realizing how willfully they're explaining their own incompetence - being bested at a game they not only evolved to win, our culture shifted much to its own detriment to give them better odds for. It was a mistake to give women any more agency than nature afforded them. It was a mistake to leave time honoured traditions involving men and women behind. We know it, they're just figuring it out. Every day I see the pendulum swing a little more t'word "progressive" ideologies and by the grace of natural law and good timing I see it recoil just as far if not further back t'word traditionalism. I might not live to see things get back to normal but at least there are places left wherr these things aren't so insane.
Now women want to start movements against ghosting. 10 years ago a woman would complain about being ghosted. 20 years ago a woman would be embarassed she got ghosted, 50 years ago the father and family would make sure they didnt raise a slut and screen potential suiters. This insanity is unsustainable, there's a right way to do things and thankfully it's not so distant in our cultural memory. The more agency we give women - and make no mistake we give it to them - the more unhappy they are. If we can't control our women, it's weakness that will be exploited.
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0 year old roastie gets pumped and dumped by Chad she met through Tinder and now wan
09-09-2018, 01:02 PM
I just wanted to put this prediction in writing in case it comes up in the future.
She's 30 now. But my guess is that by 40 she's going to become a "late-life lesbian" like Cynthia Nixon, Meredith Baxter, and Carol Leifer.
But she won't do this quietly. No, she'll do it in a grand, sweeping manner, with editorials in every newspaper and magazine and a featured gay wedding announcement in The New York Times.
This generally seems to be the way hyper-sexual, maladjusted women go. And if anyone has her dating profile on file, I wouldn't be surprised to find she's already "experimented."
To summarize all my comments, I don't have any interest in regulating or even judging what people do with their personal lives. You wanna be gay or fuck 50 people on your own time? Have fun! You wanna sit home and get high? Go right ahead!
The problem comes when people who do these things assume the role of "sage" or "rule-maker" and try and tell the rest of us how we should live.
And that's what she's doing in two ways. First, by writing her idiotic tell-all in the most public of spaces, The New York Times, and trying to stretch the definition of "consent." And second, by having a teaching job in the humanities.
If you think her thoughts aren't filtering down to the teenage girls (and boys) who take her writing classes, you're living in fantasy land. I once had professors like this. But it was the age before the Internet, so I had no idea why I was always on their bad side. In retrospect, it's because I didn't kiss their asses over their perverse pseudo-feminist politics.
They would give high grades to substandard writers whose work reflected their politics and bad grades to really good writers who didn't toe their party line. There was little you could do about this in the Reagan Era, but I suspect now Generation Z will start calling such professors on their bullshit.
The good thing is that we now have the Internet. And what's on here stays on here. So, her future students and would-be lovers will find pages like this when they look up the name COURTNEY SENDER. And even if they try to dismiss all of this as partisan criticism or "sexism," it's still going to be lodged in a corner of their minds.
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0 year old roastie gets pumped and dumped by Chad she met through Tinder and now wan
09-09-2018, 04:13 PM
Take a step back and looking at this Articl as a bell weather.
Content aside, the mere fact that a columnist would write PUBLICLY about her shitty one night stand, and a major paper would actually publish that piece shows how far we’ve fallen.
50 years ago very few women would dare even admit publicly that they had engaged in this kind of hookup, let alone write in specific detail about it on a global paper.
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0 year old roastie gets pumped and dumped by Chad she met through Tinder and now wan
09-09-2018, 05:00 PM
I am awaiting Anti-Ghosting legislation to be introduced soon.
#HeCan't #HeHasToCall
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0 year old roastie gets pumped and dumped by Chad she met through Tinder and now wan
09-09-2018, 11:19 PM
So does a stridently-feminist/socialist society eventually just devolve into a parody of itself? If these ridiculous proposals become law, that'll just encourage more chad-fucking by women and exacerbate the issues of sexual marketplace imbalance and the breakdown of a civilized America.