Linux gives solid advice, I value his point of view a lot, but he only tells half the story.
(Entirely based on his writings) It's clear he operates from a frame of reference similar to your standard physically attractive "alpha". If he wants to kiss a girl, he does. If he wants a girl to come to his pad, he asks. This works because he looks like the guy a girl would envision being with. In the cases where he gets rejected - no big deal, always another girl around the corner.
Its easy to act like the attractive selection when you *are* the attractive selection.
That's his half of the story. Look good, do what you want, and you'll get girls. TRUE. So what about the guys that look "average"? They kiss the girl, invite her back to their place too, but it doesn't seem to work?
That's where the other half of the story comes in. If you want results but don't have the physical attractiveness of the top 10% of men, you need to develop your personality (social awareness, behavior, mannerisms, posture, etc) to compete. Luckily, unlike men, women care about your personality AND looks. Meaning, alter your behavior, and you can alter your results.
Linux is correct when he says they ghost because "they didn't like you enough". BUT, that doesn't mean they didn't like you enough to sleep with you if you were able to better engineer the situation.
Game is like poker, you can tilt the odds in your favor. Can you look attractive, make out with a girl in public, take her home, then bang? Yes, absolutely. Ask Linux.
Are the odds higher if, instead, you sexually tease the girl without kissing and breaking the tension, before telling her to come "try this awesome custom cocktail I make" giving you isolation to go from kiss all the way to bang? Absolutely.
If you cant complete with a dude like Linux in the looks department, you need to learn how to engineer situations, and people, in order to get results (aka game).
I suspect Linux knows this too, I'm sure he sees better looking dudes crash and burn where he would have succeeded. He's successful because he has the behaviors to back it up. The problem is he doesn't write about the subtle nuances of his actions so from the outside looking in its easy to see his results and go "I need to pump iron, looksmax, and do whatever I feel like"
The point behind this post is to show you that you can do things differently and get better results vs the standard advice of "do what you feel like and let the chips fall where they may" because that's only good advice if the deck is stacked in your favor.
Quote: (08-23-2018 06:21 PM)LINUX Wrote:
If you kissed 100 women in public on the first date.
And then you kissed 100 women in the privacy of your own home.
You would eventually come to the conclusion that it really doesn't matter where you kiss them.
If I want to kiss a woman on the date, then I'm going to kiss her. If I don't want to kiss her, then I wont.
I control the cards, not her.
Why did they ghost you? Because they didn't like you enough.
It happens to everyone.