I've been thinking about the first part of the 3 Signs You Won’t Get Married Before 35 post. Sure, maintaining female friendships is a great way to expand your social circle and increase your access to women. But that just falls under the same category of work you do to fuck women. But what about looking for an actual friendship?
Even as a game-less guy, I have avoided one-sided friendships with women most of my life. I am happy to say that I have never been an orbiter. At the same time, I have had only one lasting friendship with a woman, although it has not been nearly as close or deep as my friendships with men. It's very easy to conclude that women are incapable of forming the type of emotional bonds that men can form.
At the same time, I'm at the tail end of what I would say is a failed experiment in friendship with women. I had just returned to college and was picking up some summer classes when I met the girl. She was cute, a little witty, and seemingly not beholden to the addiction of social media. Obviously, I go for it, get her number and make a move. Turns out she's a lesbian, oh well.
To my surprise, after I stop communicating with her she reaches out to me. She invites me over, introduces me to her girlfriend and their other lesbian roommate. I spend some time chatting with them about bullshit and I realize that I actually enjoyed my time there. I try to pursue this friendship and it is surprisingly fun. I don't supplicate to her, but I do the same kind things I would do for my male friends. I hosted a dinner party, I brought them to the farmers market with me, and we went out to see a movie. All three of the girls were very receptive and warm, I actually enjoyed providing for them and receiving gratitude and reciprocity without any sexual tension.
Unfortunately, for some unknown reason, the couple has had a falling out with the roommate, and I recognize the signs of the slow ghosting from all three: less enthusiastic to talk to me, more flaking, etc.
This has led me to think about the general tone that it seems Roosh has toward the idea of marriage, or at least a committed relationship. Although I am new to this site, I certainly see a tone of regret at being unable to find for himself a woman that is worth his time as more than a sexual conquest. I think I understand where he's coming from. I'm a 28 year old virgin and sex is still a secondary goal to my learning of game. I really just want companionship. But as I have learned more about what women really are, I wonder to myself if this is an artifact of the Disney propaganda of true love that I have been unable to fully dismiss.
Given that minor glimpse of contentment I felt in what I knew was a purely nonsexual relationship, I wonder if there is some hope. This is something I am going to keep in the back of my mind. It's part of many men's natures to be a provider. I have started to reassess what my expectations of friendship are when it comes to women. Rather than seeing it as the brotherhood between men, I see it as me trading my abilities and resources for warmth and respect. As long as I don't allow myself to become so attached that I cannot walk away when she demonstrates that she is not worth my time.
I truly do enjoy that feeling of providing for someone beneath me. What are your thoughts about this?
P.S. - This story that was linked brought a tear to my eye.
Even as a game-less guy, I have avoided one-sided friendships with women most of my life. I am happy to say that I have never been an orbiter. At the same time, I have had only one lasting friendship with a woman, although it has not been nearly as close or deep as my friendships with men. It's very easy to conclude that women are incapable of forming the type of emotional bonds that men can form.
At the same time, I'm at the tail end of what I would say is a failed experiment in friendship with women. I had just returned to college and was picking up some summer classes when I met the girl. She was cute, a little witty, and seemingly not beholden to the addiction of social media. Obviously, I go for it, get her number and make a move. Turns out she's a lesbian, oh well.
To my surprise, after I stop communicating with her she reaches out to me. She invites me over, introduces me to her girlfriend and their other lesbian roommate. I spend some time chatting with them about bullshit and I realize that I actually enjoyed my time there. I try to pursue this friendship and it is surprisingly fun. I don't supplicate to her, but I do the same kind things I would do for my male friends. I hosted a dinner party, I brought them to the farmers market with me, and we went out to see a movie. All three of the girls were very receptive and warm, I actually enjoyed providing for them and receiving gratitude and reciprocity without any sexual tension.
Unfortunately, for some unknown reason, the couple has had a falling out with the roommate, and I recognize the signs of the slow ghosting from all three: less enthusiastic to talk to me, more flaking, etc.
This has led me to think about the general tone that it seems Roosh has toward the idea of marriage, or at least a committed relationship. Although I am new to this site, I certainly see a tone of regret at being unable to find for himself a woman that is worth his time as more than a sexual conquest. I think I understand where he's coming from. I'm a 28 year old virgin and sex is still a secondary goal to my learning of game. I really just want companionship. But as I have learned more about what women really are, I wonder to myself if this is an artifact of the Disney propaganda of true love that I have been unable to fully dismiss.
Given that minor glimpse of contentment I felt in what I knew was a purely nonsexual relationship, I wonder if there is some hope. This is something I am going to keep in the back of my mind. It's part of many men's natures to be a provider. I have started to reassess what my expectations of friendship are when it comes to women. Rather than seeing it as the brotherhood between men, I see it as me trading my abilities and resources for warmth and respect. As long as I don't allow myself to become so attached that I cannot walk away when she demonstrates that she is not worth my time.
I truly do enjoy that feeling of providing for someone beneath me. What are your thoughts about this?
P.S. - This story that was linked brought a tear to my eye.