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Can you reform a red flagged girl?

Can you reform a red flagged girl?

Sounds desperate to try and save a chick with red flags. Have some respect for yourself and just bang other women.

Can you reform a red flagged girl?

You just need to have a stronger frame. You develop a stronger frame by truly internalising that women are not your equals and their petty complaints should be taken about as seriously as a toddler's complaints. Your line about her being one of those clingy girls was exactly the right thing to say.

Secondly stop conversing with women through text. Don't you people have lives or jobs? Texting sucks and is a waste of time. Check your texts at certain times each day and force women into accepting your schedule so they don't even have much of a chance of getting you stuck in a conversation with them.

Your text conversation is an example of why you should not converse with them, they blow things up like crazy through text. If you said this stuff to her in person she would probably laugh. What you said was not the problem, the fact was she couldn't understand your emotions and that you were joking from just some words on a screen. If this happens call them up and make another joke.

Again, going back to taking her seriously and treating her like a four year old. She has her silly tantrum one day, the next day is a new day and you act like nothing happened. If after this she is still always acting up, then as h1n1 was saying it's not worth the hassle of being in a relationship with girls who cannot stop causing problems.

"Especially Roosh offers really good perspectives. But like MW said, at the end of the day, is he one of us?"

- Reciproke, posted on the Roosh V Forum.

Can you reform a red flagged girl?

Look up the crazy hot matrix and then live by it. ALWAYS

Can you reform a red flagged girl?

Quote: (03-05-2018 06:03 AM)firat113 Wrote:  

So i have been texting this girl, and we decided to go out on a date. It was great, we vibed, had a great time, and kissed. After that day she's been showing strong interest, acting like we're already "in a relationship" (red flag), saying things like "i really like you, but im confused about you. I am afraid you're like other guys, you just want to sleep with me then dump me". Now i don't think she's a hoe, i think it's a legit concern she has since most guys do this anyway. And she's only ever been with one guy, her ex boyfriend. She mentioned him shortly as a douchebag that threated her badly, and was abusive, and hit her before she broke up with him (either red flag or legit story). She asked me if the kiss meant something for me, or it's just a game for me. I said it's not a game, and she got back to her happy self, chasing me more than i chase her.

Now she's been asking for another date, and want to come over to chill with me. We have been texting alot, on snapchat, and she called me once to talk. I'm confused because... when she isn't acting weird she's LTR material, but she makes a big deal out of small things (red flag), for example. She called me to talk and we had a good 5 min conversation, before she said "why do you open my snap and don't reply for like 5-10 minutes". I said as a joke "lol just 5 minutes, don't tell me you're one of those crazy overly attached girls that freak out when guys don't instantly answer and give them attention". She hung up and got angry.

I asked, what's wrong? She said "why are you saying im annoying and overly attached?" I said, it's a joke, i dont blame you, we've only met once, but you don't understand my humour. She went cold, sent a message saying "Okay." and i figured, i can't deal with this shit right now, i went to the gym to train and ignored her message. 20 minutes later she probably expected me to write back and apologize(?) but i didn't text back. She messaged me a crazy message saying "Okay...you're gonna ignore me? Have fun." (red flag) and i didn't give a fuck anyway, i was minding my own training and i thought this is getting a little too crazy for me, so i didn't bother to answer. Now, my question is, this girl is so sweet and we're vibing so well when she's not showing these annoying red flags. I mean, we're not even in a relationship and she's acting like this, imagine if we're in one how it would look like. We haven't even had sex yet, she can't be that attached already.

My question is, can you revert and change a red flagged girl by using game techniques, or are they simply too crazy to even bother with? I really like her, she's unlike many girls i have met and she's beautiful. In real life when we meet she's a different person than on text. I thought of this because i usually ignore girls when they do their stupid drama events, when i can't be arsed, or i tell them straight up i can't deal with this kind of thing and they 80% of the time apologize and get back to normal. Can i put her under control and make her do as i please, tell her exactly what shit i dont put up with in a relationship or should i just leave her be. Is it worth banging her or will she get crazier after that? Currently i haven't texted her back, im waiting for her to either apologize, or i set things straight and tell her i don't deal with this kind of girl bullshit. What would you do in this situation?

Hey OP can you provide an update on this? Did you bang her?

- Does She Have The "Happy Gene" ?
-Inversion Therapy
-Let's lead by example

"Leap, and the net will appear". John Burroughs

"The big question is whether you are going to be able to say a hearty yes to your adventure."
Joseph Campbell

Can you reform a red flagged girl?

Quote: (03-05-2018 08:11 AM)H1N1 Wrote:  

I dated a girl like this for a while. The highs were good, but there was always a provocative/micro drama question to be answered. Always a, 'Why'd you say that', or 'What do you mean by that'.

I almost married a woman like that. Great gal on the surface, but she was an expert at subtle jabs: sideways comments, sarcastic putdowns, etc. Eventually, these minor items became a big deal because they all pointed to a problematic issue - her lack of respect for my patriarchal headship. I refuse to tolerate that characteristic in a woman. She either respects me, or she can GTFO.

Long story short, everyday I thank God that the wedding was cancelled. I dodged a major bullet.

"Action still preserves for us a hope that we may stand erect." - Thucydides (from History of the Peloponnesian War)

Can you reform a red flagged girl?

Quote: (08-19-2018 05:06 PM)RedPillUK Wrote:  

You just need to have a stronger frame. You develop a stronger frame by truly internalising that women are not your equals and their petty complaints should be taken about as seriously as a toddler's complaints.

Well put. And this line of thinking should continue into a marriage as well. When men change their perspective in this regard, they instantly get stepped on (and thus, we see the Alpha bachelor that somehow becomes the beta husband). Often times, he let the Stanley Kowalski within himself be exterminated.

It doesn't matter if you have children with her, your names on a mortgage, you have 5,000 travel experiences together. All of these things do not erase the fundamental dynamic. You're the leader and she is the subordinate...her clamoring on about minor details is not be taken seriously.

"Action still preserves for us a hope that we may stand erect." - Thucydides (from History of the Peloponnesian War)

Can you reform a red flagged girl?

PapayaTapper, oh man this was 5 months ago, how time flies. My game was so much weaker early on in the year, i was just starting out then, so i didn't have the frame to put up with her behavior as RedPillUK is talking about and Winston Wolfe mentioned (iron frame needed for this kind of girls).

You were right, the shit tests accumulated over time and it reached a point where i couldn't deal with it anymore. She was crazy. I did bang her a few times, but she only lasted 3 weeks in my world. She wanted me to commit to a relationship, but i wasn't planning on staying for anything else than the fun and sex. So we cut ties. She was so emotionally invested in such a short time, it's scary.

Luckily i got into this prepared because of some profound advice from this thread, otherwise, i would have been sucked into this dangerous game, as a clueless newbie. But i had the mentality of "ready to leave at any point of time" and i did. Some good experience gained from this one girl though. Thanks again.

Can you reform a red flagged girl?

NO. (for anyone that missed it)

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