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Elementary School Principal incurs criticism over Kaepernick Facebook post.

Elementary School Principal incurs criticism over Kaepernick Facebook post.

The principal of an OC elementary school posted a condemnation over Colin Kaepernick's sponsoring Nike, and has consequently garnered a wealth of varied reactions. I know we had a sizable thread generated last year over Kapernick's 'Man of the Year' GQ cover, so I'd be curious to hear thoughts from forum members.


Elementary School Principal incurs criticism over Kaepernick Facebook post.

Gay Quck magazine once named Krapernick Man of the Year? What a bunch of fags.

Elementary School Principal incurs criticism over Kaepernick Facebook post.

She called Kaepernick a "thug" when the man has never committed a violent act in his entire life as far as we can tell. Sure it's not owing slaves or blowing up girls in churches, but it's still racist. That said, I support her right to say whatever she wants on social media...and people's right to call her out without harassing or target her employment. Which no seems to be doing at the moment.

We suffer more in our own minds than we do in reality.

Elementary School Principal incurs criticism over Kaepernick Facebook post.

If she posted it on her Facebook account, I don't see it. She must have deleted it.

Elementary School Principal incurs criticism over Kaepernick Facebook post.

She quickly deleted the original post, and a few of her previous ones as well, due to trolls showering them with nasty comments.

Elementary School Principal incurs criticism over Kaepernick Facebook post.

She did delete it.

I mean what the fuck do you expect to happen?

Of course she got flack for what she said, this isn't anything new for a social media incident.

Elementary School Principal incurs criticism over Kaepernick Facebook post.

We all know what the “thug” word means.


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