Hey guys,
Wanted to have your thoughts on what could have been my moves for a date I went on yesterday:
Before "the moment"
Wanted to have your thoughts on what could have been my moves for a date I went on yesterday:
Before "the moment"
- This was date 2. Date 1 ended well with a k-close he week before
- She is well-dressed with red lipstick. More the shy, intellectual and hard-working type of girl than the party one.
- We start sitting for a coffee
- Then I walk her to a cool bar where we can sit next to each other
- During the walk we hold hands, some kissing, some arm holding
- We then have drinks. Comfort building by talking about passions, dreams
- I escalate, kissing more intensily, my hand on her thighs. I qualify her
- I feel she responds well, never breaking the kiss, she initiates some kino during the kisses
- However I notice she is not particularly touchy and much is of my initiative
- I say "let's change place". She goes to the bathroom
- When she comes back I say, "let's go to my place? 5min walk from here". At this point I do not give any "excuse" or "reason". She starts very lightly pushing back, saying "she has to wake up the next day blabla"
- She still follows me, I hold her in my arm and kiss her but again I feel she is not super touchy and holding back. I try making some conversation to avoid awkwardness
- We then arrive at my doorstep. I say "let's enter" she says "no"
- Then I say "fine". We stay there, I escalate kissing. She responds well, we kiss while holding each other for a quite long time. She starts giving me compliments on my body while she touches it
- I say "ok let's go up" then another no-go. She says "I know where it will end"
- I now try giving some reasons to go in my super cool apartment with amazing stuffs but same results
- After kissing some more, I break up and say bye. She goes home, looking back at me over her shoulder while she goes
- This was the last week of my stay in the city so not likely I will see her any time soon and she knows it